New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xingyang defeated

Oops! Meng De, don't be excited! Don't get excited! Let's take a long-term view! Long-term plan! "Yuan Shao looked at Cao Cao with a look of astonishment, as if he didn't know Cao Cao and Cao Mengde. He had just secured his seat as the leader of the Seventeenth Route princes, and now he is full of ambition and full of energy. He hasn't waited for him to be proud of the spring breeze. When he came out, he was poured cold water on Cao Cao's head. Dong Zhuo moved to Chang'an, so let him go. Why should he pursue him?

"Meng De, the Xiliang army is quite strong. Our army is newly defeated and loses its generals. It is better to be prudent!" Yuan Shao sat firmly on the head, persuading Cao Cao, but he didn't agree with it in his heart. As soon as Dong Zhuo left, Luoyang was an empty city, and the Kwantung Allied Forces just entered Luoyang City. In this way, the mission of restoring the Han Dynasty and restoring the old capital would be half completed! He, the general leader, had an explanation to the Qingliu family in the world.

"Holding?" Cao Cao's heart was filled with grief and anger. This is the hero who repeatedly claimed to "kill Dong Zhuo and return to the old capital"! "Dong Zhuo is scared off, you say that you are serious? Is it because you are serious about drinking and talking here every day? Dong Zhuo ran away, you dare not chase, and you still have the face to say something serious? A liar is deceiving others, but you are even yourself. deceive!"

As soon as this statement was made, the faces of the princes were immediately covered with frost. So you, Cao Mengde, is such a venomous tongue? We say to be prudent for your own good. Since you are shameless and don't drink fine wine for toasting, then go and fight Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army by yourself! After being beaten up by Dong Zhuo, when he lost his helmet and removed his armor, do you still have the face to speak wildly?

Cao Cao is a very clever person. If you can't see the wishes of the princes, if you say it is useless, then let's say goodbye. From then on, the journey will be long and there will be no future! Thinking of this, he got up and arched his hands: "My princes, I will lead my army to the west alone to fight Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army! Goodbye to the princes, I hope there will be a period of time later!"

Cao Cao was able to take out the account and sighed up to the sky: "I want to say that when the Yellow Turban was upset, he claimed that'the sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand.' Now that six years have passed, the words are still in my ears, but the sky is really dead!" A person behind him laughed and said, "Since the sky is dead, let's create another one! How does Cao Mengde, a hero in the world, behave like a woman?"

Cao Cao was taken aback and looked back quickly. It turned out that it was Chen Liuxiaolian Weiz. "It turned out to be Wei Xiaolian! Why are you here?" Cao Cao quickly asked silently. "Meng De, Zhang Shijun had expected you to lead an attack alone, and specially ordered me to lead three thousand troops to come and help!" "Ah! Whoever knows me, Zhang Miao!" Cao Cao sighed up to the sky!

Cao Cao led the tribe as the forward and Weitz as the defender. From Zhihuai County in Hanoi County, he marched southwest and went straight to Chenggao. Chenggao is located one hundred and ten miles east of Luoyang City. It is the east barrier of Luoyang City. As long as Chenggao is taken, Xingyang and Luoyang can be separated. By then, either attacking Xingyang from the east or leaving Luoyang from the west, the strategic initiative will be transferred to the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Cao Cao's strategic vision and strategic literacy are extremely high, and he can see the importance of Chenggao at a glance. He decided to run fast, seize Chenggao, and drive a nail between Luoyang and Xingyang. Once Cao Jun occupied Chenggao, with Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu's talents, he would definitely see the situation clearly, and he would not fail to grab such a great achievement!

When the time comes, he will hold on to Chenggao. As long as he can hold on for three or five days, Yuan Shao will lead the army to the east and eat Xu Rong, and there will be no worries. Then the Kwantung Allied Forces swept westward and rushed straight to Luoyang. It was a smooth journey. Cao Cao thought about it again and again, and felt that with his strength and friendship with Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu, this matter was absolutely feasible.

From Huaixian to Chenggao, it was only fifty miles away. Cao Cao led five thousand men and horses. With a sense of vigor, he went all the way to the west and broke several fortifications. It took only two days to reach the city of Chenggao. It is a pity that the one who waited for Cao Cao in Chenggao was Xu Rong, a general under Dong Zhuo, and Cao Cao's good fortune ended here.

Dong Xiangguo's subordinates consisted of two people, one is Xiqin Zahu, and the other is Huang Zhongyi. These people live on horseback all the year round, and the skill of riding and archery is almost innate. For this reason, the scouts of the Xiliang Army are very good, it can be said that they are second only to the Bingzhou Army, and they are not comparable to the two sword scouts of the Kwantung Allied Army.

Soon after Cao Cao's eight thousand men and horses set off, they were discovered by the scouts of the Xiliang Army, and the news quickly reached Xu Rong's ears. After Xu Rong heard this, he was shocked and hurriedly ordered an army to be assembled. "In the city of Xingyang, there were originally 50,000 horses. After defeating Yuan Shu, more than 10,000 horses were collected. I only took 10,000 cavalry. I will leave you with the rest."

When Xu Rong's deputy heard this, he quickly asked: "General, if the Kwantung coalition forces come to attack, how will I respond?" "Hahahaha!" Xu Rong laughed. "The Kwantung Allied Forces will never take the initiative to attack you." "General? What's the explanation for this?" The lieutenant was puzzled. Xu Rong pointed at Chenggao with his finger: "The only one who dared to attack is rushing to Chenggao. How could he dare to come to Xingyang if he didn't dare to attack Chenggao to the west?" "That's it!" The lieutenant finally realized.

