New Story of Lv Bu

: :Don’t say it is unpredictable

Most of the Tai students who are splattering ink and preparing to write the eulogy are from a family of aristocratic families. The new taxation policy led by Da Sima Lubu has greatly affected their purses. He was suffocating, but was frightened by the heavy casualties of yesterday. Today, when they came to pay homage to Wu Zhonglin, they were thinking about how to let out such a bad breath!

Yesterday the imperial court's handling was too mild and even seemed a little weak. The students who had participated in the petition to lift the corpse finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Wei Ba is right. The court is just trying to seduce him. Mrs. Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, is a female classmate, what idea can she have? People are not enough to swallow the elephant. Yesterday they were still in a panic. Will the court wantonly imprison them and put them all in jail. As soon as I saw that nothing happened today, I immediately felt a bit resentful again. The court and Mrs. Zhaoyi are soft, and we are going to be hard!

In all fairness, the ideas of the Tai students are well understood on the road, but they did not think carefully. A person who can cultivate such outstanding children as Ling Hao, Lu An, and Lu Zheng would be an ordinary woman with no idea. ? This is the disadvantage of the lack of experience and wisdom. No matter what you do, you always consider it from your own perspective, and never empathize thinking, but save others by yourself. Is there anyone who can see clearly? Have! Wei Ba can see clearly, but he has other plans, hoping that the students will help the flames.

One wave has not settled and another wave has risen. Yesterday's petition for lifting the dead body has not yet concluded. Today's horse thief's sacrifice to wine has caused an uproar! The New Taxation Policy is still farther away from these noble princes. The horse thief's sacrifice to wine is indeed close at hand and within reach. It concerns the face and future of every Tai student. Taixue’s ritual wine was the leader of the literary world of the Han Dynasty, and now a counter-thief and horse thief did it! Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, it's no wonder that the students who have always been self-proclaimed are the emperor's favorites are furious.

"As a student too, you must have the heart to help the world! Standing upright and standing upright, injustice will sound! The imperial court is injustice, and our imperial students must scream out, initiate a clear discussion, and force the court to cancel this evil government!" He jumped to a high place, waving his arms and shouting loudly. In his eyes, the imperial court’s new taxation policy is an evil policy, but in the ears of the students, the term evil government seems to refer to the horse thief’s sacrifice of wine. At this moment, under the agitation, they have no time to distinguish right from wrong.

"This is great!" "When I am a student, I must have the heart to help the world!" "Though thousands of people I will go!" "The former doctor Sanlu sank himself in the Miluo River for the future of Chu State. At present, my eight hundred students will sweep away the treacherous villains in the court with a giant pen in their hands! Point the country, rebuild the mountains and rivers, and clear the side of the emperor!" The students immediately responded with a crash.

There are many weaknesses in human nature, one of which is to like to follow the crowd. As long as there is a reasonable reason, when the crowd is enthusiastic, one person shouts, thousands of people, tens of thousands of people will rise up. As for the future and the consequences, at this moment, absolutely no one thinks about it. As long as the suffocation in my heart comes out first, what about tomorrow, what about the day after tomorrow?

"Point out the country, help the world, rebuild the mountains and rivers, and take the side of Qingjun!" The first person finally roared the slogan of Qingjun's side loudly. "Tell the country, help the world, rebuild the mountains and rivers, to clear the side of the monarch!" The Tai students roared over and over again with excited blush on their faces. At this moment, their whole body and mind were bathed in the holy sunshine. When a big man has the idea of ​​family and country, then, it is the time when the scholar is spending his life!

"His second uncle, what do you mean by ‘Clean King’s side’?" Amidst the crowd watching the excitement, there was a burst of inquiries. Less than 10% of the ordinary people in this dynasty can understand the characters, let alone the lofty slogan "On the side of the monarch". "Oh!'Qing Jun's side' is the villain around the emperor, and the students must clean up the villains. What is wrong with these dolls, and they have troubled Da Sima. What a death!" The second uncle, three The uncles shook their heads as they explained.

"Huh? Clean up Da Sima? Where did Da Sima offend them? Didn’t it mean that he sent Hangeul to make Taixue’s wine sacrifices? Dare Da Sima pay to raise these children, wait for them to eat and drink, and send someone It doesn't work to do anything to sacrifice wine? This is the truth of that family? It doesn't work! It doesn't work!" The people who finally realized it suddenly began to curse.

How can the words of the ordinary people be heard into the ears of the students? Even if they listened to it, they would just treat it as a mosquito buzzing. What a joke, the dignified student, the proud man of heaven, how can you listen to those people who are under the chin? Just in full view, the Tai students were almost insane. While shouting slogans, they wrote elegiac couplets that were dripping with ink and written like a battle of dragons and snakes while they were chanting slogans. What I got from the pen was in Fen Penjishu, and I was busy hanging up the elegiac couplets not very well.

