New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Fall of Gao Shun

Over the past ten years, Yan Yan has been constantly hot and cold every day, practicing martial arts to strengthen her body, and there are countless famous teachers around her, who is no longer Wu Xia Amon. Her martial arts, although not considered to be a master of martial arts, compared to the elite veterans of Lu Bu's pros and cons, but it was also uneven. Although she changed her elbows and armpits and was caught off guard, she still made the most correct choice. With a grunt, she backed away quickly, and at the same time stretched out her right hand, pulled out the dagger inserted under the left tuck, and slammed at that one. Cut off the black iron hairpin!

boom! Almost at the same time that the iron hairpin in the girl's hand pierced Yan Yan's left arm, the dagger in Yan Yan's right hand met the iron hairpin without fancy. With the icy sound of golden and iron clinking, it is difficult for the iron hairpin to make a point! boom! Bang bang! Bang bang bang! In shock, Yan Yan's guards on the left and right shot at the same time, raised her right foot, and kicked the girl away, like a gourd.

"Protect Mr. Zhao Yi!" Yan Yan's soldier commander had red eyes, like a mad tiger, and the 100-refined steel ring in his hand struck the girl with the first knife. He came with this knife urgently and ruthlessly, if it hit, the girl would definitely be cut in half by him from head to toe. "I want to live!" Yan Yanqiang suppressed the tingling and fainting that went straight into his lungs, and shouted with all his strength.

"No!" The commander of the soldiers slammed their promise, and suddenly changed their skills, with the tip of the knife up and the back of the knife down, knocking the girl down in no time. "Tie it up!" The soldier commander roared and turned around, grabbing Yan Yan's waist, and leaping out three steps to the left abruptly between the sparks and the fire. Inside the shield formation, the elbows and armpits changed, and outside the shield formation, the virtual bamboo arrived instantly. With the hustle and bustle in the just now shield formation, with the eyesight of the virtual bamboo, he will definitely see clearly. Still have to immediately transfer with Zhao Yijun.

As expected by the personal commander, this series of changes happened between lightning and stone fire. The young woman was beheaded, the girl was kicked, the middle-aged woman was held down by several personal soldiers, and the personal commander tied the tie. With Yan Yan, she retreated to the left. "Take your life!" At the next instant, only a roar was heard, and the big bird-like figure of a virtual bamboo flew over and went straight to this turbulent shield formation.

"Get away!" Xu Zhuzi flew his right foot and kicked heavily towards the shield formation. A turbulent air current suddenly diverged to the surroundings, with the whistling wind and the chills like winter. Peng! Only a loud noise was heard, shaking the sky and the earth, centering on the right foot of the virtual bamboo, dozens of thick shields shattered inch by inch within two feet of the surrounding area, and the sky full of sawdust and broken wood shot all around. Out! The elite steppers who were originally armed with large shields and first-hand knives with 100-refined steel rings were shaken to each other, and they flew back toward the surroundings.

puff! Puff! Puff puff! The mouths of these veterans who had survived all battles spewed a large canopy of blood mist, which was shaken by the violent wind, like withered yellow leaves in the strong wind in late autumn. With this kick, Xu Zhuo exhausted all his power, striving to kill with one blow, and it was a real success. In all likelihood, these dozens of elite pawns had their heart veins broken, shattered the internal organs, and saw that they could not survive.

At this time, the soldier leader and Yan Yan were on the edge of the storm. Seeing Xu Zhuo stepping out, he took a deep breath, fought against each other, and threw Yan Yan to the right. Immediately, he roared and jumped up suddenly, the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring in his hand issued a strong wind, and it smashed straight towards the virtual bamboo! The intention of the personal commander is very simple. He wants to use his life to buy Yan Yan a few breaths of time to escape. Zhao Yijun's stabbing by a girl was definitely the result of his negligence. The only way to shame now is to die.

"Protect Zhao Yijun!" "Go away!" "Stop him!" At this moment, dozens of figures rushed towards Xuzhuo. Among these people, there were martial arts masters under Ma Zhong's command and some of them were personal soldiers. The daring warriors in China, as well as the male and female soldiers next to Yan Yan. At this moment, everyone has only one thought in their hearts, and that is that Xu Zhuzi must not be allowed to get closer to Lord Zhaoyi for half a step!

Peng! Puff! Puffy! Xu Zhuzi stepped out, shaking the shield formation, and finally found Yan Yan's figure. He was overjoyed immediately, and with a long scream, he rose into the air again and rushed straight to Yan Yan. "The thief dare you! Look at the halberd!" Lu Bu roared dozens of steps behind him, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand shot out, entraining the wind and thunder, and went straight to the back of the virtual bamboo!

"Get away!" The steel cane in Xu Zhuzi's hand swung out suddenly, turning into a flash of lightning, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder, and went straight to Yan Yan! when! Dangdang! Dangdangdangdang! The guard commander took a deep breath, the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring in his hand turned into a flash of lightning, and in an instant, nine knives were shot in succession! These nine knives are sinking vigorously, and the knives are like Taishan pressing on the top, all smashing on the stainless steel cane! However, the steel cane only slowed down a bit, and still insisted on shooting straight at Yan Yan.

