New Story of Lv Bu

: : Recalling the past in the Deyang Palace

In the first year of the Han Jian'an, on the 8th day of April, at the beginning of the Chen Dynasty, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang City, Nangong, and Deyang Hall.

The civil and military officials wore brand-new robes and entered the Deyang Hall with full of joy and vigor, and took their seats according to the shift. This time, the changes and restructuring were quite touching, and it gave people a sense of earth-shaking. Compared with the past, the robes of the civil and military officials are significantly different, they are much more beautiful, and they also appear more majestic and majestic. Looking from a distance, it looks like a splendid morning glow, quite a big country.

After the reform and restructuring, officials usually wear round-neck gowns, usually made of linen with dark patterns. The collar, sleeves, and placket are edged, and a horizontal line is added to the hem of the shirt near the knee, so it is also called "Lush shirt." This horizontal line on the "sweatshirt" was suggested by the booklet Jia Xu to show that he did not forget the ancestral system of the upper and lower garments. The civilian robes are embroidered with birds, which are quite elegant, and the military officer’s robes are embroidered with beasts, showing courage and courage. These birds and beasts are all embroidered according to their respective grades, and they are lifelike.

The rank of an official can be seen through the color, belt and accessories of the official uniform. The easiest way to observe is to look at the supplementary uniform.

The patchwork is an outer coat that is added to the python robe, and the center is embroidered with a square pattern in the shape of birds and animals with gold thread. Civil officials are in the shape of birds: first-class cranes; second-class golden pheasant; third-class peacock; fourth-class snow goose; fifth-class white pheasant; sixth-class heron; seventh-class piscine; eight-class quail; The pattern of the military officer's replenishment suit is animal-like; first-class unicorn; second-class lion; third-class leopard; fourth-class tiger; fifth-class bear; sixth-class and seventh-class tiger; eight-class rhino; and nine-class hippocampus. Newcomers in the officialdom can see their grades through supplementary service.

As for the color of officials, the regulations are as follows: civilian officials under the first grade, and bring handkerchiefs, counting bags, knives, and grindstones. The military attache would also listen to those who wish to wear handkerchiefs and bag counting. Civil and military officers above the third grade wear purple, gold and jade belt. The fourth-grade clothing is deep scarlet, with a golden belt. Fifth-grade clothing light red, gold belt. The sixth-grade clothing is dark green, and the seventh-grade clothing is light green with silver belt. The eighth-grade clothing is deep green, and the ninth-grade clothing is shallow green with a stone belt. The color of a woman following her husband. Still in other colors, decorated with copper and iron. "Among the purple robes, there is another difference. The distinction between first-class, second-class, and third-class members depends on the tonic.

Regarding the patterns of ordinary clothes, the rules are as follows: "Xufu falcons with seicho, geese-shaped ribbons, and peacock robe coats for the third rank and above. The fourth and fifth ranks, the Xufudihuang cross-branched damask. For the regular officials below the sixth rank, Xufu is a small group. In addition to this color, there should be strange and exotic gowns, etc., and should be forbidden. In short, the colors from high to low are: purple-scarlet- Green-green. And the belt ornaments from high to low are: jade-gold-silver-鍮 stone. In this way, the grade can be distinguished.

As for yellow, in the past, yellow can be used up and down. Too often Ma Rixi thinks that red and yellow are similar to the color of the sun, and the sun is a symbol of the emperor's position, "the sky has no two days, and the country has no two kings." (Ochre Yellow) Except for the emperor, subjects are not allowed to use it arbitrarily.

In addition to color, replenishment, and belts, there is also a system, that is, suits with fish. Fish refers to the fish (turtle) bag at the waist. In the edict to change the system, it was said: "From then on (the first year of Jian'an), the blessed purple was rewarded with a fish bag, which is called Zhangfu." The purpose of carrying fish with you is to use one. It serves as the proof that the king should see, and the second is to show respect and dignity and strictness inside and outside.

