New Story of Lv Bu

: : A big conspiracy

Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Han Dynasty, was the world's most powerful city. As early as when the first emperor was in power, its permanent population reached a million. In Luoyang City, the dance halls, pubs and restaurants, and even the prostitutes, prostitutes, singing and dancing places, market halls, and gathering places of all kinds of goods are all beautiful, exquisite and luxurious. At the same time, the atmospheric wind of the dynasty gathers the things of the world and raises the people of the world. Over time, Luoyang City has become a prosperous firework place that everyone in the world yearns for. Then there was the sigh of "Luoyang's prosperity is the best in the world".

The Zhengdan of the first year of Jian'an has just passed. Although the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month has not yet arrived, the festive atmosphere in the streets and alleys of Luoyang City is already very strong. The crackling firecrackers sounded for the first time, and the children ran happily with their pockets full of snacks for the occasion. The adults were busy welcoming and sending them, saying blessings over and over again, with smiles all over their faces.

Today is the fifth day of the first lunar month. This day is commonly known as "Po Wuer". In the hearts of the people of this dynasty, this day means that everything at home is almost busy, the ancestors have also sacrificed, the gods have also been treated very well, the incense that should be given is all on, it should be knocked. The head is knocked out, the big guy should take a walk on the street. For this reason, there are so many people on the street.

In the crowded crowd, a middle-aged Taoist dressed man led a horse and entered the city from the Yongmen Gate in the west of Luoyang City. This person was over forty and under fifty, with three strands of long beard, and a Taoist man on his head, which was crossed by a dark iron hairpin. His skin is dark, his temples and hair are already pale, and he carries a sword on his back. At first glance, he is a Taoist priest.

"Daoist! Your horse is good, it should be a modified Wuhuan horse. If you go outside the borders under the jurisdiction of the court, you must be careful! The husband is innocent and guilty of his crimes." The Alchemist's poor appearance, the guard at the gate just checked his "biography", asked a few routinely, and waved his hand to let him go. Before leaving, he kindly exhorted him. "Junhou has good eyesight! This is a gift from the guard when passing by Yumen Pass!" Taoist Youfang arched his hand and entered the city.

After entering the city, he walked eastward along the wide avenue. The streets are full of people coming and going, most of them are families of young and old, helping the old and young to go to the gold market. Jinshi is the largest market in Luoyang City. According to the Yan family's old store and tradition, there will be big sales promotion these days, and the ordinary people just come to buy some cloth and sundry goods. The Taoist Yufang led the horse, followed the flow of people, walked east for a while, then turned north and entered the gold market. In the gold market, there were more and more people, and he was almost too crowded.

Finally, a three-bay shop appeared in front of him, with three large characters written on the plaque: Huang Runzhai. Shuzhong is known for its brocade weaving cloth. Shu brocade is the best in the world. It is said that the cloth woven in Shuzhong can be worn by people all over the world. Among the Shu cloths, the most valuable is the "Yellow Run" cloth, which is woven from fine jalapeno fibers, light, soft and dense, just like "a spider makes silk, and no wind is visible."

It is also called "cloth in a tube" because it can be rolled into a bamboo tube. This kind of cloth is expensive, people say "the tube is yellow and run, and one end (six zhang) counts gold". According to the records of "Huayang Kingdom", Huang Run from Ba County is a tribute, and Jiangyuan County, Shu County, "Anhan Shangxia, Zhuyi produces good hemp, yellow run fine cloth, and Qiang Tongsheng." This shop is named after Huang Run. It must be an old store operating Huang Runbu.

"Old guest, come here! Please inside!" The reception staff at the door are all clever people who are observant and listen to all directions. When you look at the way the Taoist priest is, you know that it is an old guest. Hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his head, and he took the horse reins in the hands of Taoist Youfang. "Add more beans and mix with ten raw eggs!" Taoist Youfang commanded as he strode forward.

Entering the front hall, an elegant middle-aged man in his forties is explaining something to a few people who look like noble ladies. "Yizhou people are good at weaving cloth, and the people of the time made fuss and said:'Ernai people made wonderful brocades in vain, 紌縼紅绁, continued to join Luzhong, published articles and brilliance, and passed on endless generations.' 紌,縼,縼,縼,繁灁, Are all the names of Shu brocade. Yu, cyan, Lu, black, and cyan color are outside, Lu and black are in the center, and they are combined together. According to "Xijing Miscellaneous", Emperor Cheng once ordered Yizhou officials to leave tax losses for three years. Weaving a'seven percent brocade tent, decorated with Shen perfume' for the palace, is enough to see its luxury??????" Seeing the Taoist Youfang coming in, his eyes shrank a little.

The Taoist You Fang swept his eyes towards him, ignored him, and went back to himself for his own sake. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? After passing through the courtyard, into the second courtyard, a fourteen or five-year-old boy saw him at a glance. "Qu Shuai, are you here? Please come with me!" When the voice fell, he dropped the broomstick in his hand and ran ahead. It is extremely happy to see that.

