New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Death of Lingdi (2)

On February 15th, he merged with the study room of Lu Bu, Dasima Mansion, Jinyang City, Zhou Dynasty.

In front of him was a square table with four Grand Master’s chairs each occupying one side. Lu Bu sat at the head, Hou Cheng accompanied the next Prime Minister, and Jia Xu and Gao Shun sat at the left and right. On the table are eight new dishes and two jars of fine wine. It is obvious that the core leaders of the state are ready to gather for a while after official duties. It’s really rare to have anecdotes, smell the wine and talk about it.

When the wine was hot, the topic inevitably turned to the current situation. Hou Cheng drank a cup of wine, held up the wine, and said, "Liu Boyan has arrived in Jixian County, and the chaos between Zhang Chun and Qiu Liju is about to be settled. Jia Xu pinched a calculation: "On the fifth day of February, it is already ten today. Today, in my opinion, there must be good news before March. "

Liu Boyan here refers to the new Youzhou Mu Liu Yu. Liu Yu, whose name is Bo'an, is the Tanren of the East China Sea, the son of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu, after the Prince Gong of the East China Sea Liu Qiang. Liu Yu's grandfather, Liu Jia, was Guangluxun, and his father, Liu Shu, was Danyang prefect. Together with the Han clan clan, and many generations of officials, Liu Yu's career is well understood.

Seeing Lü Bu and Gao Shun's blank look, Hou Cheng began to explain. "Liu Boyan is well-known for his talents and learning, and he is familiar with the "Five Classics." In this dynasty, there are fourteen doctors in the Five Classics. Each scripture has a large number of chapters. In addition to exegesis, it is not easy to be able to master the "Five Classics". "."

"Oh!" Lu Bu and Gao Shun were moved. "It seems that Liu Boyan, like Lu Zigan and Cai, is a great Confucian! With the Han clan and the family, his official career can be imagined." According to the tradition of the aristocratic family, Liu Yu's career began with Ju Xiaolian. , Initially served as Cao official, and later promoted to county official by Zhuo Yi. In this way, one step at a time, within a few years, he actually accumulated his work and became the provincial governor of Youzhou. Although some people in the DPRK supported him, Liu Yu's own talents still played a huge role.

Jia Xu also had a lot of thoughts on the celebrities in the DPRK, and he followed the words. "During his tenure as the governor of Youzhou, Liu Yu was lenient in politics and pacified the people, and won the hearts of the people. He advocated to treat the foreign races in Youzhou well, often patrolling the borders, giving them food and comforting their hearts. Xianbei, Wuhuan, Fuyu, and Zhuiqian When foreigners feel sincere, pay tribute at any time, dare not to intrude, and get along well with the Han people. Once foreign troubles are eliminated, the people can farm with peace of mind and are not afraid of looting, so they spread sing rumors to praise Liu Yu's merits. Later, Liu Yu because of it. Dismissed for official business."

"In the first year of Zhongping, the Yellow Turban rebelled and broke through the counties of Jizhou. After that, the court appointed Liu Yu as the minister of Ganling, and went to appease the people after the famine, taking frugality as the example of his subordinates, and soon he was promoted to Zongzheng. This time Zhang Chun Qiu Liju was in trouble, Gongsun Zan was defeated, and the court remembered Liu Yu. The edict ordered Liu Yu to serve as Youzhou Shepherd, hoping that he would be able to recruit foreigners and quell the Wuhuan Rebellion."

"As a result, Gongsun Bogui's position is very embarrassing!" Gao Shun finally understood. He was very clear about the generals. Gongsun Zan was called Bogui, a son of the Liaoxi Lingzhi, a noble child, but because of his mother's humble background, he could only serve as a small official like Shuzuo.

But Gongsun Zan has two strengths that no one can match. One is that he is beautiful and extremely beautiful. Second, the voice is loud and clear, and the words are round. Shuzuo worked in the prefectural palace. Once he went to Gongsun Zan, he became the prefect’s son-in-law, paid by his father-in-law, and worshipped the great scholar Lu Zhi as his teacher. Liu Bei and Liu Deran were his classmates.

