New Story of Lv Bu

: : Cai Yuan is the best to carry this scapegoat

In the past two days, the generals of the military division and the Nanyang prefect--no, no, no! It should be the former Nanyang prefect. Today's Nanyang County has completely separated from the order of the nine Jingxiang County-Cai Hao Cai Degui's heart is quite a little uneasy. Not only is it not peaceful, but also a bit resentful, a bit sad, and a bit depressed. These are all due to the defeat in the Battle of Baiwan City.

Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao Liu Jingsheng personally raised 200,000 land and water troops this time, and went north to attack Wancheng. The main plotter was Cai Wei and Cai Degui, and the accomplices were naturally the brothers of Kuailiang and Kuai Yue. After eight days and eight nights of hard fighting, the Jingzhou Army finally suffered a big defeat and fled. Not only that, but Jingzhou Mu Liubiao and Liu Jingsheng have also been sick and unable to deal with political affairs anymore.

According to the words left before Liu Jingzhou fell into a coma, the eldest son Liu Qi exercised the power of herding in the state and took care of all military and government affairs in Jingzhou. In this way, Cai Yuan's good days have ended. In the past, when Cai Hao was in power alone, he raised his nose and eyes to Liu Qi, the eldest son of a stalemate, and humiliated him in every possible way. In desperation, Liu Qi had to lower his eyebrows and tolerate everything.

Now that Liu Qi Xianyu turns over, and once the power is in his hands, he will act with orders. Naturally, he has to take the former political enemy Cai Hao first.

Just a quarter of an hour after Liu Jingzhou passed out of a coma, under the auspices of the eldest son, Jingzhou's decent bosses immediately convened a meeting. "My lord, I must have heard what the lord said before he fell into a coma." At this point, Liu Qi raised his eyes and scanned all the people present, especially the general Cai Hao. Only then did the talk go on slowly.

"There are two things the lord has ordered. One is to send people to Wancheng immediately to negotiate with Da Sima. Even if the price is high, all the families of the soldiers must be redeemed. Second, it is to ask me to act on behalf of the prefecture and animal husbandry and handle all military and government affairs. What do you think of these two sentences from the lord?" Liu Qi asked solemnly.

"The lord's order, I was naturally ordered to be cautious. Grand lord, from this moment on, you are a false state shepherd! If anyone dares to refuse, Wang Wei will immediately cut off his head!" Liu Qi said. Fang Luo'er, General Wang Wei immediately expressed his opinion. Wang Wei is General Jingzhou, Liu Biao's direct line, and he is upright. He has long been uncomfortable with the villainous behavior of Cai Hao and Zhang Yun.

"Wei!" Fu Xun, who has always spoken concisely, said only one word. Fu Xun's name is Gong Ti, a native of Niyang in Beidi County, after the famous minister Fu Jiezi who was in the Western Regions during the time of Emperor Zhao. Fu Xun has a magnificent appearance, a well-known knowledge, and is a well-known critic of this dynasty. Fu Xun has always been known for his knowledge of people, and he has hit him many times. Unlike Wenpin and Wang Wei, he led the army as a civil servant.

Among the generals of Jingzhou, those who can be called generals, among the naval forces, are undoubtedly Cai Tao and Zhang Yun, and among the army, there are only five people, Huang Zu, Wenpin, Wang Wei, Fu Xun, Huo Jun, and Huang She. Now Huang Zu and Huo Jun were captured by the Union State Army, Huang Shot surrendered, and Wen Pin was not known for his life or death. Among the army generals, Wang Wei and Fu Xun were only spared. The two of them hated Cai Hao, if it weren't for Cai Hao's instigation, how could the lord go north to attack Wancheng? In this big defeat, Cai Hao was the number one culprit.

The statements made by Wang Wei and Fu Xun meant that the Jingzhou Army had completely sided with Liu Qi, and Cai Hao had to turn his head and look at the Kuai brothers. In any case, Kuailiang and Kuai Yue are the representatives of the local power faction, and they are also his firm allies of Cai Wei. If Kuailiang and Kuai Yue objected, even with a slight delay, he just happened to step down on the donkey, and firmly expressed his opposition.

However, unexpectedly, this time, the Kuais brothers did not stand by Cai Wei. "My brothers will follow the lord's order, firmly support the eldest son's role as an agent of state shepherd, and take care of all government and military affairs in Jingzhou." Under the eyes of everyone in the audience, Kuai Liang was calm and calm as usual. "Wei!" Kuai Yue, who has always been talkative, said only one word.

Cai Huang thought well. The Kuais brothers were once his firmest ally. It is precisely because of the alliance between the Cai Kuai two families that the four big families of Cai Kuai Pang Huang helped Liu Biao and ruled Jingzhou together. However, this time and another time, the situation now is different from the past. The Jingzhou army failed to attack Wancheng twice, which has already caused an uproar between the ruling and the opposition. To lose power and humiliate the country, to make a big defeat and to run away, there is always someone to bear the blame. Rather than the Cai Kuai family backing, it's better to have the Cai family backing back!