"Tell the country, help the world, rebuild the mountains and rivers, and take the side of the monarch!" This slogan was naturally the first to be hung up. "The imperial court has no way, increase my taxes, it is unbearable, no need to endure!" "The water of the world can not wash away the evil government of the imperial court. Gathering the Confucian Confucian, you can't kill the traitor of the world!" In an instant, hundreds of articles The elegiac couplet dripping with ink was hung up, and on the elegantic couplet, there were all big characters in big words. Between the lines, there are such **** words, which makes people a little creepy.

The upheaval in the square naturally couldn't escape the eyes of the three adults in the wine shop, and the little ears had already reported it over and over again. After listening to the spies' reports, Cao Yong, Wang Wei, and Chen Qun finally couldn't sit still. Yesterday, it was because the shot was late, it caused a tragedy of dozens of deaths and injuries. If there are more deaths and injuries today, the three of them will just wait to go home and eat old rice.

"No! You have to order the army to be dispatched. If you don't clear the ground, I'm afraid there will be a big trouble." Cao Yong was about to get up and give the order. "Master Cao, don't be anxious! Don't be anxious! Don't be anxious!" Wang Wei was also a little angry, and he said three "Don't be anxious" as soon as he opened his mouth. "The situation today is different from yesterday. Yesterday was all jade and stone burned, but today is not the case. There are diehards in it, and they have long been dissatisfied with the new taxation policy. Even if they are all dead, it is irrelevant to the court. , Let him go."

A word to wake up the person in his dream, Wang Kui is indeed an old fox with profound knowledge, and he can see through the essence of the students' memorial to Wu Zhonglin this time. "I said, Master Cao, they paid homage to Wu Zhonglin this time, but it was just because of a reason to express the resentment in their hearts, and they definitely couldn't fight. In that case, we might as well watch how they perform. ."

"When you sent out the army to clear the ground, didn't you give them an excuse to gather crowds and riots? There are just a few poor scholars around, very boring, and when they were young, they were excited by the Korean appointments, and they were excited for a while. What is a few words that are too much? As long as we don’t say things like rebellion and treason, let’s just open one eye and close one eye. When Xiao Shi’er sees this, he will naturally leave on his own. Go, the rest are diehards and can be sent to prison."

Wang Wei's words sounded full of human touch, and they were definitely the words of an old man. However, in the ears of Cao Yong, who has experienced countless winds and waves, it has a different taste. Wang Wei is an old man from Bingzhou, who is very familiar with the Da Sima family. He said that, could it be that he smelled something wrong? Maybe he is selfish, wanting to let the Luoyang family be wiped out?

"The old man is right!" Cao Yong straightened up, and never asked for an army to clear the field again. In any case, it is better to be still at this moment, so let's look at it again. At this moment, Meteor, the subordinate in charge of communications, walked in, gave a deep salute, and said in a loud voice: "Master Cao, this is the letter from the eagle that has just been received. It is an autograph of Mrs. Zhao Yi!" "Hey!" The three adults all together. Huo Zhe got up, Madam Zhao Yi's orders have always been issued through the female officials around her, and it was the first time she wrote her own handwriting.

After a while, a group of Han troops rode their horses to the center of the square, led by a sturdy tutor. "Yeah!" He slowly strangled the horse under his hips, glanced sharply at the students in front of him, took out a paper from his hand, opened his voice, and read aloud: " This is the edict that I just received. It was written by Mrs. Zhao Yi. Please listen carefully!"

"'The dynasty established the country, and the Confucian students are the first to be Confucian scholars. It is far better than the previous dynasties. Taixue, the highest school of the dynasty, unexpectedly suffered the tragedy of the death and injury of dozens of people yesterday. If things go on like this, the country will lose the country! Therefore, Ren Hansui will sacrifice wine for the Taixue, civil servants and military officers, and rectify the atmosphere of Taixue. For those who learn, they should first focus on virtue, second for their behavior, and again for their sake. Words. There are many people in the world who do not believe in words and those who do not speak their hearts. May all living beings take this as a warning! Words and deeds are the same, to strengthen the body and mind!'"

Speaking of this, the village chief paused for a while, and when he was fully transported, he shouted loudly, "'At this time, the students are only discussing state affairs and focusing on current affairs. Regardless of their original intentions, I just treat them as a young man. Look at it. After the memorial ceremony, all the students should return to Taixue and consider themselves for the sake of the new appointment. If someone takes the opportunity to instigate the discord and cause trouble for no reason, they should be punished in accordance with the "Han Law"! Gather the rumors and kill them. ! Kill those who dislike the court! Those who slander the court, kill! Not to say that they are unpredictable!'

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