New Story of Lv Bu

: : Mi Heng finally made himself dead

Mi Heng and Xun Yu came all the way and rushed for thousands of miles. At this moment, people are already tired. Mi Heng strode forward with his head high and got into Jingzhou Mu Liubiao's eight-treasure car. The driving mistress flicked the rein, and the carriage briskly drove towards the city of Jiangling. The eight window lattices were wide open, and under the breeze, the veil curtains danced gracefully, but I don't know what is in your heart at this moment.

Kuailiang's car is at the forefront, and he is responsible for guiding. Two or three hundred steps away, is the Babao Ranchi that Mi Heng is riding in. Cai Tao's car crashed at the end, four to five hundred steps away from Mi Heng's car. This battle has its own origins, and it is the rule by the emperor of this dynasty to welcome the elders and virtuous founders of the village. Jingzhou Mu Liu Jingsheng welcomed the guests with this, demonstrating his respect for Mi Heng.

Xun Yu smiled slightly and lifted his leg into Cai Tao's car. Obviously, Cai Tao’s eight-treasure car is not a popular ordinary version on the market, but is specially customized with materials. Compared with the ordinary products on the market, it is more luxurious, more magnificent, and more spacious. In the middle of the huge carriage, there is a table, and the porcelain vase on it is filled with flowers, and the faint fragrance floats, making people drunk. A seven or eight-year-old boy stepped forward shyly, poured tea for the two of them, and quietly stepped back.

"Hey! Unexpectedly, Brother Degui is an elegant person? The flowers are tangy, the ink is faint, and the curling incense is to give me a fairy, and I don't want to change it!" Xun Yu said with surprise. "Wen Ruo absurd! Since the defeat of Xiangyang, I have become a rat crossing the street, and the celebrities of the Qingliu County in Jingxiang 9th counties raised their arms and shouted, saying that the traitors must be severely punished!"

With a smile on his face, Cai Tao stretched out his hand to signal Xun Yu to drink tea. "For a while, the celebrities of Jingzhou Qingliu gave me a few big hats: arrogant swordsmen, angered strong neighbors, so that the 200,000 land and water army was annihilated; humiliated the country with no achievements, dare to sign a traitorous treaty? ????? In addition, there are a total of thirteen points. Seeing their posture, I must dig my grave, dig my grave, and thwart my bones and ashes, so that I can alleviate the hatred! Fortunately, it is all over. No need to talk about it. Drink tea! Drink tea!"

Cai Tao raised his eyes to Xun Yu while drinking tea. He was a wise man, and he had already seen the key points clearly. Xun Yu was Cao Mengde's planner. If he was only escorting Mi Heng, he would not be necessary at all. Since Xun Yu is here, something big must happen! I just don't know what's the big deal. Regarding this point, Liu Jingzhou is also very puzzled, so he hopes to find out why Xun Yu came as soon as possible.

"Dehui, there is a sentence from the Wen Wang Lu Fengxian, called a hollow gangster! What is the meaning of this? It refers to those celebrities of the Qingliu, who talk about it every day, thousands of words at every turn, but carefully I think about it, but there is nothing. Asking about the Confucian classics, ancient and modern similarities and differences, you can talk about three days and three nights. However, if you ask about the national economy, the people's livelihood, and economic affairs, you will be at a loss, and you will be at a loss. Yes, it is Xu Jing, Xu Wenxiu, Xu Shao and Xu Zijiang, and the one who is near is Ni Hengmi Zhengping!"

"Nalu Feng was first a hero of the world, and he started from an ordinary soldier. He has struggled in all kinds of battles, and he knows the shortcomings. However, in the face of these hollow officials, he has nothing to do and can only hold high. , Put it down gently. He worked hard for more than ten years to establish the Capital University Hall and Lecture Hall in order to overcorrect! What he wants is the clerks, not the scholars who don't know the affairs!"

"From this point of view, Lu Fengxian is undoubtedly right. For example, Brother Degui, leading an army to attack Nanyang, what courage is that? What loneliness is it? If defeated, it may not be the commander, not Cao Yanzhou and Yuan Jizhou. Have you lost several times in a row? As for after the defeat, I am a fish and I am a fish, and I am actually waiting for what I can do? If you let those hollow officials negotiate, it may not be better than that of Brother Degui. Okay! So, don't worry, Liu Jingzhou still knows it!"

Xun Yu finally finished speaking. He lightly picked up the teapot, first served Cai Tao a cup of tea, and then filled it up for himself. "Wen Ruo, this hollow gangster official is really interesting! Wonderful!" Cai Hao extended his right thumb. "Since Meng De killed the border, the great family of the world has attacked. Just as he was in a state of exhaustion, he unexpectedly encountered a madman in naked clothes scolding Cao. As a last resort, he had to send the madman here. Not seeing is pure. Wenruo, are you here just for this?"

"No. For the sake of a Mi Zhengping, I can't make a trip in person. Brother Degui, here is a letter written by Meng De, please take a look." When he finished speaking, Xun Yu took out one from his sleeve. The letter was handed over with both hands. "Oh?" Cai Hao smiled slightly and took it with both hands. He unfolded the letter and read the ten lines at a glance. Only then did he slowly close his eyes and close his eyes to meditate.

