New Story of Lv Bu

: : Guangzong (2)

Juntun? And Mintun? These names immediately puzzled the Yellow Turban captives.

Uncle Liu is an old man, he naturally saw the big guy's thoughts, and he waved his hand and went on. "You have two ways out. One is to enter Qingzhou soldiers after rigorous assessment. The treatment is the same as that of soldiers from Bingzhou County. They will be farmed on weekdays, and the harvest officers will have six people and four people. This is called Juntun. Everything you need is provided by the government. Bring the dependents, and the government is responsible for the food and supplies of the dependents."

"The second is Mintun. Everything is done in accordance with the method of dealing with the victims, but the time will be extended by three years, because you are sinners! Third, the felony, and you will not die, go to the Xianbei Han army station in Tuntian, and beg for the generals. Zang Min, Dang Kou General Tian Yan, Huya General Xia Yu under the account of his orders, the dependents may or may not be with the army, and shall be dealt with in accordance with Articles 1 and 2."

"As for the detailed provisions, such as how to rent seeds, farm tools, grain, cattle from the government, and how to reunite with family members??????, etc., the relevant staff will explain to you in detail! The one hundred and one million yellow towels are the one hundred and twenty-eight head and tie team under the account of Yingchuan Huangjin Dafang Qushuai Peng Tuo and his account!"

"Really?" "I've heard of Pentor's name. At first, General Zhang Bao praised him every day, but then suddenly he stopped boasting, and didn't even mention his name. It turned out that it was Xianbei who went to the north!" Liang is normal here too!" "Is that so true?" "Haha! Who dares to lie about such a big thing? How embarrassing it would be to expose it!" "What is embarrassment? 1.1 million The Yellow Turban went north to Xianbei Tuntian. Can such a big thing be accomplished without Commander Qu? Will anyone listen to it?"

This last sentence completely dispelled the concerns of the Yellow Turban captives. Yes, the 1.1 million yellow turban went north to Xianbei, farming fields and guarding the border. There are not a few powerful Qu Shuai leading the team, so who would be relieved? Not only is the Yellow Turban worried, but also Sima Lubu. Now that there has been no news of the Yellow Turban's recurrence for several months, it must be the big Sima Lubu and the Huang Turban leaders who have negotiated terms, and the conditions are not bad!

"Okay! Okay! Now you are relieved? Not only will you not be beheaded, but you can also divide the land. How about 50 acres? Come and come! Eat first, and go to the doctor after the meal to see a doctor. There is time to discuss the fifty acres of land on the road!" Uncle Liu turned around and yelled loudly. "Is the rice cooked? People are starving to death!"

"I'm already familiar! I'm already familiar! Isn't this afraid of affecting your old man's chatting?" said Dubo of the Fire Head Army. "I'll hit you a tortoise grandson!" Liu Boyang gestured to hit you. Uncle Du stepped away with a grin and shouted, "It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner! Three big buns per person! Three sesame cakes! There is still not enough to eat!"

The Yellow Turban captives quickly stood up and washed their hands with the heavy soldiers. You can only start the meal after washing your hands. This is the first rule they learned today!

The general Zhang Liang hurriedly set up the city defenses, and threw everything to the few commanders of the Qu, and hurriedly rushed to the golden roof where the great mentor Zhang Jiao was. The Jinding Great Tent was surrounded by three or four hundred Zhang Liang's soldiers. Seeing Zhang Liang's arrival, he hurriedly bowed to salute. "I have seen General Ren Gong!"

"How is it?" Zhang Liang asked eagerly. The leader of the soldiers naturally understood what General Ren Gong was asking. He stepped forward and leaned closer to Zhang Liang's ear and whispered. "The great virtuous teacher hasn't woken up yet. The medical craftsmen all say that the injuries are too serious and the roots are hurt. I'm afraid there is no cure."

Zhang Liang's heart sank suddenly, although he had expected such a result a long time ago, but the sad news came, and his heart was still numb. He endured his grief and asked in a low voice, "Can anyone have been here?" "No one has ever been here. In the past six months, the great mentor has always been in a simple way, and no one doubts it. Besides, we will guard this golden tent. If everything fits tightly, a fly can't get in."

"What about the few doctors?" "They are all locked up in a large tent five hundred steps away. Don't worry, none of them can run away!" Zhang Liang patted the head of the soldier on the shoulder. "You did a good job, and I will reward you again." After that, he strode into the golden account. The golden account is still as simple as usual, seeming empty.

In the depths of the golden tent is a wooden couch, which is two feet long and two feet wide. It is the place where the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao usually meditates and adjusts his breath. Now it was covered with brocade mattresses, Zhang Jiao was lying alone on it, all blood stains on his body had been wiped clean, and he was lying quietly on the couch, wearing a large Tsing Yi.

"Brother! Brother!" Zhang Liang sat down on the side of the collapse and called out a few softly, but Zhang Jiao was lying there, still motionless. Zhang Liang stretched out two fingers, paused for a moment under Zhang Jiao's nose, and stretched out his fingers again, naming Zhang Jiao's left and right pulses. After a long time, he sighed.

"Seven death pulses, the pulse of resolving cables! There is no recovery of physiology!" Zhang Liang has preached with his eldest brother Zhang Jiao for many years. He is quite skilled in medicine. With three fingers, he came to a conclusion in a moment. The seven death pulses, as the name suggests, are seven extremely critical pulse conditions. The Xie Suo channel is one of the seven death channels, the five zang-jue death channels, and the heaviest of the seven death channels. Its pulse condition is inadvertent and dense, and the rhythm is disordered like a solution, hence the name.

