New Story of Lv Bu

: : Zheng Kangcheng, Master of Confucianism

With Wang Lie’s wisdom, how can you see the current situation clearly? He invited himself as an envoy to Luoyang City, and naturally had his own plan. Gongsun Duwei traveled overseas and served the four barbarians, but that was just a bargain for the ready-made ones. The world fell apart, the princes separatized their rule, and there was no time to separate Gongsun Du, who ruled Liaodong. Once the Central Plains were stabilized and the artifact was in charge, Gongsun Du would be destroyed.

In Wang Lie's view, Gongsun Du was not an inexorable hero, who did not have the ambition and conditions to set the world under the barbarians at all, and could only be a prince who ruled the world. It is best to do your own things honestly like Liu Yan, Liu Junlang, Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng, to protect the environment and the people, and to wait for the appearance of the Lord. Before that, you can be your own state shepherd in peace and stability. Stealing the account for self-entertainment nowadays is nothing more than hiding the ears and stealing the bell. Once Da Sima vacates his hands, he will definitely be the first to take Gongsundu's operation.

This letter from Xu Rong seemed to Wang Lie to be an extremely dangerous signal. The Luoyang court and Da Sima Lubu must be dissatisfied with Gongsun Du. As for whether he was dissatisfied with Gongsundu's secession of Liaodong, or Gongsundu stealing the title for self-entertainment, it is not very clear. In Wang Lie's view, most of them are stealing accounts for self-entertainment. Why? Nowadays, there are many officials from the board of directors. Why is the Luoyang court just staring at Gongsun Du? There are probably two reasons: first, never pay tribute, and second, steal account for self-entertainment.

Thinking of this, Wang Lie finally made up his mind. Gongsun Du was stubborn and could not listen to the advice. He still had to go to Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, for a while, and then the camera decided. As long as the people of Liaodong will not be displaced, whether Gongsundu is king, or the Luoyang court will subdue Liaodong, it will do! For the ordinary people, there is not much difference.

Wang Lie got up, called his subordinate officials, and declared that he would be sent to the capital Luoyang City by the order of the Liaodong Hou. After confessing the official business, Wang Lie padded out of the official office. He is going to meet someone, and this person is Zheng Xuan and Zheng Kangcheng. Zheng Xuan, whose name is Kangcheng, is a native of Gaomi in Beihai. He has sixty out of four this year. He is the most famous master of classics in his dynasty. What's more rare is that he is a master of Confucian classics with both modern classics and ancient classics. His theory is known as "Zhengxue" and is well-known all over the world.

Ever since Zheng Xuan avoided chaos in Liaodong, Gongsun Du was overjoyed and served him with courtesy. Zheng Kangcheng's scholarship of heaven and humanity is the veritable number one in this dynasty. His ability to stop in Liaodong is a great recognition of Gongsundu. According to Zheng Xuan's opinion, Gongsun Du built a small dock outside Xiangping City to house Zheng Xuan, under the control of Zheng Xuan and his students.

When Wang Lie came to Wubao, it was not at the right time. As usual, this was the time when Zheng Xuanhe students talked about Confucianism. Wang Lie had been here countless times before, and he was too familiar with this dock. As usual, he didn't need to report it. He got off his horse, threw the reins to the child servant who came to greet him, settling down as a car by himself, passing through several courtyard gates, and finally came to Zheng Kangcheng's lecture hall.

This is a large hall that can accommodate five to six hundred people. It is full of people. Except for the more than two hundred students who followed Zheng Kangcheng, all scholars came here admiringly. Such lectures are not common. They are probably done once every ten days and a half a month, with the purpose of debating Confucianism and seeking its generality. Zheng Kangcheng's eloquence is excellent, and he speaks vividly. Although he speaks casually, the scholars are intoxicated.

This hall is a rare ring-shaped structure, with a large Hu bed facing north and south, on which there are exquisite dishes and wine, as well as fragrant tea. Zheng Kangcheng sat on the Hu bed. There were two handsome children on the left and right, one playing the piano, the other burning incense, and two young girls, adding food to Zheng Kangcheng's wine. When Wang Lie entered the door, Zheng Kangcheng had just started teaching today.

Seeing Wang Lie coming in, Zheng Kangcheng nodded slightly to him, motioned him to sit down, and then began to teach.

"Today is the day the old man teaches. Every time he teaches, the old man must think secretly, what should he talk about? Tell me about the classics and history, you will say, I will introduce the background again, it is still the same. Let me talk about the basics of Confucianism. , You said that we already knew this, and was wasting our time. In short, in short, it seems that I want to say a lot, and I don’t know what to say. The so-called hard to talk about it is probably the case! I Think, life is like this, what you want is in the hands of others."

Zheng Xuan's remarks immediately caused a burst of laughter. Although Zheng Xuan was a master of Confucianism and a leader of Shilin, he was not pedantic at all. Speaking, humorous, fascinating, unknowingly, achieved the goal of enlightening everyone. Whenever he teaches himself, the hall of five hundred people can always be crowded with thousands of people, and the scholars don't feel crowded.

