New Story of Lv Bu

: : Zang Ba crosses the Meridian Road

On October 10, in Shangxian County within Sili, Zang Ba bid farewell to Taiwei Huangfusong and Zhonglang General Yan Xing, and walked into Ziwu Road with his seven thousand mountain infantrymen. Most of his soldiers are bandits near Mount Tai. Most of these people are hunters near Mount Tai. They climb mountains and wades like feet on the ground, use their bows and arrows to shoot wild animals. The fierce beasts fight hand-to-hand, with great strength, and most of the people are quite a bit horizontal. He was going to take these seven thousand people to Ziwu Valley to capture Hanzhong.

Hanzhong, known as Nanzheng in ancient times, was the gateway to Yizhou. Hanzhong is divided into east and west, Eastern Han refers to Shangyong, and Western Han refers to Nanzheng. Throughout the ages, there have been three roads in and out of Hanzhong, the Qin Old Road, Baoxie Road and Ziwu Valley. Qin’s old road has long been deserted, Baoxian Road is barely worthy of use, and Meridian Road is a line on the map, and you don’t even know where the road is.

Two years ago, Zhang Lu attacked and killed Su Gu, the prefect of Hanzhong, and seized Hanzhong. When the lords of the Kwantung Army came up against Lu Bu, Yizhou Mu Liu Yan sent his third son Liu Hao to lead his troops out of the Bao chute, with the intention of taking the opportunity to attack Guanzhong. Taiwei Huangfusong, the generals of the Shangxian General Assembly, decided to deal with it. Huangfusong and Zhonglang general Yan Xing ambushed Liu Tao, Zang Ba led his army through Ziwu Valley to attack Hanzhong, and Sun Guan led his troops to take Shangyong.

Zang Ba took the seven thousand Taishan soldiers under his command, hungry for food and thirsty, Xiaoxing overnight, and went through all kinds of dangers. He wore through several pairs of leather boots. The hatchet in his hand was sharpened and sharpened, but he couldn't get out of this place. Ziwu Valley. "Before leaving, Lieutenant Huangfu once told me to follow the direction of the compass, all the way south, as long as you find a big river, your mission will be more than half completed!"

Zang Ba held a sharply polished wooden stick in his hand, while walking, while inspiring the soldiers. This time he led his troops out of the Ziwu Valley to strike Hanzhong as a surprise. From the time he took over this mission, he Zangba had bet all of his own, his reputation, his trilogy, and even his life. In any case, there were only two results, one of them, these seven thousand steppers could not get out of the Ziwu Valley, and they all died in the wild mountains. Second, they went through all kinds of hardships and dangers, walked out of the Ziwu Valley, attacked Hanzhong, and captured Zhang Lu alive.

Most of Zang Ba's subordinates were Taishan thief who had been with him for many years. Seeing the old officer like this, he was so excited that he was determined to die. If he did not succeed in the attack on Hanzhong, he would become benevolent! Unexpectedly, in this Meridian Road, the mountains are winding, one mountain and another mountain, the top of the mountain is covered with snow all year round, but the bottom of the mountain is warm like spring. Such a climate has caused these seven thousand Taishan thieves to suffer.

In this way, after walking for nearly a month, almost everyone was discouraged and lost the motivation to move forward. "General, when is this Meridian Dao the leader? If you go on like this, I'm afraid I won't go out for the rest of my life!" Finally, someone who was so unreliable jumped out and said strange things. All of a sudden, the sentiment was excited.

In desperation, Zang Ba had to go out in person and gather all military training. He stood on the boulder, waving his arms and said.

"Brothers, we have been walking for more than 20 days in this expedition to take Hanzhong, and we will see the light soon! Hold on! Besides, now we are going to die and we are going to retreat. There is a glimmer of hope! Hanzhong will be ours only after we walk out of this Meridian Valley! The matter is now, whether it is a life of nine deaths or a life of ten deaths, you choose yourself!"

"We choose to continue forward! Choose to die forever!" After a moment of silence, everyone shouted.

Sitting on a large rock, Zang Ba looked at the verdant mountains around him, his heart was full of fear, a fear that he had never had in his life. At this moment, his legs were still painful like needle sticks, and his thick arms seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't lift it at all. The cliff that had just climbed up and down went straight up and down, and it was more than two hundred feet high. Although he had climbed countless mountains along the way, never before had a mountain been so terrifying and hideous.

If there is another way, Zang Ba will never order to cross this cliff. However, the terrain here is a rift valley several miles wide between the two mountains, and the nearby mountains are taller than this cliff. "His grandma is a bear! Let's fight it! Let the brothers fall one by one with a long rope, pay attention to wrap the body in a blanket." In desperation, Zang Ba had to slap his thigh to make a decision.

To be honest, Zang Ba’s Taishan Thief still has two brushes, plus the logistics is excellent, cowhide boots, ropes, cowhide armor, dried meat of various colors, and pills of various colors?????? . Along the way, except that drinking water is harder to find, I haven't encountered much trouble. Seven thousand mountain infantry soldiers came here, but dozens of people died just because of a misstep.