"Tai Ping Yao Shu" says: The shape of the person who solves the veins is seen at two feet, the veins come and point, and they are scattered but not gathered. If they are divided between two sides, they will have no interest. The essence is exhausted and they are about to die! The pulse of the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao is "the essence is exhausted, and when he is about to die"! Zhang Liang sat there in tears for a moment, then wiped away his tears, and made a look of Zhizhu holding and calm and relaxed, and then he went out to handle the military affairs.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Jiao suddenly opened his eyes and said softly. "Come down, I have something to tell you." The voice was faint, almost inaudible. Only a soft sigh was heard from the top of the big tent, the voice was also weak, but full of surprises. Immediately afterwards, a tall and thin person fell gently from the big tent and knelt in front of Zhang Jiao.

"Master!" The man raised his head, already bursting into tears, but it was a virtual bamboo! Zhang Jiao slowly sat up, cross-legged and stared, as if he was adjusting his breath. Xu Zhuzi walked to Zhang Jiao's knees, and under the great compassion, he could hardly make a sound. "Master, can you let Tu'er number one pulse?"

The corner of Zhangjiao's mouth smiled, but his smile was more ugly than crying. He slowly stretched out his right hand, Xu Zhuzi quickly reached out to catch it, and carefully signaled the pulse. After the number, the right hand and the left hand were signaled. After a while, he finally retracted his three fingers and raised his head, tears streaming down his face. "Your medical skills are still above Zhang Liang, he can see it, can't you see it?"

Zhang Jiao's face seemed to be calmer, and a trace of blood was added. "The foundation of Jindan Avenue lies in the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi and God. I have worked on it for decades, and I am confident and confident. I practiced the steps of refining myself and keeping honesty, building foundations, cultivating medicine, making friends, gathering medicine and returning to the tripod. It's all good, but the fault lies in the weather of the week!"

Having said that, Zhang Jiao's eyes were a little blurred, as if he was remorse, and he seemed to miss it. "Jindan Avenue, what pays attention to is quietness and inaction, Taoism is natural. But when things are about to come, where do I have so much time and energy to slowly cultivate? And I am lucky, hoping to achieve great success, and think of helping!"

"So, I took a shortcut and used the side door to speed up my practice. Now it seems that it is really drinking poison to quench my thirst! It's too late to regret! I finally became a golden pill, but it left many sequelae, and the side effects were obvious. At first I thought it was. Virtual pill, no matter if you want to think of a virtual pill, after all, the true pill is only one thread away, so how can I think that it is a false pill!

"In the past six months, I have been simple and simple, and I am looking for a solution! In this recent battle, I fought with fatigue and suffered three serious injuries in a row, which caused the original source to be exhausted and died! When I was about to die, I had something to do. I don't know if you want it?" Xu Zhuzi hurriedly stepped forward and knocked his head down. "Master, please tell me! The disciples will go through the fire and water, and will not hesitate!"

"Of my eight great apprentices, your medical skills and martial arts are not the best, but you have the same strengths, and they are inferior to you! That is the ability to withstand loneliness! Staying in that small place in Jiuyuan City will last for eight years , I am wronged!" At this point, Zhang Jiao stretched out his hand and clicked to find a place. A part of the wooden couch suddenly opened, and inside was a small bag with blue cloth. Zhang Jiao stretched out his hands, took out the blue cloth packet, and solemnly handed it to Xu Zhuo.

"There are several Taoist books that I have treasured. "Taiping Ching Lingshu", "Taiping Yaoshu", etc., are the most important classics, as well as my experience of decades of cultivation, and there is a treasure map in it. Yes. With these things, within ten years, you will be able to create another Taipingdao." Zhang Jiao let out a long sigh, slowly took off a huge ring from his hand and handed it to the virtual bamboo.

The ring is neither gold nor iron, but a lifelike benson. It is specific and subtle, and it is a token of the Taoist master of Taiping Qing! Seeing this, Xu Zhuo immediately fell to the ground with fright. "Master, wearing this beaulieu ring is the future leader of Taipingdao! The disciples dare not accept it! I also ask Master to take his life back and pass it on to General Ren Gong!"

"Hey!" Zhang Jiao let out a long sigh. "After I died, the tree fell and the sun was scattered, how could he survive? Besides, he was too high-profile, and he would surely cause a murder! The matter is over, so what can I expect from my husband!" Xu Zhuzi said She shed tears and took the ring and put it on her right middle finger.

Suddenly, the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao made a quick shot and tapped three acupuncture points on the Xuzhuzi in a row. Xu Zhuo was shocked, unable to move at all, and the cold sweat came out from his chest and back all at once. "Shaoan, don't be impatient, pass all the remaining internal strength on your body to you for your teacher! You must guard your dantian, don't hesitate a little!"

Now that the matter is over, the virtual bamboo has no choice but to take care of his mind and guard his dantian. Zhangjiao's palms rested on the back of Xuzhuo, and a white mist appeared on his head. Time passed by like this. I don't know how long it took. Xu Zhuo's body shook and slowly woke up from the concentration. Looking back, Zhang Jiao seemed to be dozens of years old, with only two eyes still clear.

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