Xu Rong led ten thousand cavalry soldiers all the way to the west and entered Xingyang ahead of Cao Cao. As soon as I entered the city, I received an eagle letter from Dong Xiangguo. The eagle letter was Dong Xiangguo's autograph. "Hold Bangshui, and you must not let the Kanto soldiers go one by one, otherwise you will come to see you!"

At the same time as Yingxin arrived, there were eight thousand cavalrymen, and the leader was Li Wei Li. When I saw Xu Rong, Li Yu was overjoyed. Although he was in the class of two thousand stones, Xu Rong was Li Yu's old boss. "I have seen Xu Zhonglang! Being able to return to Zhonglang's subordinates, Li Yu is inexplicable!" "What did you say? Returning to subordinates? Please tell me more!" Xu Rong waved his hands and said.

"Dong Xiangguo knows that there are not many elites in Xingyang City, so he specifically ordered Li Yi to lead eight thousand fine riders to come to Zhonglang's account to take orders!" "So that's it, you came just right!" Xu Rong pulled a map and pointed his finger from Huai County. Move to Chenggao. "Cao Cao's eight thousand people are on their way to Chenggao, you should hurry to rest, we will give Cao Mengde a sap in Chenggao!"

Cao Jun galloped all the way, and finally rushed to the city of Chenggao. He was already tired of people and horses. Just waiting to be ordered to attack the city, only one cannon was heard, the city gate opened wide, and Xu Rong led the army out in file, out of the hall. Xu Rong's command is ten thousand cavalry, most of Cao Cao's 8,000 trilogy are infantry, and there are only five hundred cavalry. Cao Jun felt guilty at the sight of Xiliang's soldiers with strong horses and strong military capacity. Since ancient times, the infantry has been equipped with cavalry. How can it withstand the attack of 10,000 cavalry?

Xu Rong was a long-time warrior, and when he saw Cao Jun horrified, he immediately waved his right hand and swung his army to cover up and kill him. "Brothers! Excuse Dong Zhuo, the Zhongxing Han room, just today! Those who are afraid of death will come later, and those who are not afraid of death will come with me!" Cao Cao said, drew out the sword, and took the lead to kill the Xiliang army. "Excuse Dong Zhuo, Zhongxing Han Dynasty, just today!" Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Le Jin, and Li Dian rushed forward with a shout, followed by Cao Cao.

After a while, the two armies fought against the circle and started fighting. From morning to noon, without food or drink, they fought for four hours. The two armies became red eyes and kept fighting. Seeing that the battle was in a state of anxiety, Xu Rong hurriedly sent an order to call out Li Yu's eight thousand fine horses. At this time, the eight thousand fine riders of Li Zhang's subordinates had already slept beautifully, and had used the war meal. It was the time when the horse was full and the battle was high.

"Lieutenant Li, take your eight thousand fine horses and attack Cao Cao's army directly. You must pierce the enemy line! I will order the two wings and surround Cao Jun! This battle will definitely wipe out Cao Jun and capture Cao Cao alive!" Xu Rong waved his hand and gave the order! "Yes!" Li Zhang arched his hands and took the troops to go.

After a long battle, the two armies were already exhausted. As soon as Li Zhao's eight thousand fine horses were put on the battlefield, Cao Jun couldn't support it immediately. "Little ones! Come with me, today I will cut off Cao Aman's first level to make urinals!" Li Yu shouted, and took the lead with hundreds of soldiers into the battle. Dong Xiangguo's Xiliang Jingqi is indeed powerful. A charge pierced Cao Cao's army. Cao Jun immediately collapsed, taking care of his own lives, and fled in all directions.

Only Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Le Jin, and Li Dian were left beside Cao Cao, along with hundreds of soldiers, rushing and fleeing among the thousands of troops. "The enemy army is powerful, and I don't expect this battle to be won. It's better to break through!" Xiahou Dun shouted at Cao Cao as he charged. "This is very kind!" Cao Cao nodded heavily.

The generals guarded Cao Cao and rushed towards Huaixian. Along the way, people and horses died in an endless stream, shouting and killing from behind, getting closer and closer. At this time, the sky was dark, and the road could not be seen clearly in the darkness. At this critical moment, I heard the sound of bowstrings, and quickly dodged, but he had already hit an arrow! After another bowstring thought, the horse fell down and overturned Cao Cao in the first place. A few Xiliang army ran up immediately behind, and they were about to kill Cao Cao with knives and guns.

Cao Cao was crushed under the horse, unable to move, so he closed his eyes and waited to die. Hearing a loud shout, a general came over and swung a knife to disperse the enemy. Then he turned over and dismounted, helped Cao Cao up, pulled out the arrow cluster, and wrapped the arrow wound. Cao Cao took a closer look and found that it was Cao Hong, his younger brother. Cao Hong hugged Cao Cao to the horse, followed by foot, and escaped in the dark.

Cao Cao hurriedly said: "My brother, the tiger, how can there be no horse? If the enemy is chasing, how can we fight?" Cao Hongkang said: "There is no Cao Hong in the world, how can there be no justice?" Cao was moved to tears. He hurried to the northeast with Cao Hong. "Don't let the demon leave Cao Aman!" "Catch Cao Cao alive!" The screaming from behind got closer and closer.

At this moment, the torch in front was bright, a sturdy army galloped in, and one person shouted: "Is Cao Cao and Cao Mengde ahead? Weiss is here, don't panic!" "Wei Xiaolian!" It is Cao Cao! "Cao Cao shouted quickly. Weitz stepped forward and looked closely, only to see Cao Cao's slanted helmet and awkwardness.

"Meng De, come with me, and go back to Huaixian quickly." Wei Zi sighed.

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