New Story of Lv Bu

: : The left and right are acting, then do the full set

In the third year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, on the sixth day of August, at noon, on the Ximen city wall in Yanzhou, Junzhi Changyi of Shanyang County.

"Look, what's that? There! Westward!" A sharp-eyed county soldier jumped up, pointing in the westward direction, and shouted. "His grandma is a bear! What are you screaming about? It's not easy to squint for a while, it's **** disturbed by you!" The leader of the team stood up reluctantly, and he stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes. Yawning, cursing dissatisfiedly.

"That's??????" But in an instant, his cursing stopped abruptly. Looking in the direction pointed by the young and enthusiastic county soldier, about seven or eight miles away, a marching army appeared. There were about six or seven hundred people in that army, all cavalry, and each of them had three or four horses around them, which looked like scouts.

Six or seven hundred Qingqi opened the rows and rolled forward, as if the sea was growing in tide. Thousands of horseshoes shook the earth and the ground shook, and yellow dust rose from behind, repeatedly, straight up into the sky. "His grandmother! These damsels of Qingqi are old men who have survived a hundred battles! Otherwise, there will be no yellow dust behind them! Whoever, hurry up and send a signal to inform General Xiahou!"

The leader of the team shouted loudly, completely forgetting what he had just said. The county soldiers above the city gate had long been accustomed to Master Dublin's rebellion, and they bounced like a spring on their waist, grabbed the weapon in their hands, and quickly lined up. After a few breaths, the screaming horn sounded throughout the city, and the city of Changyi immediately became chaotic, and the county soldiers rushed up the city wall.

When General Xiahou—this is the honorific name given to Xiahou Dun by the county soldiers—when he came to the west gate, the cavalry came just five hundred steps away from the west gate. "The whole team!" The leader of the army uttered a long command. Hundreds of fine riders slammed their horses, the horses under the hips slid and made a neigh, and two front-hooves stood up and slammed heavily on them. On the ground, a cloud of yellow dust splashed. Looking from above the city wall, hundreds of fine knights seemed to be training pawns, all of them lined up.

"Don't guess! With this unique skill of cavalry quickly gathering the array between marching, it must be the Han army under Lu Fengxian! If you don't believe it, look carefully, there must be many foreign faces with high noses and deep eyes inside. Come here! Quickly report to the prefecture and ask him to go to the city to deal with it!" Xiahou Dun sighed, his heart full of melancholy and helplessness. This cavalry must be an elite scout in the Han army. In the past, the sneak attack on Luoyang failed. When he fled for thousands of miles, his cavalry suffered a lot.

"What? The cavalry of the Han army came to Changyi City? What are they here for? Could it be that Lu Feng first acted first?" Cao Cao glanced suspiciously at the army prince who came to report, frowning and muttering to himself Tao. "Lord, it shouldn't be. Lu Fengxian is the best at sneak attacks. If he did, he would definitely not be so fanatical. Could it be that the previous visit to Shunatu returned to have an answer?" Guo Jialuo on the side thought about it for a while, and then guessed it. . "But, that pretentiousness was used by his mother to deceive Brother Zhang Miao." At this point, Cao Cao shut his mouth in due course. Originally, I wanted to trick the Zhang Miao brother out. How did he attract the hungry tiger?

"Perhaps, this is where Lu Fengxian is shrewd. Lord, let's rush over and have a look before talking." Guo Jia replied.

"Cao Jun at the head of Changyi City, listen to the truth! I am waiting for the Lingao army scout under the Han army General Linghao. According to the order of the emperor, the general Linghao and the superintendent of the palace will be appointed as the special envoy to recruit Cao Qian. Feng was the deputy envoy to recruit and Fu, and came to accept Cao Jun’s surrender! The accompanying officials were Yanzhou Muchen Palace and Yanzhou Governor Zhang Miao. After half an hour, the tens of thousands of General Linghua’s army would arrive at Changyi City. Please Cao Yanzhou is out of the city to greet! The angels arrive, so be sure to greet them grandly!" The leader of the army rushed forward and shouted. After speaking, he trot with his horse and returned to the army. "Brothers! Get off the horse and rest for a quarter of an hour!"

"No!" With a sudden promise, hundreds of cavalry flew off their horses, unarmed like a mountain, letting the summer sun bake the wet straight. However, the veterans in the Cao Jun after hundreds of battles could see clearly, and they all held the reins tightly in their hands. Even those armors that were removed are placed within reach and can be worn as long as they reach out. His grandma's! These Qiu Bas are definitely not as defiant as they seem on the surface. It is obvious that they are ready to fly on horseback and fight anytime and anywhere.

"Huh? Cao Yanzhou surrendered to the court? Why don't we know?" "I'm! That's a matter of the generals, you know a shit?" "No, we don't seem to know about it?" "I have surrendered and slapped me? It's better to go back to farm early!" In an instant, the Cao Jun at the head of the city was full of voices, and the Cao Junjun soldiers were talking loudly in twos and threes.