Along the way, there have been too many things to climb over the mountains, over the cliffs and cliffs. After the military order was issued, the Taishan soldiers immediately prepared more than ten ropes, wrapped the blankets, and slowly fell down the ropes. After seeing more than half of them, they suddenly disturbed a brood of eagles. These flat-haired beasts had not seen a hunter for a long time, and they rushed out to attack the Taishan soldiers with their sharp beaks and iron claws.

Hundreds of people fell off the cliff and died immediately after being caught off guard. The Taishan soldiers who had arrived under the cliff quickly took out the god-arm bow, opened the bow and set the arrows, and fired indiscriminately. After more than a hundred breaths, they shot all the more than ten eagles. Everyone fell along the rope again, and after they landed all the time, they checked the casualties. Seventy-eight people were killed in action. This casualty is the heaviest in history.

Zang Ba gasped, Fang Ding took a breath, and saw a person rushing over, his face full of joy, and when he fixed his eyes, he was the number one general under his command, Wu Dun. "General, we found the water is flowing!" Upon hearing this, Zang Ba immediately grew up. There is only one river in Hanzhong County, and that is Hanshui. The rivers within a radius of three hundred miles are tributaries of Hanshui.

Sure enough, this is a thin stream, flowing from the mountains, and the trickling stream merges into a stream with a width of more than ten steps. Zang Ba stretched out his sturdy right hand, took out the compass from his arms, and laid it flat and took a closer look. The flow of the stream was exactly south to west. "That's right! Just walk along this stream and see if you can find Hanshui!" Zang Ba shouted loudly.

Finally found a rare light, and under the excitement, the seven thousand Taishan soldiers immediately refreshed their spirits. They were full of energy and walked slowly south along the stream. Along the way, several streams of water flowed in from the east and west sides. The stream became wider and wider, and the current became more and more urgent. By the time of camping, the current was already more than a hundred steps wide. Zangba is correct, this small river is a tributary of Han River!

That night, the seven thousand Taishan soldiers all smiled. The problem that has plagued them for a month has finally found the answer. Ten deaths without life has become a life of nine deaths! No no no! It is not a life of nine deaths, but what lies ahead is the glory and military merits of Hanzhong, and the countless fertile fields of gold and silver rewarded by Da Sima and the imperial court. This night, everyone snored like thunder and slept very well.

The next day I got up, after a meal and a meal, I continued to move forward. After two hours of walking, I finally saw a magnificent river. This big river is the longest tributary of the Yangtze River. It is often juxtaposed with the Yangtze River, the Big River, and the Huai River. It is called the Han River of the "Jianghuai River and Han River". After a brief silence and surprise, seven thousand Taishan soldiers burst into cheers, and we are victorious!

On this day, Zang Ba rarely let his soldiers rest for a day. Seven thousand Taishan soldiers pitched the tent, took a bath on the edge of the Han River, discarded the tattered clothes, put on the neat uprights and cowhide boots, and wiped the cowhide armor clean. Sharpened the knife and gun. Then, they set up the stove and feasted on a hot meal with the game.

In the morning of the next day, this brightly armored, sword-and-gun, and morale-like army set out from camp, turned westward, and went up against the Han River, and continued to march westward. After three days, they arrived at a small settlement. This is a small settlement with only a hundred households of five to six hundred people. The dumbfounded villagers looked at this sacred soldier that seemed to have fallen from the sky, and they were all speechless in surprise.

Seeing this situation, Zang Ba's heart immediately bloomed with joy. The reactions of these villagers have confirmed his judgment. Zhang Lu would never have thought that someone would be able to cross the Ziwu Valley! "Pass the order, block all the intersections, only allow entry and no exit! Not even a fly can be released for me! Also, come to the local elders and ask where we killed."

Zang Ba sat on the simple couch with a grin, smiling and proud at the corners of his eyes and brows. A quarter of an hour later, two old men with white heads and bright hair followed the Taishan soldiers to Zang Ba's face, and the two of them kept chattering while looking suspiciously at Zang Ba. "Two elders, please sit down. I have something to ask you. After the question is over, I will send you back."

Zang Ba quickly got up, put the two old men in his arms, and asked with a smile. However, the two old men pointed to their mouths and their ears, making them seem incomprehensible. Zang Ba was anxious, and quickly took out a few Bingzhou Five Baht silver coins from his arms and stuffed them into the hands of the two of them. The two old men reached out and picked up a silver coin, blew it vigorously, and listened to it for a while, only then nodded in satisfaction. One person took out the pen, ink, paper, and inkstone next to him, struggling to write.

"Dare to ask the general, but Da Sima's subordinate?" "Yeah?" "But you are going to take Hanzhong?" "Yeah!" "The name here is Cangting, and it's fifty miles west to Chenggu. Fifty miles southwest of Gu, it is Nanzheng, the prefecture of Hanzhong County. We are not Wudou Mijiao believers, and we have suffered for a long time! We can send a guide." "It's so good, some must have a big thank you!"

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