New Story of Lv Bu

: : What if it’s what the Queen Mother did

"How did you find out about Jun Zhaoyi? Do you have any clues?" As soon as they met, Lu Bu asked each other before Ma Zhong and Cao Yong sat down. This sentence caused two people to be stunned for a moment, and they were all in the bag. This matter has only been arranged for two days. How can there be any major progress? However, once I saw Lu Bu's face and thought about the deep affection between Lu Bu and his wife, both of them immediately secretly relieved.

"After King Wen ordered, Master Cao and I acted immediately. First, the geniuses Zhang and Hua were invited over, and we asked carefully and understood Zhao Yijun’s condition. Both geniuses said that if we start to deal with them properly now, let’s There is no way for the poisoner to start, and within half a year, Mr. Zhao Yi will be as healthy as ever." Ma Zhong grew up in Lu Bu's house since he was a child, and Yan Yan treats him like a nephew. He naturally knew what Lu Bu wanted to hear most at this moment. At the moment, open the sect Mingyi first, and first explain Yan Yan's condition clearly.

Sure enough, Ma Zhong was right. As soon as he heard this, Lu Bu's face immediately turned cloudy, and he took a breath, scratching his right temple with his right hand, as if a little excitedly at a loss. After pondering for a long time, Lu Bu said slowly. "Ma Zhong, you and Cao Yong are doing very well! To be honest, what I am most worried about is the body of Zhao Yijun. The husband and wife have been together for more than ten years, and they have become one body. If she has three strengths and two shortcomings, I will not I know what to do! Come on, have tea! What are you still waiting for?"

Seeing Lu Bu's excitement, Cao Yong, who has always been taciturn, felt that the corners of his eyes were a little moist. He quickly coughed and said, "King Wen! You and Zhao Yijun are precious. You must be careful to prevent those ghosts and ghosts from stumbling down secretly. Zhao Yijun has a long and long Fuze. If you can cultivate with peace of mind, you will not come out. In half a year, I will be healthy as before. However, with this diet, General Ma and I have checked it over and over and determined that there will be no problems in Prince Wen's Mansion. This, I, Cao Yong and General Ma, dare to guarantee their lives! As for problems, I have discussed it with General Ma, and I suspect it is outside. After all, there are some places that are inconvenient to check carefully."

outside? Still "some places are inconvenient to check carefully"? As soon as he heard this, Lü Bu immediately learned the elegance of the song. Since entering Beijing, he has supervised the State Bingzheng as Da Sima, which can be said to be less than one person and more than ten thousand people. If there is any inconvenience, it is the Nangong where the empress dowager Tang Ji and the emperor Liu Xi live. As a minister, Cao Yong couldn't make it too clear. However, Lu Bu knew it as soon as he heard it. In this matter, Cao Yong used the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork", which naturally had difficulties he had to use.

"Nangong?" Lu Bu's thick eyebrows stood up as soon as he heard these two words. "The Son of Heaven is young, and the Empress Dowager Tang is still satisfied with the status quo, she won't commit a crime? Is it because the people around her have different minds?" The three of them are smart people, and they all want to understand in a flash. "Liu E!" the three of them whispered together! Regardless of whether the Empress Dowager Tang is involved, as long as it is determined that the incident occurred in Nangong, Liu E must be someone who knew it! Although this is not the case, it is not far away! But did it really happen to Nangong?

The emperor is young, just a child, and the empress dowager Tang Ji is also very young, but she is just in her early twenties, and she hasn't been exposed to power all the year round. If there is a problem with these two people, it must be caused by the cronies around her. However, in any case, as soon as this incident occurred, the current Wang Wen’s system of supervising the country was severely pierced. The system of supervising the country, the emperor and the queen mother had different thoughts, and this country can continue to "supervise". "Go down? Is it to follow the example of Dong Taishi and get a cup of bad wine, or to follow the example of Wang Mang's imprisonment for life?

Lu Bu's eyebrows were frowning, he stood up and was pacing restlessly in the house, looking very heavy. At this moment, he is facing the biggest political crisis in history. Once he handles it with a little carelessness, he will fall into the predicament of irreversible disaster. Finally, he wanted to understand. This matter gave him a wake-up call. In the future, he must pay close attention to Nangong's attitude. It’s better to check this out first to see if Tang Ji has been trapped and how much she has fallen in. After the evidence is as strong as a mountain, he can decide with his confidant!

"This matter is just speculation by me. You must strictly observe the secrets and do not disclose it! Otherwise, it will cause an uproar among the world's aristocratic families and Qingliu scholars!" Da Sima has been doing this for so many years, and Lu Bu has already experienced it. It's like an old bird in the sea. Although there are moments of enthusiasm and impulse from time to time, he already knows how to deal with major issues.

