New Story of Lv Bu

: : Fierce Battle at the City Gate

The army responsible for defending the city of Peshawar is mainly composed of 7,000 Hindustani infantry. In addition, there are 13,000 temporarily recruited troops. The west gate of Peshawar is the top priority. The veteran Lahore deployed 4,000 Hindustani infantry and 8,000 recruits. The south gate and the north gate each have 1,500 Hindustani infantry and 2,000 recruits. As for the east gate of Peshawar, only one thousand recruits were stationed. Everyone knows that there is a straight cliff in the east gate, and with it, the Han army can't fly with its wings.

These 7,000 Hindustani infantrymen are veterans who have fought in Lahore for several years. Most of them are private soldiers of the Lahore family. They are well trained and disciplined and have fought quite a few big battles. As early as when the Han army's catapult made a loud noise, these Hindustan infantrymen each found a hiding place, both under the female wall and behind the tower. Although I don't know what artifact the Han army sacrificed, it is necessary to protect myself first. As soon as they hid them, the raindrops of sling came suddenly.

Above the head of West Gate, the biggest losses were the recruits who ran around like flies without their heads. These recruits are all residents of Peshawar City, which is the transportation hub, trade center and cultural center of Central Asia. Most of the residents in the city live on trade. The temperament of small merchants and hawkers, coupled with their beliefs, destined them to be unsuitable for fighters.

Sure enough, when the first batch of slings fell in the air, the recruits from the city up and down immediately exploded their nests. When the sling stone raged on the city, blood troughs were ploughed in the crowd, blood was splashed, and the stumps and arms were flying all over the sky, the eight thousand recruits immediately collapsed! They threw down the weapons in their hands, put their heads in their hands, and wailed non-human wailing, and fled in all directions.

To be honest, it was not the slings of the Han army that defeated the eight thousand recruits, but the atmosphere of terror created by these slings. For these small merchants and hawkers who are accustomed to comparing the baht and baht, money is the first and life is second. As long as they do not delay their money, what does it matter who is the king of Peshawar? Their will to fight is not very good, and their ability to escape is first-rate. In a flash, except for the corpse lying in a pool of blood and the severely wounded number, the recruits walked cleanly, without even leaving the opportunity to execute the military law.

Eight thousand recruits died and fled, and they disappeared. This scene stunned the Hindustani infantry who had just gotten up. Obediently, in the commercial city, there really are no real fighters! What should we do now? "Look there! The generals rushed down the city!" Suddenly, a few sharp-eyed Hindustan infantrymen pointed their fingers at the city and shouted loudly.

Above the city, the slings of the Han army were still raging, and under the city, the light infantry and Serb heavy infantry of the Khorazm gushed out of the city gate like a tide. Several Hindustan generals who rushed down the city looked at each other, his grandmother was a bear, fighting the Han army! "Follow me! Get out of those scumbags!" Several generals waved the scimitars in their hands, and rushed forward with the left and right soldiers!

Among the troops of the Guishuang Empire, the Yuezhi people have the highest status, followed by the Hindustanis, and the Sogdians and the Yubin people in the third class. As for the Khorazm and Khorasan, there are the earliest The conquered Cypriots are not even a third-class nation. The Hindustan infantry is afraid of the Han army, but they are not afraid of the Khalazmians and the Serbs. In front of these two ethnic groups, they have a natural sense of pride. Both the Khalazm and the Cypriots have been conquered many times, while the Hindustanis have only once!

Seeing the high-ranking generals of Hindustani origin charge forward, the ordinary soldiers behind are suddenly gone. The noble lords all rushed forward, what's so terrible about me waiting for someone to die? People are dead, afraid of him getting a ball! Rush! He rushed to kill a few Huarazimians and Cypriots, and maybe he could make a small fortune. Ever since, more than three thousand Hindustan infantrymen rushed up. In an instant, there was a **** battle at the east exit of the city gate hole, and the pong-pong players on both sides had a real fire.

Above the city, Lahore raised his head from behind the female wall and looked out from the observation hole. Behind the slings of the Han army were densely packed infantry, and many people were still carrying ladders. At this moment, perhaps because of the overwhelming load, or perhaps to save the sling, the Han's catapult turned dumb. However, the light infantry of Huarazimo, who was carrying the ladder behind him, rushed towards the wall.

"Passing orders! On the walls of the southern city and the northern city, only five hundred Hindustani infantry and five hundred recruits were left, and only two hundred recruits were left on the walls of the eastern city. All the remaining soldiers will be transferred to Xicheng for me! Han Army! The ants will be attached to the city soon! Quick! Let them run over! If it is too late, it will be too late!" Taking advantage of the silence of the Han army catapult, the veteran Lahore ran a few steps and retreated to the ruins of the watchtower. Above. Unobstructed here, with a wide view, it is the best place to command the defenders of the city.

