New Story of Lv Bu

: : A finger stretched out by brother Wen He Yaoyao

In the third year of the Han Dynasty, on June 23rd, Chenshi, Jizhou, Weijun's prefecture, Yecheng, was in the residence of the Governor of Jizhou.

Today’s Yecheng is a strong city with a vast radius. It is also the place where Jizhou Mujushou and Jizhou Governor Wei Xu are stationed. It is also the predecessor Wen Wang Shizi, who is the same as the general Lu An of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Place of residence. At this time, Lu An's 30,000 Tiance Army and 30,000 auxiliary troops had been reorganized and gathered in Yecheng with the Jizhou Army from various places.

Yecheng, the name "Ye" originated from the granddaughter of the Huangdi's grandson Zhuanxu, the son of a nun, the place where the great cause of the sisters had lived, Ye, Tongye, meaning the place where the people lived. During Tang Yao, Yu Shun, and during the summer, Ye land belonged to ancient Jizhou, during Shang Dynasty, it belonged to Ji Nei, Wei in Western Zhou Dynasty, and Jin in Spring and Autumn Period. Qi Huangong, who was at the beginning of the Five Hegemonies of the Spring and Autumn Period, first built Yecheng. The Warring States belonged to Wei, and Wei Wenhou used Yecheng as his companion capital. After Qin conquered the world, Ye belonged to Handan County. After the establishment of the kingdom of Gaodi, Ye County was established for 400 years, and it was known as one of the seven capitals of the dynasty.

After Lv An commanded the army to recover Youzhou and Jizhou one after another, he moved his office from Ganling of Qinghe State in Jizhou to Yecheng. What he values ​​is the convenience of Yecheng. Yecheng is adjacent to Jizhou in the east, Sili in the west, and Bingzhou in the back. It has a high city and extensive roads, making it an excellent place for logistics supplies. For the Han army to attack the three states of Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, there are great advantages.

At this time, Lu An had just finished his breakfast. Under Yu Wenyan's service, he had freshly washed his hair, and was barefoot in commoner, standing leisurely beside a huge sand table, watching intently. This sand table extends to the Wanli Xianbei Grassland in the north, Jiaozhou in the south, the sea in the east, and Daqin in the west. The mountains and rivers are detailed and small. The city roads and lakes are all in front of you. Looking at it, it is really broad-minded. This sand table was ordered by Lu Bu to make it according to the map drawn by Kang Houye and gave it to Lu An.

"For a husband, you must have the world in mind, and even more so for a general! Bo Qi, you must be a good student, always keep it in your heart, and don't let Lu Zheng surpass you too much! Remember! Remember!" Before leaving, Lu Budunton Teaches. From then on, as long as he has free time, Lu An will definitely come to the sand table, carefully study the topography of the mountains and rivers above the sand table, and the roads of the city.

At this moment, Lu An is carefully reviewing Lu Zheng's conquest of Guishuang based on the intelligence sent by the Ministry of War, Shadow, and Si Wencao. As of today, in this magnificent battle, he has replayed the seventh time. Every time he replayed, he felt a lot of emotions. "Hey! Zhongmou's strange use of soldiers, boldness and fierceness, and his grasp of fleeting fighters, I can't catch it!"

Finally, Lu An put down the wooden chess pieces in his hand, and sighed. "Bo Qi, I have heard you say this sentence seven times! You say it every time. I don't believe it. Is Zhong Mou a genius commander? He is not yet twenty years old! If your brothers fight against each other in the future, can you win?" Yu Wenyan asked curiously.

Yuwenyan is the noble daughter of the Yuwen clan of the Xianbei family, with a prominent status. Marrying Yuwenyan as a concubine is also one of the important conditions for the Yuwen Ministry and the entire Xianbei grassland to join the Lu'an camp. Therefore, in front of Lu An, Yu Wenyan rarely speaks, half is due to the nature of the nomads, and half is because of her confidence. Of the 30,000 soldiers in the Tiance Army, two-thirds came from Xianbei.

"Yan'er, if I and Zhong Mou are playing against the battlefield, even if my strength is ten times that of him, it may not be possible to win!" Lu An smiled bitterly. "Berqi is a genius commander. If nothing else, I can't learn the dazzling series of measures he used to conquer the Guishuang Empire! If you want to defeat him, you must stay away from the battlefield. You can defeat him outside the battlefield! This is a fleeting opportunity to win!" "Victory him outside the battlefield?" Yu Wenyan was inexplicably surprised, she couldn't understand.

"Well?????? is a secret." Lu An smiled and said nothing. Could it really be that day? He thought.

"Initiate Ping Zhang things, the imperial court has an edict, and the envoy of the Xuan Zhao is the third grade Qian Feng, Siwen Cao Zheng!" At this moment, he hurried in from left and right, crossed his hands and bowed. "Hey! It turned out to be him! Could it be that the father is going to use force against Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde? Hurry up!" Lu An said quickly. "Invite him to sit in the hall for a while, and when I change my official uniform, I will go to receive the edict!"

After a while, Lu An, dressed in an official uniform, came to the hall to meet Qian Feng. Qian Feng's clothes were covered with dust and sweat, and even his face was thick with dust. The sweat and dust exuded an unpleasant smell. Not only is he like this, even the few pros behind him are all distressed, covered in dust and stinky sweat, and at first glance, they look like beggars.