"The old man has four out of sixties this year. Although he is in good health, he can drink a pot of Western wines, he has a good appetite, and he can eat half a roast goose. But, after all, he is dying! I always think about it every day. So, what should I leave for my disciples. "Zuo Zhuan? Xianggong Twenty-four Years" said: "Leopard heard it, "there is virtue in the supreme, and then there is meritorious service, and secondly, there is a standing word", although it will not be abandoned for a long time , This is called the three immortality. Since then, Confucian scholars and scholars have set morality, meritorious service, and proposition as their lifelong goals. "

"The so-called morality is the creation of the law, and the benefit of the people. The so-called meritorious service is to save the adversity and eliminate the difficulties, and the merits are saved in the time. The so-called stand-up is to say that the words have their essentials, and the principles are sufficient. In these three immortals, Lide, this virtue is the evaluation of the people of the world, different people have different opinions, and it is difficult to adjust. That is, when Confucius was alive, his doctrines were never used by others. Therefore, Lide is difficult to reach the blue sky. To make merit, you must first enter the officialdom. It is possible to achieve a high position at the right time. Just like Ban Dingyuan, he pacified the Western Regions with thirty-six people. This is unprecedented in a hundred years. Only when a good minister meets the Lord, plus the time of day, can he do it. Miss me A generation of scholars is just a literati, and throughout his entire life, he can't do Li De and Li Yan. So, I had to make ideas on Li Yan!"

Hearing this, Wang Lie couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy. I didn't expect Zheng Kangcheng to be my soulmate! When he was young, he had great ambitions, a strong heart, pointed the country, inspired words, and there was no place to go to this big man in the world. Today is fifty years old, and after reading the vicissitudes of the world, the heart of fame and fame has already faded. The only hope is to do more for the ordinary people, and beyond that, is to save my life experience and pass it on to future generations.

"So, what does Liyan want to establish? How do I do it? The knowledge in it is enlarged, and it is easy to cause misunderstanding. The Jinwen Scripture says that when I set up my words, my words are verified in detail. A word has no provenance and can stand the test of a hundred years. The ancient texts doctrines, I have my words, my words are magnificent, look at the main idea, don't stick to the words, hit the nail on the head, it's all dry stuff!"

"The Confucianism of this dynasty is very popular. They quote each other and the party is the same. In order to fight for an orthodox position, human brains can play dog ​​brains! Xiao Xiahou's "Book" looks down on Ouyang's "Book" and Gong Yang's "Chunqiu" "Unable to deal with Gu Liang's "Chun Qiu", Dong Zhongshu and Hu Wusheng opened a pen war for the orthodox of "Chun Qiu". In this way, they fought back and forth, from the Doctor of Five Classics in the time of Emperor Wu to the current Doctor of Five Classics and Fourteenth. Why did you come here? It's actually their academic status."

Zheng Xuan's remarks were really unexpected. He knocked down the Fourteen Doctors of the Five Classics with almost one stick, and immediately caused an uproar. Discussions in the audience rushed immediately, and several bold scholars shouted: "Dare to ask Mr. Kang Cheng, the fourteenth doctor of the Five Classics is an official school, since they are so unbearable and should not be studied, then what should we learn? What?"

Zheng Xuan drank a large glass of Western wine and stroked his beard in his spare time. Then he said: "Yes, the Fourteenth Doctor of the Five Classics is indeed an official school. Although his knowledge is somewhat flawed, it is still good. Only once it involves the theory of this school. Your status will immediately stop ranting. Later, if you have just been promoted to Xiaolian, and someone suddenly says that you are unqualified, a certain A is qualified. What do you say? When I was young, I had to pick up a big stick and look for him. It’s the finals of the dog day! This is human nature."

Zheng Xuan's words were humorous and humorous. There were bursts of laughter in the audience, and the discussion stopped immediately. The scholars calmed down again and listened carefully to Zheng Xuan's words. "As for the question you asked, what exactly should you learn? This is what the old man thought in his mind when he was young, and it is as good as what you think now. Well, the old man just talked about his life experience to answer this question. Party no. After the disaster, the old man was imprisoned, and Dumen commented on it in order to find out the answer!"

"When the old man was young, his family was already in ruin. His grandfather and father never worked in the country. He only worked in the countryside. The old man's talents were good, he liked to read books, and was especially good at counting. When he was twelve years old, he could recite and narrate the Five Classics. ", besides, the old man is also very knowledgeable about astronomical calendars. Logically speaking, the old man can be considered a little accomplished, and he can be well-known."

"When the old man was 16 years old, he was already proficient in Confucian classics, well-versed in ancient classics, well versed in the theory of apocalyptic alchemy, and was able to write good articles. He was well-known in the local area and was called a child prodigy. At the age of eighteen, he had to serve as a local servant. Soon after, he was promoted to become a local servant because of his diligent and responsible work. By the age of 21, the old man had already read many books and had a profound knowledge. He has a solid foundation in Confucian classics, and is proficient in the study of calendars, numbers, maps, and latitudes, as well as actuarial arithmetic."

"In this year, I met the first nobleman in my life, and he was Du Mi Du Zhou Fu."

Having said that, Zheng Xuan's eyes looked to the south, as if he missed the days he spent with Du Mi.

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