New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xi Zhicai's final plan

Upon hearing this, Cao Cao's face changed drastically, sweating! The matter is obvious. Lu An has always been in Jizhou, even in the capital of the Han Dynasty in Luoyang City, when the former Taiwei Zhao Qian rebelled, and when he led a 70,000 foot cavalry to raid Luoyang City, or when Lu Bu ruled the city. Lu An didn't return the aid, instead, like a nail, he was firmly nailed to Jizhou.

Lu An must be brewing a major event, and when the time comes, everyone in the world will be shocked! That big event was probably about navigating the three states of Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, and finally set the Central Plains. "The words of Zhicai are really good words! I made a mistake! I made a mistake!" Cao Cao palpated his chest. "I will rectify the army, immediately attack and kill Zhang Miao, Zhang Chao, and Chen Gong, and restore the three eastern counties of Yanzhou!"

"Don’t do this for the lord! If this is done, the lord is in danger! Yanzhou is in danger!" Xi Zhicai was shocked immediately, his chest rose sharply, and he was breathing heavily, just like a dying year. Eighty old men who are about to die. "Zhicai, don't be excited, don't be excited! Haosheng sit down, you are seriously ill, you must not get angry!"

Cao Cao hurriedly stepped forward and held down Xi Zhicai in one hand, and said sincerely with a full face. The heroes who are among the best in the world have several strengths, which are beyond the reach of others. Lu Fengxian's true temperament and Liu Xuande's counterfeit skills are among the best. Cao Meng Desheng is strong in resisting pressure, indomitable, wise and courageous, and upright and unrestrained. In this way, a large number of civil servants and military generals gathered around him. Seeing Cao Mengde's sincere and sincere care, Xi Zhi couldn't help but lose most of his anger.

"The lord, please sit down, and listen to me slowly!" Xi Zhi just breathed and drank a few sips of tea, then said slowly. "Think of the brothers Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao. Ever since the lord killed Bian Rang, they have used Chen Gong as their master, and are always preparing to rebel against Lu Bu and draw a salary from the bottom of the pan. The one who knows you best, except you are the strongest. The big enemy-such as Nalu Fengxian-is your best friend-such as Zhang Miao. Zhang Miao is the lord's best friend, so he knows the lord's person the most, and he has been waiting for a long time! , Zhang Chao has been collecting grain from the pottery and building the city on a large scale, in order to fight to the death with our army!"

"Most of the troops under Zhang Miao are county soldiers from the Dongjun, Chenliu, and Jiyin counties. They are familiar with our military's tactics. This is one of them. In this battle, our army must fight fast, so that Zhang Miao The two brothers Zhang Chao are caught off guard before they can win. Zhang Chao knows this. Therefore, he will definitely not be able to hold on. The second is also. Third, Lu Bujun is always on the sidelines and can play the winning one at any time. With these three points, I humbly thought that I must not stand under the strong city!" Xi Zhicai finally finished speaking, and he raised his eyes to Cao Cao, panting like a bellows again. Cao Cao let out a long sigh, raised a cup of tea in front of him, and held the cup for the drama himself.

"What Zhicai said is extremely true! However, there are tigers in front and packs of wolves behind, how should I deal with it?" Cao Cao sat back in his seat and said with a long sigh after watching Xi Zhi panting. "My lord, I have been thinking about this matter for a long time. In my opinion, our army is victorious in a long-distance attack, and we must not easily attack. The lord should bypass Dingtao and send a good army to take Chenliu with great fanfare, while the army is here. Halfway in an ambush. Zhang Miao and Chen Gong are both in Chenliu, Zhang Chao will definitely return to the teacher to rescue. If this happens, big things can happen!"

"If Zhang Chao is not fooled, then return to the division to attack Chen Liu and change the feign attack to a fierce attack. There is no need to worry about Zhang Chao not being fooled. However, this strategy has a drawback, that is, it is afraid that someone will see it. Jia Wenhe, Chen Gongtai, and Lu An It's possible to see through this plan. Another point is to play fast, spread and meticulously, spread rumors to confuse the public, so that Zhang Miao, Zhang Chao and others are dazzled and confused."

Xi Zhicai spoke very slowly this time, but these words seemed to consume his whole body's strength, and he slowly closed his eyes and calmed his mind. "This statement is great! It is indeed a clever plan! I am going to release a rumor that our army will attack Xuzhou again, and wait until Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao slacken, before launching another thunder attack! So, Chen Liu and Ding Tao will definitely enter. I am stuck."

With a look of excitement on his face, Cao Cao shot the case with his palm. "My lord, my destiny is fixed. I can't wait to do my best! Even if the lord takes the two counties of Chenliu and Jiyin, it will take at least a month. At that time, Lu An's army may have been on the road! Youzhou, Jizhou has decided that it can send troops to the south. If combined with the army of Bingzhou, Sili and even Xianbei, the lord will ask himself if he can resist it? This time the southern expedition, Lu Anqi's ambition is not small, at least he must take all of Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou. The land can be satisfied."

