New Story of Lv Bu

: : Master General can finally go sightseeing in the city

Almost at the same time that the East Gate attack succeeded, the fierce battle between the Han Army and the Guishuang Army in the West Gate had reached a fever pitch.

In the city gate cave, after the crossbowmen of the Han army came, the archers of the Guishuang army suffered immediately. The powerful crossbow in the hands of the Han army is the latest improvement of the small bed crossbow. When he set off from Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Lu Zheng had a heartfelt thought. He asked the old Sangjie to buy out the skilled craftsmen in the seal of Cao. Yu Ming can be a skilled craftsman, with his family and his mouth to follow him to seek Guishuang.

"His grandma is a bear! Why don't you look at it a little bit? This basket is a little bigger, right?" After hearing this, Master Cao Zhuanlu Molu, the master craftsman and craftsman, slapped the table with anger. The Ling and Cheng under him watched their noses and noses and minds one by one, just like an old monk entering concentration. Master Lu, you received a thousand catties of gold from Lu Zheng. We all know this. If you eat meat, let us have some soup. Without the acquiescence of your old man, how dare we let Lu Zheng be so unscrupulous?

Sure enough, after Master Lu had cursed enough, the matter would be fine. According to the gossip, Master Lu specifically turned to Da Sima to plead guilty, but Da Sima only approved a "knowledge". This matter is really gone. After all, Lu Zheng is the son of Da Sima, and his father and son are connected. However, the technical level of Cao Zhuan, an engineer from Binzhou, has been slightly lowered by a few grades. It was not until half a year later that the level of the artifacts he produced returned to before Lu Zheng's expedition. This is naturally a story.

Today, there are more than two hundred crossbowmen, everyone holding a strong crossbow, under the cover of layers of large shields, divided into three groups, and shot at the nearby Guishuang Army, instantly. , The crossbowmen of the Guishuang Army fell one after another, and fell a large piece! The arrows of the Han army came so densely and urgently, like squally storms, wave after wave, there was no chance to fight back at all.

Suddenly, outside the city gate cave of the west gate of Peshawar, the Guishuang Army was like a violent wind blowing wheat waves, falling down one after another. Just a few minutes away, the thin leather armor of the Guishuang people couldn't resist the arrows of the Han army. On the other hand, the Han army crossbowmen, they are all covered with light and tough steel armor! The sound of the Guishuang Army's grunting and puffing down to the ground resounded.

"Second wave, go up! Accumulate shot!" "Third wave, go up! Accumulate shot!" The voice of the Han Junjun and Marquis was filled with pleasure, and there was also a hint of pride. Without it, this was the pleasure of revenge. I bother! Tigers don’t show off their might, are you sick cats? When just pressing down on us, how arrogant and proud you were? What's the matter? Did you bully the Han army without a crossbow?

After only a few dozen breaths of effort, there was no Guishuang army standing outside the city gate. Most of them fell to the ground by the dense arrows of the Han army, struggling in vain in a pool of blood. Those who were lucky enough to not die were completely frightened. After a short stunned mouth, everyone uttered a horrible scream, threw down their weapons and hugged their heads, turned back and fled in all directions!

To be honest, the training and discipline of these Hindustan infantry is still good, but compared with the Han army, they seriously lack the will to fight. These Khalazm light infantry and Serb heavy infantry had already suffocated their stomachs and vowed to find a place in Yueshi and Hindustani. As soon as they saw the general's violent crossbow killing the Quartet, the morale of these people immediately became a rainbow.

"My god, the arrows of the Han army are too powerful!" "Where are the arrows, this is simply a thunderbolt!" "It's not good, I can't stop it! Run away!" I was completely stunned. The Hindustan infantry wailed loudly and disappeared into the houses along the streets and lanes. "Quickly come back! Don't leave!" "If you escape before the battle, you will kill you!" Several senior generals of the Guishuang Army roared loudly, brandishing a scimitar and chopped off the heads. However, the collapse of the Guishuang Army is a foregone conclusion. They couldn't stop it anymore. At present, when the crossbowmen of the Han army used the powerful crossbow to kill the Guishuang people, they had not launched the final attack.

A few thoughtful, looking at the general situation, with a wave of their hands, they followed the collapsed army with their own soldiers, and disappeared into the vast night. There are still three or five strands, still hiding behind the thick shield wall, constantly inspiring the soldiers, and struggling to resist the Han army's tumultuous arrows. Obviously, where they are, they have become an isolated island in the vast ocean.

"Follow me! Go!" Yaolivas-the angry tiger-roared, and rushed out first. "Rush!" "Kill!" his soldiers shouted, and rushed out after him. "The Han army is mighty!" Seeing that the enemy fell apart in front of his own eyes, the Huarazimian and the Serb immediately became elated, and they rushed up with a roar.

