New Story of Lv Bu

: : Wen Ji gets married (2)

Seeing that it was the time of Chenzheng, the number of people in front of Cai's House gradually increased, all of them came to participate in this grand event. The teachers and students of Hetao Academy, officials at all levels in Jinyang City, and wealthy merchants come and go in an endless stream. "Oh! It turned out to be Zhao Weng! Don't be unharmed?" "Wang Caozhuan! I haven't seen you for a long time, you always look much healthier!" People greeted each other, smiled and greeted, just like that in Jinyang City. Great, that's all there are people with good looks!

Lingqi took a few maids and watched the female soldiers in Lingchao camp register their gifts, mark them on the boxes, put them together with the gift list, and let the male soldiers carry them to the warehouse. Hou Wan checked it according to the gift list there, and then made a mark and placed it in different categories. Gold and silver go into the gold and silver treasury, and the five baht is like a treasury, and there are special warehouses for all kinds of soft furs.

In front of the lobby, Lu An brought dozens of guests, and greeted the guests with a smile and joy. Most of these dozens of guests were selected from Hetao Academy. They gave their words, treated people kindly, and laughed, making the guests feel at home. They were extremely happy to be able to do things with Lu An, the future heir of the Union State Army and the eldest son of the Lu family.

Hedong Wei's welcoming team finally arrived at the gate of Caifu, and the drummers of the drum band worked hard to play cheerful songs. Lu An had already taken a dozen students from Hetao Academy to greet him in front of the mansion, and Ling Hao also hurriedly rushed from the second hall. Zhang Liao got off the horse, strode forward, and helped a white-faced scholar to get off the horse.

"This is Wen Ji's husband-in-law, He Dongwei-style Wei Rongwei Zhongdao!" Zhang Liao quickly introduced to Ling Hao and Lu An. "Zhong Dao, this is the eldest daughter of the Great Sima Lubu, Lv Zheng, this is the eldest son of the Great Sima Lubu, Lu Zheng! Today, the Ling Qiao is the master and a close friend of Wen Ji's boudoir! The eldest son assists the Ling Qiao!"

Wei Zhongdao hurriedly bowed his hands in salute: "So, I would like to thank General Ling Hao and Grand Young Master! Hedong Wei is grateful!" Obviously, he has done his homework, knowing that Ling Hao likes to be called a general by others. Like to be called Miss. The two sisters and brothers looked up and saw that Wei Zhongdao was a talent, with red lips and white teeth. He looked elegant and romantic. He was a typical literati, but his face was slightly pale and his body seemed not very good. "Brother Zhong Dao, please! You are Wen Ji's son-in-law and my brother-in-law!"

At the moment when everyone was greeting, Hedong Wei's steward gave an order, and a full fifty cars of betrothal gifts were laid out in front of the mansion gate. Trucks of betrothal gifts are unloaded in front of the gate, and every time it is lifted, the steward of Wei's house sings out loudly. "Gold and fifty gold! Twenty shu brocade! The meat is good for five baht and the money is 500,000???"

Hedong County belongs to the Sili Xiaowei Department, which is close to Luoyang, the capital of the capital, and is a typical emperor's footsteps. Just like Luoyang people, Hedong people have always had a tradition of exaggerating wealth. It is natural to expose the betrothal gift and dowry in public. On the one hand, it shows the strength of the husband's family, and on the other hand, it also means respecting the female family.

When Hedong Wei's steward sang, Ling Hao was a little confused. Isn't it a betrothal gift? Just bring it in. Why do you have to sing it the same way, still in front of the gate! Hou Cheng smiled behind her: "Eldest niece! This is called exaggerating wealth, and it is the custom of Si Li. It stands to reason that how many cars are available for the betrothal gift of the husband, and the number of cars for the dowry of the natal family, in front of everyone If you report it, it means to let the big guys see which side pays more attention to it."

"Are you going to sing dowry next?" Ling Hao finally understood. "Also!" Hou Cheng pulled a sentence. "Hurry up and call Cheng Xun! He has a loud voice! Let the car line up and put on a dowry for a while!" Ling Hao gave the order quickly, and at the same time, she reached out and touched her arms, which was what she was going to give to Wen Ji One of the gifts is a sharp dagger that cuts gold and jade.

However, her hand was empty, and that dagger was not in her arms! Ling Hao's head grew bigger all of a sudden, she quickly calmed down and thought about it carefully, only then did she remember that this dagger had been placed in the Da Sima Mansion by her! After brushing it all at once, the sweat on Linghao's face came down. This dagger was inlaid with gold and jade, and it was worth a hundred gold, and it was a great gift when it was taken out.

At this moment, a pair of big hands stretched out, and they were the dagger that she had forgotten at home! Ling Hao looked up, Zhang Liao was looking at him with a smile. "Before leaving today, I suddenly remembered this dagger. I went to the Da Sima Mansion to take a look. I didn't expect you to forget it." Ling Hao understood immediately. Zhang Liao was a quarter of an hour late, just to go. Take this short sword! It seems that I misunderstood him! Lingqi's face immediately turned red, and he glanced at Zhang Liao shyly. "Wen Yuan, I misunderstood you!"

At this time, Hedong Wei's bride price had already been sung, and the price of fifty cars was worth about five hundred gold.

"It's ours!" Ling Hao whispered, Cheng Xun cleared his throat, took the long gift list, and stood in front of the gate and sang. His voice is excellent, his voice is loud, and his words are extremely clear, and when he speaks, he attracts everyone's attention. The tens of thousands of people watching the excitement in front of the Cai Mansion and the whole mansion could hear them very clearly.

