New Story of Lv Bu

: : Zheng Xuan talks about the personnel affairs of North Korea with a smile

In the first year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, on the first day of April, the imperial court finally issued an edict, announcing that Dasima Lubu was appointed King Wen. At the same time, a new official system was promulgated in three provinces, six ministries, nine temples, and five prisons. The imperial court will hold a grand banquet at the Deyang Hall of the Nangong Temple in Luoyang on the 8th day of April to celebrate. Since Dong Zhuo brought trouble to the capital and moved the capital to Chang'an, this is the first time that the imperial court has opened the Deyang Hall.

The Hong Ling dispatched by the court rushed out and went to Youzhou, Jizhou, Bingzhou, Sili, Yuzhou, Liangzhou, the Western Regions, and even the distant Guishuang Empire to bring this news to the prefectures under the rule of the Luoyang court. . The envoys and fine works of Luoyang City, the capital of the princes of the world, also hurriedly sent out eagle letters, or sent envoys to spread the news back to their home countries.

After hearing this news, the entire Luoyang city immediately became a sea of ​​joy. The ordinary people beat the gongs and drums, spontaneously rushing to the streets, expressing their inner joy. The celebrities of the Qingliu between the court and the opposition gathered together in twos and threes, carefully studying the Lubu just copied in their hands, and on these Lubu, the latest appointments of the imperial court were densely written.

The reform and restructuring, the replacement of the original three-gong and nine-qing official system with a new official system of three provinces, six departments, nine temples and five prisons, has been known to passers-by after many deliberations between the ruling and the opposition. The responsibility, rank, and even the size of the power of each official position, and the reasons why they are set up, have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Anyone who grabs a citizen from Luoyang Street can casually say one or two sentences, "The provincial governor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences makes a decision, the province’s subordinates refute and approve it, and the execution of the matter belongs to the Shangshu Province" and other new-style nouns.

Nowadays, everything has been uncovered and placed in front of the world. It stands to reason that the surprises and expectations of the past have long been gone. However, every piece of Lubu posted, there are always countless copywriters transcribe, a freshly baked new Lubu, actually sold a Bingzhou silver coin. In the end, the scholar-officials were not concerned about the edicts and the official system, but the people who served as officials.

At the same time that the entire Luoyang city fell into an unprecedented madness, Guan Ning and Bingyuan Bu Yi Qingshan came to visit Zheng Kangcheng.

Back in Youzhou, Guan Ning and Bing Yuan had a close relationship with Zheng Xuan, Mr. Kang Cheng, when he took shelter in Duong Sun, the prefect of Liaodong. Lv An Qingqi raided Xiangping and killed Gongsun Du and his son. After Ding Liaodong, both of them led their clans and followers, and followed Zheng Kangcheng back to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. After Zheng Kangcheng was named Gaomi County Hou, the two also settled in the Imperial College.

"Youan, Genju, you two came to visit the old man today, it must be for the new official system." Mr. Kang Cheng, Zheng Xuan smiled, and asked wittily as he reached out for the guests inside. Since he was granted the title of Gaomi County, Zheng Xuan's reputation in Luoyang City and even the entire Han Dynasty has increased. Coupled with a stable life, the whole person has become more energetic.

Mr. Kang Cheng Zheng Xuan was just 68 years old this year. He was quite moved by the fact that Lin Lao had to go to the tomb. He once said in public: "The old man has been wandering throughout his life, and has been sent under the fence many times. He did not expect that he would have to go to the graveyard once. You don't have to travel around, and you can finally sit down and study your knowledge. All of this is possible. It's good for Da Sima's care,"

Because of this, the loyalty of Dasima Lubu gradually influenced Zheng Xuan, and he began to devote himself to politics.

"Hey! Mr. Kang Cheng can expect such a thing? It's unpredictable! Ah?" Guan Ning was in a very good mood today, and he made a look of inexplicable surprise. "Yes! Mr. Kang Cheng is really the first opportunity!" Bing Yuan also said with fun. "Okay, okay! You guys don't want to flatter the old man! You came just right today. Da Sima just delivered a few carts of good wine and good things, the carp from the river, the fresh venison, the newly beaten pheasant, I am here. Just instruct the cook to make good health and remediate, and we will be happy, not drunk, no return!" Zheng Xuan was full of spring breeze, and repeatedly instructed the palace to go down and arrange the banquet.

"So, we're bothering Mr. Kang Cheng! But, we didn't come in vain, we brought this!" Guan Ningshun took a bit out of his arms and found out a few diaries that still exudes the smell of ink. "A piece of Xiucai Renqing'er paper! Nuo, Mr. Kang Cheng, this is a gift from Bing Yuan and I." Zheng Xuan smiled and stretched out his hands. He slowly opened it. It was the newly announced official order.

"Hahahahahahaha! Youan, you still know the old man's interest! This Dibao is not easy for a daughter! Today, we will use this Dibao to have a good conversation." Zheng Xuan Hahada Smiled. At this moment, Fu Ling took several maids and served the rectified meals like flowing water. The small kitchen of Gaomihou's house does not stop for twelve hours.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the three of them opened the chattering box. "In this restructuring, the official system of the three provinces, six ministries, nine temples, five prisons, and three provinces has long been known to passers-by, so we won’t talk about it. Let's share with them?" Guan Ningman poured a drink of wine, drank it all, and said slowly.

