New Story of Lv Bu

: : The First Battle of the Linghao Camp (3)

On the fifth day of March, at the end of the day, when the sky was about to dawn, the 30,000 white soldiers finally arrived at the Unknown Canyon.

"Stop marching!" Li Le held up the command with his right hand, and he turned his head to look at Hu Cai. "Brother Hu, send a hundred scouts into the valley first, and report the military situation at any time. If nothing goes wrong, you will lead the front to enter the valley. How good do you think?" Hearing what Li Le said, Hu Cai was overjoyed. He was most worried. It was the Union State Army that set up an ambush in the valley. "Brother Li's disposal is very appropriate!"

"No!" Hundred scouts responded and beat their horses away. Li Le ordered the whole army to rest. He saddled and dismounted by himself, sitting on the blanket made by the soldiers, drinking herbal tea and thinking about his thoughts. The big boss Guo Da has already heard news. If the Baibo Army Brigade is half a day behind him, if he can quickly pass the Unknown Canyon, he will immediately divide his troops and attack the five blocks of Jiexiu, Wuxian, Zhongdu, Jingling, and Qixian. In the county seat, General Guo personally led an army to surprise Jinyang.

Guo Da also said that he had sent someone to contact the lurking Yellow Turban Remaining Party in Jinyang City, and agreed that the inside should be combined with the outside to open the gate of Jinyang City. If this attack can capture Jinyang City in one fell swoop, Li Le will be the first one, and Hu Cai will be the second one. Jinyang City’s gold and silver jewellery, weapons, armor, horses, and children’s jade silks will be selected by him first.

This promise made Li Le excited. This time the Yellow Turban uprising was for revenge. After the **** revenge, it would surely lead to **** revenge from the court and officials. As a smart man, Li Le had to think about his own destiny and future. If the Yellow Turban wins, nothing needs to be said. But what if the Yellow Turban loses?

There are a large number of gold and silver treasures, weapons and armors, horses, and a reasonable army, the 13 prefectures of the Han Dynasty, and the 405 prefectures. Where can I not go? It's really not possible, with dozens of confidants, looking for a secluded place for thousands of miles, and being a rich man can also be considered! However, all lies in whether to pass through the nameless gorge smoothly tonight.

"Big boss, there is news from the scouts that they have passed through Taniguchi and are searching outside Taniguchi!" The excited voice from left and right interrupted Li Le's contemplation. Li Le was stunned, he returned to reality in an instant, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Brother Hu, you can set off with a thousand cavalry. Behind you, I will send your three thousand foot soldiers to follow."

"Brother Li, just take a good look!" Hu Cai turned on his horse and set off with a thousand cavalry, behind his three thousand elite. Like Li Le, Hu Cai also had Hu Cai's plans. Li Le is a thoughtful and suspicious person, so he must not be suspicious. There are a total of 7,000 under his men, and these 4,000 are the most elite. It is also good to go out of Taniguchi first. Once caught in the ambush of the Union State Army, you can immediately retreat without losing too much.

Outside the north exit of the Anonymous Canyon, about four or five miles away, Ling Hao took two thousand cavalry companies and horses lying in the grass, watching more than one hundred white army scouts searching around. These scouts were all mud-legs with the loess on their heads turned upside down half a month ago. They just got together to train a few times. They weren't professional scouts at all. They rode horses under the crotch and wandered around to check a few hills, then they rode their horses back to Taniguchi, found a few flat places, and fell asleep sweetly.

"General Linghao, an eagle's letter came from the valley. The second wave of cavalry and 3,000 foot soldiers entered the valley. The brigade behind did not move." The left and right reported to Linghao quietly. "These old foxes! Just don't want to get the bait!" Ling Hao bit her lips tightly and cursed softly. "Send orders, pay attention to concealment, no order, no one is allowed to talk indiscriminately! Violators will be killed without pardon!"

The order was passed on quickly, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Taniguchi. As time passed bit by bit, Ling Hao's heart became more and more nervous. Starting from the North Valley entrance of the Unknown Canyon, female soldiers of the six thousand spirit battalions lie buried in the dense forests on both sides of the east and west. This time is a real war. As long as one person can't keep his breath, the entire battle will be ruined.

However, the commander of this Yellow Turban troop was an old fox. He increased his strength bit by bit, but he didn't order the army to gallop into the valley. Like an experienced wolf king, he was patient with the little tiger Ling Hao. His grandmother, you can hold your breath, and Miss Linghao can hold your breath too! Let's see today, who can make it to the end.

Thinking of this, Lingqi finally calmed down, and fell asleep as soon as he felt calm. "You are observing the situation, I will squint for a while." Ling Hao changed to a more comfortable position and lay down, and immediately fell asleep. General Linghao is asleep! I fell asleep! The news spread throughout the army in an instant.

At the moment of the enemy, General Linghao sleeps soundly, which shows that he is holding the victory ticket! Now that the winning ticket is in hand, what are we worried about? Ever since, the eight thousand female soldiers of the Lingchao Camp let go of the heart that was hanging in their hearts. He was no longer sleepy, his eyelids stopped fighting, and the heart pounding in his chest seemed much quieter at that moment.