"Golden Daughter!" The first sing evokes cheers. The people of Jinyang City still know a little bit about Si Li's habit. When I saw that the first item was twenty times the price of the bride price, he immediately burst into cheers! Today's Bingzhou is extremely wealthy. It is the home of ordinary people, and the dowry of one hundred gold can also be obtained. As soon as Wen Ji's dowry overwhelmed her husband's dowry, she immediately felt that her face was bright!

"Two hundred Shu brocades!" "The meat is good for five baht and ten million yuan!" Cheng Xun opened his throat and sang out one by one, attracting cheers! Almost every dowry is twenty times that of the husband's! "Two hundred bottles of good perfume! Two hundred new glass mirrors! Thirty carts of hardcover books, ten altars of fine wines from the Western Regions, one stone per altar??????" He Dongwei sang along with Cheng Xun. The family's face began to turn purple.

It stands to reason that the bride price of five hundred gold is no small, even in the capital of Luoyang, it can be obtained. When he was about to leave, Patriarch Wei Qiang once said that when he arrived in Jinyang City, he must abide by the customs of Bingzhou, and he must not make his own claim and annoy the Cai family. But when Wei's steward got hot, he didn't think much, and ordered to sing the bride price.

According to his calculations, Cai Yong is just a Confucian scholar, except for books, he won't have much money. Whether you sing the betrothal gift, let the Cai family see the foundation of Hedong Wei's family! I didn't expect to be slapped in the face immediately, and the slap was loud! The dowry sung by Cheng Xun was worth more than one hundred thousand gold, which is not even a gift received today. Those perfumes, glass mirrors, and western wines can be worth 100,000 gold if they are put in the capital city of Luoyang! How did he know that western Zhejiang is all produced in Bingzhou, and the Lv family’s properties are very low-cost. For Wen Ji's marriage, these dowries were collected by the Bingzhou generals, and Hou Cheng contributed a lot.

In this way, the five-hundred golden betrothal gift of Hedong Wei's has become a big joke! Cai's dowry sang is worth 10,000 gold. You Hedong Wei is a famous family, and you only take out a betrothal gift of five hundred gold, which is simply laughable and generous! The steward of Hedong Wei's family was very upset. If he had known this, he might as well quietly carry in the bride price!

Cheng Xun finally finished singing. Ling Hao, Lu An, and Zhang Liao hurriedly bowed their hands and asked Wei Zhongdao and his party to enter the house. "Look at the new uncle!" The people of the Cai family rushed to tell, gathered together and looked at Wei Zhongdao curiously. "This new uncle is elegant and elegant, and she is definitely worthy of the young lady!" "His face is a little pale, but the body doesn't seem to be very good!" The people who talked are all Lingchao's personal soldiers, who was reprimanded by Lingcha for "strict military discipline". Those few, now they are back again.

Wen Ji sat in the room, but her heart was ups and downs, her blushing and heartbeat. Hedong Wei's poetry and book heirs, the style is good, otherwise the old father would not marry her, but he has not seen Wei Zhongdao, only a small portrait of him, he is very elegant and literary. She heard the courtyard shouting "The new uncle is here." She wanted to go out and have a look, but she was afraid that people would laugh.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Ling Hao hurriedly walked in and took Wen Ji's hand. "Come with me quickly, it's too late!" "What do you do in such a hurry?" Wen Ji blushed, and she realized that she might be going to see Wei Zhongdao, and her blushing and heartbeat immediately rose. Linghao ignored her, dragged her three times, and then boarded an embroidery building.

"Here you! The one in red who is talking with Lu An. I specifically asked Lu An to drag it, so you can watch it!" Ling Hao took out a clairvoyance and stuffed it in Wen Ji's hand. Wen Ji opened her clairvoyance with trembling hands, and saw Wei Zhongdao through the glass. Like Xiaoxiang, he is elegant and romantic, and he is an out-and-out scholar! Oh! She was finally relieved.

"It looks pretty good, it's your favorite little white face, but his face is too pale, and his body may not be good. After getting married, you have to give him a good repair!" Ling Hao Da Ma stood in front of the window with a golden sword. Said quietly, looking at Wen Ji with a smile on his face. Wen Ji's face turned red from the brush. "Sick Nizi! Your Zhang Wenyuan's body is not good enough!"

Lingqi's face immediately turned red, and his mouth became hardened. "I'm serious! The recruits in the Lingchao camp are all selected by me. Many people are like this. It will be better if you raise them slowly in the first half of the year. In the meantime, you can't be too tired, especially reading books overnight! You really have to persuade you. He." "I see!" Wen Ji replied, but she didn't care about it in her heart. Isn't it just reading? How could you hurt your body? Ling Hao, this Nizi, is really weird.

"This is for you!" Ling Hao took out the extremely sharp short sword from her arms and handed it to Wen Ji. "I gave it to you. If it's okay, you can practice swordsmanship, and you can also use it for self-defense. The most important thing is??????" Ling Hao stopped talking, but finally said it.

"If you have a bad life or someone bullies you, you don't need to say anything. Send someone to see me with this dagger, and I will understand it! I will definitely pick you up in person by the way. Revenge! People in the Linghao camp, I see who dares to bully!" Linghao said word by word.

"Woo??????" Wen Ji burst into tears immediately, plunged into Ling Hao's arms and started crying.

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