One after another, the two came to the third courtyard, and they picked up the curtain and entered the east wing. "Qushuai, you can rest here for a while. I cut to get hot water, so you can wash up. Today, there are too many old customers, and the master will not be able to make it in less than half an hour. "The little boy walked away. After a while, he struggled to bring in two large buckets of hot water, and then went out and brought a large wooden bucket over. "Qushuai, please take a bath." The boy adjusted the bath water, closed the door and walked back.

"Let's go." Taoist You Fang quickly undressed, took a deep breath, stepped into the big wooden barrel, this wash was half an hour. When he washed away all the dirt, re-grated his hair, inserted the iron hairpin, and put on a soft and warm cotton coat, he suddenly felt much lighter. At this moment, the child opened the door and came in, carrying a food container in his hand.

"Qu Shuai actually washed it? I'm going to ask the master to come over." He opened the food box, put a few small dishes and a jar of spirits on the table, picked up the bucket and kettle, and went out. After a while, the door curtain was lifted, and the elegant middle-aged man entered the door. "Farewell Qu Shuai!" The elegant middle-aged man bowed his right fist to his chest and knelt down on one knee. He respectfully bowed.

"Get up quickly! Where did Shushuai Boqu go?" Taoist You Fang gave him a false help with his right hand, and asked in a deep voice. "Send to Wang Qushuai, Bo Qushuai went south to Jingzhou to inspect missionary affairs. I left a year ago and will not be able to return until more than a month later. The mission of the southerner is not going well." The elegant middle-aged man responded quickly. "Well?????? Since he is not here, I have to leave this to you." Taoist You Fang groaned for a long time before he took measures. It turned out that he was the current Huangjinqu commander Wang Xian.

"I just came back from Kunlun Mountain, and spent several months with the old man of the leader. This time I went down to do a earth-shattering event???" Wang Xian said slowly. "You sit down and we eat and talk. Since you are the big disciple of the Boqushuai, if you hand it over to you, the leader and the old man can trust him. Come here!" After speaking, he leaned over, in Ruya The middle-aged man said a few words softly in his ear. "Hey! That's it! This is really a big deal!"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the elegant middle-aged man immediately flashed red. He quickly patted his chest and lowered his voice and said, "Since the leader, the old man, and the commanders can trust me, even if I go up to the sword mountain and down the sea of ​​fire, my brows will not frown! What do I need to do, you old man Please tell me!" "This matter has to be so, so, and so," Wang Xian whispered.

"Understand! I remember it all in my heart." The elegant middle-aged man nodded repeatedly. "Let me just say, why does Bo Qushuai always let me accompany her every time she comes. It turns out that the relationship has long been linked?????? The leader of his old man is a magical calculation! But then again, With the master’s magic and realm of his old man, wouldn’t it be enough to assassinate him? Why bother?"

"Oh!" Wang Xian made a groan first, and then said slowly. "I also asked the leader for your words. His old man explained it this way:'Since ancient times, people who have been established on Jindan Avenue, even if they are less than half a god, cannot directly disrupt the world. Great Virtue. It was because the teacher could not bear the suffering of millions of cultists and made his move to disrupt the general situation of the world, that was why he suffered a backlash. Besides, even if I acted personally, there are still Zuo Ci, Yu Ji and others in the world. Slaughter my Yellow Turban church members.' The leader also said that although he can't directly shoot, he can still play some sideballs. Do you understand now?"

"Understood! I really understand everything now!" The elegant middle-aged man nodded quickly. "However, even if she can bring things into the Prince Wen's Mansion, she is so guarded that she absolutely can't do it." Upon hearing this, Wang Xian raised his eyes and looked at the elegant middle-aged man's face. After looking at it, he said, "It's okay, I have someone else to think of a solution."

After speaking, he carefully took out a slap-sized brocade box from his arms, and when he pressed the news, the brocade box popped open, and a small glass bottle appeared in front of the two of them. "You just have to take a look at the empty space and give this to her, and you don't care about the rest. Remember! Your mouth must be strict. Once you have a problem, the leader of the old man will say it, and he will do it himself. Destroy your nine races!" At this point, two cold lights appeared in Wang Xian's eyes. "That is! That is!" The elegant middle-aged man responded repeatedly.

The elegant middle-aged man couldn't help but shrank his neck. He always felt cold from the back of his neck. It turned out that the leader's eyes were watching him. "The business is over, you are good to do it. I will stay here for half a month. First, I will check the educational affairs and guide the martial arts of the elites in teaching. Secondly, there is another important thing to do. Come on. , We drink!"

Wang Xian slowly raised the wine cup in his hand. "Congratulations to the leader!" "Congratulations to the leader!" The elegant middle-aged man also raised his wine cup.

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