New Story of Lv Bu

: :The final battle between Zhao Yijun and Mrs. Kang

At this moment, there was a sound of clappers, and it was already second time. Kang Moli picked up the drink and poured the last biting Zhao Jiu down her throat. Then, she closed her mouth and savored the biting solemnity in the wine. It was late at night, the wine was exhausted, and several dishes were crippled. A burst of sleepiness struck, and Kang Moli couldn't help but yawned. It seemed that everything should be over.

She stood up quietly, exhaling a big sip of strong alcohol, and her spirits surged. She was already a little bit drunk and slightly drunk. Kang Moli walked to Yan Yan's bed and checked Yan Yan's body carefully. Fortunately, everything seemed to be fine. She gently tucked the quilt for Yan Yan. "Sister, it's not that Kang Moli is ruthless. It's just that for the sake of my only son Lu Yi's life and well-being, I can only come up with this bottom line! You are also a person with children, and you should understand the difficulties of a mother. As for the future, it depends on your good fortune. "

After saying this, Kang Moli turned around, stepped gently, and walked outside the house. Today, it is very rare for her to spit out the block in her heart for Yan Yan, who is unconscious. When the morning sun rises again, she will change back to the original Kang Moli, with a smile on her face, but in her heart she is working hard, hoping to fight for herself between the ruling and the opposition.

"Jasmine, do you hate me that much? In your heart, am I just such a cruel and cold monster?" At this moment, a voice rang behind Kang Moli. This voice was made by a woman, and in the elegant and gentle background, it contained strength and calmness, even a bit weak and weak. In an instant, Kang Moli's hair stood up.

She turned her head abruptly, and her eyes swept over like two bolts of lightning. The prairie girls are strong and strong. They have fought with tigers and wolves, white winds, bad weather, horse bandits, sand thief, and even elite cavalry from other tribes. They are fearless. Even for her dignity, self-esteem, and curiosity, Kang Moli had to look back and see everything clearly!

On the bed, the woman who had been lingering on the sick bed and was unconscious, is now looking at her with a pair of bright and bright eyes. "Hey! You?????? You actually woke up? Could it be?????? Are they?????? They are all lying to me?" Kang Moli opened her mouth wide, she was about to let out a stern cry Screaming, fortunately, she responded in time and covered her mouth.

"It’s weird, isn’t it? You don’t have to panic, I’m not malicious. Come, sit by my side, and let’s talk. You’ve been talking for so long, and you should be bored. In fact, if these words are you Speaking out early, it should be easy to solve. Now, although there are some troubles, there is no major issue. In short, some things can be ruined in your heart. You can't get them in the public, and let someone comment on the court. That way, it will be bad for you, me, and Lu Yi's future."

Yan Yan sat up slowly, leaning on a pile of pillows, her face already oozing fine beads of sweat. "Aren't you afraid that I would kill you?" Kang Moli stretched out her right hand and suddenly grabbed the dagger under her left rib. "It's too late to kill me now, because you can't explain the wound on my body. Besides, I don't plan to pursue it anymore. Why are you in a hurry? If I want to clean up you, I won't call that voice. The matter is settled at home, there is no need to yell that the whole world knows, what do you say? Jasmine." Yan Yan's voice was tired, she was really tired.

"Okay, I'll just listen, what exactly are you trying to say." Kang Moli's right hand was still on the handle of the boning knife and did not loosen it. She walked back slowly, still sitting behind the case table. "Jasmine, I actually woke up during the day this day. I was just too tired. I just fell asleep for a while. After I woke up, I heard you talking to yourself, chattering and talking about everything. Your mental journey, as well as Lu Yi. I don’t have the strength, so I just lay there and closed my eyes and listened."

With Yan Yan's words, the sweat on her face became denser. Kang Moli let out a long sigh, her right hand left the handle of the boning knife, took a cotton handkerchief, gently wiped off the sweat from Yan Yan's head and face, and fed Yan Yan by the way. Some lukewarm tea. After finishing all this, Kang Moli returned to her position without saying a word, holding the handle of the knife with her right hand.

"Jasmine, thank you! I heard most of the words you just said. To be honest, I'm sorry, I didn't care enough about you, Lu Yi, and Diao Chan. I didn't do it to the lady. Duty. You also know that in recent years, military disasters have continued, and there have been people in the court making troubles. Feng Xian's temperament is reckless and stubborn. They are not the material of the government??????"

