New Story of Lv Bu

: : The plan of Luoyang wine shop

In the recent period, Wang Ling, the former Minister of State Chang Shan and the current Minister of Capital Water, felt very upset. Why? He was a magnificent new patriarch of the Wang family in Taiyuan, but Wang Wen was demoted to the Superintendent of Capital, who was in charge of boat and water transport affairs! That's not the case, all water monitors are all water monitors, after all, it is a third-grade yamen. However, it turned out to be just a minor envoy. At the fourth rank, Wang Ling carefully cocked his finger and counted. Compared with Chang Shan Guoxiang, it turned out to be only a level! However, Chang Shan Guoxiang was a local official, and he responded with all his wishes. There is little water and the wind and rain all day long. He is just a hard-working and laborious hydraulic worker. Can you say it can be compared?

This is how people are, the more you can't think about it, the more you get into the horns. In angrily, Wang Ling took a light car to Jian Cong, found a small wine shop, asked for a private restaurant alone, and drank boring wine. He drank a bit of Zhao Jiu from a cup after another, while thinking about his heart secretly. Nowadays, the head of the Taiyuan Wang family is only a small official of the fourth grade, while Wang Han of the side branch has become a second-grade Shangshuyou servant, and is already the deputy prime minister. Also, Wang Jin, who is also an offshoot, is now also a Dali Temple Qing of the third grade.

Wang Ling's temperament was inherently a bit unruly, coupled with the family background and the status of the eldest grandson of the prince of Taiyuan, in the eyes of others, a bit arrogant. He, who has always been well-dressed and lofty, was suddenly hit by such a heavy blow, and he couldn't help feeling a little at a loss. Didn’t it mean that he did not go to the court and proposed to appoint Da Sima as King Wen? Are you Lu Fengxian and Yan Yan so embarrassing? Don’t forget that when you Lu Fengxian first served as the provincial governor, who was the first to stand up and speak out for you? Isn't it my Taiyuan Wang Family? Without my Taiyuan Wang Family, you, Lu Fengxian, are nothing more than a military commander. Now that the wings are stiff, do you use the Wang Family to make a raft?

At this moment, Wang Ling's thinking seemed to be trapped in a strange circle. Now he is full of thoughts about how Lu Bu and his wife are sorry to the Taiyuan Wang Family. They have never thought that the world has changed over time, and their status and weight have long changed. In the past, the old people in Paoze were talked about by the big men casually, and the ordinary people just listened to them casually. They are not true, and they are not counted. If the ordinary people take it seriously, that would be weird. Moreover, the problem lies with Wang Ling, who has little to do with Lu Bu and Yan Yan. Everyone gives gifts to the boss. If you don't, you will naturally stand out from the crowd.

When he was sorrowful, Wang Ling couldn't help but feel a little drunk after drinking a few glasses of sullen wine. He drunk his eyes and scanned the surroundings dimly, and there was no one other than his own apprentice, child servant, and maid. So, he suddenly drew the sword from his waist, set a fire to the sky, and staggered to dance. At first it was a bit rusty, but after a while, he became very skilled.

Wang Lingwu could not help but sing loudly. "Zou Yan is in the Swallow Prison, and Li Si complained about arresting Qin Jie. Shouldn't the gray hair become silky, the yellow sand should be as dark as paint???" The song reached here, he suddenly felt the block in his chest, instantly Most of it disappeared. When he was about to continue to make the song, he heard a long laugh: "At this moment, Patriarch Wang is still so elegant, come to sing the song "Sorrowful Yellow Dog"?" Upon hearing this, Wang Ling was immediately scared. After getting an exciting spirit, he woke up more than half of the time.

This "sorrowful yellow dog" is an allusion. It is said that Li Si, the prime minister of Qin, was framed by Zhao Gao and beheaded in Xianyang. When he was tortured, he said to his son: "My desire and Ruofu lead the yellow dog to go to Cai Dongmen and cunning. Rabbit, how can you get it!" Then the father and son cried, and the Yi tribe. Also known as "Sorrowful East Gate", "Sorrowful Yellow Dog", "Sorrowful Yellow Dog". "Sorrowful yellow dog" means the sadness of rabbits and foxes, and the meaning of birds hiding in their bows.

At this moment, Wang Ling, the new Patriarch of the Wang family of Taiyuan, sang a song "Sorrowful Yellow Dog" in the wine shop in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, to express his dissatisfaction and resentment to the Luoyang court and Wen Wang Lu Bu. If shadow and Siwencao's spies were to find out, it wouldn't be fatal. But the wealth and glory of his Wang Ling's life, I am afraid it will be blown away by the rain and the wind will turn into spring mud.

As soon as someone saw Xingzang, Wang Ling's eyes immediately radiated two cold rays, and he stared at the people nearby. I saw that this person was over forty and under fifty, with three strands of long beard, and a Taoist man on his head, held by a dark iron hairpin. He had dark skin, pale temples and hair, and he carried a sword on his back. At first glance, he was a Taoist priest.

