New Story of Lv Bu

: : Bian let the generosity go to death

"Lord, this letter was written by Bian Rang himself, and it is all secrets of our army. Bian Rang asked his fellow villagers to send him to Luoyang City in person. With my great reward, the messenger finally came to surrender!" Xiahou Dun said with a smile on his face. "That so, so and so! Come here, and tell the truth about the treason deeds of that partner!" "No!" A tall and thin man with a big smile flashed out.

Cao Cao's face was frosty, he snatched the letter and read it in a glance. After a while, he was angry again! However, after all, he is one of the few heroes in the world. Although the evidence before him is solid, he still suppressed his anger. He slowly raised his eyes and asked in a deep voice. "Who are you? What does it have to do with Bian Rang? How did you get this handwritten letter from him? To be honest! If there is a trace of inaccuracy, I, Cao Cao, will definitely make you die!" His tone was cold and harsh.

"Enjoy Master Zhou Mu! The villain's surname is Zhang, and he is a fellow of Bian Rang. He has always been on good terms with him." Upon hearing this, the thin and tall man immediately shivered and tried his best to hold back the trembling, trying to be as calm as possible. Narrated. "In the past few months, Bian Rang has always been uneasy and wandering around the room. The villain once asked him why he was like this. He replied:'The mansion will be overwhelmed, and we must choose a good place for himself and his people.' Yesterday, he will be young. The man called, gave this letter to the villain, and asked the villain to go to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and hand it over to the old store of the Zhongyan family in the golden city." "Oh! How do you connect it?" Cao Cao's eyes stared. , Radiating two fierce lights.

The tall and thin man shuddered in fright. He thought about it for a moment, and then replied: "The joint code is:'I come from Changyi, I want to make a gold bracelet, full of real gold, nine hundred twenty-nine and nine cents.' I replied:'The guest officer, only eight two and eight cents.' I replied again:'Are there seven cents and eight twenty-nine cents?' The answer:'Yes, but the guest officer must wait for three days.' Above, Just let him tell the villain himself."

Cao Cao nodded, and then slightly asked Bian Rang about communicating with Luoyang. The thin and tall man thought and said, although he didn't say it in detail, but after thinking about it carefully, he was pretty good. "Okay, I know everything about this. Go down and get the reward." Cao Cao waved his hand to let the thin and tall one go down, and then he slowly turned his face. "Yuan Rang, Yu Yiyun He?" "The evidence is conclusive. According to the Han law, Bian Rang committed the crime of treason and became the tribe of the barbarians! It just happened to use the thunderbolt method to frighten those aristocratic families!" Xiahou Dun replied loudly.

"I am so angry! Xiahou Dun, immediately kill the tribe of the side!" Cao Cao shouted loudly with the loud noise of the tea cup falling to the ground.

Outside the prefecture, hundreds of Confucian scholars and scholars were raising their arms and making speeches impassioned. "Cao Mengde was so violent that Yanzhou was dilapidated, with ten rooms and nine empty rooms! Our petition requires Cao Mengde to revise his essays, rectify internal affairs, and return Yanzhou to peace!" "Yanzhou is Yanzhou of Yanzhou, not his Cao Mengde! He did not agree to it! , Get out of Yanzhou!" "Get out!"

Recently, in order to gather the food and wages battle for attacking Xuzhou, Cao Jun scraped the land a little bit harder, which aroused the anger of the people of Yanzhou. As soon as I heard this, I was just talking about my heart, and the tens of thousands of people onlookers immediately followed and shouted. "Yanzhou is the Yanzhou of Yanzhou people, not his Cao Mengde! He didn't agree, so he got out of Yanzhou!" The sound of the roof tiles was spectacular.

Just as the Confucian scholars were talking about it, they could only hear the sound of people shouting, and the dust rose from the northeast, and a sturdy army rushed in. At the same time, drums and horns rang from all directions, and there seemed to be thousands of troops rolling in. not good! Could it be that Cao Mengde's servant turned his face? Want to send troops to suppress? impossible! impossible! Offended the Yanzhou family, how could he survive alone?

The reason why the Yanzhou family dared to initiate this petition was that Cao Cao did not dare to kill the killer. The world of this dynasty has always been shared by the emperor and the noble family. Without the support of the noble family, you will be trapped in the dilemma of demanding no food, no wages, and no soldiers. Over time, the trilogy under his command will collapse, and Cao Mengde, as the lord, will also be in a different place.

Bian Rang, Zhang Miao, and Chen Gong conspired in the secret room. Although Bian Rang said that he would die for the country, but the big guys listened to it as a joke, and no one took it seriously. Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao is a genius in the world. He is well-known as a "ghost". Wang Wen is strong and strong. According to the four states, he still thinks that he has no future. What's more, Cao Cao is only half-state, and he is already poor at dusk?

"Don't panic everybody! Even if Cao Mengde had the courage of the bear heart and leopard, he wouldn't dare to do anything against the Yanzhou family! Otherwise, he would wait for the tribe to be banished!" , The headed person immediately stood on a high place, and encouraged Dao impassionedly. After repeated encouragement, hundreds of Confucian scholars and scholars settled their minds and formed a square with their bare hands and waited for the result.