"Oh! It's full! Isn't Guo Fengxiao's bad idea? Originally I wanted to trick Zhang Miao brothers and Chen Gong, and it was a slap in the face. Okay, let's get rid of tens of thousands of troops. Fight and fight. However, don't fight, do you really want to surrender? Isn't this a problem for Boss Cao?" A burly general muttered dissatisfiedly. Xiahou Dun turned his head to see that it was Cao Hong and Cao Zilian. This person has experienced a lot of battles and made great contributions, but he has a stingy temperament and a big mouth. He is most fond of complaining.

"Zilian! Shut your stinky mouth! If it affects the morale of the army, watch me take you to death with a leather whip!" Xiahou Dun opened one eye and gave Cao Hong a fierce look. "I won't say it! If you don't say it, can't it be done?" In addition to Cao Cao, Cao Hong was most afraid of the one-eyed general Xiahou Dun. He quibbleed himself, but his voice was lowered by an octave. "I want to see, how does Fengxiao's child end up?"

"Fengxiao, this is the end of the matter, how can it be?" On the tower of the west gate of Changyi, Cao Cao frowned and looked at Guo Jia. The ancients said: Cunning Rabbit Three Caves. Since the collapse of Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and Guo Jia are the only plotters under his command. Xun Yu has a strategic vision, and Guo Jiaduo's ingenious plan is considered exhaustive. The two cooperate with each other, and it can be said that they complement each other and complement each other.

Now, Xun Yu is carrying the mission of "Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit", and in the name of escorting Mi Heng to Jingzhou, he has gone to talk with Cai Hao, Madam Cai and Liu Cong. At this moment, the only plotter in front of him was Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao. For Guo Jia, Cao Cao was convinced. The reason is simple. Guo Jia escaped from Lu Fengxian. If Lu Fengxian gains power, he will never survive.

The poisonous trick that the court of the Shangshu dynasty returned to the land was presented by Guo Jia a few days ago. According to Guo Jia's intention, one must do a full set of dramas, and it is best to cheat even one's own people. It is a good strategy to mobilize soldiers and horses secretly while surrendering the court to return to the land, and beating the Zhang Miao brother by surprise! Unexpectedly, the imperial court took it seriously, and sent Lu Linghao led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to fight, but fail, surrender, and not reconciled. It really made Cao Cao's eyebrows tight and sad, and he was really at a loss.

"It's okay, it's about acting on the left and right, then do a full set! Whatever the case, as soon as Lu Linghao leaves, we will immediately send troops to fight Zhang Miao brother!" Guo Jia smiled slightly, and said in a leisurely manner. "Hey! This is a good strategy! It's just, does it hurt my reputation?" Cao Cao was overjoyed as soon as he shot the case, and then the enthusiasm in his eyes immediately extinguished. Since the killing of Bian Ren, he began to pay attention to his reputation, and it was not too late to make up for it.

"My lord, your prestige has disappeared since the moment you punished Bian Rang and massacred hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou! You can't even survive, so what prestige do you need? Those are all imaginary! "Guo Jia shook his head lightly, and gave Cao Cao a smile. Guo Jia didn't think that it was inappropriate to punish the border and massacre, but that those who did big things should be innocent.

"His grandma is a bear! It's done! Feng Xiao, you are right! To survive, I Cao Cao is willing to do anything! I'd rather take the world, not let the world take me!" Cao Cao said aloud. "Send my general order, open the city gates, and ceremoniously welcome the angels to enter the city!" At this moment, Cao Cao made up his mind to kill Brother Zhang Miao and restore Yanzhou even if it is difficult and dangerous!

Cao Cao and Guo Jia came to the top of the West Gate City, set up a pergola, and crossed the mountains and rivers, looking far away. I saw smoke and dust billowing in the west direction, repeatedly, straight up into the sky. Looking at that posture, the north-south is about a few miles long, the east and the west are not seen at the end, at least 100,000 horses, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers marching together can have such a prestige. From this point of view, at least the entire Lingchao army has arrived!

After a while, the billowing yellow dust gradually dissipated, and a large army rushed forward. The one who opened the way was thousands of fine horsemen, full of horses, top helmets and braided armour, and a clean army. It seemed to be the forward of the Ling Hao army. Behind the Jingqi is a heavy armored cavalry with thousands of people. Everyone wears heavy armor and holds a shiny sword in his hand. Under the crotch is a tall and strong Xiliang horse. Everyone is obsessed with it. Up.

After the vanguard, tens of thousands of troops rushed in, the light cavalry and heavy cavalry winged to protect the left and right, and in the middle was the infantry in the Xuanchang high cart. Crossbowmen, swordsmen, pikemen, heavy infantry, and trebuchets, bed crossbows, and ladders fixed on tall carts, watching carts for watching, and Yuan military carts for commanding and watching the enemy are densely packed. Boundless. Looking from a distance, it is full of forward-looking spirit.

Among the Chinese army, a large flag with Lu character was flying in the wind, followed by the flag with Chinese characters and the flag of the Lingchao Army. Lu Lingchao is here!

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