"This matter is still made. The specific nuances, we will discuss in detail tomorrow." Cai Hao said slowly.

"Okay! Tomorrow night, I will visit the mansion. I would rather be the head of a chicken than a queen. Brother Degui is a real hero too!" Xun Yu smiled.

Three days later, Xun Yu left Jiangling and returned to Changyi. Cai Hao was sent off by Liu Biao's order and has been sent out of Jingzhou.

Mi Heng's life in Jiangling was extremely comfortable. Jingzhou's style of writing is quite prosperous, and the person who admires the most is a celebrity like Mi Heng. "Naked scolding Cao" made Mi Heng the incarnation of justice. After all, the big guys could only put their mouths on the side of the genocide, but Mi Zhengping dared to curse Cao Mengde face-to-face. As a result, Mi Heng's residence was immediately accessible and crowded with friends. Important articles, talks and discussions cannot be finalized without Mi Heng's opinions, and no one dares to finalize them.

Liu Biao once drafted memorials with several literati, and everyone did their best. At that time, Mi Heng happened to be out, and when he came back, he saw the memorial that they had prepared, and felt that Liu Biao's explanation of the memorial was not rigorous, so he tore off the memorial and threw it on the ground. Liu Biao felt strange and scared. Mi Heng smiled slightly and asked for pen and paper to write immediately, with impressive rhetoric and semantics. Liu Biao was very happy and valued him even more.

However, over time, the lethality of Mi Heng's stinky temper became apparent. He often gets drunk, and it doesn't matter if he is drunk. After all, he is a real celebrity, what is drunk? However, after Mi Heng became drunk, he yelled at Liu Biao's head several times. Own that little ear rushed away and quietly told Liu Biao. At first, Liu Biao laughed but didn't say anything. The more times Liu Biao began to feel ashamed. He is a big celebrity and a clan, and he really cannot tolerate this.

"Cao Mengde didn't dare to kill him, so I sent it over. I didn't dare to kill him, so let's send him to Huang Zu!" Liu Biao sighed helplessly, and took measures. At this point, I still surpassed Cao Mengde. As for why we should send Mi Heng to Jiangxia to meet Huang Zu, who has a violent temperament, everyone has chosen to ignore it. This can only be done and cannot be said.

Ever since, Mi Heng came to Jiangxia again. At first, during the first period of time, the guest and host got along very well. Huang Zu was a big boss, illiterate, and he was very happy to see that Ni Heng was willing to subdue under his command. Mi Heng handled the clerical matters for Huang Zu, which is lighter, heavier, and who is sparse and relatives, all handled appropriately. Huang Zu is very satisfied with Mi Heng's contribution to the essay.

Huang Zu took Ni Heng's hand and said, "Sir, this is exactly what I want, and it is the same as what I want to say in my heart." Huang Zu's eldest son, Huang She, is the prefect of Zhangling and is especially friendly to Ni Heng. Huang She feasted the guests once. Someone gave him a parrot. Huang She held up a wine glass and said to Mi Heng: "Mr. Hope (for the parrot) made an essay to make the guests happy." Mi Heng picked up his pen. The writing was done without any changes in the middle, and the rhetoric was also very gorgeous. Huang She was overjoyed and immediately gave him a lot of belongings.

However, as time went on, Mi Heng began to do it by himself again. Once, Huang Zu banqueted guests on a big ship, the guests were full, and the sound of silk and bamboo was heard. Just when the wine was hot and coveted, Ni Heng ate a few more glasses of wine and finally got drunk. Mi Heng has a stinking problem. You must scold someone when you are drunk, and you'll always scold someone when you see him, until there is no one to stop.

Although Huang Zu is crude and innocent, he always loves face. Seeing that Mi Heng was so relieved of alcohol, he scolded all the guests and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him. "Zhengping is drunk, go to the Wake Up Bar!" He was kind, trying to cover up for Ni Heng. Unexpectedly, Ni Heng turned his face, fixedly staring at Huang Zu, and pointed at his nose and yelled: "Die old man! Get out of me! Get out!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Zu immediately became angry. He clenched his fists and was about to beat Niheng. Mi Heng was not afraid, and scolded even louder. Huang Zu finally got out of anger, he shouted: "Come on! Pull this madman down for me and chop it down!"

"No!" Huang Zu's master book replied loudly. He had been scolded by Ni Heng several times. He had always hated Ni Heng and immediately drew out his sword and killed him. After Huang She learned the news, she was shocked and came to the rescue barefoot, but did not catch up. Huang Zu also regretted, so he buried him.

In the third year of Jian'an, on October 18th, Mi Heng was beheaded. At this time, he was twenty-four years old.

Later, Li Taibai praised and said in a poem: Wei Diying Ying Ba Ji, Yi Guan Yi Ni Heng. Huang Zu fights against the people, and kills them with notoriety. Wu Jiang's "Parrot" is superbly written. Qiang Qiang vibrates gold and jade, and every sentence wants to fly. The bird's owl pecks the lonely phoenix, Qianchun hurts my feelings. From a square inch from the Five Sacred Mountains, can it be leveled? What to do if you are so talented, you are ignorant and risk the punishment. So far on Fangzhou, Lan Hui can't bear to live.

To be honest, Mi Heng is purely doing himself to death. He is an outstanding representative of the hollow boss.

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