"Forty-five-degree angle! Shoot at the enemy's back formation!" the leader of the crossbowman Junhou shouted loudly. With a roar from him, the Han archers raised their shooting angles to ensure that the arrows fired from them fell into the Hindustan infantry formation. There was a dense rain of arrows above his head, and oncoming wolves like the Huarazmian and the Serb, the Guishuang's army was immediately in jeopardy.

"My loyal soldiers! Peshawar city depends on you! Come with me!" At this critical juncture, only a roar was heard, and the old Lahore general led his own soldiers to the city. Rushed over. Behind him, shouting loudly and rushing are the Guishuang army and recruits drawn from the southern city and the northern city. It looks like the crowd is surging, and the momentum is very frightening.

In an instant, the two streams of people smashed into each other fiercely! Everyone roared loudly, panting constantly, scimitars flew horizontally, blood splattered. The sound of weapons, the dull sound of a scimitar slicing into the human body, and the sound of running footsteps were mixed. At every moment, hundreds of people fall, the people in front fall, and the people behind continue to rush up. Both the Guishuang Army and the Han Army were stunned, and the hatred for hundreds of years was fully released at this moment. I bother! Twenty years later, he is another hero! kill! Must kill enough today! After dozens of breaths of effort, the corpses piled up into several hills.

The veteran Lahore wielded a machete and cut down the Huarazim light infantry with a knife. He lifted his left foot and kicked the other Huarazim light infantry with one foot. The wrist was turned and the tip of the knife was sharp. Facing upwards, with a sudden upward wave, passing the throat of a Serb heavy infantry soldier, the servant fell softly! However, the short sword of another Cypriot heavy infantry crossed his thigh.

With blood splattering everywhere, Lahore staggered and almost fell to the ground. I am old, I am old after all, and I don’t have the physical strength of the year. Lahore sighed. "Old General!" "General!" The soldiers on the left and right roared and rushed up, chopped over the Serb heavy infantry, and blocked Lahore behind him. Whoosh?????? A Han army crossbowman nearby found Lahore, a trigger, seven arrows shot out! There was only a crisp sound of popping beans, and five or six soldiers immediately fell down.

"There! The general of the Guishuang people is there! Shoot there!" the Han crossbowman roared loudly. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Following the roar of the Han crossbowmen, the surrounding Han crossbowmen immediately aimed at the footing of Lahore. There was only a sound of bowstrings, and in an instant, ten thousand arrows were shot, and the arrows of the Han army shot out like a storm.

"General, go!" The soldiers on the left and right quickly opened their large shields, grabbing Lahore and retreating quickly! As soon as they retreated, the place where they had just stood immediately turned into a **** on earth, and more than a hundred Lahore soldiers were swallowed by a dense rain of arrows. They let out a horror and fell slowly in various postures. In an instant, there was a corpse mountain on that piece of land.

At this moment, the sound of hooves of hooves came from behind, shaking the earth, and it seemed that there were thousands of horses rushing from the east of the city. "Not good! The East City is lost!" "The Cypriot cavalry entered the city from the East Gate!" Accompanied by the earth-shaking, sweeping hoofs, was the panic wailing of the Hindustan infantry. That's it! Lahore closed his eyes lightly, this time is really over!

Why did Dongcheng fall? There is an insurmountable moat! Could it be that the Han general can't fly? Lahore was beating her temple in pain, puzzled. "General, let's go! If you don't leave, it will be too late!" As Lahore was thinking hard, the soldiers on the left and right resisted him and ran towards the Governor's Mansion.

"Let me down! Let me down! I will fight to death! I lost the city of Peshawar, I have no face to see His Majesty the Emperor!" Lahore roared loudly on the shoulders of the soldiers. However, the soldiers on his left and right ignored them. "Old General, the city of Peshawar is lost, Guishuang is completely finished! We all have families and children, we can't bury the emperor!" Finally, a wise man spoke. Upon hearing this, the old general Lahore no longer uttered a word. In Wujayanna, he has a big family in Lahore!

As soon as the news that the Han army entered the city from the east gate of Peshawar, the resistance of the Guishuang people immediately fell apart. The East Gate, the East Gate protected by the Heavenly Moats are all lost. Is there any hope for Ximen? Since you have lost the battle, just surrender obediently, so you can save the first level in troubled times, right? "I'm waiting to drop!" "Wish to drop!" The prisoners of the Guishuang Army knelt all over the floor.

"His grandma is a bear! This battle is finally over!" Yaolivas said loudly, wiping his face with sweat.

"Hurry up and let off the fireworks, and report to the General. He can polish his boots and ride a horse into the city for sightseeing!"

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