New Story of Lv Bu

: : The blood debt must be paid with blood

Four hours later, the Shangdang prefect Wang Ling led seven thousand county soldiers to Gaodu County. The county town was burned black by the fire, and there were ashes and charred beams everywhere, whether it was official offices or residential buildings. When the breeze blew, a red bottom fire appeared in the white ashes, swirling in the sky. The smell of burning is permeating the air, and the entire county town is deadly quiet.

Several elders over 70 knelt in front of Wang Ling's horse and cried loudly. "Good, my ambassador! If it weren't for the magistrate's bad situation and secretly opened the north gate to let us escape, tens of thousands of people in the city would have been burned to death! It was General Hu Benzhong who ordered the attack. Yuan Shuyuan Highway, the magistrate made him hack to death with a single sword!"

It has been twelve years since Lu Bu served as the shepherd of Bingzhou and Chengping Bingzhou. In the past twelve years, even petty thefts have been rare. Today, when people sit in trouble at home and come from the sky, their hearts are very angry. "There is also Ding Jianyang, Ding Yuan, the captain of Wu Meng! It was his subordinates who committed one hundred and sixty-eight cases, and were afraid that the magistrate might pursue them, so they called for the attack!"

Wang Ling quickly rolled off the saddle and got off his horse, and stretched out his hands to help the elderly one by one. "You are not in a hurry, please get up and talk. This matter, the official and Da Sima Lubu will not give up, and must be the culprit to avenge the dead officials and people!" Only then did the elders stop their grief. . Wang Ling stood in front of the horse and gave a series of orders.

The orders brought about the loss of the subordinate officials, rushed to transport grain, grass and materials from the county and nearby county towns, and repaired houses for the people. The most important thing is to send scouts, and you must find the location of Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan. After the order was completed, Wang Ling left Jun Cheng and two thousand infantrymen to take care of the aftermath. He led five thousand cavalry and chased him down.

From Gaodu County to the south to Luoyang, the capital, it is only one hundred and fifty miles away. There are two roads, one is through Tianjingguan, this is a shortcut, the other is bypassing Tianjingguan, and you can reach Mengjin, an important ferry crossing on the big river. Wang Ling thought about it carefully. There are six hundred county soldiers stationed in the courtyard, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Yuan Shu and others will definitely bypass the courtyard and go straight to the Qinshui.

"The whole army quickly passed Tianjingguan! Go straight to Qinshui!" Wang Ling gave the order. When he arrived at Tianjingguan, the guardian Junhou of Tianjingguan greeted him before the gate closed. He had already learned the details of the Gaodu tragedy. "My lord, I have been exploring horses widely and found the traces of Yuan Shu and others. They are 30 miles south of Tianjing Guan, seeming to be crossing Qinshui south! I have sent a troupe of cavalry to follow far behind, looking for Why don't you give him a cold breath."

"Okay! Leave two hundred people guarding the gate, and bring yours, let's go and bring him up together. The people of Shangdang County, you can't just kill them! No matter who they are, no matter how powerful they are behind them , The blood debt must be paid with blood!" Wang Ling's eyes were angry, and his heart was extremely angry. But, after all, he is the long-term grandson of the Wang family in Taiyuan, and he still has political vision.

The aristocratic family of Luoyang, the master of the capital, did not care about the life and death of the ordinary people. Even if they went to the court, they would be pushed six or two and five, and they would deny it in every possible way. He led his troops to pursue two purposes, one was to seek justice for the people of Gaodu County, and the other was to arrest some criminals, so that he could fight a lawsuit with the Yuan family of Runan! Of course it would be better to catch Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan!

At dusk, Wang Ling's five thousand cavalry finally blocked the troops of Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan on the north bank of Qinshui. From a distance, dozens of large and small ships were carrying soldiers across the river, and three to two thousand people had passed by the southern bank of the river. "Kill! Be careful to keep a few hundred alive!" Wang Ling gave an order, and the five thousand cavalrymen generally slew towards the river.

This battle lasted only half an hour, Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan's army, only three thousand people passed Qinshui safely, and the rest were either killed or captured. The combat power of the Shangdang County soldiers was so strong that Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan were frightened. Fortunately, they were the first to cross the river, otherwise they would have been captured by the Shangdang County soldiers at this time!

On the 16th of July, at the hour of the hour, it merged with the prefecture of Jinyang City, Dasima Mansion.

"It's terrible!" Lu Bu burst into flames! "There is nothing wrong with the handling of Gaodu county magistrate. The matter was caused by Zhang Yan's subordinate who was newly incorporated by Ding Yuan. What is wrong with Yuan Gonglu? He even ordered the massacre of the city? And he killed Gaodu county magistrate himself? Don’t Yuan Gonglu. I swear not to be a human head!"

For the details of the Gaodu tragedy, the Shangdang prefect Wang Ling has truthfully reported that all 700 officials and soldiers under the Gaodu county magistrate were killed in battle, more than 3,000 people were killed and injured, and the county town was burned down by fire. Wang Ling led five thousand cavalrymen to stop Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan on the north bank of Qinshui, beheaded two thousand, and gave birth to more than three thousand prisoners. Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao had only three thousand remnants left and fled to Luoyang.

"Fortunately, Wang Ling responded in a timely manner and seized the human and physical evidence on the spot. It's a pity that the few soldiers newly collected by Ding Yuan had already escaped back to the Taihang Mountain." Gao Shun's eyes were completely red, and he was the most insatiable It is to slaughter civilians casually. However, he has read some books recently, and he knows that things in the officialdom are not in a hurry and need to be rational and modest.