"Well, today the old man will talk about it carefully, first be an introduction, his mountain stone can attack jade." Zheng Xuan was extremely excited today, he also drank a drink, and said loudly. "Let’s talk about the appointment of the prime minister first. Among the warriors, the first grade military attache, Da Sima is the old post of King Wen and cannot be given lightly. It is natural and natural to give the former Wei general Gao Shun to the general."

"Shang Shuling gave Huangfu Yizheng, which is actually a matter of course. Among the original three males, Wang Situ died early, and he was begging for his bones-naturally, Da Sima did not forget him. He was awarded the first grade prince and grandmaster-the original three males. , Only Huangfu Yizhen is left. Shang Shuling is from the first grade, and it is natural to teach Huangfu Yizhen in this position. Besides??????" At this point, Zheng Xuan lowered his voice: "Shangshu Zuopu shot It’s Cao Yong, and Shangshu Youpu shoots Wang Han. You should understand the implications."

"Hey! It's true! Cao Pushe and Wang Pushe are both old people under the command of Da Sima, so it should be handled like this." Bing Yuan, who had always been silent, finally spoke. "That's right! Regarding Huangfu Yizhen as the prestigious order, the veteran Youli, with Cao Pushang and Wang Pushang as the deputy, it is to grasp the real power, even if it is a fight, it is two-to-one, and it is determined not to lose." Zheng Xuan smiled slightly.

"Zhongshu Ling gave Jia Wenhe, the left servant is Zhu Gongwei, and the right servant is Zhao Qi. This is also a perfect match. Jia Wen and his wisdom are unparalleled, but they are indifferent and have nothing to do with themselves. Yes. He made the Zhongshu Order, which happened to be in charge of decision-making with the Zhongshu Ministry. Decisions were made on major issues, and big ideas were decided. His own staff would take care of it. Wang Han is a talented and capable minister. , Just by looking at the things he did on the post of servants, and those who wiped his butt, I know that this is what the big Sima would like to reward him."

"The servant at the door gave Yan Zhong, the servant at the left gave Ma Rixi, and the servant at the right gave Chen Ji and Chen Yuanfang. This is also a perfect match. The chief ministers of Da Sima are Jia Wenhe and Yan Bingzhou, Jia Wenhe After doing the book order, Yan Bingzhou was the servant of the sect. Naturally, it was the meaning of the question. Uncle Ma Weng has always been strong, but he does not recognize people. He is the servant of the sect Zuo, and what Da Sima takes is his acknowledgment. Don’t recognize people! Looking back on Chen Yuanfang, he’s sixty out of six this year, and his energy is already much less than before. He is the right servant of the sect, who happens to be in charge of big things, so he doesn’t bother to bother. Besides, this is also a big Sima right. Yingchuan Chen Family’s mediocre reward."

"In addition, the eldest son Lu An, who is in the same school as the master of Ping Zhang, the prime minister team is really a perfect match!" Hearing this, Bing Yuan couldn't help but raise the wine cup in his hand. "Mr. Kang Cheng, I and Genma will live for the great Sima! To Mr. Kang Cheng! You are a new official book!" "Yes! The prime minister team is a perfect match, a perfect match, fully considering the needs of various forces in the imperial court. , The hills are balanced to the maximum. Even the six books are flourishing!" Bing Yuan held up the wine cup.

"For the great Sima Shou!" Zheng Xuan also raised his drink and drank it in one go. "Let’s talk about the six sangshus again. Actually, the old man’s shoushu shoushu was for the "Nine Grade Officials Law". The people who do things have their own people. The old man is only responsible for clay sculpture and wood carving. To be honest, the old man still likes this official position very much. It would be great to just take the money and not do the work!"

"It is a matter of course that the Hubu Shangshu gave Xun You, his original position was the Shaofu, and Wang Wei and Zhao Qi were collectively known as the three major financial management ministers. The Ritual Shangshu gave Cai Yong and Cai Boxie, this is also a perfect match. Since the time when Bingzhou was beaten, Cai Boxie has been the master of the Confucian scholars. As for Hou Cheng’s military book and Lu Mo’s engineering book, it goes without saying that they are all in the title."

Speaking of this, Zheng Xuan's face showed a hint of surprise. "It's just Dong Zhao Dong Gongren's Shangshu of the Criminal Department, which is somewhat puzzling." Hearing this, Bing Yuan suddenly interjected, and he said slowly. "Actually, there is nothing puzzling, Dong Gongren and Zhong Yuanchang, but both Da Sima had a meal, so I kept it in my heart, so Qingyun went straight up."

"Oh!" Zheng Xuan and Guan Ning suddenly realized. Since Da Sima Jane is in his heart, there is nothing to be surprised.

"It's not just Dong Gongren, but Zhong Yuanchang has now released the lieutenant of Si Li, and has joined with Si Li Du Cheng Lian. In addition, You Zhou Mu is Fu Xie, You Zhou Du Du Wei Yue, both are elderly people. Jizhou animal husbandry grazing Jushou Jugongyou is a little unexpected. It is said that it was the eldest son Lu An who visited the door before and after, and then he was invited out. Jizhou Muweixuweierlang is also an old man under the command of Dasima.

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