New Story of Lv Bu

: : Xiao Kunmo's coup plan

With a faint smile on Lu Zheng's face, he raised his hand and said: "School Wei, Cao Wei, get up. I am not a pedantic person. I think you robbed a few Guishuang caravans and broke Guishuang people. For the sake of support, I’ll post your heads for the time being! Let’s not take it as an example. If you commit another crime, both crimes will be punished together!” Upon hearing this, Hao Meng and Cao Xing were immediately overjoyed, and they had no dreams. I thought I could pass the level so easily. "I've waited to thank the general!" Hao Meng and Cao Xing hurriedly handed over to thank you.

Seeing Hao Meng and Cao Xing go away, the smile on Lu Zheng's face immediately disappeared. "Sanjay," he whispered. "The old slave is here!" Sanjie bowed aside. "Through my order, I call out all the officers above the ranks in the army of Hao Meng and Cao Xing, and select officers who have performed well in this battle from my own army to fill in. At the moment, the enemy is not suitable for beheading or punishing the generals. Moreover, this I personally ordered the two of them. I can’t slap myself in the face. Just teach them a lesson. In addition, you have to secretly investigate and figure out what happened." "Old slave obeys orders." !" Sanjie replied.

"In the eyes of the old slave, Hao Meng and Cao Xing were former subordinates of General Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi. They were from Taishan bandits and did not like the restrictions in the army. This is the truth. Now the enemy is now, the lord will take them lightly. Let it go, I am afraid that they have become contemptuous, thinking that military law is nothing more than human favors. If these two make mistakes again, the lord must not lift up high and put it down gently. Moreover, the Tianxiong Army has been established for a long time, and It's time to chop off a few weighty heads and stand up for a good military power." Old Sangjie leaned down and skillfully filled Lu Zheng with a bowl of tea, and whispered in his mouth. "Okay, I know!" Lu Zheng replied.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a soldier walked in in stride, presenting a paper document with both hands. "General, I just received the paperwork. Wusun Xiaokun Mo Anli led an army of 15,000. They headed south from the west of Issyk-Kul Lake and will reach Wusun's king capital Chigu City tomorrow morning. Xiao Kunmo This trip is said to be to fight against Guishuang’s attack with Da Kunmo in Chigu City. What is the actual situation? The relevant espionage personnel are investigating, and no news has been sent."

Old Sanjie reached out to take the paperwork, waved his hand to let the soldiers retreat, his old face was full of doubts. "Lord, in terms of seniority, Da Kunmo should be Xiao Kunmo's nephew. When the two Kunmos were separated, Da Kunmo was Wusun Wang Weng Guimi's grandson Yuan Guimi, and Xiao Kunmo was Weng Guimi's grandson. His son Wu Jitu, since then, the little Kunmo has been a generation taller than the big Kunmo."

"For two hundred years, the big and small Kunmo has always been at odds with each other, and there have been conflicts and chaos. Now why this little Kunmo suddenly changed his temper, but volunteered to send troops to help Da Kunmo fight the Guishuang people? The old slave thought that among them. There must be ulterior motives." "Sanjie, let the spies left by Kang Houye carefully visit and investigate. Our army pulled out overnight and went straight to Chigu City. If there is a problem between the big and small Kunmo, it is just my god. At the time of the male army Yang Weiwusun." Lu Zheng said thoughtfully after taking pictures of the case.

Chigu City, the capital of Wusun, is a mountain city located in the southern part of the Beishan Mountains. Surrounded by high mountains, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The perimeter of the city is forty miles, and it is already considered a big city in the distant Western Regions. The city’s streets are wide and there are many shops, as far as Daqin, Luoyang, and as far as the Western Regions, the goods and specialties of various countries can be bought in Chigu City. This is all the result of the Silk Road.

However, since the relationship between the Guishuang Empire and the big man has suddenly become tense, the shops in Chigu City are not accessible, the Silk Road is blocked, the caravans from the east and the west are unable to set off, and the shopkeepers began to scold their mothers angrily. "As soon as the Guishuang people and the big man go to war, I don't know when this battle will be fought! Alas, this year I'm afraid I will have a bath!" A thin Wusun man stood in front of his shop with his hands. I looked at the sun boredly, and sighed with emotion.

"No, the Han family finally regained the Western Regions, and Guishuang came out to be a monster. How could the big man be willing? In this battle, whoever loses or wins is determined not to give up. Alas! The fire at the gate of the city will affect the pond fish. Yeah, I have only pity for merchants like us, and we are going to eat soil this year!" A Sogdian old man in a hoodie stroking his long beard with his hand, he sighed and looked very lonely. "Father Menos, you are telling a joke again, we believe that others eat soil, we don't believe you eat soil!"