When he returned from school, Gongsun Zan served as an imperial chariot under the account of Liu Jun, the prefect. Later, Prefect Liu was convicted and sent to Nichinan. Gongsun Zan disguised himself as a soldier and escorted him along the way. On the way, Prefect Liu was pardoned. In this dynasty, this is a rare virtue, so Gongsun Zan was named Xiaolian and served as the governor of Liaodong.

On one occasion, Gongsun Zan led dozens of cavalry on a patrol, and encountered hundreds of Xianbei cavalry, but the Han army retreated all the way to the empty pavilion. Gongsun Zan shouted loudly: "If we don't take the initiative to attack the enemy, we will have no place to die!" After finishing speaking, he took the lead, holding a spear and leading the charge, killing dozens of people and injuring more than half of his subordinates. The Xianbei people took this as a warning, and would not dare to cross the barrier easily. Gongsun Zan was promoted to the magistrate of Zhuo County with this merit.

During the Guanghe years, Bian Zhang and Han Sui rebelled, and the court recruited three thousand Wuhuan elite cavalry from Youzhou, commanded by Gongsun Zan, and bestowed Fujie. When Gongsun Zan led his army to Jizhong, Zhang Chun and Qiu Liju rebelled and attacked Youbeiping and Liaoxi County, and even attacked more than ten cities. Gongsun Zan pursued Zhang Chun with three thousand cavalry, and he was promoted to be a cavalry lieutenant because of his merits. At this time, the leader of Wuhuan, the ruler of the vassal country, was greedy to the king and led the people to return to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan was promoted to the rank of general, was named Dutinghou, and stationed in the subject country. For the next five or six years, he has been fighting against foreign races in Youzhou.

In the fifth year of Zhongping, Gongsun Zan and Zhang Chun, Qiu Liju fought against Shimen, a subordinate country of Eastern Liaoning, and defeated Zhang Chun. However, he did not listen to Liu Bei's words, underestimated the enemy's advance, and was finally besieged by Qiu Liju in Guanzi City in western Liaoning for more than two hundred days. The food was exhausted, and most of the soldiers were killed and injured. Qiu Li's army was exhausted, and he left Liucheng.

The imperial court accepted the opinion of the general He Jin, and still added to Gongsun Zan's new appointment. He worshiped Gongsun Zan as the captain of the captain, and named the Duting Hou, and he also took charge of the long history of the country. Gongsun Zan was so excited that he commanded the troops and guarded the border. Whenever he heard an enemy attack, Gongsun Zan immediately got up and led his army to attack. For example, when he was facing a battle, he would take the lead and would never die, often fighting until late at night. From then on, Wuhuan was afraid of Gongsun Zan's bravery, and did not dare to attack again.

Gongsun Zan and dozens of riders on the left and right, all ride on white horses, each wing left and right, calling themselves "White Horse Yi Cong".

This story, brought by Gao Shun, is as brilliant as the Liu Yu in Jia Xu and Hou Cheng's mouth, and is just right for drinking.

"Liu Bo comforts the master, but there is actually no way. If it is not my race, his heart will be different! As a great Confucian who knows the "Five Classics", how can he not know?" Jia Xu's understanding of human nature is nothing in this dynasty. People are right.

"The Youzhou of this dynasty is one of the thirteen prefectures of the Great Han Dynasty, and it is governed by Jixian County in Guangyang County. It has eleven prefectures and ninety counties, counties, towns, and ninety states. Among the thirteen prefectures of the Great Han Dynasty, Youzhou is sparsely populated It is a typical poor state with frequent foreign attacks! Every year, Jizhou and Qingzhou are required to subsidize money for public expenses."

"So, a thousand words, to Liu Boyan, it's just one word! Poor!"

As soon as Jia Xu said these words, everyone suddenly realized it! Liu Yu must be the governor, and he will surely complete the work in a short period of time! No way, just because of poverty and no money! As the new state shepherd, quelling the chaos of Zhang Chun and Qiu Liju is just one of Liu Yu's duties. There are also a lot of things such as relief to exile, resumption of production, and care for orphans, all of which require money!

Only when the Fu Bureau is completed as soon as possible can the army be abolished and save money to resume production.

