New Story of Lv Bu

: : Big Fudge Sima Yi

In the third year of Jian'an of the Han Dynasty, on August 26, Chen Shi, Yangzhou, Sun Ce's base camp, Wu County's prefecture governed Wu County.

Wu County is the birthplace of "Liangzhu Culture", and it has been the hometown of well-dressed families since ancient times. At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Taibo, the eldest son of Zhou Taiwang, and Zhong Yong, the second son of Zhou Taiwang, avoided the throne and went to the "Jingman" from Zhouyuan Lamphun under Qishan, Shaanxi, and combined with the indigenous people in Meili to establish the "Gou Wu". In the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wu Keshang later named Taibo the fifth Sun Zhouzhang as Wu Zi, and Wu Shi was listed as a prince. In the first year of the King of Zhou Jian, the nineteenth Sun Shoumeng of Taibo became king. It was the first year of Wu Shoumeng, and the country of Wu had an exact date. In the eleventh year of King Zhou Ling and the 25th year of Shou Meng, Zhu Fan succeeded to the throne. Later moved the capital to Wudi. In the sixth year of King Zhou Jing and the first year of King Wu Helu, Wu Zixu built Helu City (Suzhou).

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu State prospered due to Wu Wanghelu, suppressing Yue State to the east, and attacking the capital Ying of Chu State to the east. Suddenly, the world was horrified, and Wu State became a powerful nation. When Helu's son Fucha succeeded to the throne, Wu State flourished first and then declined, and was finally destroyed by the Yue King Goujian who "has a guilty salary and tastes courage". In the nineteenth year of King Zhou Zhe and the twenty-three years of King Chu Huai, the Chu State finally eased its strength and moved its troops eastward and defeated the Yue State, and the Wu Land belonged to the Chu State. Forty-four years later, in the first year of King Chu Kaolie, Chu worshiped Huang Xie as his prime minister, and named Huaibei Land as Chun Shenjun. In the fifteenth year of King Chu Kaolie, he changed the title of Chun Shen Jun to Wu. At this time, it was the end of the Warring States Period, and the signs of reunification had already appeared.

In the twenty-sixth year of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the State of Qin established Wu County, which was subordinate to Huiji County and was the first county of Huiji County. In the third year of Qin II, Xiang Yu established himself as the overlord of Western Chu, and Wu County returned to Chu. In the five years of Emperor Han Dynasty, Xiang Yu was defeated, Han envelope was the king of Chu, and Wu County was the land of Han envelope. In six years, Liu Bang abolished the King of Chu and named Liu Jia the King of Jing. His capital was in Wu. Wu County was still the first county of Kuaiji Prefecture. In eleven years, King Yingbu of Huainan annexed King Jing's land. In October of the following year, Liu Bang killed Yingbu and made Liu Bi the king of Wu, the king of Jing Guodi, the capital of Guangling, and Wu County was changed to the state of Wu.

Three years before Emperor Han Jing, Liu Bi was punished for rebellion and Wu State was abolished. Wu County still belongs to Huiji County of Han Dynasty. Wu County belonged to Kuaiji County of Yangzhou in the fifth year of the Han Yuan confession. In the first year of the founding of Xinmang, Wu County was changed to Taide County. After four years of the Emperor of the Land, Wu County was still renamed. In the four years of Han Yongjian, the west part of Qiantang River in Huiji County was analyzed and Wu County was set up. Huiji County was governed by Shanyin, and Wu County was governed by Wu County. Wu County is subordinate to Wu County and is the first county of Wu County. In the five years of Hanzhong Ping, Yangzhou became an administrative district, and Wu County was still under the jurisdiction of Wu County, Yangzhou. In the three years of the Han Jian'an, Sun Ce attacked Wu Jun.

