New Story of Lv Bu

: : Even angels dare to fight?

Upon hearing this, Wang Ling was immediately confused. His third uncle, Prince Wang Yun, was known as the "Wang Zuo talent of thousands of miles in a day," and he had tolerated and worked hard in his life, and made great contributions to the Han Dynasty in the world. In the eyes of his father, such a hero who traverses the sky and the earth is so unbearable? Suddenly, Wang Ling was actually a little stunned, he was stunned there.

"Oh! God's will is like this, God's will is like this!" A line of tears shed in Wang Wei's eyes, not knowing whether it was for himself or the royal family of Taiyuan. "If Wang Han or Wang Jin were here, they would definitely want to understand in an instant! Since you don't understand, you don't want to think about it anymore! One day, you will want to understand. It's just that the overall situation is set at that time. , It’s useless if you want to understand!"

After all, Wang Wei is a person of great ambition. Seeing that Wang Ling is like this, he simply stopped talking. "Ling'er, you have to deal with my two suicide notes by yourself. Now, you go out and call all the big guys in, waiting for the big Sima Xian and his wife to drive. Although my Wang Wei is about to die, he is still dying. It's a blog!" As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Wei closed his eyes and refused to speak anymore.

What Wang Wei said to Wang Ling's ears was like being poured from head to feet by a basin of cold water for three or nine days, and the whole body was chilly from inside to outside. Father, before you died, you talked about me and Wang Han and Wang Jin like this? Does this mean that I am inferior to them? Could it be that in your eyes, the child is so unbearable? No way! I, Wang Ling, must make some great achievements, let you under Jiuquan take a look, let the kings of Taiyuan take a look, whether I can do it!

However, at this moment, his father is about to pass away, and he has to suppress the unwillingness and anger in his heart, and do his own duty first. He walked out the door stupidly and waved his hand to let in the people waiting outside who were at a loss. Behind the crowded crowd, and looking around, he quickly took out the two suicide notes of the old father, and read it at a glance. It really is!

The format and tone of the two suicide notes are the same, and there is only one simple sentence, except that the two names are written on them. Ugh! Wang Ling sighed in his heart, put the suicide note with his name in the sleeve pocket on the left, and put the suicide note with Wang Han's name in the sleeve pocket on the right. Which one will be taken out in a while, at this moment, he has not yet decided. In his mind, two people were arguing all the time, arguing, you came and I was arguing happily.

"Since my father has said, the great cause of the Taiyuan Wang Family will be ruined by the prince master who has a lot of ingenuity, shrewdness, and long-sleeved dance! Then the next head of the Patriarch should be a sincere and honest person, and Wang Han should be the head of the Patriarch!" The upright voice said loudly. "No! No! That's just a dream when my father is dying, it can't be true! What are you working so hard for decades?" A gloomy voice retorted. Hearing the wind, he was shaking his head.

"People are going to die and their words are good. I can't be the father's aspiration, Wang Ling, I am ashamed of the ancestors of the Taiyuan Wang family! Ashamed of the Taiyuan Wang family up and down!" The heroic voice suddenly became agitated. "Hmph! You are the words of a woman! Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, from the past to the present! Even the heroes of the world, look at it, Cao Mengde, Yuan Benchu, Yuan Gongdao, which one is not so? The only one who can't change from the past. , It is He Jin He Suigao, are you willing to be He Suigao second? Suwa!" The gloomy voice also made a loud voice. "No, I, Wang Ling, really can't do it!" The heroic voice was low.

"Do you have great ambitions in your chest? There are tens of thousands of soldiers? Think about it carefully, what you lack is just an opportunity, as long as you put your heart to it?????? After a while, Taiyuan Wang Family will be yours. ! In this world, this tens of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains may also belong to you!" The gloomy voice was full of charm. "No! No! I can't apologize to my father!" The heroic voice became even lower.

"Suwa! A person like you who eats the past should die! I am ashamed to be with you, when you look at the power of the Taiyuan royal family, you will remember these things I said!" 'S voice roared loudly, he was already angry. "Don't force me! Don't force me! I hate you! I hate all of you! You hold me as the owner of the house for decades, and suddenly told me that the owner is not you anymore!" The heroic voice was filled with indignation. . "Are you finally tempted?" The gloomy voice smiled. "If you feel tempted, just do it! Get up! Take your courage and take back what belongs to you! Go!"

God thief! Tell me, how should I choose? Wang Ling hugged his head with both hands and sat down mutteringly.