At this point, Xi Zhicai's voice became high-pitched. "As Lv Bu's second son, Lu Zheng has already put down the Guishuang Empire at a young age. He has achieved a lot of achievements in battle, so that some of his achievements have become the master. In desperation, Lu Bu had to announce to the world and announced with great fanfare that Lu An was enlisted. For the prince of Wen. Lu An knows that he is just taking advantage of his eldest son, and probably also has Zhao Yijun Yan Yan’s deathbed entrustment. Only once in the South Expedition, he had already suffocated a sigh of relief and wanted to make one move. Get rid of the three princes and calm down the north of the Yangtze River. Only in this way can he be shorter and longer with Lu Zhengyi, who is the master of the power!

As one of the best heroes in the world, Cao Cao is naturally extremely clever. When he heard what Xizhi said, he immediately understood everything. Since Lu An has such ambitions, when he starts, he will inevitably rush towards the top of the mountain like the sky and the earth. Not to mention anything else, just say that Youzhou, Jizhou, and Bingzhou can dispatch hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, which is not even counted as Xianbei Jingqi!

Under this circumstance, even if you take the three counties of Dongjun, Chenliu, and Jiyin, what about? With tens of thousands of steps, how can it resist Lu An's hundreds of thousands of troops? Furthermore, the 16th-guard generals under Lu Bu's army still stationed troops in Sili territory and did not move. Na Lu Feng used troops first, and he liked cavalry raids the most. If he neglected, his army of hundreds of thousands would appear by your side.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao immediately sweated and heavily clothed, he let out a sigh of relief, and asked slowly. "Zhicai, in your opinion, how should we deal with it?" "Master, in my opinion, within two months, Lu An's army will definitely go south. Even if it can smoothly restore Yanzhou, our army is exhausted. This is what Lu An pinched. The only way to solve this problem is to walk in front of him all the time, so that there can be a way out!" Xi Zhi frowned and said slowly.

"Oh? So, I don't know why Zhicai can teach me?" When he heard this, Cao Cao immediately became interested. "Lord, whether Zhang Chao is fooled or not fooled, whether Yanzhou can't be beaten, the lord must return to his teacher immediately and go to Xuzhou day and night! Go straight to Yanxian, first capture Tao Qian. Tao Qian is old and sick, and it's not long before. In this world, as long as he dies, Xuzhou will surely have civil strife. Our army is thousands of miles away, and Xuzhou's defenders will slacken off, and they will be prone to sneak attacks by our army. This point, we still have to learn from Lu Fengxian."

Xi Zhi just grabbed his finger and said in detail. At this moment, Cao Cao didn't know that Xi Zhicai had quietly swallowed several mouthfuls of sweet blood. "Zhi Cai, a gentleman asks misfortunes but does not ask good fortunes. If Lu An raises soldiers from the three states to the south, even if I have Yanzhou and Xuzhou in hand, it will be a hard fight at best. If Xuzhou does not defend, our army should again. How to deal with it?"

Cao Cao is extremely clever. It can be said that he can learn by analogy, but he is like a transparent person in front of Xi Zhicai, and he is seen thoroughly. "Go south, pass the site of Yuan Road, all the way east, to fetch Jingzhou!" Xi Zhicai's right hand waved suddenly in the air and said loudly. "Liu Jingsheng is old, the eldest son Liu Qi and the second son Liu Cong are fighting for the throne. The Jingzhou family is divided into two factions, and they are not convinced. The lord can unite with Liu Cong and agree to destroy Liu Qi's faction, and take this as a reason to enter Jingxiang's nine counties!"

"Zhicai's words are great! When I was young, I was friendly with Tsai Degui, and they were brothers and sisters. With this relationship, he came to vote when he was poor, and he would probably not be suspicious. After Liu Qi??????" Cao Cao couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. Everyone is a smart person who knows elegance by hearing the song. There are some things that don’t need to be said too thoroughly. As for whether Cao Mengde can support Liu Cong's succession to the throne after the elimination of Liu Qi's faction, only the thief God can know.

At this moment, the plan has been decided, and both of them know that on the day of goodbye, I am afraid that the heavens and humans are separated, and for a while, each other is a little booing. "Lord, "The Analects of Confucius? Taber" has a saying: Birds are about to die, and their sounds are mournful; people are about to die, and their words are also good. At the end of the day, Zhicai still has a few unreasonable words of advice, please listen to the Lord Just listen!" At this point, Xi Zhi was full of bleak expressions.

"Zhicai, please speak up! I must listen carefully!" Cao Cao quickly straightened up, straightened his clothes to show solemnity.

"Now today, it is the world of aristocratic families. Even if it is as powerful as Lu Fengxian, they have to sacrifice the "Nine Grade Officials Act" to reconcile with the world aristocratic families. Lord, the matter of slaying and resigning can no longer be done. That’s it! Even if you want to do it, you can’t do it yourself, you have to use someone else to do it! Also, this slaughter of the city can’t be done anymore. Look at Liu Xuande, a gentleman with a face, harmless to humans and animals, and the dough ball looks like a rich family. Weng is generally amiable. As for what he has done in private, as long as you don’t get caught, just do it! There are real villains and hypocrites in the world right now, but in short, a real villain is absolutely not a hypocrite. Yes! Why? Some things can only be done but not said, and some things can only be said and cannot be done, but the lord has turned the other way!"

Xi Zhicai finally finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking. "I made a mistake!" Cao Cao got up and saluted.

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