New Story of Lv Bu

: : A list left by Lao Huangfu

Taiwei Huangfu drove all the way to the west and rushed to the governor of Shang County in Si Li, but Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao, who was the chief lieutenant, stayed in Luoyang City, the capital of Han Dynasty. This thing was strange everywhere. In the eyes of those who don’t know the truth, this is Huangfu Yizhen’s dissatisfaction with his long history. But, gentlemen, are the minds of the people who eat melons guessing?

"Feng Xiao, you know the current situation. There is a **** smoke everywhere on the tens of thousands of miles of battle. In case the dam cannot hold up and leaks, it is the result of a dead country destroying the nine tribes. The burden on Da Sima is really not light, the whole world is on his shoulders." Just a few days ago, after finishing the official business, Huangfu Song left Guo Jia behind.

"My old Huangfu is a veteran of many years, and I feel like a mirror in my heart for the family of the family. Once they are pinched to the point, they will definitely be killed by them. Now there is smoke everywhere, they think the time is right. When I arrive, I have to take the opportunity to grab a handful, but what a hero is Da Sima, how can he stand their pickle? This Luoyang city is mostly going to flow into a river."

Having said that, Lao Huangfu took a large bowl of lukewarm tea and drank it, then wiped his mouth with his sleeves, and then went on. "Wang Situ is a thousand-year-old fox. As soon as things are going to be a big deal, he can't take care of both sides. He just found a reason for his mother. He smeared the oil on the soles of his feet and ran away. With this run, he was relieved. Among my three males, the lieutenant is in charge of the army, and now Situ has gone to Nanyang as his mother. Naturally, my lieutenant will find a place to walk."

"I went to Shangxian County Supervisor this time. I said it was a Supervisor. In fact, I was looking for a place to hide for a few months. When Da Sima had killed the people and wiped all the blood off, I came back to show his face and praise Da Sima. Sima Yingming. Liu Yan is a bullshit, and Zhang Lu is even less asshole. Zang Ba’s Taishan soldiers can take care of him. I went to Shang County, and nothing will happen. Zang Ba rushes forward. , Made an immediate decision and won. Under my wise leadership, defeat?????? will definitely not be defeated!"

"Why do you say that? The mountains in Hanzhong account for 80%, and only 20% can be cultivated, and most of them are in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Just in the small wild land of Hanzhong, the heavenly land can raise three thousand elite soldiers. Zhang Lu The five-dou rice cultists under his command have strong fighting will, but most of them are those who do not understand the military. As long as Zang Ba’s 10,000 Taishan soldiers are equipped, it will be a flat push."

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help but admire him greatly in his heart.

Huangfusong suddenly raised his eyes and fixedly looked at Guo Jia, seeing that Guo Jia's heart felt a little hairy. "Fengxiao, our grandfather has been together for a while, you should know what kind of person Lao Huangfu is. Today, our grandfather will open the skylight to speak brightly, and take good care of our hearts. Open your mind. I know what you are thinking about. You value aristocratic families and think that you should rely on them to fight the world. This is correct. This is an opportunistic way. That's how Emperor Guangwu did it!"

When the old Huangfu spoke to his mind, Guo Jia's face couldn't help but become red, from the red cheekbones to the corners of his mouth and to the roots of his ears. Against the backdrop of the towering cheekbones and thin cheeks, the blush of that face looked very abrupt, and his thin lips seemed to be covered with rouge, so red. "Yizheng, please don't hesitate to enlighten me! Guo Jia listens carefully." Guo Jia replied.

"I said Feng Xiao, you only know one, but you don't know the other. It is not a question whether you rely on the family to fight the world. The question is why people fight the world! Gaodi and Guangwu emperor did not go the same way. Through the ages, the world has won the world. The most righteous one is Gotti. In the eyes of those rotten scholars, Gotti is just a braggart who can fool people by relying on two pieces of mouth to win the world. In their eyes, Gotti is a complete big liar. He has sealed eight. A king with a different surname, but his mother chopped down seven. What is it that is not a big fool? Rotten Confucianism is a rapist, how do they understand Gao Di's mind and aura? The Lord is suspicious, and does not kill people, how can the throne be stable?

Having said that, Lao Huangfu stopped, as if he wanted Guo Jia to understand the overtones implied in these words. "The Lord is suspicious, if you don't kill people, how can the emperor's position be stable?" This sentence is like a heavy hammer, hitting Guo Jia's heart hard, isn't the current situation just the Lord Shaoguo suspicious? Strong neighbors look around, sharpen their swords to the pigs and sheep, and there are great families in them, making troubles.

"Fengxiao, look at an emperor, don’t just look at his behavior, but the era and situation he lives in. Smart emperors are good at tolerance and compromise, but once they no longer tolerate and compromise, it means a showdown. The time has come, and the general ledger has begun to be calculated. The world only saw Emperor Guangwu relying on aristocratic families to win the world, but did not see how many aristocratic families had been destroyed by the Xuanming era."

