New Story of Lv Bu

: : Willing to be a traitor

Ever since Dasima Lubu suppressed the Black Mountain thief, Changshan State, Zhao State, and Wei Jun were occupied by the Bingzhou Army, and were under the jurisdiction of the general governor Wei Xu. There are only six counties left in the nine counties of Jizhou, which forced the governor of Jizhou to move Han Fu to Ganling County of Qinghe State. The side effects of this move are obvious. At the time of the relocation, Ju Yi offended Han Fu's left and right, which eventually led to Ju Yi's defection and Han Fu's destruction.

Just as Ju Yi and the eight hundred remnants were standing by, a familiar voice rang. "Brother Ju Yi, do you know Zhang Yan? It is Zhang Yan, the former black mountain pirate general?" Zhang Yan turned out to be a black mountain thief. He once gathered a crowd of millions and ruled a thousand miles of Taihang, no one can control it. Ju Yi has played against him several times, winning and losing, how can he not hear his voice?

"Brother Zhang, why are you? Didn't you return to Da Sima Lu Bu? How do you appear here?" Ju Yi leaped out and looked at it carefully for a long time before he was relieved. "In October of last year, I returned to Da Sima and transferred to Jinyang City to train with the elites. Only in April of this year did I lead my army back to the Taihang Mountains and work under General Wei's account."

"General Wei heard your news and immediately sent me to raise them. Two thousand stones for grain and grass, five hundred soldiers, three hundred pigs and sheep, and one hundred altars of fine wine." Zhang Yan waved, and the soldiers under his team. Lifting up a cart of baggage, everyone was dazzled. "These provisions are all given to the old man by the Bingzhou Army free of charge. There are no conditions. Your old man can take it with ease. General Wei said that Ju Yi is a man and cannot let him suffer."

"General Wei Gao Yi, I took it with Ju Yixin, but when the end of the road is dead, I don't think of retribution!" Ju Yi is also a man, where can he eat his food for nothing? "Hahahaha!" Zhang Yan laughed: "Sure enough, it was picked up by General Wei. General Wei said that Ju Yi would definitely refuse to take it. All he had to do was tell him that this was ordered by Da Sima, and the hero loves the hero. , Don't mean it!"

When everyone's eyes were confused and the throat worms couldn't help going up, a scent of fragrance floated. Zhang Yan's subordinates have already neatly set up thirty large cowhide tents, with all the facilities inside. As soon as the door of the baggage car opened, the pot stove inside was full of fire, and in a moment, big fish and meat came in, and a table was immediately filled.

"Da Sima knows me Ju Yi too?" Ju Yi was suddenly surprised. "Know! Know!" Zhang Yan bowed his hand to welcome Ju Yi into the account. "I sacrificed to the temple of the five internal organs, and then drank wine to narrate." The eye circles of Ju Yi and the Eight Hundred Remnant Army turned red in an instant. The so-called true love in adversity is the same! And the Gao Yi of the state army, they really understood it at this moment.

Therefore, Zhang Yan bowed his hand to invite Ju Yi into the house. Ju Yi and the four or five military officers under the tent sat in the guest seat, and Zhang Yan accompanied him in the main seat. A few people gobbled up and ate, and then began to drink slowly and talk. "To be honest, this batch of grain and grass was prepared by a Yingxin from Luoyang City a month ago by Da Sima. At that time, General Wei was also a little unbelievable."

Zhang Yan raised a glass in her hand and drank a full glass, then said slowly. "Yingxin is an autograph by Da Sima, and I still remember the content." Zhang Yan was sitting in a hurry and said carefully. "Da Sima Lubu's handwritten script Wei Xu: Ju Yi has always been unhappy, and if he can't tolerate Han Fu's subordinates, he must go instead! You need to prepare more food and grass soldiers to help him. If Ju Yi goes to Yuan Shao, he will do what he wants. Ju Yi is a hero, and eight hundred private armies are also heroes. Only heroes in the world can know heroes. With a little effort, why is it true?"

After speaking, Zhang Yan took out a letter from her arms and held it to Ju Yi in both hands. Ju Yi opened it up and saw that the handwriting was drawn with swords, wide open and closed, but it seemed to be pleasing to the eye. "This is Da Sima's handwriting?" "Also!" "Only heroes in the world can know heroes. Da Sima's words should be confessed! All princes, it is Da Sima's longevity!"

"Shou Sima!" Everyone toasted and drank all at once.

"Da Sima Gaoyi, Ju Yixin took it, but after all, Ju Yi first voted for Yuan Benchu. Da Sima's solicitation meant that someone had to decline first." Ju Yi sat upright and bowed his head to Zhang Yan. "Hahahaha!" Zhang Yan laughed: "Da Sima had anticipated this matter a long time ago. He said that within three to five years, Ju Yi and Yuan Benchu ​​must have turned their faces. By then, if he wanted to join the Bingzhou Army, he raised his hands to welcome him. "

"Sure enough?" Ju Yi couldn't believe it. Yuan Benchu, the fourth generation and the three masters, the world's heroes will not look forward to the wind and shadow, how can you not tolerate yourself? "It's true!" Zhang Yan said categorically, looking at Ju Yi. "It's just the rules of the Union State Army. After returning, the whole army should go to Jinyang City for training for half a year. This is the case for me."

