New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xiaobawang dominates Jiangdong

In the second year of the Great Han Jian'an, in mid-June, the general trend of the world has taken a clearer direction. The world's first prince Wen Wang Lu Bu still stood still, sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. Cao Cao and Tao Qian faced off in the scorching heat of Tanxian County. With the strong support of Liu Xuande's Pingyuan Army, Tao Qianjun and Cao Jun fought several field battles, winning each other, and overall they were invincible and undefeated. For the Xuzhou Army, this is a rare victory. The bravery of Guan Zhang and the bravery of Danyang soldiers shined in the battle.

Zhang Miao, Chen Gong, and Zhang Chao who stayed behind in Sanyang County have received clear orders from Wen Wang Lu Bu, to take Zhang Miao as the governor of Yanzhou and Chen Gong as the pastor of Yanzhou. Except for temporarily not raising the flag to rebel against Cao Mengde, any delay in the military rations Anything that delays munitions can be done in secret. Only when Cao Jun and Tao Qianjun were both defeated, King Wen sent a large army to support Yanzhou.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Yuan Shao sent troops to attack Qingzhou as a new place to stand. Nowadays, Yuan Shao is very sharp and has conquered Pingyuan County, Jinan State, Le'an State, Qi State, and Beihai State. The larger Qingzhou, only Donglai County, which is surrounded by the sea on three sides, is left. There is a navy in Donglai County, and Yuan Shao's troops are all horse infantry troops. It will take a year or a half before he can succeed.

The southwest is relatively calm, and the new Yizhou Mu Liu Zhang is busy taking a seat under his buttocks, and has no time to pay attention to things outside of Yizhou. After he succeeded to the throne, the first thing he did was to send all envoys to express his intention to pay tribute to the court. Naturally, King Wen happily accepted his request. The envoys of Jiaozhou Pastor Xie also came to Luoyang and surrendered to the court. Jingzhou Mu Liubiao was also a sensible person. After Xiangyang's defeat, he immediately learned from the pain and expressed his surrender quickly. Jiaozhou and Jingzhou were at peace.

At this moment, the whole world is full of wars, and Yangzhou is the only one who is inextricably fought. After capturing Lujiangcheng and occupying Lujiang County, Yangzhou Muyuanshu immediately sent troops northward and occupied Guangling County in Xuzhou. The five counties of Xuzhou, Pengchengguo and Xiapiguo were captured by Cao Cao, and Guangling County fell into the hands of Yuan Shu. Only the two counties under the control of Xuzhou Mutaoqian were Langya and Donghai. However, Tao Qian didn't care. The Mizhu who was sent to Luoyang had sent back news that King Wen would send troops at the right time.

At the same time that Yuan Shu sent troops to capture Guangling and coveted Xuzhou, in early July, the bully Sun Ce began to aggressively attack Qu'a.

"Tai Shi Ci is brave and has won the hearts of the army. Thousands of soldiers in his army can defeat nothing. Zhou Mu should let him be a general, supervise the army, and suppress Sun Ce. In my opinion, Tai Shi Ci will be able to defeat Sun Ce. , To subdue Liyang County." Xu Shao personally met Liu Yao and said this. However, Liu Yao was born in a celebrity of Qingliu and he always looked down on martial artists. He licked the tooth flower for a long time, and then said slowly: "If I re-use Ziyi, wouldn't it be for the noble families and celebrities of Qingliu to read the jokes? Okay!"

Xu Shao quit silently after hearing the words, and after quitting the Zhoumu mansion, he sighed: "The incident of Qingliu's misunderstanding of the country began today in Liu Zhengli! If Liu Zhengli does not listen to my persuasion, he will definitely be defeated by Sun Bofu! Yangzhou will become a grandson. It's backyard!" After sending this complaint, Xu Shao returned home to clean up, and led more than a hundred of his tribe to board the big boat, head against the Yangtze River, and head straight to Luoyang.

