New Story of Lv Bu

: : Revenge for Liu Youzhou

The death of Youzhou Mu Liu Yu immediately shook the world. During his tenure as Youzhou Mu, Liu Yu was lenient in politics, cherished the people, and advocated a policy of treating foreign races with gentleness, which won the hearts of the people. Gongsun Zan forced Pingyu's imperial envoy Duan Xun to behead Liu Yu and sent the head to Pingyu County, Runan County, which immediately caused an uproar in the world. The deceased officials of Liu He and Liu Yu sent out messages to denounce Gongsun Zan's crimes. The fog that had enveloped the entire incident was finally peeled away, and the truth was finally revealed to the world.

Suddenly, Gongsun Zan immediately went from a loyal minister of the Han family to revenge for Han Jizhou a year ago, and turned into a bereaved dog that everyone clamored for. The halo that originally covered him, suddenly Liu Yu's subordinates condemned him for his denial. It has to be clean. What appeared in front of the people of the world was a selfish, self-interested, rejoicing, disrespectful to the people, and increasingly arrogant and tyrannical prince.

It was a person who played a key role here, his name was Tian Chou with the word Zitai, and Youbeiping had no end person.

Tian Chou liked to read when he was young and was good at fencing. In the first year of Chuping, the world was in turmoil, and the Luoyang court and the court stood side by side. As a clan of the Han clan, Youzhou Mu Liuyu chose to stand on the side of the Pingyu court. He sighed and said: "The thieves rebelled, the imperial court was in exile, and the whole world was overthrown. No one has firm beliefs. As the elder of the royal family, I can't be the same as everyone else. Now I want to invite an envoy to the imperial court and do my best. How can the courtesy of loyal ministers get people who live up to their mission?"

Now that Liu Youzhou has this heart, his subordinates are naturally happy to fulfill their ambitions. After everyone discussed it, they all bowed their hands and said, "Although Tian Chou is young, many people call him a strange man." Tian Chou was only 22 years old at this time. . In the second year of Ping, Liu Yu immediately invited Tian Chou to meet him politely and thoughtfully, and was very satisfied with him, so he let him take the job and buy a cart for him.

When he was about to set off, Tian Chou said, “Now the road is blocked and thieves are in danger. If I claim that an official is ordered to go on a mission, I will be named by everyone, which is inconvenient. I am willing to go as a personal person and hope to arrive smoothly. Yu obeyed his opinion. Tian Chou then returned home and chose his family and more than 20 brave young people who came here to be his entourage, and went on horseback together. Liu Yu was deeply moved and went out to worship the God of Road in person to see Tian Chou off. The scene of seeing off was very spectacular.

After hitting the road, Tian Chou went to Juyongguan, exited the border fortress, traveled all the way south via Bohai County, passed Qingzhou and Yanzhou successively, and drove along the small roads. After all difficulties and dangers, he finally came to Pingyu County, the county of Runan County. . In Pingyu County, Tian Chou finally saw Zheng Tai. When Zheng Tai heard what happened to him, he immediately sighed and burst into tears. "Unexpectedly, in the distant Youzhou, there are still loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty like Liu Youzhou and you! Not far away for thousands of miles, and after all the hardships, you must do your duty as a courtier! Zitai, go and wash it. Wash Zhengchen on your body and change into a new suit. I will take you to see the emperor!"

After meeting the emperor, the emperor was also very moved and made an exception to host a banquet in the palace to entertain Tian Chou. As the emperor grows up, his mind has finally matured, and he has become more old and slick when dealing with political affairs. Compared with the political tumblers who have been troubled by the sea, he is not much more. "Zitai, you are not far away thousands of miles, and you have come through all kinds of dangers. Now that your goal has been achieved, you can stay in Pingyu and help me. My subordinates are too short of talents now, you are like this. How can I let go of the great talent?"

The emperor smiled and said softly and comforted that in his eyes, Tian Chou was the loyal minister, capable minister and contingent minister he needed most, and he could never let him go easily. "Zitai, I have already figured out your position. Let me start with the captain Cavalry, and train a cavalry for me. You are a native of Youzhou and a capable minister. You will definitely do well. Yes, you do things, I can rest assured."

Captain Qi is naturally an official name. He has been assigned since Emperor Wu. He belongs to Guanglu Xun. He has a rank of two thousand stones and supervises Yulin Qi. He has no fixed number of personnel. This Queer serves the emperor every day, with respectable position, great power, and favored by the emperor. In three or two years, he will surely be able to achieve Jiuqing. Becoming Jiuqing has always been the dream of scholars all over the world, but in the face of such temptation, Tian Chou flatly refused.

"Your Majesty, if the son is in exile today, and the world has not yet settled, you should leave an official post to wait for the talents of the world. Chen Benbuyi, sent to Pingyu by the order of Liu Youzhou, now that he has seen the emperor, he should return to Youzhou and report to Liu Youzhou. In this way, it is the duty of the minister! Your majesty, the minister returned to Youzhou immediately after resting for three days in Pingyu County and returned to Liu Youzhou."

"Zitai, you are a person who pays attention to the letter! I respect your heart, and the day after tomorrow, I will host a banquet for you!"

