New Story of Lv Bu

: : Hou Chengle's View on Military Change

When the Luoyang city was rebuilt and added, the decision-maker was Da Sima Lubu, and the person who presided over the construction was Cao Zhuan Lumo, a master craftsman and Da Sima worker. In addition, three other people made decisive opinions. These three people were Jia Xu, Gao Shun and Hou Cheng. "Let me just say a word. Since it is an addition and expansion, we must consider that there may be very changes in the future. We must build several small and complete forts in Luoyang City. Once a major event occurs, at least it must be able to support it. Last month!" Hou Cheng said with a big wave of his hand.

As soon as Hou Cheng's opinion was put forward, everyone immediately gave their thumbs up. "Mr. Ziyu's words are really old-fashioned words!" In the end, Lu Mo added and deleted his design drawings, and produced six consecutive drafts, one draft, and the officials discussed and modified it. The sixth draft came out and everyone was finally satisfied. The core of the sixth draft is the three concrete and small inner cities. At the same time, the government offices at all levels are fortified, and with the twenty-four towering observation decks, at least in the drawings, Luoyang City looks much stronger.

The largest inner city is Da Sima Mansion, which was transformed from the Taishi Mansion of Taishi Dong. It is located in the east of Nangong and north of San Gong's mansion. Da Sima Mansion is an inner city covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres. There are three layers of city walls. The city walls are thick and there are four gates with urn city. There are also three-story buildings in the center of the mansion. The tallest building is a huge observation deck. Standing on it, you can see the whole city of Luoyang. The mansion is equipped with Juma, trebuchets, and large machinery such as bed crossbows, and enough food and drinking water are stored for one year.

Gaoshun's General Wei Mansion is east of Beigong, east of Yongmingmen, and south of Yong'an Palace. Hou Cheng's former general mansion is west of Jinshi, south of Zhuquemen in Beigong, and west of Nangong. These two mansions each occupy one-third of the area of ​​Da Sima Mansion, and are also three-story city walls, with the tallest building being five stories high. The designs of the three mansions are different. The former General Mansion is exquisite and compact, with deep twists and turns, and has many institutions. The General Wei Mansion looks like a real city, while the Grand Sima Mansion is famous for its majestic and majestic.

At this moment, when hundreds of thousands of people in Luoyang City were attracted by the imperial students to the Imperial College, the tallest point in the former general’s mansion, on the huge observation platform, the former general and Si Li Xiaowei Hou Cheng Zheng and an old man with gray beard drinking and talking. The old man was not someone else, it was Sikong's kind of brush, among the three males of the Luoyang court, he was the only one who stayed in Beijing.

"I said Ziyu, everyone else is busy watching the excitement, but you have personally invited the old man to sit here and drink and talk. I said, did you hide something from the old man! Have something to say! Er said it’s better in Ming Dynasty!” Chong Sikong has been in the **** for a long time, and when he was young, he was also a famous thorn among courtiers. Naturally, these ghost tricks of Hou Ziyu could not be hidden from his old man.

"Hey! It was actually seen by the old man?" The smile on Hou Cheng's face immediately triumphed. He drank the Zhao Jiu in his glass, pretending to be surprised. "Old elders, not only have you invited your old man, but also your family and Xiruan. Not only you, but even the family members and Xiruan of Huangfu Taiwei and Wang Situ, I am also honest. The land is here."

"Oh! This is a rainy day, I am afraid that something extraordinary will happen. Ziyu, you think very well, the situation in front of you is unstable, and the dark tide is surging in Luoyang city. Who knows if those people will lay down their hearts and stab the sky. A big hole came out?" As soon as he heard this, Zhong Fu immediately guessed the reason for it. From his heart, Hou Cheng's handling was very timely. Once something happens, it is a big deal!

"The old man understands it! To be honest, I can't sleep in Chengdu these few days. The new tax policy of Da Sima is forcing the family members to express their views. It is the time when the swords are drawn. Once someone has a crooked mind, my only staff is One thousand and two hundred middle school officials are all officials. These people are fine in law enforcement, but they can’t fight wars. Fortunately, I told Da Sima and transferred a thousand old men into the city. These people are all from the silver fox ghost army. Old subordinates, loyalty is safe. When it comes to fighting, it’s okay to guard this mansion."

Hou Cheng was actually preparing to change his military outlook! The heart of the kind of brush immediately sank. This shows how severe the situation has become, and the generals of the state have prepared for the worst. But when he changed his mind, he was immediately relieved. He was very clear in the comments of the family of the family that if they moved their money bags, it was tantamount to touching their lives. It's strange if you don't have anxious eyes.

Ugh! It seems that in the near future, there will be a **** storm. After the court has stabilized, he should also be ill.

After getting the approval of the old teacher, Wei Zhuo took a few senior students who were in charge, and paid a deep respect to everyone present. "Wei Zhuo and your colleagues have thanked you all! Poor Wu Zhong is dying so unclearly, the real cause of death naturally has to wait for the result of the Tingwei Mansion. I am the same as the others, and before that, I will pay a memorial to Wu Zhonglin and let him go along the way. , It can be regarded as doing one's own heart."

