New Story of Lv Bu

: : Kill the enemy every week

The ancients said: The world is unhappy, nine out of ten, but people can talk to others, but two or three out of ten. Perhaps, in the dark, the thief God has taken care of everyone's life long ago, and always brews the seeds of howling and crying when he is overjoyed. The ups and downs and the turbulent waves in the meantime always come so abruptly. People who have not experienced it personally will definitely not be able to appreciate the pain. Lao Tzu said: Misfortune lies in the blessing, and the blessing lies in the disaster. If you try to figure it out carefully, this statement is definitely the conclusion.

At noon, outside the South Gate of Pingyu County, Runan County, suddenly hundreds of cavalry came. These cavalry were all dressed in the livery of the Han army, with a helmet and a brace, and their faces were ferocious, and there was a strong murderous aura from all over their bodies. The garrison in Pingyu County has long been divided up by Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Cao Cao. At present, it is only three or five hundred county soldiers that are temporarily recruited. Where are these cavalry opponents? After a intensive rain of arrows, dozens of county soldiers were shot to death on the spot, and the rest of the county soldiers immediately returned and fled.

"You, take the two people from the village to take over the four gates! Follow me with the rest, let's go to the county office! Immediately pass the order to Boss Li and Boss Guo, we have already conquered the county seat of Pingyu!" The strong man who took the lead yelled. Er, inserted the blood-drenching 100-refined steel ring first knife into the sheath, slammed his right hand, and roared loudly. "No!" The soldiers on the left and right roared loudly, and each took their orders.

The area of ​​Pingyu County is not large, and the county government will take a short time. Today, Pingyu County is led by the emperor, and the county government is temporarily used as the imperial palace. Seeing these wolves and tigers rushing in, the guards guarding the county government, despite their trembling legs, still clenched their weapons. The size of Pingyu County is small, but the county government has been renovated and is a small fortress.

"These birds are unknown, they don't look like good people. They quickly close the door and send someone out of the city to report the news from the back door! They will go to Luoyang City to find Da Sima!" Fortunately, the guards commander knew clearly, and it took a moment. See you. The guards of the palace, there are no more than a hundred people, and they will definitely not be able to resist for long. The first priority is to find reinforcements quickly. The left and right are about to return to Luang, and the army greeted by the Han army is coming soon. "Here is when today's son is walking! You retreat at a constant speed!" the guards shouted.

"A, Li Li, a captain of the Xiliang Army, Li Li! We came to Pingyu to protect your Majesty! Open the door quickly, otherwise there will be no eyes on the sword. Don't say it is unexpected!" The strong man screamed and pulled out the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring around his waist. On the tip of the knife, blood was still dripping down. Li Li smiled sternly and shouted viciously.

"I! Poh! Protect the emperor? Are you guys making guns to protect the emperor like this? You are here to hold the emperor! Come here, send out an eagle letter quickly, and let Sima's army come to rescue. Presumably they are not far away. That's it!" The commander in charge of guarding the county government rolled his eyes and roared loudly. The reputation of these soldiers is naturally clear to him. In any case, stop talking about them first.

"No!" After a while, several eagles rose into the sky. Li Li glanced and saw that the secret path was not good. When Liu Xie was a well-known poor ghost today, where did these eagles come from? It must have been given by Nalu Feng first. Could it be that they hooked up already? "Pass the order! Attack the county government and keep everyone under control! Those who dare to resist, kill without mercy!" Li Li gritted his teeth and gave the order.

When I came to Pingyu County this time, it was the idea of ​​"holding the emperor to make the princes". In any case, let's take Liu Xie, a living emperor, into his hands. The Xiliang army was desperate for both left and right, and had already offended Na Lu Feng thoroughly, and it was not bad. If Liu Xie is gone, how can the remaining four or five thousand Xiliang Army be the opponent of the Union State Army?

With Li Li's order, more than one hundred Xiliang soldiers under his command immediately dispersed and watched the county government firmly. This county government was built like a dock, with thick walls, and without a ladder and siege equipment, it really couldn't be captured quickly. The only way to do this is to watch them first, and not let anyone slip through the net. After the brigade troops arrive, they will rectify the equipment and attack the city slowly.

Within the county office, above the lobby, Liu Xie was pacing on the thick carpet. "Your Majesty, when is this? What's the use of pacing? The only way to do this is to ask your Majesty to calm down and write a hand edict to inform Dasima, and send someone to rescue him as soon as possible. According to Da Sima's temperament, the army sent to **** His Majesty back to Luang should not be far away from the county seat of Pingyu."

With only a squeak, the door of the room opened, Zhou Yi was in armor, and a striding meteor came in. Seeing Liu Xie wandering around the room, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The emperor was so weak that she seemed to be inferior to Emperor Xiaohuai! Just after learning that Zhou Zhou was pregnant in the morning, the emperor looked at her with a little more tenderness. After all, he was carrying his own words, so how pleasing to the eye.

