New Story of Lv Bu

: : Dahan is your strongest backing

In the early morning of November 16, Peshawar, known as the strongest city in Central Asia, finally raised the banner of the Han army.

Peshawar City is facing the Khyber Pass and is located in the northwest corner of the Kandala Basin. According to the general rule, between high mountains and alluvial plains, there are usually some plateaus with heights between the two as a transition. Between the vast plains of the Indus River and the towering Suleymaniye Mountains-Hindu Kush Mountains-Himalayan Mountains, the Potvar Plateau plays this role.

The Potval Plateau is about four hundred feet high. It is more appropriate to say that it is a plateau rather than a plateau. Before silting up the fertile and vast Indus plains, the many rivers that rushed down from the west and north first filled up the large and small gaps on the Potval Plateau, forming many flood plains. The Kendala Basin is the largest of these alluvial plains.

For the fertile and prosperous Indus plains, or the Hindustan continent, the undulating and towering mountains in the north are a natural barrier to keep out invaders from afar. As important passes into the Hindustan mainland, the Salang Pass in the Hindu Kush Mountains in the north and the Khyber Pass in the Suleymaniye Mountains in the south are of unusual importance. In addition, the last barrier to enter the Hindustan mainland is Peshawar, the strongest city in Central Asia.

Today, the flag of the Han Empire is flying high above the head of Peshawar, and its meaning is self-explanatory.

"It really is the banner of the Han army! In addition, there is also the banner of the young Han general. It seems that the young general with great fortune has finally fulfilled the promise within three days. The city of Peshawar was captured." One of the envoys of the Khorasan people, the old Habibullah put up a pergola and looked at the Han army flag waving in the wind unblinkingly, with horror in his heart.

After coming out of Lu Zheng’s large tent and returning to his large tent in the southeast of Peshawar, Habibullah immediately summoned a few accompanying officers to discuss how the young Han generals could conquer Peshawar in a few days. . "Three days? It's a joke! In our opinion, three months are Xuan'er! Four hundred years ago, Alexander the Great attacked for three full months. After tens of thousands of people died in the battle, he captured this one. Jiancheng. A little baby with no full hair, do you believe in what he said?"

Sure enough, no one believed what Lu Zheng said. Everyone took this utterly vow as a whisper! In the eyes of these field commanders with rich combat experience, the words of this young Han general can be completely ignored. Amidst the roar of laughter, there was only one high-ranking person who chose to believe in Lu Zheng, and this person was Lord Mawson.

"My lord, I believe in this young Han general. I believe he will be able to capture Peshawar within three days. Four hundred years ago, Alexander the Great could do it. Four hundred years later, this Lu Zheng The general can do the same! Let's wait and see, an amazing and brilliant genius commander will be born. He will make the entire Western countries tremble and crawl on the ground."

After speaking this paragraph, Lord Mawson got up and left the seat, leaving behind a few officers who were messy in the wind and at a loss.

"Ah! Time is also fate! The prophecy of King Mawson has come true! Come, take my warhorse, the old Habibullah is going to enter Peshawar City, to the future Guishuang Empire-or something else The name of the empire-the emperor, extend the most sincere greetings from the Khorasan people. At the same time, on behalf of the Khorasan people, I will give him the crown of the king of kings!" Habibullah slowly turned around and said .

At this moment, if you are looking down from a high altitude, dozens of small-scale camel teams and horse teams are marching towards Peshawar City from all directions. In front of these camels and horses, all kinds of flags were flying high, Khorasan, Gubin, Punjab, Indra Prost, Shah, and the messengers of the kings of the Indian continent. , Amcai people, and even Albanians, Armenians, Adibeyani people?????? These envoys camped around the city of Peshawar.

Perhaps because the young Han general had a strict order, the sixteen gates of Peshawar City burst open, and a group of Han troops with bright armor and shiny Mo knives guarded all of them imposingly. The gate of the city welcomes the arrival of the countries in season. These messengers are all well-informed people, talented and knowledgeable people, they deliberately slowed down their progress, carefully observing everything.

"My god! These shiny big knives are really sharp!" After seeing a Han army slash a thick iron rod with a single knife, the Amicai messenger murmured to himself. At the same time, he remembered the thin leather armor of Am Tsai's army. In an instant, his chest and back were soaked. If this young Han general cannot be satisfied, Am Tsai is in danger.

The envoy from the Parthian Empire was relatively calm. Although the Modao, Qiangbow and Shanwenjia of the Han army made him feel more pressured, what surprised him even more was the battle damage last night. "Huh? Five hundred and eighty-seven people were killed, one hundred and seven severely injured, and one thousand three hundred injured. They captured Peshawar? This is absolutely impossible! Never!" The rest envoy frowned and yelled loudly. With.