"I'm fighting with you!" The commander of the soldiers yelled violently, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards the stainless steel cane that came from the lasing shot. This time he did not use a knife, but instead used his chest as a shield. Straightly blocked the way of the steel cane. Flop! The stainless steel cane penetrated through the chest, but the handle of the cane was stuck tightly outside the chest of the soldier commander! puff! The soldier commander opened his mouth and sprayed out a large **** mist, splashing half of the sky, like a long autumn rain in late autumn, with a trace of regret in the lingering.

Yan Yan, who was only four or five steps away from the steel cane, was caught by the guards of the first gear of the leader of the soldiers. They hugged Yan Yan and ran westward and fled. Hundreds of Gaoshun's soldiers rushed forward like a flood, opened their bows and set up arrows, and the arrows shot toward the virtual bamboo like raindrops. "Protect Zhao Yijun!" "Look for a doctor!" Several guards roared loudly, their voices full of anxiety and anger. Wow?????? Dian Wei holding a double iron halberd and Xu Chu holding a nine-ear and eight-ring elephant nose knife appeared.

Peng! Pong Pong Pong Pong! Puffy! Xu Zhuzi roared, and after dozens of strokes with dozens of people, those who were recruited fell silently, crackling and falling like dumplings. In the midst of thousands of horses and thousands of troops, Xu Zhuo roared again, and fired again and lashed out! At this moment, between him and Yan Yan, there are more than a hundred elite Han soldiers, and in the air, there are five or six lasing players. The last person is Gao Shun, a majestic general wearing a mountain script armor!

"Where to go!" Xu Zhuzi screamed, took a deep breath, and issued two palm winds, knocking the two masters in front of him into the air. He felt dizzy, as if losing strength. not good! This is a precursor to the exhaustion of infuriating energy! If you still want to escape from birth, you must fight quickly and stop staying any longer. His grandma is a bear! Try again one last time! The virtual bamboo clenched his teeth and vacated again.

Peng! He sent out several palms again, and shot down the good hands in front of him. At the same time, as if he had eyes long behind him, the huge wine gourd slammed, separated from his broad back, and directly faced Fang Tian painted a halberd more than ten steps behind him. At this time, five or six steps in front of him, there was only the flying general Gao Shun! A few steps behind Gao Shun, the people blasting from the air are like crucian carp crossing the river, densely packed, and there is no way to see how many people are. Ugh! Only the last blow! Xu Zhuzi sighed. "Where to go Niubi!" Dian Wei and Xu Chu had already jumped into the sky from their horses, and went straight to the Xuzhu.

"Duh!" Xu Zhuzi's tongue burst into spring thunder, and he shouted violently. At this moment, there was a bang in everyone's ears. At this moment, time and space seemed to disappear. Not far away, the veterans who had lived for more than a hundred battles rushed to a vertigo, and even the bodies of the good players who flew in the air trembled. At this moment, Xu Zhuo roared, and slammed his palms forward, sending out a fierce palm wind, and went straight to the general Gao Shun who was shooting from him! "Pick me a palm!" Xu Zhuo roared.

"So what?" Gao Shun didn't evade, and also shouted violently, holding the knife in both hands, and slashing the earth and earth with all his strength! At this moment, he absolutely can't dodge. Between Xu Zhuzi and Yan Yan, the only one who can be called a good player is Gao Shun. If he escapes before battle, Yan Yan will be severely beaten. For Gao Shun, who has always regarded honor as life, it means that life is better than death!

Peng! The palm wind from Xuzhu and the knife wind from Gao Shun violently collided! Like the sky and the earth cracking, for a while, the undercurrent in the air surged, full of screaming, violent shouts, and the sound of explosion caused by the violent impact of two strong winds. In an instant, Gao Shun spouted a large amount of blood, his body swayed like a kite with a broken line, and he fell straight to the ground behind him. Xu Zhuzi also rushed to his throat, and there was a faint sweet smell. Gao Shun's knife had already hurt him.

"General!" Gao Shun's soldiers rushed forward, stretched out their hands, and tried to catch Gao Shun's burly body that had fallen back to the ground. "General!" Dianwei's double iron halberd and Xu Chu's nine-ear and eight-ring elephant-nose knives issued two strong winds and went straight to the Xuzhu! Peng! Xu Zhuzi made two palm winds with both hands, colliding with the strong winds from Dianwei and Xu Chu, puff! He vomited another big mouthful of blood.

Peng! A loud noise came from behind Xu Zhuzi, and the Fang Tian painted halberd thrown by Lu Bu finally collided with Xu Zhuzi's huge wine gourd! The sky was full of sawdust, and the wine gourd was smashed by Fang Tian's painted halberd! Just a moment later, Fang Tian drew a halberd and went straight behind Xu Zhuzi! "Good come!" Xu Zhuzi screamed, and slapped Fang Tian with a halberd! With another loud noise, the virtual bamboo took advantage of its strength to fly into the air, and another big mouthful of blood was spit out in the air. The body swayed like a kite with a broken wire. After more than a hundred steps, he landed diagonally in Luoshui.

At this time, Gao Shun was caught by the soldiers. His face was like gold leaf, and a large part of his chest collapsed. He couldn't live by sight.

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