A young businessman winked his eyes and said with a narrow smile. "Yes!" "Maimai is right!" "Others eat dirt, how can Old Menos eat dirt?" The young businessman's words immediately aroused a sound of echoes around him. "Oh! You guys are utterly praised! How can I, Menoshoude, can afford to praise me like this?" The old Sogdian businessman was humble, but his face was very accepting. "That's right, even Wu Sun's Xiang Dalu often takes care of Daddy Menos's business!" said a businessman.

At this moment, an extremely magnificent carriage stopped in front of Daddy Menos's shop, and the hundreds of guards with it immediately blocked the street. As soon as the car door opened, a nobleman got out of the car, it was Wusun's Xiangdalu. Seeing that Xiang Dalu was really here, several businessmen quickly walked away and returned to their shop, carefully watching Xiang Dalu walk into the shop.

Like everyone else, Maimatish Shiran walked into his shop and came to the second floor, where a Sogdian guy was waiting. When Maimaiti came in, he did not speak, but handed Maimaiti a telescope, walked to the edge of the window, and pointed at the back door of Daddy Menos’s shop through the gap of the tulle curtain. , Said with a strong mouth: "The shopkeeper's promise, that's there." Maimati squinted his left eye, placed his clairvoyance on his right eye, and looked carefully.

After a while, a man wearing a cloak covering his head and face came to the back door of the shop. He raised his right hand and gently knocked on the iron ring on the door. After a while, the back door creaked open, and the man entered the backyard of the shop, raised his hand and took off the cap from the cloak. A mighty face with thick eyebrows, big eyes and full beard appeared in Clarin's eyes.

"Within ten days, as soon as Xiang Dalu comes, this person will appear later. This is the third time." The Sogdian man lowered his voice and said. "Did you find out, who is this person?" Maimat asked calmly. "Little Kunmoan, the general left under the tent, I often go to the north and meet him a few times, so I recognize him, it's true." The Sogdian guy replied affirmatively.

"The size of Kunmo has always been incompatible, but now the Grand Kunmo's Xiang Dalu and the small Kunmo's Zuo general have met three times within ten days, and they are all secretly. What does this show?" Maimaiti said. His face immediately became cold and frosty. "The conspiracy must be a conspiracy involving the Great Kunmo of Chigu City!" The Sogdian guy replied in a low voice. "Send an eagle letter right away."

Maimaiti said softly. He put down his clairvoyance and walked down the second floor to the shops on the first floor. "This is the silk from Chang'an??????" From this moment on, he became a Maimat, and there are thousands of Maimats, Abdul Rahiti and the same Maimats. Abdul Rahiti. In Kanghouye's huge spy network, they are nothing but waves in the sea.

After leaving the shop of Papa Menos, Xiang Dalu entered the palace immediately. The palace of the Wusun Kingdom is full of exoticism. It is the result of the Nomadic culture of the Sekhs mixed with the magnificence of the big Han and the wildness of the Huns. The big dome of the golden tent of the Huns and the heavy tower of the Han family, plus The animal sculptures and castle-like fortress buildings that can be seen everywhere in the building constitute a combination of various half-hanging children. The Wusun Palace is presented to the Wusun people in such a face, and it is also presented to the countries of Central Asia.

Xiang Dalu is more than 40 years old this year. He has a clear body and looks like a well-educated elder. Because of his hard work and diligence in the affairs of the king, his temples and hair are already a little grey, but his fine eyes are bright and energetic, and when he opens and closes, he reveals a gleam of Shuo Ren's spirit. As Da Kunmo's Xiang Dalu, he has served diligently for ten years and is very prestigious in Wusun.

Da Kun Mo Yi Di Mi is a young man less than 30 years old, perhaps due to the matriarchal Han descent, he looks white and elegant, like a scholar in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. Traveling east for thousands of miles and staying in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, for three years or two years, to visit the tomb of Princess Jieyou, and feel the customs and personalities of the Han Dynasty. This is the lifelong wish of Yi Di Mi. Because of this wish buried in my heart, I Dimi has always been a firm supporter of Han.

Seeing Xiang Dalu coming in, Yi Dimi put down the brush in his hand a little bit reluctantly. He had just finished writing four big characters: Dahan Xiongfeng, a dignified and beautiful official script of the same water, which looked extremely knowledgeable. "Sit, finally there is a result?" Idiemi asked nonchalantly. Xiang Dalu sat down slowly and replied politely: "My lord, there is a result. An Limi led the army to come here this time, Ming Li is here to support us in fighting against Guishuang, in fact it is colluding with Guishuang. A delusion to kill the king and rule Wusun."

"This matter is similar to what I expected. Is there any specific plan?" I Dimi sat upright and looked at Xiang Dalu with shining eyes, as if to verify this from his face. The authenticity is average. "Their plan is like this. They will arrive at Chigu City tonight and enter the palace to meet the king tomorrow morning. While beheading the king, control Chigu City."

Xiang Dalu said slowly, there was a light cloud on his face, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

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