New Story of Lv Bu

: : The real situation in Nanyang County

On the streets of Wanxian County, the roads are wide, and the huge houses of the high gates and the adobe houses of the ordinary people face each other, only one street away. There are huge houses covering dozens of acres. Rows of pegs are in front of the door, and the servants of Tsing Yi Xiaomao can be seen everywhere. In those remote alleys, poor people, who are stumbling and begging with wooden bowls, are sleeping on the streets.

Ma Zhong is dressed in an ordinary Confucian costume, saber gown, but a cloak with a hat is added to the gown. The weather in early October had already broken a little bit of chill, and he tightened the hat on his head to hide his face in the big hat. Only then took a deep breath, he stepped as a car, strode forward, and his seven or eight followers followed far behind.

Confucianism is very popular in Nanyang County. There are many benefits to pretending to be a scholar of Confucian scholars. Not only is there a loose check at the gate of the city, but only a few questions and then let go. The Confucian scholars of this dynasty boasted as the pillars of the country, and most of them were of the Mohist tradition. Perhaps an ordinary scholar, who turned out to be a noble son of a famous family, as long as he is not indifferent, he naturally knows that it is better to make less trouble.

In the past one or two years, the shadow organization has expanded greatly, and its direct intelligence personnel have exceeded 10,000, and the number of peripheral intelligence organizations is at least 100,000. What's more powerful is that the shadow industry is spread all over the world, from the small car and boat shop to the government offices of various counties, there are shadow intelligence personnel, and it has already formed a country in the country.

From the very beginning, Shadow has taken the path of more the better. The intelligence personnel directly under it are savvy and capable, and the peripheral organizations are mixed, everywhere. As long as you can provide information and can do things for the shadow, you can get a salary. Compared with Shadow, Siwen Cao has always followed the elite route, with only a few thousand intelligence personnel, but each of them is an expert with both civil and military skills and proficient in various skills. "We play professionally!" This is Si Wencao's motto.

Ma Zhongxin knew the situation in Nanyang County a long time ago, but when he entered the town of Wanxian County, he was still taken aback. The sight in front of him made him sigh in secret. The rich have Tian Lian Mo, and the poor have no place to stand. This is the reality of Wanxian County and Nanyang County! The subordinates responsible for the analysis of intelligence have long come to the conclusion: Yuan Gonglu is extravagant and prostitious, levying extravagantly, disregarding the lives and lives of the people, making the people unhappy. Tian Zu has received the first year of the first year for five years. You must know that this year is the second year of the first year. !

"Yuan Gonglu will be unable to stay in Nanyang County soon!" Ma Zhong secretly observed the situation in Wanxian City with his own eyes, and secretly concluded in his heart. Regardless of the princes or warlords, the reality is that they are all ordinary people, some people, taxes and soldiers. Is it a long-term solution for Yuan Gonglu to be so exhausted to fish and burn forests and hunt?

In this way, Ma Zhong walked hurriedly while thinking about what was in his mind, and after turning a few turns, he came to a wine shop near the prefectural palace. This restaurant is three stories high, spacious and elegant. The front door is full of people, and there are drunk drinkers everywhere. Even the air is filled with a strong smell of alcohol. Needless to say, that is the taste of Zhao wine just brewed in Luoyang.

In front of the gate of the wine shop, there were five or six guys standing around, wearing Tsing Yi, a little hat, a snow-white apron around his waist, and a snow-white towel on his shoulders. All smiles constantly. Welcome and send. "Yeah, isn't this Young Master Zhao? It's been a long time? But Xue Xue just came back? Please???" "Oh! Old Li! It's been a long time, you just came back? Just went there. Luoyang City? Then you have an eye-opener! Today, Pinmingxuan is just vacant??????"

Ma Zhong slowed down and stepped forward slowly. A buddy greeted him immediately: "This young man, please, dare you ask if there is a room you are used to?" "Cui Yuxuan! Find the shopkeeper Cui." Ma Zhong nodded reservedly. Upon hearing this, the buddy's eyes lit up immediately. "Eight old guests, Cuiyuxuan, look for shopkeeper Cui, please let me please???"

Cuiyuxuan is not on the three-story building facing the street. It is a courtyard house in the backyard of the hotel. It has always been known for its elegance and tranquility. Under the guidance of the dude, Ma Zhong eight people passed through the gate, walked forward more than a hundred steps and arrived. "Old customers, please wait, the shopkeeper will come right away!" The guy waved his hand, and two young maids walked in and put tea for Ma Zhong.

In a short while, a middle-aged man with a dough like a rich man arrived. He ran over from a long distance and came to Ma Zhong. He bowed his hand as a salute: "Old guest, please come inside and talk!" Then he opened a fan. The hidden door greeted Ma Zhong inside. Watching Ma Zhong sit down, shopkeeper Cui said: "General, but are you here to eat?" Ma Zhong picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and slowly said, "No, I will go to Wuchenghou's house soon. Here, you can pick up the important ones and say, I'll leave when I'm done."

"No!" Shopkeeper Cui dared to sit down and thought about it carefully before saying: "General, after Wu Chenghou died in battle, all his sons were still young, and his tribe was done by his nephew and grandson. Leaded by Ben, he returned to Nanyang County and went to Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu only gave Sun Ben an imaginary title of Yuzhou governor, and received a salary of six hundred shi. At present, what the Sun family lacks most is money."