"This?????? In fact, it is not difficult to find out. From now on, I will keep an eye on Liu E, not letting go of her words and deeds. Secondly, starting from now, I will check back and check that she has been in Nangong. Who has been in contact with, and in what way. As long as the water mill is used to investigate carefully, you will be able to find clues in it. Then, you can gradually tighten the net and force her into the sleeve." Ma Zhong is investigating The veteran of the case, this case has experienced hundreds of cases, but the identity of the parties involved in this case is special.

"Okay! Let's deal with it like this! This matter is of great importance, even the big man, the empress dowager Tang and the emperor. You must be cautious! Never let a bad person go, and never wrong a good person!" At this moment, Lu Bu finally calmed down. There was still an angry flame in his eyes, and there was still a cold tone in his tone, but he was suppressed.

Ma Zhong and Cao Yong looked at each other, their eyes were shocked. Lu Bu's words sealed all the escape routes of the two of them. The identity of the suspect involved in the case is too special to be severely tortured to extract a confession, or even a little wronged! You can only work slowly and carefully, and use water milling skills to peel off the cocoon carefully, and make the whole thing secretly into an iron case. In this way, the difficulty is too great!

However, this matter is an earth-shattering event, no matter how difficult it is, you must check it out as soon as possible! If it takes time, the Nangong forces will develop, and it will be overwhelming. Thinking of this, Ma Zhong and Cao Yong both straightened their bodies, crossed their hands, bowed, and slammed their promises. "Nuo! Follow the order of King Wen!" Fang Luoer said, the two looked at each other again, you say? Or did I say?

Finally, Ma Zhong nodded lightly. This sentence is of great importance. It's up to me to weigh the distance between relatives and estrangement! After all, I grew up in the Mansion of King Wen since I was a child. If King Wen Lei Ting is furious, I'd better rush to ask Mr. Zhao Yi to protect him. Thinking of this, he calmed his mind slightly, and then asked slowly. "King Wen, there is one sentence that I have to ask. If it is really found out that the queen mother did, what shall I do?" Upon hearing this, Lu Bu's eyes immediately burst into raging anger and tightness. Then, there was decadence-yes, that kind of decadence that is irresistible! Suddenly, the room was quietly afraid of people. Cao Yong's forehead and temples, front and back, sweated like syrup in an instant. Alas! General Ma's handling of major events is really unambiguous!

After a long time, Lu Bu finally made a sound, his voice was as thin as a mosquito's grunt, and it was full of exhaustion, sadness and decadence. "If it is ?????? really find out that ?????? was done by the Queen Mother??????" At this point, his voice slightly increased. "Oh! I think Lu Bu wants to be a Hanchen, but some people suspect that I will usurp the throne! Do they really want me to disband the part and escape into the mountains before they are willing to let it go? But, at this moment, even myself If you want to disband the part and escape into the mountains, you can't do it! Without it, there are millions of people behind me, who support me, and push me forward."

Ma Zhong and Cao Yong sat there quietly, watching their noses and noses, listening to Lu Bu muttering to themselves. At this moment, people who are ministers must not interrupt without authorization, just wait for King Wen to settle down on his own. Yes, you want to be a Hanchen, but someone suspects that you are going to usurp the throne, then you can simply turn it over and be the emperor by yourself! The two slandered to themselves.

Only a quarter of an hour later, Lu Bu finally stopped talking to himself. He wiped the tears from his face with his big sleeve, stopped straightening his waist, and said slowly. "If it is really found out that the Queen Mother did, this king will discuss with the important officials such as Wen He, the general, and Hou Ziyu before deciding how to deal with it. In short, the emperor is young and this matter has nothing to do with him!" "No!" The two suddenly realized.

Discussing with the important ministers first means getting the most support, and setting the tone has nothing to do with the emperor, and the system of supervising the country can be sustained. Especially the last point, this is the iron law, no matter what the result, you can not cross this limit. As long as the emperor is still there, it won't be a big deal. As for the Queen Mother Tang, it is not a big deal for a little woman to make her disappear out of thin air, or even "die from illness"! Blame her for being confused. At this moment, Lu Bu, as King Wen, finally came back again.

After discussing this huge event, Ma Zhong and Cao Yong were finally relieved. They both quickly took out the silk kerchief and wiped the sweat on their heads and faces. Then, both of them let out a sigh of relief. "King Wen, there is another important matter. Both Shadow and Siwencao have received emergency information. The Yellow Turban remnants are going to assassinate you. It is said that a considerable level of masters will take action!" Ma Zhong said slowly.

"Okay, I get it. Three days later, I'm going to the secret workshop of the Ministry of Industry outside the city to take a look at Lu Mo's newly developed new weapons. After reading this, I won't go out anymore, so I will spend some time with Zhao Yi in the house. Jun, you two are worried and afraid all day long." Lu Bu said with a slight smile. The enemy can even figure out the secretive method of poisoning, assassination is even more commonplace.

"Wen can do this, it is really a blessing for the community! I will wait for the governor to lead the department and solve the case within a time limit!" The two crossed their hands again.

When I went out three days later, many soldiers and horses and martial arts masters were sent to accompany each other. Do the remnants of the Yellow Turban still dare to take action?

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