New Story of Lv Bu

: : Decisive Battle (4)

"General, the Xiliang rebels in front have retreated!" Several scouts bowed their hands to Dong Zhuo. Their faces were greasy and sweaty, their bodies covered in dust, and their chests were still violently up and down, apparently they had just ran a long way. "How many men and horses are there in the rebels? How many cavalry and infantry?" Former general Dong Zhuo asked calmly, staying at the horses. "About seven to eight thousand, all Qingqi."

"Oh!" The heart that Dong Zhuo had been hanging on finally let go. What he was most afraid of was that Han Sui's army was lying nearby, releasing incense bait, and fishing for his golden turtle. "Are there traces of rebels within a hundred miles nearby?" As a veteran who has experienced many battles, Dong Zhuo still pays much attention to collecting all kinds of intelligence.

However, the biggest problem with his team was the scout. Most of his 30,000 light horses are made up of Liangzhou natives, and Qiangs, foreign races, and Han Chinese who have long been alienated are the absolute main force. The entire army is a fully armed robber army, with the goal of plundering money, so military discipline will naturally not be good.

The scout has worked hard, and there are few opportunities to make a fortune. What can be robbed in the wilderness? In this way, not many robbers under him are willing to do such a thankless job, not to mention the food and the night, there is not much oil and water! Therefore, Dong Zhuo's troops can fight bad and tough battles, but there are no good scouts because they often lose battles here.

Over time, in Dong Zhuo's army, the scout camp became the world of the two poles. Either the reasoning is not clear, or the lazy and boastful generation, they stay in the scout camp and eat and wait to die. It doesn't matter how many miles you went to visit Martha, the key is how to fool around in front of the general. As soon as the general asked about the knotty eyes, the captain of the scout rolled his eyes and made up a few nonsense.

"General, the brigade came too swiftly. We can only keep the guards twenty miles around the brigade, and no traces of the rebels have been found!" "Oh?" Dong Zhuo opened his eyes: "Explore again! Report to me at any time! "No!" The scout captain responded loudly! It's a fool, and finally I can find a place to take a nap!

Seven or eight thousand cavalrymen, seeing their 30,000 army coming, knowing that they are invincible and taking the initiative to give way is still possible! Dong Zhuo was quite confident about the combat power of his 30,000 fine knights. As long as there is oil and water to fish and something to grab, these gangsters are like hungry wolves that smell of meat, their eyes flushed and rush forward!

"Big brother! Why are you still stunned? I'll know if I rush over to see it! If you have something good, grab a handful before leaving. If you don't have it, quickly withdraw your troops! It's a waste of time to squat here." Dong Zhuo's younger brother Dong Min riding a horse The tall and strong Xiliang horse ran up and said dissatisfiedly. "The second general is right!" "I can't stop here!" The errands around started clamoring.

Dong Zhuo’s trick to lead the soldiers is to give orders strictly, fight desperately, divide the gold and the silver after the battle, and drink the big bowl and eat the meat! They don’t care much about military discipline and the order of the upper and lower sides, so the gangsters on the left and right often express their opinions. In any case, it would not work to stop here, Dong Zhuo finally made up his mind. "Fucking! Go, let's take a look!"

Dong Zhuo gave an order, and the 30,000 light cavalry raised their eyebrows with joy, and controlled their horses to run towards the gua, leaving a trail of yellow dust behind. As long as there are good things in Shang Gua, grab a hand and let's talk about it! What your mine? Don’t they all belong to the big guys? As a big man of the frontier, what else do you divide between you and me?

Han Sui immediately stood on the hill, looking at the 30,000 Han riders passing by, a sneer appeared on his face. "The ministries of the transmission order can be closed! I only need the head of the former general Dong Zhuo!" "No!" Yan Xing responded with a cry. Han Sui turned on his horse and drew the big knife from his waist. "This broad knife has cut off the heads of Beigong Boyu, Li Wenhou, and Bian Zhang! This time, we must cut off Dong Zhongying's heads! After annihilating the last Han army in Liangzhou, Chang'an was completely open to me. embrace!"

A quarter of an hour later, Dong Zhuo leaped on his horse and swung his whip, guarded by hundreds of fine riders, to the outskirts of the island. "Call!" He slowly reined his horse, and looked around, he saw tens of thousands of Xiliang rebel pawns crowded around the isolated island, shouting loudly to charge the Han army in the isolated island! Their eyes were blood-red, and they looked like a group of humanoid demons.

In the sky, the round slings were thrown high up and down again. The Xiliang rebels on the ground evaded the slinging slings and yelled forward to attack. Accompanied by a thunderbolt-like loud noise, a series of huge arrows strung a series of gourds, flying around. The sky is full of blood mist, and the air is full of thick blood.

Seeing this scene, Dong Zhuo was immediately dumbfounded, and his 30,000 fine riders were also dumbfounded! Outside of the island, the enemy is besieged by thousands, how can they rush in? Even if you can rush in, there are three long dikes in the isolated island, how can you get out? Oops! It seems that this trip is a waste of time! "Pass the order! Withdraw the troops!" Dong Zhuo roared, turning his horse's head to the direction!