"Sun Jian has three brothers, the same mother's brother Sun Qiang, and his half-brother Sun Jing. Sun Qiang has two sons, the eldest son Sun Ben, the son Boyang, the second son Sun Fu, the word Guoyi, and Sun Jing the son Tai Wu Chenghou has five sons, the eldest son, Sun Ce, and Bo Fu. He has just turned seventeen this year. He is handsome and has a broad personality. He likes to talk and laugh, is strong in martial arts, is skilled in bows and horses, and has heroic ambitions. He and Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin in Shu County are the acquaintances of the total angle, and they are irreversible. In my opinion, Sun Bofu will become a great weapon in the future."

"Wu Chenghou’s second son, Sun Quan, whose name is Zhongmou, is ten years old this year. Sun Zhongmou has a strong temperament, benevolent and more judgmental, advocates chivalry, likes to nurture talents, and will surely be a person of equal fame with his father and brother in the future. The third son Sun Yi is also known as Sun Yan, Zi Shubi, nine years old. Four sons Sun Kuang, Zi Ji Zuo, seven years old, inherited the title of Wu Cheng Hou. The five sons of Sun Lang, alias Sun Ren, Wu Cheng Hou's concubine, five years old. In addition, Wu Chenghou also has three daughters who are not very old. The youngest daughter, Sun Shangxiang, was born to Wu Chenghou's wife, Mrs. Wu."

"In the Sun's family, there is another person who can make important decisions, that is, Mrs. Wu, the wife of Wu Chenghou. Mrs. Wu is from Wu County, Wu County. Her father Wu Hui, whose name is Guangxiu, was once a school lieutenant in Fengche. The prefect of Danyang. Mrs. Wu’s parents died young, and Mrs. Wu and her younger brother Wu Jing lived in Qiantang County, Wu County. Later, Sun Wentai heard that Mrs. Wu was both talented and handsome and wanted to marry her as his wife. However, Mrs. Wu’s relatives hated her very much. Sun Wentai thought he was frivolous and cunning, and he wanted to reject Sun Jian’s request. Sun Jian felt very ashamed and regretful. Mrs. Wu knew that Sun Jian was not easy to provoke, and she was afraid of causing trouble for the family, so she said to her relatives:'Why do you want to cherish me? Did the little girl get into trouble? If he treats me badly, it's my fate.'"

"Fortunately, after the marriage, the couple got along very well. Mrs. Wu gave birth to four sons and one daughter for Wu Chenghou. In the first year of Zhongping, Zhu Junzou asked Sun Wentai to serve as Zuojun Sima, and Sun Wentai kept all his family members in Jiujiang County for their longevity. In Chunxian County, he fought south with Zhu Jun in the Northern War. In the sixth year of Zhongping, the Emperor Ling died. Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha at the time, sent troops to respond to the Kwantung Allied Forces crusade against Dong Zhuo. Mrs. Wu's family moved to Shu County, Lujiang County. Today, only Sun Ce in the Sun family follows In the army, the rest of the people are with Mrs. Wu in the house of Lujiang."

"You are right. After the funeral, does the Sun family move back to Jiangdong?" Ma Zhong put down the tea cup and asked in a low voice. "As far as I know, Wu Chenghou's coffin is to be transported back to Danyang County for burial. Sun Bofu will help the spirit south, and Sun Boyang stays in Nanyang to lead Wu Chenghou's old ministry. After Sun Bofu stayed at home for several months, I also want to rush back to Nanyang County."

Shopkeeper Cui thought about it carefully, and then he spoke. "How strong are Yuan Shu's subordinates? Can they stay in Nanyang County?" Ma Zhong asked. "After the First Battle of Yanshi, Yuan Shu suffered a big defeat and was greatly injured. After this period of repair, his strength has recovered a lot. He now has 70,000 troops, 30,000 soldiers, and 40,000 men led by generals. Among the pro-army, there are ten thousand cavalry, equipped with sleeve armor, ring-headed knives and arrows. Among them, there are three thousand Youzhou Jingqi Cavaliers. They have excellent combat power and are led by Cong's younger brother Yuan Yin."

"The remaining 20,000 people in the pro-army, one for every 5,000, are directed by Chen Ji, Chen Lan, Lei Bu, and Yue. Ji Ling, Zhang Xun, and Yuan Huan are the three court pillars of Nanyang County, the strongest Ting Zhu Sun Wentai died in battle. Ji Ling had nearly 20,000 people, Zhang Xun and Yuan Huan had 10,000 people, and Yuan Huan’s 10,000 people had the strongest fighting power. In addition, there were 5,000 people in Wu Chenghou’s old tribe. , Led by Sun Ben. In my opinion, after Sun Bofu returns, these five thousand people will still be brought by Sun Bofu."

"General, according to Yuan Gongdao's method, Nanyang County has already run out of people and wealth. There is a natural disaster and man-made disaster, Yuan Gongdao must have no foothold in Nanyang County! As for where to go, I don't know yet, the whole post-general. In the official office, except for a few sensible people like Yuan Huan, they are all in drunkenness and dreams. No one is thinking about tomorrow!"

"In your opinion, did Yuan Gonglu mean harm when the envoy came this time?" Ma Zhong sat up straight, his eyes fixed on the shopkeeper Cui. "This is not good, but one thing is for sure. In Nanyang County, at least in Wanxian County, there will be no accidents! If you leave Wanxian and reach the border between Nanyang County and Sili, then it's not good. Up!"

"The embassy will stay in Wanxian for about ten days. I will send someone to meet each other every day. You may come to order dishes, or come to serve meals, your idea will be kept secret." Ma Zhong stood up and walked out. Door. "Nuo!" The shopkeeper Cui responded in a low voice and got up to lead Ma Zhong. Seeing Ma Zhong's figure disappear into the narrow alley at the back door, shopkeeper Cui fell into contemplation.

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