The fish symbol is engraved with the name and is divided into two plates, one at the court and the other with its own. If there is any promotion, it shall be evidenced by the conformity of the fish. The fish symbol is also a voucher to enter and leave the palace. Gold-decorated fish bags are used for those wearing purple clothes at rank 3 or above, and silver fish bags are used for those wearing scarlet clothes at rank 5 or higher. At the same time, the leather belt on the waist of the official does not need to be hooked, but is fastened with a buckle plate. The belt is equipped with a belt, which is a square patch, and the texture of the patch varies according to the rank of the official. According to the order of jade-gold-silver-stone.

The robes and clothes of the officials of this dynasty can be roughly divided into three categories. Whenever there are sacrifices or major political activities, they must be dressed in court clothes (also called gowns). On general occasions, they wear public uniforms (also known as Congshengfu), and usually wear regular uniforms (also known as Yanfu) when they live.

The styles include crotch gown, crotch, half-arm, **** coat, wide mouth pants and so on. Crotch gowns are straight, left and right slit-style long gowns, also known as four-fold shirts, which can be matched with the headband, leather belts, and long boots, and become the main clothing styles for officials at all levels under the new official system.

The new official clothes are formed by improving on the basis of deep clothes. Add welts to the collar, cuffs, and hem. The front and back of the clothes are cut directly. The lower edge of the front and back is connected by a whole piece of cloth to form a horizontal line. The waist is tightly tied with a leather belt, and the sleeves are straight. There are two types of sleeves and wide sleeves. The narrow and straight sleeves are called undershirts. "The sleeves are straight and shaped like a groove." This style is convenient for movement. The wide-sleeved and large-sleeved styles can express chic and luxurious demeanor. They are called round-necked shirts and gowns, which can be worn from the emperor to the servants. The matching style of clothing with moat head, round neck, leather belt, and long boots has a great advantage, that is, it is much easier to behave and move.

The civil and military ministers sitting in the Deyang Hall have purple robes of Grade 3 or higher, gold and jade belts, and thirteen louches (the belts that hang on the belts and are used for decoration). The fourth-pin robe is deep red, and the golden belt is eleven. The five-pin robe is light red, and the golden belt is ten lousy. The six-pin robe is dark green with a silver belt and a nine-legged band. The seven-pin robe is light green with a silver belt and a nine-legged band. The eight-stage robe is deep blue, the nine-stage robe is light blue, and the yu stone has eight lumps. The clothes of foreign officials and ordinary people are variegated, with seven copper and iron belts. Looking around, the eyes are full of colors, clouds steaming and Xia Wei, a luxurious color.

Look at the crown on the head again, because it is a major occasion, everyone is dressed in court clothes, with crowns on their heads. The first grade official uniform is Gongmian. The mian has nine charms, Tsing Yi clothes, embroidered with nine chapters, gold and jade decorated with sword and dart head. The second-grade official uniform is Si Mian. Mian has eight charms. Tsing Yi's clothes are embroidered with seven chapters and silver swords. The third grade official uniform is the velvet mian. The crown has seven charms, the clothes are embroidered with five chapters, and the gold is decorated with swords. The fourth grade official uniform is the yumian. The crown has six charms, the clothes are embroidered with three chapters, and they are decorated with gold swords. The fifth grade official uniform is Xuanmian. There are five charms in the mian, and the clothes of Tsing Yi. From the sixth to the ninth grade, with the Juebian on his head. If it is in ordinary times, the civil officials wear the crown clothes, the nine-rank and above wear Jinxian officials, the kings and above wear the three-beam crown, and the Yushitai officials wear the crown. The military attache wears a Bian suit, and Dai Wu Bian. Hairpins for civilian officials, but not for military officials.

If they are wearing ordinary clothes, the officials will wear a scorpion on their heads. The moat is also called the fold-up scarf. The feet stretched out to the left and right, which is called "Zhantou", which is worn by civil officials; the two feet are crossed behind the head, and it is called "Jiaotou", which is worn by military officers.