At this moment, Cai Wei only felt that the boss was stunned, and he was about to faint almost immediately. Throughout the ages, whether in officialdom, battlefields, or shopping malls, the sap from behind is the most difficult to guard against. The two Kuais brothers' abandonment and counter-attack were enough to make Cai Hao's body broken. But once people are unlucky, drinking cold water is also congested, and a bigger blow will follow. "Zhang Yun, what is Yu Yiyun?" Liu Qi tried his best to suppress the surging passion in his chest and asked in as calm a voice as possible.

"This??????" Zhang Yun raised his head, first glanced at Liu Qi's face, and then swept around the faces of everyone present, and then settled on Cai Hao's face. At this time, Cai Yuan was sweating profusely all over his head and face, and his face rose like a purple eggplant. Both the Jingzhou army and the local power faction expressed their support for Liu Qi. The four major families in Jingzhou, Cai Kuai Panghuang, and the Pang family have always supported the Kuai family. Huang Zu and Huang She and his son are both in the hands of the Bingzhou Army. The attitude of the Huang family is still used. Say it? After a handful of calculations, there have been three defections. In this way, Liu Qi, the eldest son of this time, is already in his hands. "Follow the Lord's orders!" Zhang Yun whispered.

"Oh! It seems that Zhu Jun is still very supportive of Liu Qi." Liu Qi smiled, smiling so brilliantly. "Du Governor Cai, what about Yu Yiyun?" I pooh! This is a provocation! Naked provocation! It's the kind of domineering act that knocks down on the ground and has to step on one foot to make the other person never stand up! For a while, Cai Hao only felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be boiling and bursting.

"Cai Tao, do you want to respect the Lord's life? In a flash, I can cut off your head!" Wang Wei slapped the case and shouted loudly. His grandma is a bear! It's really the wall that everyone pushes down! When you think of me, Cai Yuan was in power, how pleasing to your eyebrows were you? However, nowadays, the political opponents are big, and you are small, you must first keep Xiangshang's head, and then try to make a comeback!

"Wei!" Under everyone's eyes, Cai Hao had to squeeze a smile on his face, and bowed his hands to show his surrender.

"Since all the monarchs have the intention to support, starting from today, I, Liu Qi, will temporarily take the post of superintendent!" Liu Qi purged his clothes and said, sitting tightly. At this moment, his heart is extremely turbulent, and a man can't be powerless for a day! This is true! Seeing the generals of Jingzhou in front of him with low eyebrows and pleasing to the eyes, he felt relieved in his heart. Now that you have grasped the stamp, you absolutely can't let it go.

"The lord has explained two things in total. Since the second thing has been settled, it is time to discuss the first thing. In my opinion, the special envoy for negotiations in Wancheng must be I am an important minister of Jingzhou, and he is the person most trusted by the lord. Otherwise, I can't win the trust of Na Lu Fengxian. Otherwise, I can't be arbitrary. If you ask for instructions on everything, you will miss your family's life!"

Liu Qi calmly said with Yan Yue. When his voice fell, the eyes of everyone in the room immediately fell on Cai Hao. The words of the eldest son are not bad, this post of negotiator is simply created by nature for Cai Hao! Before Liu Jingzhou fell ill, Cai Hao was Jingzhou's No. 2 person. It is perfectly reasonable to say that he is Liu Jingzhou's most trusted person.

"Lord, this special envoy, let General Cai do it. The two raids to Wancheng were his idea. The ancients said that the beginning and the end, he must do this close-up business. Just now, you too. Having said that, this ambassador is arbitrary and does not need to ask for instructions on everything. In this regard, I think that this person here, and only General Cai can meet it." Wang Wei said with a slight smile.

"Wei!" "Also!" "This is a great kind!" The people present here are all extremely smart, and in an instant, they heard the song and knew the elegance. Ever since, Cai Hao, the Jingzhou negotiation envoy, was successfully settled. "General Cai, this time you are going to make an arbitrariness! I'm not doing it for remote control! In order for you to be an envoy without any distractions, leave the post of Jingzhou navy governor to Zhang Yun. Fu Xun, You become Zhang Yun’s deputy governor! Naturally, your Nanyang prefect’s salary will still be paid as usual. Huang Zu was captured, and Wang Wei, the army governor, will be handed over to you. Cai Hao, now Madam and Liu Cong They are all in the hands of the Union State Army, you have to make a decision soon!"

Liu Qi's remarks not only grasped the military power, but also appeased the new Zhang Yun who came to the effect, and also deprived Cai Hao of all power and duties. It can be described as killing three birds with one stone, and it must be poisonous! "No!" The Jingzhou generals slammed their promise, and the meeting came to an end. Everyone dispersed, and Cai Tao was the only one left in the huge cabin, looking at the dark night outside the porthole silently.

It's been a long while before Cai Hao recovered. His sister and Liu Cong are both in Xiangyang. It is absolutely impossible for him not to go out.

In the other cabin, the Kuais brothers were talking in private. "Brother, I didn't expect that the eldest son performed very well today, giving people a sense of amazing talent and beauty. Liu Cong, who is less and more troublesome than that, is more powerful!" Kuai said slowly. "The eldest son's talent is far better than Liu Cong, but he has been suppressed for a long time. Fortunately, the lord finally made up his mind." Kuai Yue replied. "This time, Cai Tao is going to be in a scapegoat!" Kuai Yue said gleefully. "Huh! He is always better than our two families to recite by himself!"

Kui Liang snorted coldly from his nose. "He's here to carry this black pot, it's just right!"

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