New Story of Lv Bu

: : Zhang Miao's final decision

"Brother, what does Tao Gongzu's last sentence mean?" Mifang asked softly on the way back to Moose's house after the discussion. "Zifang, if you think about Chen Hanyu's words carefully, you will understand. Chen Hanyu, Chen Yuanlong and his son have always disapproved of Tao Gongzu's return to the court, and have repeatedly prevented them. Today Tao Gongzu expressed his heart that hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou were slaughtered by the Cao army, but it was not early. Some of the reasons for returning to the court have blocked Chen Hanyu's words back." Mizhu whispered softly.

"Hey! That's it! I understand!" Mifang finally realized. "Tao Gongzu sent Chen Yuanlong to Beijing to negotiate the return to the court. However, Chen Hanyu, Chen Yuanlong and his son were not in favor of the matter, and they were not enthusiastic about this matter. At the same time, his father and son always liked to play tricks. Yu, likes to play with others, Tao Gongzu is not at ease, but there are also miserable words. The last words of his brother finally solved the trick for him! Only then is Tao Gongzu's last words!"

"Zifang, you can understand! Alas! It is not easy for Tao Gongzu. He has been ruling Xuzhou for a few years, and he has done three things. One is to promote farming. This is probably due to Chen Yuanlong’s work. The second is the appointment of wealthy families. Our Mi family, as well as the Xiapi Chen family, and the Cao family in Yanxian all took advantage of this situation. The third is to promote Buddhism, which is handled by Ruo Rong."

"Now, Cao Cao has rallied 60,000 horses of infantry soldiers to attack Xuzhou and massacre hundreds of thousands of Xuzhou people along the way. Tao Gongzu sees it in his eyes and is anxious, but there is nothing he can do. He has learned from the pain, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. Let the land of Xuzhou return to the King of Cooling! In this way, the top will live up to the sky and the bottom will live up to the people of the Li people. His Tao family can still have the reward of being a prince, why not do it?"

"If what I expected is not bad, Tao Gongzu will immediately send a secret envoy to call my brothers back to discuss matters. Chen Hanyu, Chen Yuanlong and his son have always been scheming, and this time I entered Beijing, I still don't know what moths are going to come out. Speaking of it, I don’t know what Wang Wen’s attitude towards this matter is, and what his true intentions are. Zifang, this time I’m in Beijing, the burden on my shoulders is as heavy as Mount Tai!"

At this moment, Mizhu's eyes seemed to penetrate the sky, looking towards Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. "Brother, Tao Gongzu has made up his mind to return the land of Xuzhou to the King of Cooling. In that case, how should my moose family deal with it?" Mifang thought for a moment, then asked softly. "Zifang, this time I invite myself to Beijing, besides going on an envoy, there is another important thing! That is thinking of making a marriage with King Wen!" Mizhu turned his face and said slowly. "A marriage? The little girl is only fourteen!"

Upon hearing this, Mifang was shocked. "It's okay, I'll marry again in two years." Mizhu said softly. Mizhu and Mifang have a sister, who is just sixteen years old this year. She is born with a natural beauty, her skin is like snow, and her temperament is fierce, and she is quite heroic. "How do you convince her with that temperament?" Mifang smiled bitterly. "It's okay, according to the facts, for the benefit of the moose family, the younger sister can definitely want to open it. Besides, King Wen is also the number one hero in the world!" Mi Zhu said lightly.

At this time, the two of them had already entered the door of the Moose's house, the curtains were lifted, and that extremely excited face appeared.

"Patriarch, master light car Jiancong, visiting secretly, and now enjoying a cup of tea in a secret room." Fu Ling said in a low voice.

In the second year of the Great Han Jian'an, on the first day of May, Yanzhou, the prefectural government of Changyi in Shanyang County, in the secret room.

Chen Gong, Zhang Miao, Zhang Miao’s younger brother Zhang Chao, Zhong Lang Xu Pun, and Wang Kai sat in groups. In front of them, there was a tripod of lamb stew and a few dishes of fresh vegetables. There are a few jars of freshly brewed ale. Wang Kaizheng carefully covered the spun yarn over the mouth of the wine jar, filtering the light green froth in the wine. Five or six empty jars with simple and colorful styles are scattered around.

Wang Kai is about 30 years old, and looks a little thin, with a harmless smile on his face. Among these five people, he is the most inconspicuous, often people forget his existence. His hometown and county prestige are untestable, and his mouthful of Yanzhou dialect seems to explain some problems. As for whether he is a real Yanzhou or not, only the thief God can know.

Xu Bang is a grown-up person. He is from Xiangyang, Jingzhou, a famous scholar in the nine counties of Jingxiang, and he has the name of a national scholar. In the eyes of everyone, Xu Bang seemed to be a good gentleman, and seemed to get along well with everyone. In the eyes of Mu Liubiao in Jingzhou, he was a good man. He was regarded as a guest of honor in Mu Tao Qian of Xuzhou. Now, he came to Cao Mengde's command and became a small official who worked as a Zhonglang. However, it is strange to see Cao Mengde's attitude towards him as if he treated Guo Jia!