Not long after the hundreds of civil and military officials took their seats, the servant Yushi in the palace yelled: "The empress dowager, the emperor, the King Wen, and the Emperor Zhaoyi are here! The courtesy of the hundreds of officials is like etiquette!" The servant Yushi in the palace is still the dark voice of the cloud covering the moon. The big man roared, shaking the mountain immediately. Hundred officials held the fluorene board one after another, and slowly lowered their heads. I could only hear the ring Pei Dingdong, surrounded by a group of female officials, court ladies, and golden armor warriors, the empress dowager Tang Ji slowly appeared. Behind her is Liu E, the new maid, who holds the young emperor in his arms. After that, there were Wen Wang Lu Bu and Zhao Yijun Yan Yan. The title of Emperor Zhaoyi was obtained three days ago, and his title is similar to that of the county king.

"The officials and others see the queen mother! See the emperor! See King Wen and Lord Zhaoyi!" Seeing Tang Ji and others approaching, the civil and military officials immediately leaned over and bowed. "After the ceremony, the hundred officials are flat! Take a seat!" The voice of the attendant in the hall sounded again, with a deep and broad voice. "Play music! Play "The Song of Great Wind" and "The Song of Jiao Si" to show that forgetting the battle is in danger and to comfort the great Han ancestors and ancestors!"

The lyrics of "The Great Wind Song" consisted of only three sentences: "The wind is rising, the clouds are flying, the Wiga and the sea are returning to their hometown, and the warriors are guarding everywhere!" It was done when the emperor Liu Bang of the dynasty returned to his hometown and drank with the elders in the country. This song is full of Chu style, impassioned, and it makes people cry when they hear it. According to "Historical Records. "The Book of the Emperor Gaozu") records: Gao Di once taught 120 children in Peizhong to sing and built the accompaniment himself. After singing, "The great ancestor danced and sorrowed generously. Weeping for a few lines..."

The nineteen songs of "Jiao Sao Song" were made by the famous music master Li Yannian at the time of Emperor Wu, and used for royal sacrificial music and dance. Among them, "Yellow Hu", "Longtou", "Exiting the Pass", "Entering the Pass" and other songs are particularly beautiful. Now that the Yuefu musicians play one by one, the ministers of civil and military affairs can't help but admire it. Some veterans who had been on the battlefield were so immersive, tears filled their eyes.

In the sound of the sound, the maids shuttled like weaving, bringing up the wine and delicacies for the first time. Suddenly, in the huge Deyang store, the aroma of food slowly spread. Amidst the sound of music, a group of graceful dancers whirled and danced, their skirts fluttering, silky smooth. Rows of sturdy golden-clad warriors performed "The Great Sima Breaking Music" amidst roaring roars.

"Madam, I think back then, regardless of the opposition of your father-in-law, you resolutely married me. At that time, I made an oath that you must enjoy the wealth of the world. At this moment, I wonder if Madam was satisfied?" Lu Bu He raised the wine cup in his hand with both hands, and greeted Yan Yan with a smile on his face. "At this moment, the concubines are very satisfied. I just don't know, more than ten years later, when the world is unified, Haiyan Heqing, and when the world is peaceful, what will this Deyang Palace look like?" Yan Yan smiled and raised her hands. Started the wine cup.

"Drinking!" Yan Yan said softly, smiling at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. "Drinking!" Lu Bu's face suddenly blushed. At this moment, he remembered the bitter days he experienced with Yan Yan when he was young and frivolous. It is Yanshan flying snow as big as seats. Horse galloping on a snowy night, chasing the willful ocean of Xianbei people? Or is it the wandering wreckage of the Jinzun Meijiu dou thousand, and the trilogy shouting the mighty Han army? Or is Hong Xiutian Tian Xiang reading a book at night, and at midnight, the chattering laughter and humming between him and Yan Yan?

Nowadays, the past can be vividly remembered, or unbearable to look back, all going forward! I hope to wake up tomorrow morning, the sky is still so clear!

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