Later, it was heard that Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan attacked each other. After Tian Chou got the report, he hurriedly returned. Before arriving, Liu Yu had been killed by Gongsun Zan. After Tian Chou came back, he went to pay respects to Jisao in front of Liu Yu's grave, and issued a chapter list. After making a memorial service according to the etiquette, he left with tears. Knowing that he was furious, Gongsun Zan immediately ordered and offered a reward, and soon he captured Tian Chou.

Gongsun Zan sat high in the hall, looking at Tian Chou under the hall, his eyes exploded with anger, stretched out his index finger, and loudly rebuked, "Why did you go to Liu Yu's grave alone to cry, but didn't you come to send me the report? "Tian Chou replied: "The current Han Dynasty is declining, and everyone has different intentions. Only Liu Youzhou has not lost the integrity of the integrity. The report form said that there is no good word for the general. I am afraid that you are not willing to know, so I did not send it.上. Besides, the general is doing great things to satisfy his own desires. He has killed the innocent lord and has enemies with his loyal officials. If he does this thing, then the soldiers of Yanzhao will only go to the East China Sea. And death, how can anyone have the heart to follow you?" Gongsun Zan was immediately dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Come here, let him loose! Pardon him!" Gongsun Zan replied straightforwardly because of Tian Chou's righteousness. He loosened the tie and didn't dare to harm him. He detained Tian Chou in a barracks and prohibited Tian Chou's friends from contacting him. Someone persuaded Gongsun Zan and said: "Tian Chou is a righteous man. You can't treat him politely. Instead, lock him up, I'm afraid you will lose everyone's hearts." "This is a great kind!" Gongsun Zan is not a person who can't listen to good things. , He had to release Tian Chou, and sent him away according to etiquette.

After Tian Chou returned to the north, he led hundreds of people from all his clan and who had come to depend on. He swore and swore: "If you don't avenge your grievances, I will no longer stand in the world!" Then he entered Xu Wushan and built He lived in a far-reaching, steep, and very open vacant land, and personally cultivated grain to support his parents. The people all came and returned, and more than 5,000 households gathered in a few days.

Tian Chou said to his fathers and elders: "You don’t think Tian Chou is not a good person. If you come from a distance, you will form a town with a large number of people. But there is no unity. I am afraid that it is not a long-term stable practice. I hope to choose a good or old person. People are the leader." Everyone said "Yes", and Tian Chou was elected together. "Your virtue has been proven, and we are willing to obey your orders."

Tian Chou said: "Now we are here not just for the stability in front of us, but to plot big things and avenge the shame. If Liu Youzhou's vengeance is not reported, we will not be able to sleep for a day! I am privately worried that we have not been realized yet. Those frivolous and frivolous people first harass each other and bully each other. They are happy for a while, but have no foresight. Tian Chou, I have an immature plan, I hope to implement it with you, can it?" Everyone said: "Yes, please You can speak frankly."

Tian Chou enacted laws on killing, theft, and litigation for everyone, stipulating that those who commit serious crimes should be punished with death, and the second should be punished. There are more than 20 articles. The etiquette for weddings and funerals was also formulated, and a plan for the establishment of schools to teach knowledge was promulgated to everyone. Everyone is familiar with it, to the point where the road is untouchable. The people in the northern border area gathered one after another and obeyed his prestige. Wuwan and Xianbei also sent envoys to deliver the tribute. Tian Chou accepted and comforted them so that they would no longer be intrusive.

Yuan Shao sent envoys to invite invitations several times, and immediately granted the general seal to appease the people under Tian Chou's rule. Tian Chou refused, but did not accept it. But on this day, a person came and asked for his surname to see Tian Chou. When Tian Chou came out, he turned out to be Liu He! "I heard a magpie call this morning. I didn't expect it to be you! Please come in quickly. It seems that the big event I have planned for a long time has finally come to an end! You must come here to avenge Liu Youzhou!" Tian Chou grabbed Liu He and let him in.

"Zitai, I came here this time for this. If the old father died unjustly, he who is a son of man should cut down Gongsun Zan's head and avenge him!" Liu He said solemnly. "This is very good! Although Liu Youzhou was killed by Gongsun Zan, Pingyu's imperial messenger Duan Xun couldn't get rid of the relationship. Besides, Pingyu only had three or two kittens, and he couldn't decide what kind of climate. How? Revenge, how to deal with the aftermath, I don't know what Brother Liu has planned?" Tian Chou asked slowly, putting his hands on his knees.

"Zitai, I have accepted Da Sima's conquest and have done Youzhou governance. This time I am here to remove you from driving to Youzhou. The army of General Tiance has completely conquered Goryeo, and now it is the source of truth. Continue to advance to the county of Liaoxi County and prepare for a decisive battle with Gongsun Zan in Tuyin. At that time, Wei Yue, the governor of Youzhou, will attack east from Shanggu and Zhuojun, the old man will attack west, and your troops will attack from north to south. The three-way army will come out, and you will definitely want Gongsun Zan to look good!" Liu He said excitedly.

"The two imperial courts of Luoyang and Pingyu are now standing side by side. Since Pingyu cannot be relied upon, then choose Luoyang! As long as I can avenge Liu Youzhou, Tian Chou will not hesitate even if I shed my head and blood!" Tian Chou patted the case. Said loudly. "If this is the case, then we will work together and join forces with General Tiance to cut down Gongsun Zan's head, and my father will take revenge!

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