"Meng Zhuo, Wang Zhonglang and Xu Zhonglang are not outsiders, they are all dead brothers, I Chen Gong will not hide it today!" Chen Gong suddenly picked up a bowl of wine and drank freely with his neck up. Then, he put down the wine bowl, wiped his mouth and neck covered with wine with his big sleeves, and then said in a low voice. "Meng Zhuo, you really have to come up with a big idea!"

On the other side, Zhang Miao seemed to be drinking too much. He leaned on a pile of pillows and waved his hand vaguely. "Public? Public platform! You are right? You are right! It's the **** big idea! Three days ago, the family members of Yanzhou sent representatives to give me an ultimatum! What are you talking about? ????? Yes! It is said that Meng De broke their hearts, they will abandon the secret, abandon Meng De, and return to the King of Temperature in the land of Yanzhou. If I agree, I will be my master, if I disagree?? ????Second brother, what did they say? You have to talk to the public platform and the two middle lords carefully??????" Zhang Miao said in a low voice with a burp.

"That’s what I said, Cao Caoyi exterminated the three tribes and let me tremble with grief when the rabbit died and the fox. Today, if I want to return the land of Yanzhou to the King of Temperature, if Meng Zhuo agrees, I will take Meng Zhuo as the master. No, I’ll wait and see you there. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you in the future! In any case, Meng Zhuo’s grace of waiting for me must be remembered. Cao Cao must not rely on him, he must find someone to rely on, and a master to rely on."

Today, Zhang Chao does not drink alcohol. Among the five, he is the most sober. Hearing the elder brother's speech, he thought about it carefully, and memorized the ultimatum of the Yanzhou family. "Taiwan, did you hear?" Cao Cao must not be relied on, he must find a reliant person, a reliant lord. "That's right! Meng De's knife just happened to kill my heart! Wen Li is my dear brother, and Cao Mengde is also my dear brother! Now, one brother killed another brother with a knife and wiped out the three clans! Gongtai, two Zhonglang, you say! Me! What should Zhang Miao think? Cao Mengde, Cao Mengde, how do you tell me how Zhang Miao will behave in the future?"

Having said this, Zhang Miao couldn't help but burst into tears. For a while, everyone in the room was silent. Zhang Miao was a knight and a leading elder brother in the arena. However, he was not a generation of heroes, and even a lacking prefect could not do well. To be honest, his heart is too kind, there are too many things on his back, friendship, benevolence and righteousness, but not insidious and cruel.

It seemed that after a long time, it seemed only a moment, a cynical voice faintly sounded. "Meng Zhuo, it depends on what you are asking for! If you are asking for the well-being of the common people, as well as the unrestrainedness of walking on horseback and accommodating friends, then you can live the life you want. If you want to fight for the hegemony of the world and stay within one universe, then follow Cao Mengde honestly and be the minister of his arms and arms! In the future, when he ascends the position of the emperor, you will be able to get at least one The county prince will do the last one!"

Everyone looked up, and that person was indeed Xu Bang, who had always been a good gentleman. "Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. If you don't follow Cao Yanzhou, you can also walk around the horse Zhangtai every day, call friends and accompany you, and live the chic life of chasing the wind and power. Nuo, Meng Zhuo, look at Han Wenyue and Zhang Yan will succeed! It's just that the two of them have no choice but to surrender. You Zhang Mengzhuo took the initiative to return." Everyone looked up again, and the second speaker was Wang Kai, who has always been harmless! His face was full of compassion.

"Unexpectedly, the two Zhonglangs turned out to be very compassionate people! These two passages are really true to my heart!"

Zhang Miao immediately sat up immediately after beating the case. At this moment, his eyes are like electricity, there is a trace of drunkenness there?

"Hahahahahahaha!" Chen Gong let out a long laugh. "Meng Zhuo, today's heroes are everywhere, and the world is divided. You have such a vast land and many soldiers. You are in a situation of being attacked on all sides. You can also be called a hero of the people, but you are controlled by others. Lose your identity? Today, the army in Yanzhou City is marching eastward, and the city is empty. King Wen is a brave general who is good at fighting, going forward courageously, and he still holds the name of righteousness. If he is ushered for the time being, we will occupy Yanzhou together, observe the situation and act with cameras , Maybe you can make a big business like this! Even if you don’t, you can seal your wife’s shame and keep you rich!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao's eyes immediately flashed four lights. However, in a flash, it turned from splendor to plain. "Hey! Now that the status of the monarch and the minister has been determined, and the king of Wen is determined to have the world, I Zhang Miao's life, what I did is to call my friends and call friends, walk the horse Zhangtai, and live the chic life of chasing the wind and power! Life has this, Then this wish is enough!" Zhang Miao shouted, slamming the case.

"Public platform, tomorrow morning, you will go to Luoyang as my full time to welcome King Wen to take control of Yanzhou!"

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