"As Fengxian's wife, I have to think about him and stabilize the rear for his sake, so that he can fight with peace of mind on the front line. Jasmine, you may not know it, on the court. There are more things going on with dog skins falling into the stove! Aristocratic families, wealthy merchants, and magnates have all formed gangs, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything."

"I am another political idiot, a noob in the officialdom, and it is too difficult to deal with! So, I put my whole body and mind on the government, and I don't have time to take care of you. I owe you too much. Now Thinking of it, at that time, it was like walking a tightrope. The imperial court’s treasury bottomed out several times and almost couldn't survive it. Fortunately, God has an eye, and finally let us get through it and have the present. It’s a good life. But when the life is prosperous, some people will inevitably be jealous."

"Forget it, forget it, don't talk about these Chen Zhizhi rotten grains??????" At this point, Yan Yan's face was flushed, and her face was full of fatigue. "I said Jasmine, I know all your thoughts. I still said that, the motivational thing, I will solve it at home. From today on, I will assume that there is no such thing. I promise you that I will definitely do it in the future. Be kind to you and Lu Yi. As for you, don't have any other thoughts anymore. If you have any words, just say it! Still being a good sister, will you succeed?"

Yan Yan finally finished speaking, panting heavily, as if a towering Mount Tai was pressed against her body. Kang Moli's right hand was still holding the iron-shaved bone-cutting knife, but with a lonely effort, all five fingers turned white. Her face was white, red and white, and under her thick eyebrows, her big eyes radiated like a tiger and a hungry wolf.

Finally, Kang Moli spoke, her voice was calm and flat, full of determination. "Mr. Zhao Yi’s kindness, I took it with my heart! Kang Moli came from the Qianli grassland in East Qiang, with the blood of a grassland eagle flowing on my body. I would rather stand to die than kneel to live! From the one who made up his mind. For a moment, I didn't expect to survive. Since the plan failed, and it was reasonable and reasonable, someone should bear the black pot. My Kang Moli was willing to apologize for myself, and only asked Zhaoyi Jun to let go of my only son and father."

"In my heart, what I worry about most is my only son Lu Yi. I hope that Jun Zhao Yi will treat him well in the future and let him be a wealthy and idler for the rest of my life. Also, my father, Kang Moti, was not involved in this case. I also hope that Mr. Zhao Yi can spare his life. After my death, many secrets have been annihilated and can indirectly save the lives of many people. Thinking about it, this is the best ending for me. I know that Shadow’s 18 sets of torture, I think Kang Moli will never survive!"

Kang Moli finally finished speaking, her right hand slowly pulled out the iron-shaved bone-cutting knife and held it tightly in her hand. As for the next moment, whether this iron-cut dagger pierced his chest or cut Yan Yan's throat, it was unclear. "Well, I promise you all of these!" Yan Yan nodded lightly, looking like her face was calm and calm.

"You swear! Swear in the name of your ancestors and your parents! Otherwise, the dagger in my hand will understand that it cuts your throat, like killing a little lamb!" Kang Moli's face The green veins are exposed, a hideous look! "Okay! I swear!" Yan Yan slowly raised Bai Nen's right hand. "I, Zhao Yijun Yan Yan, swear by the ancestors of my Yan family and in the name of my parents! In the future, I will treat Lu Yi kindly and not harm Kang Moli's people! If you break this oath, you will die by the arrow of chaos. under!"

When Yan Yan finished speaking, she opened her eyes wide and fixedly looked at Kang Moli, who was close at hand. "Thanks to Mr. Zhao Yi! I, Kang Moli, committed the death crime of the clan, and I thank Mr. Zhao Yi for protecting my only son and clan. After I die, my body will be at your disposal, whether it’s bones and ashes, or beheaded for publicity. I, Kang Moli, don't care about his mother! I only hope that Jun Zhaoyi can keep the promise! Thanks!"

Kang Moli said word by word, her voice was full of determination, full of sorrow, and even three points of desolation and anger. As soon as she finished speaking, she shook her right hand violently and pierced her heart straight! The bone-cutting sharp knife was so sharp that it pierced into Kang Moli's heart with a pounce. Kang Moli spit out a lot of blood, and her body fell softly, lying on the carpet that was as deep as her ankle. However, her eyes were still open, and she turned out to be stunned!

"Oh! Jasmine?????? Why are you doing this? I have already said that I will forgive you. Don't worry, I will treat Lu Yi kindly, your father, Wanhu Hou Kang Moti, neither will I Move him, he is the hero of the big man after all. Your death, even if it is a violent death." Yan Yan sighed quietly, and her left hand gently let go of the iron-shaved boning knife in her hand.

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