"In the current situation, both internal and external troubles are extremely serious. Since ancient times, we must first settle the internal affairs and not clean up the family. How can we fight the war outside? Besides, where does the money and food come from? Isn't it necessary to rob the family and exterminate the family to raise money? Military expenses? Do you think that Da Sima is indecisive and unable to make up his mind? A joke! People are fishing, and they won’t start the net until the fish are all hooked!"

"I think Dasima's new taxation policy is good. At least 80% of them are good. The ordinary people live better, and the big men can pass on for several generations. From this perspective, the surnamed Liu is the emperor and What is the difference between being an emperor with the surname Lu? Da Sima fights the world for the common people, and the princes fight the world for themselves. This is the most fundamental difference between Da Sima and the princes."

These words of Lao Huangfu resembled a thunderous thunder, which stunned Guo Jia in an instant, which he had never thought of. "Why do people fight the world?" "What is the difference between being an emperor surnamed Liu and being an emperor surnamed Lu?" These words are like thunderbolts, which explode frequently in Guo Jia's brain. After a while, Guo Jia just replied. After passing by, at this time, he was already sweating heavily.

"My words, please go back and think about it. This time I supervise the teacher and Shang County, I will not take you there. I will leave you in the capital, and I will decide after careful consideration. First, I need you to be me Your eyes and ears can tell me what’s happening in Luoyang City at any time. Second, you have to urge you to urge all military supplies, soldiers, carriages, horses, and weapons. If you are in the capital, you can do it faster. If you are not in Luoyang City, then I don’t know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. Third, within a few days, there will be major changes in the city of Luoyang. For you, it may be a great opportunity. Fengxiao, you can rest assured that military skills are naturally indispensable to you. An Xin is ready to work in Beijing."

"Yi Zhen Gong put his heart to his heart and thought for Guo Jia's sake. Guo Jia has nothing to do with him. He can only do things diligently and do his best for you."

Lao Huangfu finally left Beijing and rushed to Shangxian County. He left, walking very unhurriedly, without taking away a cloud. But his long talk took root in Guo Jia's heart secretly. Da Sima put down incense bait to hang Jinao, and then ransacked his family to raise military expenses. It was a good method! When Emperor Wu was in power, he had done this before. But in this way, Da Sima offends the noble families in the world. Without the support of the noble families, can he last for a while, and can he last a lifetime without the support of the noble families?

The day after Lao Huangfu left Beijing, Guo Jia took the list left by Lao Huangfu and began to run around Luoyang City, searching for armor and war horse supplies. "Whether Zang Ba's surprise attack on Hanzhong can succeed depends on the items in this list! Feng Xiao, as long as you complete these items, the old man will give you a one-month vacation and let you take a good rest. !"

Lao Huangfu has long experienced the sea of ​​eunuchs and is well-versed in the world, so he grabbed Guo Jia's seven inches when he shot it. Since coming to Luoyang City, Guo Jia has been busy with official business, and has not accompanied his parents to stroll around. Now that Lao Huangfu has offered rewards, in public for private, and for reason, Guo Jia is embarrassed that he can't do his best. He immediately purged his clothes and rushed to the Da Sima Mansion to find Wang Wei.

Today's Luoyang court is at war everywhere, and the eagle letters for soldiers and supplies are like snow flakes, piled up with the cases of Dasimahu Cao Zhuan Wang Wei. "Feng Xiao, you know the situation. People are asking for money and things everywhere. Hanzhong is not a battlefield, and the emperor Huangfu is also a little bit ruthless when asking for things???" Da Sima Hu Cao Zhuan When Wang Wei saw the list handwritten by Prince Huangfu, his chin was about to fall off in shock. "I don't care, you have to give it to me anyway! Huangfu Taiwei's face, Da Sima, at any rate?" Seeing that the soft language was useless, Guo Jia immediately changed his strategy and began to play rascals.

"Oh! Let's do this, I'll give you a warrant, as long as you can find something, you can ship it to Hanzhong immediately!" Wang Kui babbled for a long time, and finally made a decision. "So, I would like to thank Brother Wang! I will definitely buy a drink in the future!" Guo Jia forced Wang Kui to write the warrant, and then smiled and got up to leave. "Wine is free, even if I have time, I don't have the mood to drink it. If Feng Xiao is free, go to my mansion to sit more." Wang Wei blinked and said with a smile. It looks like a thousand-year-old fox looking at a chicken. "Definitely! Definitely!" Guo Jia said casually.

Just like this, I ran for four days in a row, and finally got everything listed on the list. Guo Jiama kept running and delivered the goods himself, and then returned home, lying on the couch in general. After a good night's sleep, Haosheng freshened up, and sent a government order to send his parents out to go to Shouyang Mountain for a tour of the mountains and rivers. Guo Jia stated that after handing over official duties, he would leave Luoyang City, the capital of the capital, on the ninth day of October, and rush to Shouyang Mountain to meet his parents. From now on, he will have a full month holiday.

No one thought that something happened in Luoyang City on the eighth day of October. This incident eventually changed Guo Jia's destiny.

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