"Yuan Gonglu did too much of this matter! However, the big Sima is not anxious, this matter still has to go to the court, first take the righteous name! Don't let the despicable person take advantage of the loophole!" Lu Bu was furious, and Yan Zhong hurriedly tried to persuade him. As a Confucian scholar and famous scholar, he still wants to believe that the emperor and the court are good, but they are only deceived by some people.

"This matter can't stop here! The blood debt must be repaid with blood! What is the use of the sparse? Leading the army to reach Luoyang City, see the court dare not hand over the Yuan Road?" Cheng Lian and Song Xian were the first to bear it. Lived, yelled! "This statement is great!" "The blood debt must be paid with blood!" The generals suddenly clamored.

"Yes! The blood debt needs to be paid in blood! Immediately raise troops to hunt down Yuan Shu! Dare to hide and kill the Nine Clan!" Lu Bu drew out his saber and split the case in half with a single knife! "Those who dare not to send troops will be killed without mercy!" "Nuo!" The generals had a solemn expression and responded! In their minds, Binzhou is their home. As for the court, it is just a display!

Yan Zhong's eyes were blood-red, and he opened his mouth to move forward to argue. Suddenly, someone pulled his sleeve, and Yan Zhong looked back and found that it was Jia Xu. Jia Xu waved his hand to him, pulled him aside, and whispered: "Da Sima is getting angry, now you go up to persuade him, can he kill you? If you kill the heartache, if you don't kill, how can you convince people?"

"Brother Wen He, don't you know that as long as the Great Sima leads his troops close to the capital of Luoyang, he will become a rioter and thieves? The world will gather in groups and attack them? In this way, the Yuan family of Runan and the imperial court will be relieved lightly? Come, the hero has become a traitor, but the rat generation can be washed away? Just the spit of Qingliu and the family can drown Da Sima!"

"Don't panic, I can't persuade him when Dasima is angry! What's more, if such a big thing happens, how can he face the soldiers and civilians of Bingzhou if he doesn't do it? How can he calm the anger of the generals?" Jia Xu Smiling and twisting his beard, he nodded Yan Zhong with his finger. Yan Zhong also seemed to understand a little bit: "But, someone has to stop him!" "Don't worry, you just wait for the show, someone is more anxious than us!"

Lv Bu ignited an army of 100,000 and drove straight to the south gate of Jinyang City, with flags and flags spreading out. The Gaodu tragedy had long been spread in the army. Da Sima rushed to the crown and wanted to bring the Bingzhou army to the capital Luoyang to seek justice for the deadly high county magistrate and the soldiers and civilians. In order to merge the civilians, soldiers and civilians of the state, Da Sima did not hesitate to turn against the court? I'm waiting for the pawn, what else can I say?

From Dasima Mansion to the city gate, more than a hundred thousand people greeted each other, waving their arms and shouting constantly. "Blood debts must be paid with blood!" "We must cut down Yuan Shu and Ding Yuan's top ranks! Pay homage to the soldiers and civilians who died!" "Those who dare to offend the state will be punishable even if they are far away!" Da Sima's actions are extremely relieved! Whoever dared to kill a person in Bingzhou must punish his nine races!

The entire Jinyang City, because of the Gaodu tragedy, has been immersed in an extremely tragic atmosphere. For ten or two years in Chengping, the state has never had such a cruel thing. The Gaodu county magistrate's measures were not wrong. But Yuan Shu was so frantic that he ordered the massacre of the city and killed the Gaodu county magistrate himself. It was tolerable or unbearable!

A hundred thousand troops, starting from various barracks, gathered in front of the city gate, but they all stopped. In front of the city gate, there is a mat, an old man with white beard. Sitting upright on the reed mat, watching the nose and the heart, just like an eminent monk. The old man was thin, but his whole body exuded a strong murderous intent, which stopped one hundred thousand soldiers from moving forward.

This old man was the mentor of Da Sima Lubu, and the only surviving senior living in the military world of the great Han, Zhang Ranming, Hou Zhanghuan! Seeing Lao Zhang Huan sitting in front of the city gate, the 100,000 army was shocked. This old man has always been a low-key man, and he is not easy to take it lightly. How can he sit here alone today?

Lu Bu and Zhujiang quickly dismounted, smiled and stepped forward, and bowed their hands to Lao Zhang Huan: "I have seen Lord Hou!" Zhang Huan slowly opened his eyes, and gently pointed at the reed mat. "Sit down and speak!" "No!" Lu Bu replied, sitting upright on the reed mat, and the generals stood behind, quietly waiting for Lao Zhang Huan to speak.

Lao Zhang Huan stroked his snow-white beard, and on both sides of his snow-white eyebrows, several long longevity eyebrows fluttered in the wind. "Fongxian, have you ever said that those who didn't send troops would be cut? Is it true?" "It's true!" Lu Bu replied respectfully. "As soon as the military order comes out, the horse is difficult to chase! The old man understands your anger, and understands your difficulties, but, the old man has a few more words, would you like to listen?"

"Students would like to listen to the teachings of their mentor!" "Are you going to dethrone your majesty and change the dynasty?" Lu Bu was shocked, and he couldn't afford it. "My mentor is on, and Bu has no intention of this!" "The old man is here to ask you, since this dynasty has led troops into Beijing without any authority since the Gaodi Slaying the White Snake Uprising, how many people have there ever been?"

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