New Story of Lv Bu

: : Zhang Liao

The battle situation at the head of Jixian County is already very severe. The Xiliang rebels have left their lives to forget their deaths, with blood red eyes, and they went crazy and followed the ladder ants to the city. They knew the situation in Jixian City, and they were already riddled with flaws, and they were just about to make a last effort. Ma Teng is well-known for distinguishing rewards and punishments, and his words must be practiced. As long as he is the first to climb the city, the rewards will not be less!

In less than an hour, the four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest have made major breakthroughs. The rebels have successfully ascended the city, occupied a position at the head of the city, and are still expanding. Seeing the prospect of the fall of Jixian County, the Xiliang rebels immediately became excited, brandishing their weapons, and rushing forward like a tide.

The soldiers and young men of Hanyang County fought hard for several hours. They were already exhausted, but they couldn't rest, so they had to fight hard. They are all natives who are born and raised, and they know what it means to "three days off". Had it not been for the order to "capture Jixian County and take a three-day holiday," the county soldiers and young men would have put down their swords and spear and fled.

When the city is broken, not only will you die, but the family members and people in the city will have no way to survive. They will die unyieldingly. Only one person will die. Who is the lighter and the heavier, everyone has a scale in their heart! The county soldiers and young men summoned their last courage, endured the pain and exhaustion of their bodies, and continued to fight. For the sake of his wife and children, the death of a war is considered a joke! With a big scar on his head, he will still be a good guy twenty years later! Just because the remaining county soldiers and young men were fighting for their lives, Ji County was temporarily left in the hands of the Han army.

The fiercest battle was in the west gate of Ji County, where Fu Xie personally guarded it. The Xiliang rebels have occupied three positions at the head of the city. The largest one has gathered more than one hundred Xiliang rebels, and they are still increasing. If these rebels cannot be driven down the city as soon as possible, the fall of Ji County will be a matter of time.

"Follow me!" Fu Xie yelled, wielding a sword and hacked to death two rebels, and rushed to the Xiliang rebels who had boarded the city with dozens of soldiers. At this moment, it has reached the final juncture. Whether Ji County can keep it depends on whether it can drive the rebels down the city. As the prefect of Hanyang, if he doesn't fight for the first place, how can he inspire the soldiers and civilians in the city to fight to death?

The 70 or 80 soldiers of Fu Xie's left and right were all selected by thousands of brave men, with high martial arts and great strength, and they caught the Xiliang rebels by surprise. Twenty or thirty heads landed in an instant. Seeing Fu Shijun so brave, the surrounding county soldiers and civilians suddenly increased their courage and fought desperately to stabilize the battle.

At this time, I could only hear the roar of the city: "Warriors of Hanyang County! We are here to support you!" Under the leadership of a young general, the eight hundred county soldiers rushed to the head of the city with bright long knives, one knife at a time. Immediately cut down dozens of Xiliang rebels, all from the shoulder to the ribs, with a single blow!

"Array!" Zhang Liao ordered loudly, brandishing a Moknife and slashing over a Xiliang rebel, standing at the forefront of the team. In an instant, the eight hundred Turks lined up in a neat phalanx, striding forward, shouting: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" The oncoming Xiliang rebels had been exhausted for a long time and were well equipped. , Xinyi's first burst of riding, where can it be resisted?

Seeing that this new and cutting-edge division was extremely powerful, the Xiliang rebels who had ascended to the top of the city slid down the ladder to avoid their sharp edges. The rebels who had nowhere to go spontaneously formed a formation, brandishing weapons while fighting and retreating. The purpose of their retreat is to find a new ladder, and then slide down the ladder to the city.

Seventy or eighty Xiliang rebels, with their backs leaning on two ladders, were fighting with more than a dozen county soldiers. When they saw Tuqi coming, they shouted and rushed toward Tuqi. "Get out of the sword!" Zhang Liao shouted, severing a **** man on the opposite side, and then closing the sword. Following his yelling, dozens of Mo knives were swung out at once, severing the rebels in front of them.

"Out of the knife!" "Out of the knife!" As Zhang Liao yelled, the Xiliang rebels who stood in front of him turned into two corpses in an instant. The blood gurgled along the cracks in the bricks on the ground, mixed with the sprayed blood mist, stained the front row of the tuqi with blood, and looked like a devil in hell. Very hideous.

In this way, they walked and killed. In less than a quarter of an hour, this turbulent rider cleared out the Xiliang rebels in the east and south cities, and wedged it straight into the west. The county soldiers and young men who had regained a new life were ecstatic. Some went to support Beicheng, and some cut off the head of the rebels and threw their corpses down the city.

The fighting situation in Xicheng has reached a desperate situation. Fu Xie and the three-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-junctions are at the northwest corner. The walls are full of chaotic Xiliang rebels. They wielded weapons to chase down the lonely Han army, roaring and roaring. In their opinion, the fall of Jixian was only a matter of time.

Seeing hundreds of turks coming, the hundreds of Xiliang rebels at the head of the city yelled and rushed over with their weapons. "Kill them all! This is the last unit in Ji County!" "Kill them all and you can looting wantonly!" Along with the shouts, the Xiliang rebels furiously killed them. These people are all aliens, accustomed to fighting and fighting, and they have never put the Han army in their eyes.