"With Gongsun Bogui's demeanor, I'm afraid I can't swallow this breath!" Gao Shun held up the wine cup and fixedly looked at the pattern on it. "Also!" Lü Buqi exclaimed. "Gongsun Bogui has fought **** battles with foreign races outside the Great Wall for five or six years, and has already forged a **** feud! Liu Boyan said, "If you don't have it, you'll be gone, how can it be?"

"Liu Boyan must be Zhou Mu, Gongsun Bogui had to lower his head, but what he thinks in his heart, it is hard to say. At least, this sulky breath is about to suffocate illness!" Hou Cheng took a mouthful of bad fish and slowly Savoring. "After all, the military power is in the hands of Gongsun Bogui. If Liu Boan is not careful, he will suffer!"

"Wow! This year, there are knives and guns, much better than an empty Zhou Mu!" Gao Shun concluded.

What everyone expected was not bad, and sure enough, the latest news came in March.

"Da Sima, Zhang Chun was killed by his doorman Wang Zheng. The first few hundred miles were sent to Liu Yu. Qiu Liju and the adults, please come down." Hou Cheng patted his head and continued: "Liu Yu is here. After that, they immediately sent envoys to the Wuhuan, Fuyu, and Yiqin tribes to share their interests, and ordered them to offer Zhang Chun's head. Qiu Liju and others were overjoyed when they heard that Liu Yu had arrived, and they sent envoys to communicate with them. Things."

"When Gongsun Zan heard about this, he was very annoyed and worried that Liu Yu would make meritorious service. He secretly sent people to assassinate these messengers on the way. After Wuhuan, Fuyu, and Yiqiu knew about this, they detoured to Liu Yu. Liu Yu reported to the court Withdraw the garrison army, leaving only Gongsun Zan with more than 10,000 infantry and cavalry stationed in You Beiping."

"Regardless of the disparity between Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan, in any case, it is a good thing to put down the rebellion." Lu Bu put away Ying Xin and looked at Hou Cheng steadily. As a close comrade-in-arms of Da Sima Lu Bu, Hou Cheng did not understand Lu Bu's thoughts. This lord’s language art is much more sophisticated. This sentence is clearly speaking the opposite, and the focus is on the word suspicion.

"When Liu Yu took office, Gongsun Zan dared to do this. The rift between the two became deeper and deeper, and there will be trouble in the future." Hou Cheng said slowly, this sentence is calm, but it clearly shows: Da Sima, I Hou Ziyu understand what you said! To do dirty work, you must have the ethics of doing dirty work, that is, never let your boss get involved.

It seemed that Hou Cheng really understood, and Lu Bu was finally relieved. "This time the Youzhou pacified the chaos, the court did not recruit and merge with the state army, so naturally it is going to be a big reward!" "Is it not? The court gave a heavy reward. Liu Yu was awarded the post of lieutenant for his merits in appeasing the nomads. It was Rongqiuhou. Soon, Liu Yu was moved to Da Sima, and Gongsun Zan was named General Fenwei and named Jihou."

"Oh!" Lu Bu was moved, Taiwei! This time he is a real lieutenant! Not the three males with false titles!

"Liu Yu surrendered, and recommended Wei Wei Zhao Mo, Yizhou Mu Liu Yan, Yuzhou Mu Huang Wan, and Nanyang Prefect Yang to continue to serve as Tai lieutenants. But his Majesty did not allow him, and he finally worshiped Liu Yu as Tai lieutenant. And he was specifically exempted from it. Go to Liu Yu's gift money." Hou Cheng whispered. At this time, the officials and worshipers had to pay a huge amount of gift money to the West Garden. The emperor was able to save Liu Yu's gift money because of Liu Yu's consistent reputation for incorruptibility and his merits in putting down Zhang Chun's rebellion.

"Your Majesty is still smart. Although Liu Yu is a high-ranking official at the third public level, he is instinctively interested in economy, wearing shabby clothes, and not eating more than one meat dish for a meal, so he does not have the money to go to the West Garden to pay San Gong's gift money." Lu Bu Said quietly. "Next, the highlight will be in Luoyang!"

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