Tai Shici was not rewarded for his merits, and still led the old ministry of more than two thousand. Tai Shici had no resentment, and still rode out alone, patrolling the surrounding area of ​​Qu'a every day, monitoring the military situation. When we arrived at the pavilion on this day, Tai Shi Ci Du and Yi Qi Xiao Zu met Sun Ce at the same time. At that time, Sun Ce had thirteen followers, all of whom were brave men such as Huang Gai, Han Dang, and Song Qian. Tai Shici was not afraid, slapped his horse and charged, facing Sun Ce. Sun Ce stabbed Tai Shici's horse with a shot. Tai Shici grabbed Sun Ce along the way, and the two rolled off the horse together. Sun Ce won the hand halberd on Tai Shi Ci's back shoulder, Tai Shi Ci. He also won Sun Ce's helmet and continued to fight fiercely. Just as the two were fighting hard, the rescued troops from both sides arrived at the same time, so Sun Ce and Tai Shici each withdrew to the camp. This battle is called the Shenting Fight.

After this battle, Sun Ce, who had always been brave, praised Taishi Ci full of praise and deliberately made up his mind to take over Taishi Ci.

Liu You stayed in Qu'a for more than a year, and every day he led the artisans to build Qu'a into a strong city that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. At the same time, there was sufficient food and grass in the city. Sun Ce fought for many days and never captured it. Seeing that Qu'a city had enough soldiers and was unable to capture it for a while, Sun Ce immediately changed his strategy and encircled Qua instead of fighting. He sent Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang to lead the troops to eliminate the defenses outside Qua. military.

Seeing Qu'a's outlying strongholds missed one by one, Qu'a had become a solitary city. Liu Yao had no choice but to open the city gate and go out of the city to fight Sun Cejun. The two armies fought several times, with each other winning and losing. After the battle of Shenting, Liu Yao retreated without fighting. Sun Ce took advantage of the situation and stormed. Liu Yao was defeated and fled to Dantu. Sun Ce occupied Qu'a, commended the soldiers, issued decree to appease the local people, and the people who came to join and conscript came one after another from all directions. Sun Ce quickly assembled more than 40,000 people, more than 3,000 horses, and his prestige shocked Jiangdong.

Qu Adong overtakes the Jinling Mausoleum and Dantu in the west, Xiang is a strategic place. Qu'a is actually the land of Longxing of Wujun Sun’s family. Sun Ce’s grandfather, Sun Zhong, used to grow melons at Baihe Mountain outside Qu’aximen, and his father, Sun Jian, was buried in Qu’a Dafen after his death. Sun Ce’s mother, Mrs. Wu, and his younger siblings were all Zeng lived in Qu'a. Because of this, Sun Ce made extensive repairs after the fall of Qu'a and used it as his base.

At the beginning of August, Zhu Zhi led his army eastward from Liyang County and went to join Sun Ce. Sun Ce ordered Zhu Zhi to turn to the northeast from Qiantang in Wu County and attack Wu County. Xu Gong, the prefect of Wujun, resisted Zhu Zhi by fist. Zhu Zhi defeated Xu Gong. Xu Gong escaped from the thief Yan Baihu. Sun Ceban awarded Zhu Zhi as the prefect of Wujun. Until this time, Sun Ce had gone through dozens of battles and took more than a year before successfully defeating Liu Yao and pinging Wu Jun.

Yuan Shu was shocked when Shouchun learned that Sun Ce had shot Liu Yu away. He did not expect that Sun Ce defeated Liu Yu so quickly. Yuan Shu was deeply dissatisfied with Sun Ce's unauthorized appointment of Zhu Zhi as the prefect of Wu Jun. However, thinking about the various injustices he had treated Sun Ce in the past, he had to pinch his nose and swallow this breath. Yuan Shu asked Sun Ce to be the general of the succor, recalled Zhou Shang to Shouchun, and sent his cousin Yuan Yin to replace Zhou Shang as the prefect of Danyang. This trick is to prevent Sun Cewei's big split.

After the defeat of Qu'a, Liu You fled to Dans. Tai Shici led the army to guard Liu You and went straight to Danyang, fleeing to Wuhu, and fled into the mountains, calling himself the prefect of Danyang. At this time, Sun Ce had calmed down the area east of Wanling, but there were six counties west of Jingxian that had not yet settled down. Tai Shici immediately stationed in Jingxian County, stationed troops and established a mansion, and was attached to Shanyue. Later Sun Ce personally attacked Jing County, and finally took Taishi Ci prisoner.