"Boy Wang Ling. I dare to ask why I came here? If you don't say it clearly, I won't blame Wang Ling for being rude!" Wang Ling held a sword with his right hand, his left leg was slightly bent, and his toes touched the ground and opened the door. Shier looked at each other with piercing eyes. At the same time, the entourages on his left and right all clamored and showed their weapons, and they surrounded them, waiting for Wang Ling's order to start fighting. "Wang Shijun does not come here unharmed? Isn't it laughable for someone who is an old friend, and the old friend came to visit, and so aggressively?

The Taoist priest slowly stretched out his left hand and quickly wiped his face, his face immediately became another person. "Oh! It turned out to be you! In the past few years, I thought you would have died in the chaos army. I haven't seen you for many years, so don't be unharmed?" Upon seeing the appearance of the Taoist priest, Wang Ling immediately inserted his sword into the sheath. . He gently waved his hand to repel left and right. "Regroup the cups and plates, and I will talk to my deceased."

Seeing it from left to right, it turned out that it was the deceased of the Patriarch, immediately put away his weapons, and retreated like water. In an instant, the cups and plates were reorganized and the feast was reopened. After the two talked about the wine and talked about them, they then turned to the topic. "The last time I saw each other was already a few years ago. The time I attempted a coup d’état and was banned by my old Patriarch, Brother Wang disappeared. A few years later, I had just taken over as Patriarch. Brother Wang appeared. This time, do I still want me to initiate a coup and fail?" Wang Ling put down his drink and raised his chopsticks, the chopsticks rained down, and he ate the tender venison above the case.

"No! No!" Wang Xian shook his head like a rattle. "At this moment, if the Patriarch wants to initiate a coup, I am afraid that he will not be able to support it for three days. In my opinion, I still have to settle down, hold my breath, cultivate oneself, and wait for the future." "Oh? I don't want Brother Wang to be so clean. The royal family of Taiyuan today is no longer the half-dynasty of the past! I can't make waves anymore!"

Wang Ling put down his chopsticks and looked at Wang Xian with a smile. Everyone is a thousand-year old fox, so don't go in circles with me. Sure enough, Wang Xian changed the subject. "Patriarch, this is some information obtained by our eyeliner, you might as well take a look first." After speaking, he took out a few pieces of paper from his arms and handed it over. Wang Lingman took it carelessly, and after looking at the ten lines, his face immediately swelled to the color of pig liver, and his breathing became hurried. "Unreasonable! It is indeed Yan Yan's ghost! I am so angry!"

Wang Ling slammed the case table hard with a fist, causing the Die Zhan'er to make a chaotic sound. "The words of Patriarch Wang are really on the point! According to the view of the old master, Lu Bu is more than courageous but lacks resourcefulness. His wife Yan Yan just made up for his shortcomings. Zhao Yi To Lu Bu, Jun Yanyan is not only a wife, but also a military teacher, comrade-in-arms, and ally."

Having said this, Wang Xian clearly paused. He raised his eyes and gave Wang Ling a deep look. "Wang Patriarch, if one day Yan Yan dies of illness, what will Lu Fengxian look like?" "Lu Fengxian will definitely be furious, followed by heartbreak, and even ignore political affairs?????? ??????" Wang Ling had realized something, he asked hesitantly. "Exactly! Patriarch Wang is really incomparable, and he knows it at a glance. This matter is already indispensable." Wang Xian smiled.

"Hey!???" Wang Ling opened his mouth wide in astonishment. For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Did he immediately order to capture Wang Xian, the commander of Huangjinqu Qu, and hand it over to Wang Wen to show his loyalty? Or is it better to do more than to do less, pretending to be deaf, watching from the sidelines, waiting for things to happen, and then cleaning up the mess?

Wang Xian is an old fox for many years. How can he not know that Wang Ling is fighting between heaven and man in his heart at this moment? He smiled slightly: "Actually, Patriarch Wang doesn't have to be so surprised. You can stop shouting, tie me up in public, and hand me over to Shadow and Cao Siwen to be severely tortured. In this way, Patriarch Wang and King Wen and King Zhao Yi The couple have settled their suspicions. A second-level deputy prime minister is appropriate."

To be honest, it's not that Wang Ling hasn't moved his mind, but he can't do that, and he doesn't dare to do that. Once Wang Xian is handed over, the dog-skinned things he had previously conspired with Wang Xian to do will come to light in the world. Not only him, but the entire Taiyuan Wang family will become targets of public criticism. After thinking about it, the only way out in front of him was to pretend to be deaf.

"Why did Qu Shuai say this? In your eyes, I, Wang Ling, is such an unbearable person? I'm an ungrateful villain?" Wang Ling said bluntly. At the same time, he sighed in his heart. Ugh! What a misfortune is a hatred of the ages! If I knew this, why bother? In fact, there is another way, and that is to kill Wang Xian on the spot to kill the people, but he didn't dare to try.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, Patriarch Wang is still a great hero who is righteous to the sky! Great hero! I really admire Wang Xian!" Wang Xian smiled and stretched out his thumb. "Don’t tell the truth about Patriarch Wang, I came here this time because I have a big deal to talk to Patriarch Wang. Do you want to talk about it?????? ?????" Wang Xian said in a low voice.

At this moment, the sun outside the window was suddenly blocked by thick clouds, and the sky, which had been shining brightly, suddenly dimmed.

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