"There is an edict, please accept Ping Zhangshi!" Qian Feng took a wooden box from his back, took a key from his belt, and gently opened it. Inside the wooden box were several documents, which looked bulging. "Chen, Lu An takes the order!" Lu An pulled up his robe sleeves and knelt down slowly. "Are you two ready?" Qian Feng didn't announce the order, turned his head and looked at the two men dressed as medical craftsmen with medicine boxes on their backs. Looking at the costumes of the two men, they were all six or seven-tier costumes. They must be the imperial physicians in the palace, and they must be the disciples of Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo. "Master Qian, we are ready!" the two replied loudly. Their eyes were full of pity, quite strange.

"Pingzhang matter, Zhaoyi Jun, I'm sorry!" Qian Feng said slowly. Upon hearing this, Lu An's eyes widened immediately. He suddenly raised his head and fixedly looked at Qian Feng, his face full of surprise and confusion. "That's right, Jun Zhaoyi! Just four days ago, in the early morning of June 19th." Qian Feng said word by word, his eyes were full of raging flames and hatred.

"Wow?????? Mother??????" Lu An immediately began to split his canthus, and he fainted immediately after yelling!

An hour later, Lu An opened his eyes slowly, and in front of him was his study, Yu Wenyan was sitting beside him, looking at him steadily. "Bo Qi, you finally woke up! An hour ago, the two doctors gave you a diagnosis and treatment, so that you can sleep for an hour before discussing business affairs. No, here are some papers, Master Qian said you first After seeing it, he will come right away. He ran for four days and four nights on horseback for more than a thousand miles, and his body stinks. He went to take a shower and freshen up before coming to talk to you in detail." Yu Wenyan said.

"Yan'er, help me up, give me some cold water, and I will wash my face." Lu An slowly got up. Yecheng was 1,200 miles away from Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, and Qian Feng arrived within four days, and he was indeed desperate. "You send someone to tell Master Qian, don't worry, let him take a rest, I'm not in a hurry." Lu An was greatly booed, and without saying anything else, he drove a thousand or two hundred miles in four days and four nights. When he came to report the funeral, Mr. Qian's favor, Lu An owed a lot to him.

The cold well water washed away the sorrow and anger on his face. Lu An suppressed the restlessness and sorrow in his heart, took these documents, and slowly looked at it. This is an edict issued in the name of the emperor, to inform him of the whole story of the assassination of Wen Wang Lu Bu, as well as the details of the death of Zhao Yijun Yan Yan and General Gao Shunbeng. Lu An watched it very carefully. He deliberated word by word, contemplating it carefully, and constantly forming pictures in his mind. The loyalty of the general Gao Shun, the battle between his mother and Kang Moli, seemed like a picture scroll, slowly unfolding before his eyes. Before he knew it, he was already in tears, and the tears ran across his cheeks and wet the clothes.

"Oh!" Lu An finally finished reading. He took a wet towel and slowly wiped away the tears on his face. At this moment, the door creaked open and Qian Feng entered. He walked gently to the guest seat, sat down slowly, looked at Lu An, and then at the papers. On the culture, the stains of tears were clearly visible. "Zhong Shuling, Emperor Zhao Yi and the general suddenly collapsed, and Wang Ru was struck by lightning. Although he can't see it on the face, his spirit is not as good as before. These days, I have been recuperating behind closed doors."

Having said this, Qian Feng gave Lu An a deep look. "Before I left the capital city of Luoyang, Zhong Shuling summoned me specifically. Now, the three prime ministers are in charge of the power of the court, headed by Zhong Shuling. There are a few words from Zhong Shuling that I have asked me to bring things to Pingzhang. "Oh? This happened? Lord Qian, please speak frankly, Lu An listens carefully." Lu An quickly sat up straight to show respect.

"Zhong Shuling said a total of three sentences, and he asked me to bring them to you verbatim. First, King Wen was a husband in the first half of his life, and a king in the second half of his life. Second, there can be many women of the king, but, There is only one person he loves. The Zhaoyi Jun is dead, and the husband Wang Wang also died. The rest is just the Wen Wang as the king and the man. Third, at this time, Zhongshu Ling Dang stable Staying in battle, in accordance with the edict, supervise you and enlist the troops and horses of the four states of Henan to attack Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, and make an unworldly contribution."

Having said this, Qian Feng lowered his voice. "Zhong Shuling also said that the reason why King Wen told the world that Liping Zhangshi was the son of the prince was partly because of the words of Emperor Zhao Yi before his death. The relevant records are in these top-secret documents. Pingzhang has a reputation as a benevolent emperor, and Wenzhi is his strong point. Unfortunately, martial arts are slightly lacking. This is the time to explore the three prefectures, and it is time to show off his talent!

"Lv An understands! Thanks for the book order! Thank you, Lord Qian, for such a great kindness, I will pay a good return tomorrow!" Lu An whispered. At this moment, he was already sweating heavily. During this period of time, he was too easy and too careless. At this moment, he is just Wang Shizi, that's it! If it hadn't been for the words of the book that made Jia Xu deaf, he was still alive in his dream at this moment!

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