Finally, Hu Cai walked out of the Beigukou of the Unknown Canyon with four thousand men. He took a breath and wiped his face full of sweat. "Send someone to send a letter to Brother Li. The headquarter has already left Chatankou, and everything is fine! Send an order so that everyone can rest for a while. In addition to Chatankou, we will divide our troops to attack Jiexiu, Wuxian, Zhongdu, Jingling, There are five county towns in Qixian County. These five county towns are all rich and prosperous, with a lot of children, jade, silk, gold and silver jewelry!"

When the news reached Li Le, the sky was already dark. A red sun rose slowly from the eastern horizon, radiating thousands of rays of light, and staining half of the sky blood red. Between the clouds and the clouds, there are mountains and trees glowing with lush green colors. The birds wake up from the night and begin to chirp. A new day has begun.

Li Le raised his head and looked to the east in a daze. He had already wasted half of his time in the Wuming Gorge. If he did not hurry up and let the five counties get the news, the raid would turn into a storm. That was the last thing that the Bai Bojun wanted. What I saw. However, what if the Union State Army set up an ambush in the Unknown Canyon? Set up an ambush, right? The ambush will spare Hu Cai's four thousand men and horses? He didn't believe that the ambush would be indifferent to this incense bait!

Thinking of this, Li Le laughed, laughing very weird, not knowing whether he was laughing at himself, Hu Cai, or God. Li Le turned on his horse, pointing forward with the whip in his hand. "Pass the order! The whole army set off! No stay! Fast through the Unnamed Gorge!" "No!" The sound of the response suddenly sounded, and the 26,000 White Army began to set off.

"General Ling Hao! General Ling Hao! Wake up soon!" Ling Hao was suddenly pushed awake by the soldiers. She was dreaming that she was facing a fragrant roast goose, and she could not eat her mouth if she tried her best. , Was suddenly awakened while fighting wits and courage. Ling Hao was stunned, and immediately realized that he was on the battlefield, and everything about roasting goose was just a hearty and long dream.

Linghao yawned and stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes. "Let's talk, what's the matter?" "General, the Yellow Turban brigade has begun to rush through the Unnamed Canyon!" "Ah?" Ling Hao finally understood that the fat roast goose in his dream was here! "The female soldiers in ambush on the left and right are told to stay calm and wait until the enemy rear team enters the encirclement before detonating!"

After giving the order, Ling Hao lay down on the ground, raised his clairvoyance and observed it carefully, then turned around and ordered. "Pass the order, prepare for the **** arm bow, bed crossbow, and catapult! Listen to my orders." The old fox finally didn't calm down and made the little tiger cheap! Although the Yellow Turban has been counted in the valley, whether it can be wiped out is still to come.

Ling Hao immediately disappeared from sleepiness. She concealed her figure and looked forward with clairvoyance in her hand. She asked for all the black gunpowder in Lu Mo's hand, and they were all buried in Beigukou and Shili Mountain Valley south of Beigukou. As long as a large force of the Yellow Turban Army enters this range, it will immediately detonate. As long as it can detonate success, this battle will be won by 60%!

With weapons in his hands, the 26,000 White Army trot through the twenty-mile-long nameless gorge, the long line could not be seen at a glance. Li Le rode on the horse, as he followed the brigade, while observing the terrain on both sides of the canyon. The gorge is more than ten feet deep, with cliffs on both sides, which are tightly covered by lush trees.

"This is an excellent ambush place!" Li Le took a breath, and his heart began to tremble, like fifteen buckets fetching water. "Pass the order, speed up! Quickly pass through the canyon and cut off the offender!" This order was effectively executed, and the White Army's marching speed was immediately much faster.

Seeing that he walked to the middle of the canyon, Li Le wiped the cold sweat from his head with his hand, and felt a little more relaxed. Halfway through, I haven't done anything yet, probably there is really no ambush. At this moment, the front was suddenly crowded, the marching speed slowed down, and the pawns of the brigade crowded together. Everyone was cursing, waiting for news ahead.

"Why did you stop?" Li Le was taken aback and asked sternly. "Big boss, this canyon is a gourd-shaped, with three or four narrow places in the middle, which can only allow no one to cross side by side." The left and right hurriedly replied with a smile. "Oh! That's how it turns out, pass forwards and backwards, and become a five-line formation. Pass quickly without making noise!"

The female soldiers of the Six Thousand Souls Battalion ambushing on both sides of the Anonymous Canyon held their breath, staring at the Baibo Army in the Canyon. As long as the enemy enters the last ten miles, they will move the mechanism, put down the rolling wood and stone to block the gourd mouth between the valley mouth and the canyon, and then detonate the black powder buried in the canyon. According to Lu An’s suggestion, the black powder was mixed with many nails and small sharp stones, which is said to greatly increase the lethality of the explosion.

The White Army in the gorge finally formed five columns and hurriedly passed through the gourd opening one after another. They have gathered in three large gourd terrain, the people in front have not yet gone out, the people behind have already squeezed up. The leaders of the Bai Bojun shouted loudly, cursing bad words, and straightened the formation.

"Start!" Seeing the last white army walk through the gourd mouth in the middle of the canyon. The captains on both sides gave orders at the same time!

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