New Story of Lv Bu

: : Sneak Attack (2)

Huang Fusong from the left, Zhu Jun from the right, and Cao Cao from the riding captain stood on the top of the mountain and watched carefully. Although there were wine and delicacies in front of them, the three of them had no intention of drinking. After all, this battle determined their destiny and also The fate of the big man. If the Union State Army was defeated, the 100,000 Yellow Turbans would definitely go north to attack Luoyang. Whether the raw melon eggs in Luoyang City could withstand the aggressive Yellow Turbans, the three of them were not half sure.

The catapults and bed crossbows of the Union State Army are very powerful and have great lethality, but after all, they are machinery, not army. To paraphrase the words of the Qingliu inside Luoyang City commenting on Hongdumen School, it is singular and insignificant! They even wanted to see how the Bingzhou Army's real combat power was and whether it could defeat the Yellow Turbans in a single battle.

The Yellow Turban army came surgingly, and the Han army repeated the old plan and used catapults and bed crossbows. Huangfusong roared: "Good fight!" He is a pure soldier, always thinking that as long as he can win, he can do whatever he can. Because of this concept, he was often reprimanded by his uncle Huangfu Gui.

But in the face of the yellow turban pawns like the vast ocean, should we still pay attention to compassion? To deal with these rebellions, we must cut the roots! If you don't cut off their heads to follow your example, are you still waiting for them to rebel again? Only by killing a hundred, can we shock those who are lucky!

Zhu Jun was a Confucian student. He felt that more people were killed. But how can such a battle that determines the life and death of a big man take into account the low lives of the people? Cao Cao had a solemn face, staring at the battlefield closely, but he was very disdainful in his heart. He repeated the old tricks, and he knew that he would use a catapult and a crossbow! Are all the artisans of the Binzhou Army?

Cao Cao had his own ambitions and the desire to conquer the world, so he paid attention to the war books and the law of ruling the country and strengthening the army. He had heard about Lu Bu and the Bingzhou Army, but he didn't take it seriously. According to his opinion, Xianbei, Yi Di! What's the virtue? How dare to dominate the northern part of Han for decades?

It was the improper use of people by the imperial court to let this generation run wild! Humph! If I appoint Cao Mengde as General Du Liao, give me three years to see if I don’t beat Xianbei! In his eyes, the reason why the Union State Army was able to rule the roost in a foreign land was just a coincidence, and there was nothing to brag about.

When the entire army of the trapped camp was dispatched, and the 30,000 yellow turbans' decisive assault was blocked by only 6,000 heavy infantry, Cao Cao put away his arrogance and carefully observed. Cao Cao couldn't help but admire the tiger and leopard riding a thunderous blow, breaking the enemy in one fell swoop, causing the yellow turban **** to collapse. What I want is such a cavalry! Wanqi is enough to cross the world!

Cao Cao was happy when he saw Hunting. He turned his brows and made up his mind. He made up his mind that he must be humble and dig a lot of warriors from the Bingzhou Army. All of these battles are precious, as long as you are willing to come over, the price is open! As long as you have hundreds of them, you will definitely be able to train an elite division within one or two years!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into excitement. Suddenly, he felt a chill, from under his hips to his lungs and toward Parkway. The feeling was extremely painful. His brain was dizzy, his body shook, and he staggered and almost fell. He quickly settled down and sat down, presumably it was the painstaking effort these few days that made it so.

Hou Cheng glanced around, sneered in his heart, Cao Aya! Da Sima told you to die today, but Hades dare not keep anyone until tomorrow! I've been tampered with in your wine a long time ago, and within three to five days it will leave the root of the disease in your body. Within a year or two, you will have a splitting headache, go crazy and die!

As Lu Bu's old comrade-in-arms, old friend and capable subordinate, in Hou Cheng's impression, Lu Bu had never said so bluntly, no matter what method was used to kill someone. Hou Cheng knew that there must be a profound meaning in it, and there was a reason why Mr. Lu had to do it. After thinking about it, he came up with this method.

He used a kind of chronic poison, and the prescription came from the supernatural person in the silver fox ghost army. "General, this poison is colorless and tasteless. As long as you don't take the antidote within three days, you will sit down at the root of the disease. Unless you have the art of returning to heaven, it will never be solved. Besides, this medicine comes from Miaojiang. No secrets, we will never doubt it."

Easily poisoned, colorless and tasteless, without any flaws, this is a rare good thing!

Four people drank together, all three were fine, only one had a problem, and everyone would certainly not be suspicious. Probably Cao Ahu had a hidden illness, otherwise he wouldn't have died so early. Could it be passed down from Feitinghou Cao Teng? Pooh! Cao Teng is an eunuch, and then is Taiwei Cao Song's hidden illness?

Oh, what a pity! Cao Aha could have become a generation of famous ministers!

To the south of the battlefield, the large-scale battle has ended, and the camp, the tiger and leopard riders, and the Beiwei army have surrounded the hill solidly. The bed crossbow and catapult were already in place, the angles had been adjusted, and the attack range was halfway up the mountain. The fifty thousand yellow turbans besieged in the bullet land have begun to whisper to each other, wondering what should be done if the Union State Army attacked the city immediately?