"Wu Zhonglin's death is unclear. Naturally, Tingwei Mansion is going to perform an autopsy. Instead of offering sacrifices after his body is incomplete, it is better to sacrifice now. For the deceased, it can be regarded as leaving the whole body. Wu Zhonglin's life is stubborn and arrogant. He was willing to be poor and never bowed his head to riches and honors. Before he was buried, he always had a good time." Wei Zhuo’s words were extremely sad, and everyone in the room was a little booed when he thought of Wu Ke’s voice and smile before his death. A few people with strong emotions have already quietly bowed their heads and wept.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Zhuo bowed his hand and brought a few principals into account. Surrounded by the crowd, Wei Zhuo ascended to a high place and said loudly: "Princes, I just went to talk to the teachers, and he has agreed to sacrifice to Brother Zhonglin!" Upon hearing this, hundreds of people The Tai student immediately let out a sigh of relief in his heart, thank goodness, Wu Zhonglin can finally look down!

"Masters, please listen to our arrangements, each perform his duties, and we must let Wu Zhonglin look at it! Go along the way!" Wei Zhuo's voice was mixed with a trace of misery, and a trace of inexplicable ambiguity. "Wu Zhonglin is dead and clear, and the messenger is a true hero! We must let Brother Zhonglin have a beautiful funeral! Only in this way can he go well all the way!" The students said silently in their hearts.

There are five rituals in this dynasty. Sacrifices are regarded as auspicious rituals, funerals are violent rituals, military matters are military rituals, guests’ matters are guest ceremonies, and wedding ceremonies are tributes, collectively called five rituals. Namely auspicious ceremony, fierce ceremony, military ceremony, guest ceremony, honorary ceremony. Every etiquette has fixed rituals. Fierce rituals are mourning and mourning rituals, the most tragic and euphemistic, and songs of sorrow, elegy, and other sad songs.

"Zhou Li? Chun Guan? Da Zong Bo" contained: "To mourn death with a funeral; to mourn the ferociousness with a famine; to mourn the calamity with a tribute; to mourn the defeat with a mourning; to mourn the invaders with a condolence." It is the etiquette of mourning according to the name; famine is the disaster relief measures that the court should take when natural disasters occur, such as famine, plague, etc.; the hanging ceremony is to deal with floods and droughts, earthquakes, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, etc. Disaster-stricken counties express their condolences and condolences. While offering condolences, they often hold prayer activities in order to eradicate misfortunes. The ritual is for countries that allied with other countries to suffer aggression or turmoil and cause heavy losses. Send envoys to raise supplies to help.

Compassionate rituals also refer to the etiquette of expressing condolences and compassion to other countries that have suffered misfortune. If the monarch and important ministers die, they will use the ritual.

Among the five ceremonies, the meeting ceremonies and ceremonies are to be held in the name of the imperial court, while funeral ceremonies, waste ceremonies, and mourning ceremonies are not. Both doctors and scholars can hold it. What the Tai students are preparing for is the funeral. At its root, it is only a part of the funeral, the memorial service. The behavior of Confucianism is based on the "Five Classics", and the etiquette is based on the "Book of Rites", which is derived from Zhou Li.

According to "Book of Rites? Under Qu Li", the emperor's death is called Beng, and the princes' death is called Xie. "Doctors call pawns, scholars call unlucky, and common people call death." Traditional funeral rituals can be divided into three parts: One is the funeral, which is a series of ceremonies before the death of the deceased until the burial; the second is the funeral, which is the various rituals in the burial process; the third is the sacrificial ritual, which refers to some rituals held after the burial.

In the minds of the Tai students, Wu Zhonglin's great funeral will surely be spread all over the world. If this is the case, it is impossible for scholars in the world to single out the fault. Yesterday, a few well-studied Confucian students stayed up all night. They went through the "Book of Rites" and finally referred to "Book of Rites" and "Book of Rites". After several discussions and disputes, they finally agreed on a very detailed set of memorial ceremonies, which can be described as a collection. The great achievement of ancient rituals.

"Book of Rites? Wang Zhi" said: "The emperor is funeral in seven days, and is buried in July. The princes are funeral in five days, and they are buried in May. Doctors, scholars, and common people are funeral in three days, and they are buried in March." Wu Ke is Too students, too, are scholars, and the scholars are going to have funerals three days after their death. Now that Tingwei’s Mansion has not undergone a post-mortem examination, there is no way to talk about funerals and funerals. In desperation, the students had no choice but to make up their minds on the ceremony.

According to the "Book of Rites", there are three main sacrificial rites for scholars, one is "mourning", the other is "ceremony", and the other is "elegy of holding a brush". "Mourning" is to wear filial piety. Dai filial piety is not worn casually, but is to be worn according to the distance between the mourner and the deceased.

Between the ruling and opposition parties in this dynasty, there is a patriarchal society, with the father’s clan as the most important. The relatives of the father's clan, from the great ancestor to the great-great-grandson of the nine generations, are commonly known as the nine families of the sect. The so-called "conspiracy and rebellion to punish the nine tribes", it is these nine tribes who are condemned.

Among the nine races, for relatives, death is for mourning. The relatives serve the heavier ones, and the neglected ones serve the lighter ones, in descending order. The so-called "up-kill, down-kill, and side-kill" in the "Book of Rites? Mourning Apparel" means this, and "kill" means decrease. There are five types of service systems according to the duration of the mourning and the thickness of the mourning clothes. They are called "five clothes": slashing, qi fading, great power, small power, and numbness.

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