Sun Ce used Wu County as his base camp because of Zhang Zhao's suggestion. "Wuxian County is the hometown of well-dressed families and the general's county seat. Naturally, it must be held tightly in your hand. Geographically, Wu County has the throat of Kuaiji in the east, looks at Xuzhou in the north, controls Jiujiang and Danyang in the west, and belts to the south. Yuzhang is actually the site of the Four Wars. In my opinion, the general separatizes Wu Jun, and given time, he will be able to restore the Wu state."

Although Sun Ce is a commander in all battles, he has read a few books in his stomach. Among other things, Wu Wanghelu was able to break into Chuying because of Wu's financial resources. In addition, the king of Wu and Liu Bi rebelled, relying on the wealth of Wu. To contend for world hegemony, isn't it just money and food? As soon as Zhang Zhao said this, Sun Ce immediately understood, and he immediately accepted it.

The Jiangdong regime was rudely set, with a brand-new outlook. But, after all, there was still a big mountain on his head, and that was the board taught Yangzhou Muyuan Shu. Let's start the fight, Yuan Shu is the old master after all, and his name is unfair. Don't fight, Sun Ce is not reconciled. At this moment, Yuan Shu actually proclaimed the emperor, and Sima Yi, the angel of the edict, also visited Wu County. In this way, Luoyang and Wuxian are both better and better at the same time.

Because of this, Sima Zhongda, the propaganda angel from Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Han Dynasty, was warmly welcomed. In order to show solemnity, Sun Ce led the hundreds of military officials under his command to greet Sima Yi's arrival in a grand queue on the wharf outside the city of Wujun. Although Sima Yi is a newcomer to the officialdom, the Sima family has learned a lot and is very familiar with this set of etiquette. His performance was remarkable, both conformity and enthusiasm, and left a deep impression on the guests present. It seemed that he had been an official for a lifetime. Jiangdong didn't see the Han family's clothes for a long time! Now, angels are here again, and the aristocratic families attending the meeting are full of tolerance. Such a grand event can be described as an unprecedented grand occasion. Apart from other things, the guards of Hu Sima Yi's army are very strong, which is enough to explain the problem.

Most of the people at the event were aristocratic families in Xuzhou and Yangzhou. The Sun family of Wu Jun did his part, and he was naturally the organizer, and Sun Ce was the leader of his own. The four great families of Yangzhou, Gu, Lu, and Zhuzhang, all dispatched special envoys to visit the angels. In addition, Xuzhou Mu Liu Bei and the three major families of Xuzhou Donghai Mijia, Xuzhou Chenjia, and Caojia all dispatched special envoys.

On August 26th, Sun Ce held a grand welcoming banquet. Unexpectedly, in the midst of the feast, as a last resort, a group of guards from Hu Sima Yi and a thousand elite soldiers under Sun Ce conducted a friendly discussion, and the result was enough to surprise people. Within half an hour, the Jiangdong Army collapsed and lost 67 out of ten battles.

"Mr. Wen, King Wen always pays attention to convincing people with morality. This battle is just a game. Don't take it seriously!" With this victory at the bottom, the smile on Sima Yi's face became more and more brilliant. His grandma is a bear! The six hundred guards of our Sima Yi are nothing more than a third-rate unit in the Han army, and they have even worked on a thousand Jiangdong elites! In this way, the trip went smoothly!

"Everyone, Sima Yi's mission to Jiangdong this time is to seek common ground while reserving differences. Regardless of Jiangdong’s family, Xuzhou family, or the world’s family, as long as they are willing to obey the imperial order and obey the law, they are the forces that can unite. . For the court, this is an absolutely insurmountable limit. Under this premise, everything can be discussed, and everything can be open to talk! The most unpleasant words can be the first to be exported. This is the attitude that is willing to negotiate. Before the deadline, anything can be discussed."

Faced with the representatives of the Xuzhou family and Yangzhou family, Dagongong, Sima Yi talked with a smile on his face. At this moment, his heart is full of pride. Looking at the faces full of excitement and surprise, he secretly slandered. Don’t you always claim that you have a deep family heritage? Are you not the masters of all battles under the command of the Jiangdong Tiger Wucheng Hou Sunjian? Now it's dumb!