"Yeah! Zhou Zhou had expected well! It's about to return to Luan. The army sent by the Grand Sima to meet him must be not far from here." In an instant, Liu Xie suddenly realized it as if he was initiating. He hurriedly sat down, bit his left middle finger, put the blood in the ink, lifted the pen, brushed it a little bit, and the pen walked away. In a moment, he wrote a blood edict.

"Come on! Send someone to send out this edict!" The emperor Liu Xie said with a stretched voice. "Wait!" Zhou Zhou hurried forward to stop the emperor. "Your Majesty, there are so many people nowadays, if you are a little careless, you will leak the news. Your Majesty, please give me this blood edict, and I will send a confidant to wait for it." Now." The emperor sighed.

"Nuo!" Zhou Yi grabbed the blood edict, raised his face, smiled at the emperor, bowed to salute, and went out lightly. She went to her room with three turns, and pulled her confidant maid. "Ling'er, this blood edict, and the letter I just wrote just now, will be handed over to you. You leave the palace from the secret road, go to Fushanli, the second Yanjia coffin shop on your left, and These two letters were given to treasurer Yan." At this point, she pulled out the jade hairpin inlaid with gold oil from her head and handed it to Ling'er. "That shop is the shadow point, this is a token. Remember, after sending the letter, you don't want to come back again. Just stay there and wait for the news. In this hood, there are some coins and clothes. And some of my letters."

"Nobleman Zhou! I'm not going!" Linger burst into tears immediately upon hearing this. She knelt down with a puff, and put her arms around Zhou Zhou's thighs, crying. "Ling'er, get up! When is this? What's the use of crying? Stay alive! Once I have three long and two short, you can be a testimony to me! Hurry up, if you don't leave, you really can't get out. !"

Zhou Yi grabbed Pearl, who was full of tears, lowered her voice and urged. "Okay! I'm going! Zhou Zhou, you have to take care!" Pearl slowly got up, wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve, grabbed the hoodie, and tucked two letters close to her body. Then, she leaned down, gave Zhou Zhoufu a blessing, turned around, raised her leg, opened the door of the room and went away.

After taking care of this huge event, Zhou Zhou leaned down again, took the pen and ink, and wrote a few eagle letters without adding a little bit of writing, and then slowly raised his head. At this moment, with a creak, the door opened and the head guard walked in. "You came just right! Send these eagle letters quickly! These are the signals agreed with Shizhong Zheng that the other party is coming to welcome the Bingzhou army. As long as we can persist for a day and night, the Bingzhou army will be able to arrive! Zhou Zhou raised his head and looked at him firmly.

"No! Noble Zhou, please rest assured, as long as I'm three inches of breath, I will be able to keep the emperor safe!" The head of the guard sent a letter of result, with his right fist as his chest, and made a military salute, and went away in a stride. The emperor is weak and suspicious, he knows this better than anyone else. He came to Zhou Zhou to discuss with her how to deal with it. Unexpectedly, Zhou Guiren had taken care of it, so he was relieved.

Zhou Zhou came to the hall again to bid farewell to the emperor Liu Xie. "Your Majesty, your concubine’s bows and arrows are very good, so you will come to the enemy and inspire your soldiers. Please wait in the palace with peace of mind. As long as you can hold on for a day and a night, the fine rider sent by the Grand Sima to pick you up will definitely come! Please, your Majesty Think about the world, don't think about concubines!" After speaking, Zhou Zhou leaned over and bowed, slowly got up, looked at Liu Xie, and went backwards. "Zhou Zhou! You have to take care!" Looking at Zhou Zhou's back, Liu Xie burst into tears.

When Zhou Zhou came to the main gate of the county government, there were already five or six hundred Xiliang army in the city. They roared loudly, with a shield on their heads, a hundred-refined steel ring in their mouths, holding the ladder with their hands, like a monkey, and they climbed to the top of the city in three or two strokes. The defenders in the county are just one hundred guards, plus more than two hundred temporary recruits. How can they be their opponents?

Suddenly, the defenders were at a disadvantage. "Follow me!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Zhou Zhou roared, took off the sacred arm bow on his back, opened the bow and used the arrow, and shot a dozen or so arrows in a row. , Immediately shot to death a dozen Xiliang army. "Noble Zhou actually went to battle to kill the enemy!" "Kill!" "Come on!" Seeing that the beloved consort of the emperor Zhou Noble went into battle to kill the enemy, the defenders within the county office immediately became imposing. The nobles of Zhou are all fighting and killing each other, and if I wait for my fate, what face is there not to fight the enemy bravely? Suddenly, people have the same heart, the same heart, the same reason, and everyone has the same hatred, but they have held it!

"His grandma is a bear! After taking the county government, I will have fun with that nobleman Zhou! One little chili, I like it!"

Outside the gate of Pingyu County, hundreds of steps away, Guo Bang said with a pair of bull's eyes, his face narrowed.

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