"Get out of the sword!" Zhang Liao yelled and cut down the oncoming rebels with a knife. With his right foot raised, he kicked another enemy army over. Mo Dao made a round up and set up a few spears that pounced on the face. "Go back in the first row, go up in the second row!" He retreated into the second row with the soldiers. "Raise the knife!" the leader of the team shouted.

"Pick your hands!" "Chong! Use a short spear!" the leaders of the Xiliang rebels yelled. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Dozens of short spears shot out from the rebels, and fell into the assault formation without warning. A wailing suddenly sounded in the assault formation, dozens of people hit spears, but the armor of Bingzhou was well designed, and once the tip of the spear touched the armor, it would slide away. Many people were injured, but none died in the battle.

"Hold the shield!" Zhang Liao shouted loudly. This is his first battle, he must succeed, and he must not fail! But where is the shield in the rush? As the Turks were looking around, the soldiers of Hanyang County who followed handed over dozens of shields, including square shields, round shields, and rattan plates. The Turks put these various shields on their heads, and immediately felt much safer in their hearts.

At this time, with the big strides of Tuqi, half of the city wall was already occupied. The Xiliang rebels were compressed between the county soldiers and the Tuqie, relying on four or five ladders to resist. "Brothers! Come with me! Drive away this Han army!" A grown-up man with a height of one foot dexterously climbed the city wall and shouted loudly.

As soon as they saw him coming up, the Xiliang rebels suddenly cheered. This man was a foot tall, with a big waist and ten circumferences. He wheeled a mountain-opening axe in both hands. He walked and shook the mountain. An "enemy of ten thousand people"! "Ya-yah! The general in front, can you dare to fight with me!" The tens of thousands of enemies slapped their chests with their palms, and shouted, just like a thunderbolt in the air.

"I'll go forward to get the first level of this servant! As soon as I win, you immediately attack!" Zhang Liao whispered, Mo Dao shook, and jumped out of the formation. "Anyone who inserts the label and sells the first dare to be frantic? Look at the knife!" Zhang Liao roared before he finished speaking, leaped up suddenly, and slashed down with the Mo knife in his hand!

Thousands of enemies shouted, raised the mountain axe with both hands, and went to the upper frame. This trick is his usual trick, using force to knock the opponent's weapon into the air. But he never thought of how sharp the Binzhou Modao is! Mo Dao hit the mountain axe, and cut off the axe of the mountain axe like a hot knife cutting butter!

Not only that, Mo Dao took advantage of the trend and went straight to his two big hands. In shock, the enemy quickly released his hands and retreated sharply. But who is Zhang Liao and where can he run away? With a wave of Mo Dao, he went straight to his front door, and the enemy could not escape, so they had to raise their right hand to block the front door.

He only heard a puff, the right hand of the enemy of ten thousand people = was cut in two, he had not hummed, from the door to the crotch, he was split in half by the sharp and sharp knife! A puff of blood spurted from the corpse, splashing Zhang Liao's face all over his head. With a bang, the hill-like corpse of ten thousand enemies fell down, and the entire Jixian County trembles a few times!

This scene stunned both the enemy and us! how? Under this young general of the Han army, 10,000 enemies have not survived a round? is this real? This is impossible! No matter what they thought, Zhang Liao used a Moknife to chop down a few Xiliang rebels and kicked a ladder away from the city wall!

"Chong!" Babai Tuqi shouted and rushed to the Xiliang rebels. "Follow me!" Fu Xie straightened his helmet and came over with the remaining county soldiers. The city was immediately caught in a melee, but this time the morale of the Han army was greatly boosted, and the Xiliang rebels Cui Tou was frustrated, only parrying power could not fight back.

Ma Teng watched this scene under the city and couldn't help sighing. Ten Thousand Enemies were the generals under the kingdom's tent, and they were extremely powerful. Unexpectedly, they would be beheaded without going for a round under the hand of the young general of the Han army. "General, an emergency eagle letter from General Han!" An eagle letter was handed from left to right.

Ma Teng opened it and saw that it was Han Sui's autograph, with only a few lines. "The third brother of Shoucheng: The enemy's situation has been proved, the Han army fleet has withdrawn, and only 10,000 navy troops are left to guard the Shang Gua. They are retreating to carry out their work, and they seem to give up the Shang Gua. Brother Yu immediately began to attack. Ji County can get it. If it is unavailable, it will be surrounded by groups. When I get the upper hexagram, Ji County will be a fisherman from the bottom of the tank!"

"Pass the order! Withdraw troops!" Han Sui's eagle letter came too timely, and Ma Teng was in his arms. His subordinates suffered heavy losses, and they had already lost their eagerness to compete. If Han Sui got the food and grass of the Han army, the trend of strength and weakness would be reversed immediately. Why did he bother doing money-losing business here?

Dangdang! Dangdang! With the sound of the retreating gong, the Xiliang rebels were overjoyed and slipped down the city along the ladder.

Zhang Liao sat down on the city wall, his first battle was over!

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