"Recalling that we rushed to Jinyang City in Bingzhou for training, my subordinates and I still had doubts, thinking that we would be deprived of military power and left idle. Who knows it's not the same thing at all! The past month was a visit to the fields, Xueshe Mine, you can walk everywhere, just ask, just say, no one interferes, no one records."

"This month, let us witness the wealthy of Bingzhou, the treasury is full, the people live and work in peace and contentment, the soldiers are well-fed, and the training is excellent. My 20,000 elite, if faced with 10,000 Bingzhou county soldiers, it will be an hour Internal collapse! I don't know if you believe it or not, brother?" Zhang Yan slowly put down the glass. "Bingzhou Army is so powerful?" Ju Yi and his subordinates all lost their voices.

"Also!" Zhang Yan continued. "In the next five months, I will teach the national economy and people's livelihood, and the strategies of war defense. There are lectures and practical exercises. The teaching is mostly veterans of wars, and most of the words are in one sentence. Bingzhou Jiangwutang is an old foundation laid by Zhang Ranming, and it is indeed the number one military academy in the Han Dynasty!"

Next, the crowd scrambled and talked, and they got closer and closer. "Brother Zhang, I would like to see what you said with my own eyes, but I just refused it with one bite. I regret it now. Your brother is honest, if I return to Dasima now, can he still want me?" Ju Yi took Zhang Yan to the side tent, and said with his mouth full of alcohol.

"I know your brother has such thoughts." Zhang Yan put her mouth close to Ju Yi's ear, and said with a squirt of alcohol. "What Da Sima meant, you are now a nail buried next to Yuan Benchu, and the state army will support you behind it. If Da Sima and Yuan Benchu ​​get together, you will have to fight back!"

"Is that so?" Ju Yi's eyes suddenly lighted up. For him, this was the best solution. It doesn't hurt the harmony, but it is good. Wandering between Lu Fengxian and Yuan Benchu, eating both sides with one mouth, isn't it happy? "It's true!" Zhang Yan said decisively: "Da Sima has prepared 800 strong crossbows for your man, which can break the armor at 400 steps. As long as your man writes a letter of allegiance, you can receive it."

The strong crossbow of Bingzhou is well-known in the world. Ju Yi had thought about it a long time ago, but he couldn't get it. Now there are 800 copies at once, which is really a surprise. "Get pen and ink!" Ju Yi cried out, and his own army handed over pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Ju Yi took the pen in his hand, brushed and brushed, without adding a little bit of writing, and wrote a letter of allegiance with the pen.

To the effect, Ju Yi went to Sima Lubu, and was willing to sneak into Yuan Benchu's command as a traitor. If he violated this oath, he would die by a chaotic arrow! Although the words are brief, they are full of weight. If this letter falls into Yuan Benchu's hands, it would be enough for Ju Yi to die dozens of times. It seems that Ju Yi is now determined.

"Okay! Your buddy is a man!" Zhang Yan blew dry and folded the letter of allegiance into her chest. "I'll call the shots privately, and give you five hundred steel armors that were eliminated by the Union State Army. Compared with the standard two-speed armor of the big man, this steel armor has three times the defense power, but the weight is reduced by half. Five hundred Wuheng horses are allocated to you, and you also have face with Yuan Benchu."

"But there is one thing, let's be a villain first and then a gentleman. I have received this letter of allegiance. You are the trilogy of Da Sima, and you must not have any other thoughts. Otherwise, Si Wen Cao, Yin Fox Ghost You know how powerful the army and Yanzi troops are." Zhang Yan fixed his eyes on Ju Yi and said word by word.

"Ju Yi dare not follow his order? So, thank old brother Zhang!" Ju Yi was overjoyed and bowed.

This big drink only drank two or three hours, and everyone fell asleep. Zhang Yan was lying in the military tent, snoring like thunder. At this time, the willow heads were already on the moon, and except for a few sentries, everyone had fallen asleep. A dark shadow dexterously sneaked into Zhang Yan's big tent, touched Zhang Yan's body with both hands, opened it by the moonlight, and nodded and jumped away.

"School Lieutenant, is this this one?" Sombra asked respectfully, standing in Ju Yi's account. Ju Yi opened it and nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, it's this chapter, you can go down and receive the reward." "No!" The shadow answered and disappeared in an instant. A word of empty words, exchanged a lot of food, salaries, weapons, and vests, it's really worth it!

In Zhang Yan's account, a man in black also stood. "Zhong Lang, Ju Yi really took the bait and stole the fake letter of allegiance!" Zhang Yan nodded: "Da Sima expected it to be true. This kind of small warlord treats the army as life, so how can he easily loyal to one person? Tomorrow? Go according to plan."

When Ju Yi woke up early the next morning, he felt something was wrong when he opened his eyes. His large account was filled with dozens of letters of allegiance written by him, almost exactly the same. In the middle of the big tent lies a corpse. It is the man in black who stole the letter last night. With a dagger stuck in his chest, he has long since died.

A piece of paper is inserted on the dagger. The handwriting on the paper has long been soaked with blood, and a line of words is written on it: This is the first and the last time! Stabbed general Ma Zhong. With a brush, Ju Yi's body sweat came down, and his whole body was immediately drenched with sweat. Compared with others, I am too far behind! Da Sima Lubu had already considered himself dead!

"Zhang Zhonglang is here, Ju Yite is here to plead!" Zhang Yan walked out and took a look. Ju Yirou was kneeling in front of the tent.

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