In the dense forest in the distance, on the top of the mountain, Lu Bu looked at Dong Zhuo who was ten miles away with clairvoyance in his hand. Dong Zhongying, Dong Zhongying, if you lead an army to attack the Xiliang rebels, I will spare your life! In the future, don't care about him, as long as you have a hint of robes in your heart, I will let you go! In any case, at this moment, you, as a general, are fighting for the country!

However, Dong Zhuo turned his horse back, and he didn't even look at the Bingzhou Army in the isolated island! Gao Shun squeezed his wrists and cursed loudly, "Sure enough, this guy is here to grab food and everything! Seeing that there is no benefit, I immediately turn around and leave! I don't even think about the feeling of robes!" "It's going to rain, my mother wants it." Marry, let him go!" Lu Bu waved his hand, but he felt very relaxed in his heart.

"He is not benevolent, so don't blame us for being unrighteous! Just watch him be beheaded by Han Sui!" Gao Shun said angrily. "Save, they still have to save, after all, there are Han troops inside. Let them fight Han Sui first, so that they can consume the strength of the Xiliang rebels." Lu Bu said quietly, but he thought to himself. Without Hou Cheng, who is going to do this dirty work?

Thirty thousand Qingqi came and went like the wind, waving his hands, and did not take away a little grain and grass, just like the spring breeze in March, coming and going without a trace. Seeing that he ran for four or five miles without chasing soldiers behind him, Dong Zhuo slowed down and let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I acted decisively. If I were entangled by the Xiliang rebels, these 30,000 fine riders would be here to explain!

At this moment, Dong Huang suddenly exclaimed: "Uncle! There is an enemy blocking the road ahead!" His voice was full of fear and surprise. Dong Zhuo was taken aback, and hurriedly set up a pergola and looked towards the east. I saw four or five miles ahead, all of them were cavalry, and after one heavy, there was another, which was as many as five or six. There are so many cavalry, there are no one hundred thousand, there are eighty thousand!

broken! Dong Zhuo's heart was shocked, and he immediately understood, Han Sui left this incense bait, and it was his golden turtle Dong Zhongying that was caught! He is a very decisive person, and immediately began to weigh the pros and cons of various countermeasures in his mind. How to do? Turn over and run away, or rush over? He and Han Sui are also old acquaintances, Han Sui has always been very hot, and there must be an ambush behind him. Go to his mother and rush over! Whatever you can escape is counted!

Boring and crying! Dong Zhuo stretched out his sword and shouted loudly: "Brothers! Now there are tigers in front and packs of wolves behind. If you don't work hard, you can't do it! If you want to survive, follow me!" After that, he swung his sword to the west facing the future. The Liang cavalry rushed. His subordinates are all fierce and tyrannical generations, and they have been smashed when the ghost gate is closed. This is a lot of occasions. When I saw Dong Zhongying taking the lead in the charge, I knew it was the moment of life and death, and immediately shouted: "Come on!" "My head dropped a bowl of big scars!" He slapped his horse with a sword and dashed forward with Dong Zhuo!

The first wave of Xiliang cavalry was commanded by the eight generals under Han Sui's account. The Han army on the opposite side reacted so swiftly, which greatly exceeded his expectations. As soon as he saw Dong Zhuo taking the lead in the charge, his ferocity was immediately aroused. He waved his spear and shouted: "The leader has a word, he only needs Dong Zhuo's head! Come with me!"

The composition of the two cavalry is similar. They are both alien and alienated Han. The difference is that one is under the banner of the Han army, and the other is a rebel. Both sides are unruly and rebellious, seven disobedient and eight unrestrained. Now when it comes to life and death, they are immediately fierce, like a hungry wolf, running wildly.

After a few breaths, the two cavalrymen collided together without any fancy! Dong Zhuojun’s wedge-shaped formation ran straight into Zhang Heng's wedge-shaped formation! The spearheads of the two cavalrymen immediately dissipated at the same time, and more than a thousand people were immediately knocked into flight. Most of them flew in the air in various postures, and then fell heavily to the ground. A small group of people are still conscious, adjusting their flying posture subconsciously, trying to stay away from the four hooves of the horse.

The dull sound of war horses when they collided with each other, the sound of human bodies falling to the ground, the screaming sound, the sound of weapons crashing into a ball, mixed with the wailing of war horses, and the sound of people’s chests and backs being pierced by the iron hoofs of war horses, Resounded throughout the audience. Someone keeps falling off the horse, and somebody keeps rushing forward! There is only one thought in everyone's mind, and you must never fall off the horse, and fall off the horse means death! hold onto! After this moment, the next moment will be better.

With a big knife, Dong Zhuo had already killed six or seven Xiliang rebels. He was already powerful. The big knife in his hand was so thick and heavy that he cut people like melons and vegetables. Hundreds of soldiers around him, all of his people's confidants, surrounded him and galloped forward, rushing into the center of the first Xiliang cavalry within a few breaths.

"Follow me! Don't stop! Going out is victory!" Dong Zhuo shouted, slashing two Xiliang cavalry with two swords. Puff! Two sheds of blood sprayed his head and face. Dong Zhuo stretched out his tongue and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth. There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. With a big knife, he cut the oncoming Xiliang cavalry in half from the left shoulder to the right rib.

The feeling of crazy killing is so good! It seems to have returned to the days of chasing wind and power!

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