Ugh! Unexpectedly, the first round of the attack by the Han army was so swift and violent. From this perspective, I don't know that Peshawar can defend for a few days. This kind of pessimistic thought only flashed in Lahore's mind, and in a flash, it was thrown out of the sky. There are more important things to do than to take self-pity here! The veteran Lahore roared and rushed down the city with his own soldiers. He is a veteran after a hundred battles and has extremely rich commanding experience in battle. At this moment, it is time for him to bravely fight for the first place.

At the exit of the inner city gate of the West City Gate Cave in Peshawar, the Hindustanis and the Kharazim are fighting fiercely. At every moment, more than a hundred people fall. The Hwarazmo light infantry is one of the best light infantry in Central Asia, with a small buckler in the left hand and a scimitar in the right. The Cypriot Greek-style heavy infantry used wooden large shields to shield most of the enemy's attacks, and at the same time provided a temporary refuge for the wounded Kharazim light infantry. The dagger in their right hand was like a poisonous snake.

The attacking Han army was centered on the Serb heavy infantry and the Kharazm light infantry as the spearhead. Wave after wave, wave after wave, waves rolled forward. On the other hand, the Hindustan infantry was only wearing short armor—similar to the two-stage armor of the Han army, without a helmet, and a machete in his hand. It is a large wooden shield that is used to compensate for the defects of the armor.

In this confrontation between the two armies, the huge shield in the hands of the Hindustan infantry became a burden. That kind of shield can effectively protect the body of the resident soldiers when they are fighting in a battle. However, when they meet in short combat, they are too bulky. The Khalazmians and the Cypriots really knew this defect of the Hindustani infantry too well. They rushed out of the shield formation of the Cypriot heavy infantry, shining on the heads or large shields of the Industrian infantry. He greeted in the gap, cut a few times, and then swooped back into the shield formation.

Before the sneak attack tactics of the light infantry in the Kharazm, the Hindustan infantry lost the other side and fell from the left to the right. In addition, the Kharazm and the Serbs took the lead, and immediately fell a large area. At the entrance of the inner city gate, there were many corpses everywhere, most of which belonged to Hindustan infantry. The ground was splattered with sticky blood, as well as white brains, pink minced meat, and incomplete corpses. People shouted loudly, roared, and then fell heavily.

"Get out! Use bows and arrows! Shoot with bows and arrows!" Watching the Hindustani infantry fall one by one, a high-ranking Hindustan general finally spoke. He roared angrily, opened his bow and shot his arrows, unable to shoot the first arrow! Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! In an instant, the Hindustani archers behind also began to show off. The dense arrows rushed like raindrops.

"Oh!" "Not good!" "I got an arrow!" "Do you dare to shoot yourself?" In an instant, a miserable wailing sounded. Most of these wailing sounds were made by the light infantry of Kharazm, and a small part came from the mouth of the Hindustan infantry. In order to block the people of Kharazm in the city gate, the Hindustan archers began to fight in desperation. Differential attack. Anyone who stands in the front must die, whether it is a Hindustan, a Kharazm, or the **** Cypriot!

As soon as the Hindustan archers stepped out of their horses, everyone in Khorazmo was hit hard, and hundreds of people who rushed to the front fell under the arrows. Those who were lucky enough to survive quickly retreated and hid under the huge shield of the Serb heavy infantry. There was only a ping-pong noise, and the huge shield of the Cypriot heavy infantry was immediately covered with arrows, as loud as popping beans.

"His grandma is a bear! Call the crossbow hand, and we also have crossbowmen! What about those hand-held crossbows? Where did all the **** die?" A majestic voice cursed brutally, which was Yao. Rivas-from the angry tiger. "That's right, where did the crossbowmen die?" "Coming here, Master Yaolivas is angry!" The Huarazimu in the city gate awakened like a dream, and they cursed loudly. His grandmother is a bear, and I also have crossbowmen, much better than the Hindustanis!

"The crossbowman is coming soon, Master Yaolivas, your old man must hold on!" The commander of the crossbowman said with a smile amidst the bean-popping locust arrows. His grandmother is a bear. If the crossbowman doesn't come again, my old man is really going to die! Yao Livas secretly said in his heart. When he had just won the door, in order to show his bravery, he deliberately rushed to the forefront. Now that I think about it, it is really reckless, as long as it is a little bit worse, the angry tiger will become a dead tiger like a fake.

Ugh! My respectable General, shouldn’t it start on your side? Yao Livas slandered to himself.

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