At this moment, Cao Jun from all directions had already surrounded him, all holding swords, bows and arrows, staring at these hundreds of scholars fiercely. Seeing that posture, as long as Shangguan speaks, he will immediately start his hand. In the direction of the main entrance of Changyi Prefect’s Mansion, the gate flag swayed for a while, surrounded by more than a hundred guards, Xiahou Dun jumped out, behind him were more than a hundred men, women, and children who were **** like rice dumplings. "The Confucian scholars and scholars in front of the mansion have listened! Bian Rang is a spy of Lu Bujun, the evidence is solid, and the three clans are destroyed by the order of Cao Gong!"

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of swords and axe hands snapped, holding them to let more than one hundred people from the three clans continue to move forward, kicking these people to the ground with their legs bent and kicked. "It's really Bian Wenli!" "How is it possible? Bian Wenli is a famous figure in the world, how can he be a spy?" "Why is there no reason to sin?" All of a sudden, hundreds of scholars and scholars immediately The sentiment is excited. Bian Rang is a famous figure in the world, and a well-known figure in Yanzhou. His words and deeds are enough to lead the public opinion of the family. It is really strange to be accused by Cao Cao as the spy of Lu Bujun today, without any basis and without evidence!

Xiahou Dun is a military commander, he must be vigorous and resolute in his work. The lord told him to destroy and let the three clans, and he will destroy and let the three clans. Although the sentiment was enthusiastic, Xiahoudun didn't care at all. He sat down immediately, summoned people to lead him, and yelled and asked: "Bian, now the evidence for your collaborating with the enemy is conclusive, what else do you have to say? Don’t go to the Yin Cao Netherworld and bark again!"

At this time, Bian Rang had a gray-headed face, disheveled hair and disheveled clothes. From a distance, he looked like an old farmer. He was handsome and handsome in the past, and he didn't know where to go. However, Bian Rang is a stubborn person. He spit out blood foam and shouted loudly: "Why is there no reason to sin? The day I die is when the floods in Yanzhou will be high! By then, Cao Mengdefang" Know, he underestimated Yanzhou's aristocratic family!" As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his eyes laxly, and slaughtered his neck.

"Execution!" Xiahou Dun waved his hand and shouted loudly. "No!" The hundreds of axe hands on the left and right slammed their promises, and the big knives in their hands were swung out, splashed with blood, and more than a hundred great heads fell to the ground like a ripe watermelon. Suddenly, the clouds were overcast, the sun was fading, and the wind was slow, and the air around him suddenly felt cold.

"Look! The sky is angry! This is a warning from God! Bian Wenli died unjustly!" The leading scholar stretched out his hands, stretched out diagonally upwards, and prayed loudly with an inexplicable voice of grief and anger. "The towering sky, the emperor and the earth! If Bian Wenli is wronged in his death, please rain heavy rain and slash the lightning, and smash the faint Cao Cao and his army together!"

"I am waiting for this body to dedicate to God, just for the prosperity of Yanzhou's weather, and harvest every year! I am waiting for this body to dedicate and Houtu, only for the sky to send lightning floods, and smash this old world into a mess! "Along with the angry roar of the leading scholars, hundreds of Confucian scholars stretched out their hands, pointed diagonally at the sky, and prayed loudly. Around them, tens of thousands of people knelt to the ground, knocking their heads and muttering to themselves. Obviously, they were frightened by this amazing sky!

Xiahou Dun was a veteran who had lived for more than a hundred battles, but he didn't care about it at all when he saw such a vision. He is the lord’s person in life, and death is the lord’s ghost. If the lord calls him to kill, he will never go into the battle! Even if the thief had hatred in his heart, he didn't mind holding up his spear and poking the thief out of a big hole! In his life, at least more than a thousand people have been slashed. Are you afraid that it will be a bird?

"By the order of Cao: The Confucian scholars who are demonstrating and petitioning at the gate of the Taishou Mansion, give you a quarter of an hour to retreat quickly! Don’t say it is unpredictable! If you don’t retreat by that time, kill them all on the spot!" Xiahou Dunyun Full of breath, roared loudly. However, the answer to him was getting louder and louder and louder and louder in prayer. The voice became more and more urgent, higher and higher.

Finally, a quarter of an hour finally arrived, and Xiahou Dun's right hand suspended in the air suddenly waved downward. "Arrow!" Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh! A blast of arrows covering the sky came, and against the backdrop of the dark clouds rolling in the sky, it looked like a ray of lightning. None of the hundreds of Confucian scholars retreated half a step. They arm in arm, strode under their feet, and stepped forward. Their faces were full of jealousy, praying loudly in their mouths, facing the sharp arrows with their chests, until they fell down one by one.

"Don't let Cao Mengde look down upon the Yanzhou scholars!" That leader was the last to fall. Before he died, he raised his right fist and roared loudly! This scene stunned the tens of thousands of people watching by the side. They opened their eyes and looked at the killing Cao Jun with angrily faces. If the eyes could kill people, these Cao Jun would have died thousands of times.

Rumble! More than a dozen thunders rolled in, mixed with a dozen lightnings, and the pouring rain finally poured down.

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