New Story of Lv Bu

: : The sky is not as good as the people?

In an unobstructed chaotic graveyard, in an ancient tomb full of corpses, Chen Liang slowly opened his eyes, and the three subordinates were napping as if they were not sleeping while holding weapons. "When is it?" Chen Liang slowly exhaled a big breath, lowered his voice and asked. "Who?" The three subordinate springs generally jumped up from the ground, and with a scream, they drew the ring head knife from the waist. When it was time to see clearly that it was Chen Liang's questioning, they wiped out the cold sweat on their heads and faces with lingering fears. "Captain, we are scared to death!"

At this moment, Er Lengzi's figure appeared at the entrance of the tomb passage, and his figure looked so hideous in the swaying oil lamp. "Captain, you are really a god! I have seen with my own eyes that those raw melon eggs walking with torches high were shot and killed by Cao Jun's fine horsemen hiding in the dark. Within twenty miles, I Dare to say that there are at least more than a thousand Cao Jun Jingqi!" Er Lengzi's tone was full of fear and desire. "What's this? What time am I talking about?" Chen Liang asked with a snort from his nose.

Chen Liang was a personal soldier of Chen Gong, but before that, he was a Dubo in the Union State Army. From the beginning of Da Sima's entry into Luoyang, he fought until the battle of Guancheng. It can be said that he has experienced many battles. Cao Jun's little tricks have long been insightful. Later, the people of Shadow found him and arranged for him to enter the guard of Chen Palace. This is not surprising, he was originally a member of Chen Gong's clans, but he had already produced five suits. Now, after hearing Er Lengzi's words full of admiration, Chen Liang couldn't help but ring in the past.

"It's about the beginning of the Yin Dynasty, and it will be dawn in half an hour," an older subordinate said. "Go, let's go up and take a look! At dawn, we will get up and go back to the city! I said, are the five horses set up?" "Set up, just tied behind a large tomb 20 steps away from the northwest. What? The falcon who delivered the letter was also taking good care of him." Winning one of the subordinates replied.

Chen Liang stretched his waist, slowly got up, blew out the oil lamp, turned and walked out of the tomb passage. A rush of hot air rushed towards his face, which was much better than an ancient tomb full of corpses. Chen Liangmao walked a few steps tightly around his waist, came to the back of that bare ancient tomb, and carefully inspected the five horses and two falcons. He nodded in satisfaction, and gently climbed to the top of the tomb.

In the cold moonlight, Chen Liang raised his clairvoyance, his left eye was slightly closed and his right eye opened wide, carefully observing Ji Shui in the southeast direction. Ji Shui is still pixelated daily, flowing slowly from southwest to northeast, reluctant to give up day and night. Chen Liang observed carefully for a quarter of an hour and found nothing. He was about to let go of his clairvoyance, and suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a faint flash of light. Based on experience, he judged that it was a flash of weaponry. He raised his clairvoyance again, and finally found that there were dark objects floating in the Ji Shui, which seemed to be dead trees falling down the river at a glance. In the dead wood, occasional blue light shines.

"Send an eagle letter. Cao Jun is smuggling into Jishui! Send two consecutive letters to the governor and state animal husbandry. After sending them, we will return to the city immediately!" Chen Liang slowly put down the clairvoyance in his hand, and he was sure of his judgment. suspect. The heavy rain has been going on for three days and three nights, and it is normal for driftwood to flow down the river. However, the driftwoods all pointed towards the west bank of Jishui, which was very abnormal.

In the dark night, two falcons flew away, Chen Liang and four subordinates turned on their horses and flicked the reins.

The waning moon, which had been hanging high in the sky all night, faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and strands of white belly appeared in the far east. Looking around, the end of the vast plain of Mapingchuan on the east bank of Jishui is so bright and dazzling. At this time, it is already the beginning of the year, at most half an hour, a round of red sun is about to gush out, and a brand new day is about to begin.

Chen Gong stood on the top of the city, looking to the east, when a breeze blew, he couldn't help but subconsciously tighten the cloak on his body. In the season of the end of August, Qiuhuhuo was making his last struggle, and Qiuyi was gradual. It was the breeze before dawn, and there was already a hint of coolness. Today is August 20th. Since Cao Cao withdrew on August 16th, three full days have passed. Did Cao Mengde really give up attacking Dingtao? Could it be that Cao Jun was going to bypass Dingtao and attack Chen Liu? Shouldn't it? Absolutely not!

"Zhou Mu, the new emergency eagle letter." Just when Chen Gongsi thought about it, the military officer in charge of communications came in stride. Chen Gong grabbed Ying Xin and slowly squatted down, looking at the oil lamp in the cavity behind the city wall with a glance. After finally reading it, he took a deep breath and reached out to wipe the sweat off his face. As he expected, Cao Mengde is here again!

"Legend: Call everyone up, pay attention, be quiet, and prepare for battle! It must be so, so, and so!"