As soon as he saw Taishici, Sun Ce immediately unfettered him, holding Taishici's hand and said, "Do you remember the battle at Shenting? If Qing gave me birth, what would you do with me?" Taishici said: "Unknowable." Sun Ce laughed and said: "The road ahead, I should make a joint venture with Qing." Later, Sun Ce asked about aggressive techniques. Tai Shi Ci replied: "The general who breaks the army is inadequate and discusses matters."

Sun Ce said: "In the past, Han Xin could make plans in Guangwu, but today's policy can also ask the benevolent to solve the puzzle. How can you refuse?" Tai Shi Ci said: "The Yangzhou Army has recently broken, and the soldiers are scattered. , It’s hard to get together again; kindly go out to declare grace, to calm his heart and gather the crowd, but I’m afraid it’s not in line with the dignity." Sun Ce knelt down and replied: "This is indeed what Ce wanted. Tomorrow, I hope you will come back in time." All the generals were very suspicious of Tai Shi Ci, and Sun Cejian said: "Tai Shi Ziyi is a famous Qingzhou scholar, he will not deceive me if he puts Xinyi first." Tomorrow, Sun Ce invites all the generals. , Set up food and drink in advance, and erect a bamboo pole in the camp to inspect the shadows of the sun. In the middle of Japan, Tai Shici returned as promised. Sun Ce was overjoyed and worshipped as a general in Zhechong, often discussing military affairs with him.

After this ups and downs, the names of Sun Ce Zhiren, Ziyi and trustworthiness spread throughout Jiangdong and were admired by scholars.

Later, after Sun Ce pacified Jiangdong, Liu Biao's nephew named Liu Pan was very brave and invaded the western part of Yuzhang County several times. Sun Ce therefore divided Haihun and Jianchang into six counties, with Tai Shici as the captain of Jianchang, who also governed Haihun, and supervised and led the generals to reject Liu Pan. Liu Pan has since disappeared and is no longer a bandit. Later, Sun Quan ruled, and Aether Shi was able to restrain Liu Pan, so he entrusted all major events in the south.

In February of the third year of Jian'an, Sun Ce attacked Kuaiji. Wang Lang surrendered after the defeat, so Kuaiji settled down. After occupying Kuaiji, Sun Ce replaced all the original officials and served as the prefect of Kuaiji, Wu Jing as the prefect of Danyang, Sun Ben as the prefect of Yuzhang, and Luling County was divided into Yuzhang, and the younger brother of Sun Ben was Sun Fu. He was the prefect of Luling, and Zhu Zhi was the prefect of Wu Jun. Zhang Zhao from Pengcheng, Zhang Hong from Guangling, Qin Song, Chen Duan and others were advisers. In the same year, Sun Ce dispatched Fengzheng Captain Liu You and Wuguanju Gaocheng to take Sun Ce's memorial to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, to pay respect and tribute to the court. At this time, Sun Ce, the little bully, finally took over Jiangdong and thought that his foundation.

After Tai Shici was defeated and captured, Liu Yao took refuge in Liu Biao and died of illness the following year. Sun Ce buried Liu Yao in his hometown of Muping, Donglai County, and brought back his orphan. There are two reasons why Sun Ce handled this way: First, Liu Yao was born in the royal family, and as a prince, he should respect the royal family. Second, Liu Yao is a clean and honest man, and he is very prestigious among the Qingliu scholars. Such a treatment has great advantages of its own.

At this time, it is the May of the third year of Jian'an, and the general trend of the world has changed again, and the end of the princes is getting closer. Yuan Shao has completely captured Qingzhou, and he is battling his troops, preparing to annex Langya County to the south, coveting Xuzhou. Cao Cao, Tao Qian, and Liu Bei who were squatting in Tanxian County were already exhausted. Yangzhou Muyuan Shu, who thought he had decided on the rear, was confidently preparing to go north to attack Donghai County. Behind him, Sun Ce, who actually leads more than half of Yangzhou's land, is staring at him.

The next step depends on who is going to do it first. Is it a prince who is in a poor way, or is Wang Wen who is ready for a thunderous blow?

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