After a while, in the Taiyuan Wang's family, all the people with defiance and demeanor entered Wang Wei's bedroom, waiting to hear the last words of the owner of the family. Perhaps it was Zhang Zhongjing's medicine that worked, and Lao Wang Kui looked so energetic and full of energy that he didn't look like a dying person at all. When everyone saw the old Patriarch like this, they all knew that this was probably just a glimpse, and they had to cry to themselves.

"Life is impermanent, like traveling far away under a heavy burden. Don't be impatient. You should put your family first and preserve your blood when you are in trouble. Only when you are rich, you can keep your duty when you think about poverty. , Beware of the conviction of victory, you can stand up without death. If the owner is determined and resolute, he will keep it. If the owner is brave and relentless, and does not remember the past, you will be anonymous and incognito, desperate for the end of the world, save my Taiyuan The seed of the royal family. Please remember that a single spark can set off a prairie fire, so remember!"

Wang Kui leaned on a pile of pillows, full of breath, and spoke the words clearly. Everyone looked at each other and secretly smacked their tongues. Listening to the words of the Patriarch, it seems that he has no confidence in his chosen heir. This is the biggest news in history! Could it be that just before the death of the Patriarch, he said this when his mind was not belonged to him? It doesn't look like it.

When everyone was in doubt, the door of the house was gently opened, and Da Sima Lubu and Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, walked in gently. As soon as he saw Wang Wei on the sickbed, Lü Bu immediately took three steps and two steps. As soon as he flashed, he came to Wang Wei's sickbed. He stretched out his hands tremblingly, and held Wang Wei's scrawny right hand in his hands. Perhaps he felt the temperature in Wang Wei's hands, and his face smiled in relief. After traveling thousands of miles, I returned to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and finally saw Wang Wei alive.

Wang Wei slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Lu Bu fixedly. "It's you? Are you back? Finally, are you back?" There were tears of excitement in Wang Wei's eyes, and his voice became trembling. "I'm back. I have travelled a thousand miles from Wancheng to Luoyang. I can finally catch up with you for the last time." Lu Bu gently shook Wang Wei's right hand, and he felt the skinny in his hand. The right hand is gradually getting cold. "To make a long story short, Old Cao Zhuan, hurry up."

"Proclaim the king as soon as possible, stability??? Peace of mind!" Wang Wei raised his left index finger tremblingly, pointing to the air and said. "You are not the king. How can you be at ease with the state? And the state?" After saying this, Wang Wei seemed to have exhausted his whole body, and he was lying thickly. On the pillow, panting constantly, seemed to be accumulating strength. After a while, Wang Wei finally spoke again. This time, his voice was much quieter, and it could be seen that his life was fading rapidly. "ZTE??? ZTE Han room, but??? is just a ??? is a joke, don’t ??? don’t take it seriously!”

Looking at Wang Wei, who was entering the dying, Lu Bu nodded heavily. For 14 years of ups and downs, we are in the same boat, sharing weal and woe, how can he not understand what Wang Wei said? Finally, Wang Wei began to speak again, and this time, his voice was even lower. "Wang Family??? Taiyuan??? Wang Family?????? Next ??? Next Patriarch??????" Upon hearing this, everyone present immediately stood up. Ears, to the Wang Family of Taiyuan, this sentence is really as heavy as Mount Tai!

At this moment, I could only hear a hustle and bustle outside the door, a rush of footsteps hurriedly heard, and a sharp voice shouted: "The official is an angel! What you hold in your hand is the edict of the emperor! You! Waiting for the messengers who dare to stop the emperor, aren't they afraid of being annihilated by the Nine Clan?" Then came the whispering voices of consolation, pushing and shoving, and the loud shouts of angels.

In an instant, everyone looked at the door of the house. The emperor's edict? In this case, this messenger must be from Pingyu, Runan County? The one in Luoyang City just claimed to be a prisoner. In just an instant, everyone immediately turned their heads. Who is the next Patriarch of the Royal Family of Taiyuan? However, Wang Wei had already closed his eyes, and this time, he really couldn't speak anymore. With just such a delay, Lao Wang Kui didn't say the most important sentence.

"Shit angel! How can it be worth the last words of Wang Caozhuan? Pull it down for me! Rebuke the thirty army sticks!" Lu Bu roared loudly. At this moment, there was a raging flame in his eyes. His face is full of frost, and he is already angry! "Pull it down and blame the ten army stick!" Yan Yan shouted loudly. "Da Sima is fighting your recklessness, not an angel!"

Da Sima dare to fight even angels? Madam Zhao Yi didn't stop her? In an instant, everyone was dumbfounded.

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