Dingtao’s city wall is less than five or six miles away from Jishui. The purpose of building this city is twofold: First, it is to transport supplies from the water. Although water transportation is slow, it is better than large quantities and low prices. The second is that the river has repeatedly flooded and changed routes frequently.

Under the cover of the dark night, those driftwood-like objects in Jishui slowly approached the west bank of Jishui. It turned out to be thousands of soldiers wearing black cloaks. In just a few moments, the soldiers and soldiers of Sergeant Cao who had already landed quickly formed a team, and then moved to Dingtao County with the help of the cover of the terrain. Among the hurried teams of pawns, there are more than a hundred ladders.

Thousands of soldiers held a small wooden stick in their mouths without making a sound. Two or three miles, they only ran through a few hundred breaths of time. In front of me was a series of rolling hills, no more than tens of feet high, from the hill to the south gate of Dingtao, it was not more than one mile from the hill to the south gate of Dingtao. The soldiers quickly ran to the hill, quickly lay down, panting heavily, without scruples that they were wet and their clothes were alive. The leather armor on his body was soaked in water, heavy, and he ran as if he was carrying a heavy object.

A slight footstep came quickly, and Xia Houyuan's figure appeared under the hill. He fell to the ground lightly, splashing yellow dust. "What time is it?" he asked softly. No one answered, everyone clenched the small wooden stick in their mouths. Xia Houyuan smiled and looked up at the sky. At the far end of the east, a thousand rays of glow had appeared, and the sky was about to light up.

"Passing the order! Everyone, after twenty breaths, violently attack the city! Definitely go down!" Xia Houyuan said softly.

The first wave of Cao Jun's offensive was as fast as the heavens and the earth. One charge made Dingtao falter. "Siege!" Along with Xia Houyuan's roar, Cao Jun, seven or eight thousand pawns covered in leather armor and wet mud monkey all over, jumped up and rushed towards the south gate of Dingtao. After three days of exposure, the earth was as hard as an iron plate, and everyone ran like a wolves, tigers and leopards. The water on the leather armor has drained, and it is extremely light compared to the iron armor.

From that small hill to the south gate of Dingtao, it was only a mile or more. Thousands of Cao Jun's pawns kept silent and flew, and they ran under the city wall after only more than a hundred breaths. Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Hundreds of cloud ladders stepped on the battlements, making rhythmic noises. "Siege!" Xia Houyuan shook the big knife in his hand and flew up first! Behind him are endless pawns.

At this moment, looking from the south gate of Dingtao, under the city wall are densely packed Cao Jun footmen, and everyone roars in anger at the same time. "Siege!" "Siege!" "Siege!" More than a thousand people climbed up like apes. Below each of the ladders, there are four or five burly soldiers pressing their bodies firmly on the bottom of the ladder to prevent the Dingtao defenders from pushing away from the city.

Peng! Puff! Puffy! The six trumpets sounded for the first time, and suddenly thousands of defenders appeared on the head of Dingtao. "Hahahahahahaha! Cao Mengde, today you were hit again! Hit me fiercely! Don't keep your hands!" With a loud shout, Chen Gong's figure appeared at the head of the city, and he screamed out. The 100-refined steel ring around his waist made his first cut, his figure flashed, and he was the first to jump up. "Kill the enemy!" "Kill the enemy!" "Kill the enemy!" The defenders at the head of the city shouted violently, each with a knife and gun, and rushed forward.

Flop! Flop! Wow! Boom! Xia Houyuan swung his sword, three steps in two, and he was the first to ascend the city like an ape! With a loud shout, the big knife in his hand suddenly swung out, swept across, and chopped the three county soldiers in front of him into six sections. Immediately afterwards, he rushed forward, swiping a big knife, and split a very long into two pieces from the right shoulder to the left rib. There was only a horror, and the extremely long corpse burst open to both sides, splashing blood and meat on everyone's faces. Xia Houyuan had already taken three steps forward.

"Crossbowman! Aim at the city, and shoot! The archer, aim at the general and shoot him! Are the crossbows and catapults dead? Launch!" Chen Gong was full of strength, and a sword would face him. The coming Cao Jun was hacked to death, his wrist was turned, the blade was picked diagonally from the bottom right to the top left, and a Cao Jun stepper was chopped in half. He looked around for a brief moment and roared loudly.

Chen Gong was a wise man, Cao Jun violently attacked the city and caught Dingtao's defending army by surprise. In order to avoid future troubles, Chen Gong laid out a clever plan to try to defend Dingtao City. However, in order to achieve suddenness, he had to pretend to be completely defenseless. In this way, the county soldiers that can mobilize the upper city are very limited. In order to inspire the military, Chen Gong had to play an example in person.

However, he happened to encounter the Killing Star Xia Houyuan, and he and more than a hundred soldiers boarded the top of the city, already occupying a position.

Really **** heaven is not as good as human beings, is it possible that Dingtao City is about to be captured? There was a sudden chill in Chen Gong's heart.

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