"Hey! Don't believe it! Why do you blow your beard and stare? In a moment, Peshawar's defender, the old general Lahore, will personally explain to you. Now, he has returned to the Han army and was appointed by General Lu Zheng He is the governor of Indra Prosto. From today on, he will perform his duties!" Da Yueshi interpreter in charge of translation retorted loudly. As one of the two empires living next to each other, the Dayue people, the main ethnic group of the Guishuang Empire, had long looked upon the Anxi people as displeasing to their eyes, and just hit back.

After a quarter of an hour, this question was finally solved, and the old general Lahore appeared in the main hall of the Governor's Mansion. As the Governor of Indra Prosto Province, he answered all the doubts to the envoys with a smile on his face. "Yesterday's battle loss? This is naturally true! The old man was captured by the Han army before he could react." The old Lahore general replied indifferently.

"What? Why did General Lu come to fight the Guishuang Empire? This is it? The reason is very simple. Wei Su Dipo I wanted to monopolize the Silk Road trade and repeatedly provoked the Han Empire. He seized the merchants of the Han Empire and swallowed their goods. , And even sent 200,000 troops to attack Qiuci, the seat of the Western Regions Protectorate. The big man couldn't bear it, so he didn't have to bear it anymore, so the Guishuang Empire was finished like this. What are you talking about? Vesudeva I returned to the teacher? Baisha Once the news of the fall of Tile City reaches the Western Regions, his tens of thousands of troops will immediately collapse. Even if it does not collapse, there is no food, no supplies, how can we fight?"

At this point, Lahore scowled. "Envoys, please quickly send envoys to your emperor, king, and chieftain to report everything that has happened here. Ask them to respect the merchants and people from the big man and protect the Silk Road. Otherwise, hum, you know!" "Heaven!" Ah! All of this turned out to be true! An envoy must be sent to the country immediately! If a businessman from a big man hurts a hair, our country will not be able to eat it!" In fear, everyone's chest was behind. The back is completely soaked.

At this moment, Tianxiong General Lu Zheng, who had been waiting for a long time, finally came out at the right time, surrounded by the generals under his command. The moment he saw Lu Zheng himself appear, all the envoys knelt on the hall with sore legs at the same time. "I, Tianxiong General Lu Zheng of the great man, came here to conquer the Guishuang Empire, just for one sentence: Those who dare to commit a strong man will be punishable even though they are far away!

Lu Zheng stood there, like the mighty Hindu Kush Mountains, Yuan Zhiyue stopped, his eyes filled with excitement.

"General of the Han family, I, Nashin, the messenger of the Khorasan people, on behalf of all the Khorasan people, I would like to offer you the golden crown of the king of kings!" While all the envoys were sweating and sifting their bodies, they beat each other. The trembling sound rang. One of the messengers of the Khorasan, the young grand noble heir Nassin shouted loudly, holding a red gold crown studded with precious stones in his hand. "Meet the conqueror of the Guishuang Empire, the king of all kings, General Lu Zheng!" The envoys finally realized it.

From this moment on, Lu Zheng became the de facto emperor of the Guishuang Empire, and under the name of the Great Protector of the Guishuang Prefecture of the Han Dynasty, he controlled the eight million people in Guishuang Old Land, Kangju, Dawan, and Amcai. , The territory of thousands of miles. At the same time, he was also responsible for controlling the Silk Road, and the various matters of trade, trade, and friendly exchanges with the countries of Anxi, Hindustan, Daqin, and Western Thailand.

Ten days later, news of the fall of Peshawar reached Kucha, and the army of Vesudeva I collapsed in an instant. Wanhuhou and the Western Regions all protected Kangmanti, and the governors led by Taipu Wanghan, Chang Shi Gaixun, General Huang Zhong, Ma Chao and other superintendents, launched a counter-offensive and bravely attacked and wiped out 200,000 Guishuang, Wusun Allied Forces, and Wei Su Dipo I. King He Yanqi died in battle, He Shou Ping Han King Song Jian did not know where he ended.

Within four months, the Han army destroyed the Guishuang Empire, occupying the entire Central Asia in one fell swoop, and the world's fourth largest empire collapsed like this. On its ruins, a brand new empire was established. Its de facto emperor was Da Sima's second son, General Tianxiong Lu Zheng. This living fact immediately shook the countries of Western Thailand. For a while, the treatment of the people of the big guys immediately increased, and everything they passed was received the most grand welcome. No way, the army of the Han Empire is too brave and good at fighting!

"Write to me on the customs clearance document: People of the Han Empire, no matter where you are, the Han Empire is your strongest backing!" The newly appointed guardian of the Guishuang Dufu's main guard, Lu Zheng, said in a loud voice. . "Madhu, this is a naked threat!" Apiz raised his eyes and looked at Lu Zheng. "Yes! I just want to threaten them!" Lu Zheng replied arrogantly.

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