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, all the necessary cutscene was gone, and the angel showed his trump card. Then, it was the turn of the Jiangdong family and the Xuzhou family to play. "I heard that since the sudden death of Madam Zhao Yi and the general on May 28th, King Wen was overwhelmed with grief and has been recuperating in the mansion. All the political affairs are now handled by the three prime ministers. I wonder if this is possible?" General An Dong and Chen Yu, the governor of Xingwu County, were the first to ask questions. He is a guest general, and his greatest concern is naturally his backer.

How smart Sima Yi was, he could see through Chen Yu's intentions at a glance. The two ends of this servant are a typical wall grass, which side of the wind is strong, what he said in this sentence actually asked him how to make a decision in the future. "Yes! That's true! To this day, King Wen still has no intention of dealing with political affairs." Watching the excitement is not afraid of the big things, Sima Yi determined to stir the stagnant water in the east of the river through Chen Yu. "Hey! It's so!" Chen Yu immediately shook his head. The implication was that he blamed King Wen for abolishing his business for private purposes.

"Everyone! King Wen is a great hero who is waiting for you in the world. He has such a deep affection, which just proves the heart of his heart!" Sima Yi hit the snake with the stick and added another sentence, which seems to be Excusing Wang Wen, but it sounds like reason is poor, wanting to cover up. "Hey! That's it!" At this moment, everyone in the room suddenly realized. It turned out that Wen Wang Lu Bu was scrapped!

With this understanding, the Jiangdong family and the Xuzhou family have a foundation in their hearts. On August 27, the two sides held closed-door negotiations. Sima Yi sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and began to fight against the Confucians. "Angel, the official from the imperial court to General Sun was Qi Duwei, who attacked his father Wu Chenghou, and served as the prefect of Wu Jun, and together with Chen Yu and Liu Bei to attack Yuan Shu. I thought that the price was a bit low." Sun Ce Said Zhang Zhao, one of the negotiators. "Oh? Before I left Beijing, Yuan Shu hadn't become the emperor. What expectations does Sun Bofu have?" Sima Yi took a sip of the tea and slowly said. "In the meaning of Sun Bofu, Marquis Wucheng is Sun Wentai's knighthood. The assault on the knighthood is a matter of course and not a great reward. The prefect of Wu Jun just ratified it afterwards. Compared with the board grant, there were more royal appointments . In my opinion, can the court give a general the name?" Zhang Zhao said with a slight smile, leisurely.

"This???" Sima Yi frowned for a long time before speaking slowly. "Zibu is right. There are tens of thousands of elites under Sun Bofu, and there are four counties. A riding captain is indeed a little lower. I am a special envoy to recruit Jiangdong, and I can handle it. In the name of the imperial court, appoint him as General Quan Minghan. This is a miscellaneous general from the third rank, second only to the Sifang General, and the same level as the Sixteenth General." "No! Weichen waits for General Minghan." Thanks to the court!" Zhang Zhao was overjoyed. Sun Ce's original expectation was nothing more than a partial general on the fifth rank, and it was unexpected that the court had given a miscellaneous general!

After Sun Ce was settled, it was Chen Yu's turn next. "I am the prefect of Wu Jun, and Sun Ce is also the prefect of Wu Jun. What should I do?" "Easy! The prefect of the country is just a brand, and anyone with strong soldiers and strong horses can do it!" Sima Yi said with a slight smile. Ever since, Chen Yu also went happily. Immediately afterwards, Sima Yi settled the family of Xuzhou. Liu Bei was the animal husbandry of Xuzhou, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were the general general, Cao Bao was the general general and the minister of Langya, Chen Deng was the prefect of Guangling, Chen Wei was engaged in the governance of Xuzhou, Mizhu and Mifang The official position of the person remains and will be ratified. However, there is a prerequisite, that is, the major families must immediately send troops to attack Yuan Shu.

At the end of August, Sima Yi completed his merits and left Wu County by boat. Behind him, the flames of war ignited in Yangzhou.

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