To the south of the hill where Hou Cheng was located, a large vacant area of ​​five li was drawn, and it was full of people. Yellow Turban soldiers were constantly being escorted over, and the wounded were left alone in a camp. More than 20 doctors and more than 200 female soldiers were treating them. Surgery for serious injuries will be performed immediately, and bandages for minor injuries will be detained separately.

Three thousand Xinzheng infantrymen were fully armed and watched these prisoners around. The subordinates of Huangfusong, Zhu Jun, and Cao Cao were also organized to watch the prisoners and patrol everywhere. The two thousand heavy soldiers were busy escorting the prisoners and clearing the battlefield. The remaining three thousand heavy soldiers rode on horses, equipped with ring-headed knives, spears and bows, staring at these prisoners, and bounced loudly whenever there was a change.

One thousand five hundred silver fox ghost army and one thousand heavy soldiers are filling the dead bodies. The weather is so hot that if they are not buried early, it will cause epidemics. There is a medical department in the Bingzhou Jiangwu Hall, and there are often instructors to explain medical knowledge to the students. These silver fox and ghost troops are so powerful that many people have seen the rotation training once in March.

The pits for burying dead corpses are more pitted. Of course, pitfalls are one of the characteristics of the Silver Fox Ghost Army. They have various methods for the enemy.

The big pit was dug five hundred steps to the north of the hill. It was formed by connecting three or four gullies. It was five to six feet wide, four to five feet deep, and about two miles in length. The gully has twists and turns, and the middle connection was originally seven or eight feet wide, but now it has been dug up and down, and it is absolutely impossible to pass without the help of the wooden planks laid on it.

The heavy soldiers piled the dead bodies on the carriage, came to the side of the pit, and after checking what was available on their bodies, the two men raised their hands and threw them into the deep ditch. The Silver Fox Ghost Army was overhauling the catapult and bed crossbow that had returned before the formation. The oil should be oiled, and the parts should be replaced. They were all busy.

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed person yelled: "Look! There are yellow turban cavalry in the north!" Everyone quickly looked up and saw a large number of cavalry lined up in the woods to the north. They were all wrapped in yellow scarfs, and they did not have uniform uniforms. They were dressed in variegated clothes. The formats of dozens of flags of various colors were different.

It really is a yellow scarf! Hou Chenghuo stood up: "I guess it's the 10,000 Yellow Turban cavalry. I'm good to be prepared. Order! The trebuchets and crossbows are deployed along the hills, ready to shoot! Three thousand Xinzheng infantrymen are deployed to guard the two wings of the long ditch. Hong Ling urgently reported to Da Sima to know! Ordered the heavy guards who were holding the prisoners to be on guard! Anyone who talks about the insurgents will not be forgiven!"

After a series of orders were issued, Hou Cheng turned around and bowed his hands: "The three adults will wait a moment, and when someone has packed up the ten thousand yellow turban cavalry, he will come and talk to the three adults again!" After speaking, he got on his horse and went down the mountain. The three adults were stunned, and the main force of the state army was on the southern battlefield. Ten thousand yellow turban cavalry arrived in an instant. With these miscellaneous soldiers in your hand, you dare to boast such a Haikou?

At this moment, the yellow turban cavalry in the north had formed a team, and Peng Tuo gave an order. Ten thousand cavalry horses shook the sky and rushed toward the hill where the Han army was guarding. The southern battlefield is at stake. This sneak attack is already the last move of the Yellow Turban. If it fails, it will become a benevolence!

The yellow turban cavalry was very anxious, and they hurried to rush to the hill, grabbing Huangfusong, Zhu Jun, Cao Cao and the Han Army Wounded, and threatening the Han army as hostages. As long as the sneak attack is successful, even if the field cannot be completely won, it is still possible to save strength and exit the battlefield. Since the Binzhou Army can successfully attack, why not the Yellow Turban?

The road of four or five miles is not long, and the cavalry gallops quickly, but only half of the effort is there. Before he got close, Pengtuo was taken aback, and quickly raised his right hand and shouted loudly: "Back! Everyone back! Find another way!" The cavalry in front quickly reined in the reins, their horses neighed, and their front hoofs were raised high. It smashed heavily to the ground again.

For a while, people shouted that the horses hurried into a ball, and those who couldn't hold their feet rolled into the gully like a gourd. "Catapult, launch! Crossbow, launch!" Opposite the gully, Junhou of the Silver Fox Ghost Army waved his command with his right hand. boom! Whoosh! Whizzing! The Han army's catapult and bed crossbow finally opened fire.

The round slings came whizzing and landed in the pile of yellow turban cavalry. The yellow turban cavalry men and horses were squeezing into a ball, and dozens of jins of sling fell in the air, immediately knocking down a piece. After slinging the stone to the ground, he bounced twice and tore a huge gap in the yellow turban line to hold on.

The nightmare of throwing stones was just over, and the huge arrow came to the chest again, and even the horses and horses shot the yellow turban cavalry through, and the momentum was endless. Later, it was able to stop by knocking down three or four people. These yellow turban cavalry had already seen the power of trebuchets and bed crossbows, and they hurriedly fled when they saw it. The Yellow Turban cavalry fled extremely fast, and when the Han army’s catapult and bed crossbow were fired again, only dozens of people were injured.

unfortunately! The silver fox ghost army flew on horseback and rushed to the left and right wings. The Yellow Turbans would definitely make a detour!

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