New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Death of Zhang Yang

Going straight from Yanshi to Luoyang, the straight-line distance is only fifty miles, but once you really get up, that's not the case at all. More than ten miles west from Yanshi, there is a small town called Shixiang. This name is very abrupt and almost no one knows. But its other name, Xihao, is much more famous. According to historical records, Shangtang once established its capital in Xihao. In the five years of Emperor Han Gao's five years, he called Qi Wang Tianheng to Luoyang. When he reached the corpse township, Tian Heng died of suicide. These two things are enough to make the small town of Shixiang famous all over the world.

The reason why Shang Tang established its capital in Shixiang is because the strategic location of Shixiang is extremely important. To the west of Shixiang, there is a Yangqu from west to east. To the south of Yangqu, there is an artificially-dug canal, exiting the Huamen and Kaiyangmen of Luoyang City, heading eastward, passing by a lake named Hongchi, where it meets Yangqu in Shixiang. Then the two rivers merge into one, turn to the southeast, and flow into the big river south of Yanshi.

On the morning of the ninth day of October, a team of more than 10,000 soldiers and horses came to Shixiang City. There are only about 2,000 cavalry in this army, 6,000 infantry, and 2,000 heavy soldiers. They are fighting the banner of Zhang Zijiang. The head of the village who was in charge of guarding the corpse township had long received a bill from Chuanshe, informing him that at noon this afternoon, Hanoi's prefect Zhang Yang was ordered by Da Sima to lead his troops into Yanshi from Huai County, thinking of the eastern barrier of the capital Luoyang City. After carefully reviewing the customs documents, the chief of the army ordered to open the city and personally bring Zhang Yangying into the city.

Zhang Yang, whose name is Uncle Zhi, is a native of Yunzhong, Lu Bu's Datong Township. Zhang Yang's qualifications are very old. He was one of the princes who launched an army against Dong Zhuo. He finally returned to Lu Bu and was appointed as the prefect of Hanoi. He has been garrisoned in the prefecture of Hanoi in Chihuai County for several years. To be honest, Zhang Yang's generals are not outstanding, and he is not even a second-rate general in the Bingzhou Army. Lu Bu fancyed Zhang Yang and his heroic spirit and courage and friendship. In the past few years, in addition to his duties as the prefect of Hanoi, Zhang Yang's most important task was to separate the heroes.

"Hahahahahahaha! When I entered Luoyang last time, I was still serving as a marching Sima under Jian Shuo's. This time I returned, it turned out to be more than ten years later!" As soon as he entered the county government office in Shixiang County, Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel furious. Sighed. "The prefect to return to the capital city of Luoyang this time, it seems that he wants to get the eyes of Dasima, and he wants to use it!" Zhang Yang's marching commander Shi Dongfang replied with a smile. Dong Fang is the younger brother of Dong Zhao and Dong Gongren, who was immediately appointed as the county magistrate after having a meal with Lu Bu.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Yang's younger brother Zhang Chao, his generals Yang Chou, Suigu, Xue Hong, Miao Shang and others laughed together. The laughter was not admiration, but teasing. . Zhang Yang's talents and abilities are as clear in the hearts of everyone present. The Hanoi prefect who can achieve two thousand shi is already regarded as a smoke from the ancestral tomb. If you talk about great use, entering the dynasty to take up the position of the Three Lords and Nine Qings, even Zhang Yang himself knows that it is a big joke. Dong Fang has always been humorous, but he just kept talking, quieting Zhang Yang, and making a joke to invigorate the atmosphere. You don't have to take it seriously, and you can't take it seriously.

Zhang Yang is gentle and gentle, very kind, and in the eyes of his subordinates, there is no slightest majesty. Getting along in Su Ri Li is just like in the old days when the green forest gathers justice, the big guys are brothers, everyone drinks and talks, there is no distinction between up and down, and it is common to make jokes and teases. Once some subordinates tried to assassinate Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang found out. Zhang Yang called him over, cried bitterly at him, and talked about brotherhood and other principles. In the end, not only was he not punished, but he was also released. In Zhang Yang's view, it is not easy for the brothers to get along.

After laughing, everyone suddenly felt a little more comfortable in their hearts, and the hardship of traveling all the way seemed to have gone with it. Seeing that the brothers are in a good mood, Zhang Yang said slowly. "Brothers, today I am waiting for the order of Da Sima to move the defense against Yanshi, thinking that Luoyang is a barrier to the east. But the sky is not beautiful, I should have disembarked at Wushejin, I did not expect to be blown to Mengjin Port by the wind, it is really strange. Also! But stupid people have silly blessings, we can rest for a while in Shixiang County. According to my intention, today I will rest in this Shixiang county for one day, and tomorrow morning, I will leave the camp and set off for Yanshi! Brothers, how good is it to deal with it like this?"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room immediately opened their eyes and smiled. The hardship of traveling thousands of miles is unimaginable for ordinary people. Even if it is able to breathe for an hour or two, it is considered a luxury. Unexpectedly, today's Boss Zhang would be kind enough to let the brothers rest for a whole day, which is really beyond everyone's expectations. "Thank you, boss!" Everyone bowed and thanked Zhang Yang.

After the generals got up to say goodbye, Zhang Yang hastily used breakfast, took off his armor and clothes, fell on the couch, and immediately snored like thunder. He is in his forties this year, in his forties, he can already call himself an old man in this dynasty. At such an old age, leading the army to travel thousands of miles to defend Yanshi, relying on nothing but a breath of support in his heart. Now I was on the ground. As soon as this breath dissipated, I immediately felt that among the limbs, the limbs were extremely numb, and a pair of eyelids, like Mount Tai, could no longer be opened.

In the three halls of Shixiang County, in the east wing, the prefect of Hanoi, Zhang Yang, fell asleep. With a smile on his mouth, he seemed to be experiencing something beautiful. The snoring gradually subsided, and Zhang Yang's breathing became steady and rhythmic. He turned over, muttered a few words, and fell asleep again. This one is so sleepy, I don't know when to wake up.

"Has General Cao responded?" In a large mansion across from Shixiang County, two generals under Zhang Yang, Yang Chou and Suigu, sat face to face. Both of them have serious faces, their brows are frowning, and their chests are constantly rising and falling again and again, as if there is something undecided. General Cao in this sentence refers to General Xingfenwu and General Cao Cao Cao Mengde, the provincial governor of Yanzhou.

"Brother, I have a reply! General Cao promised to forgive me for all our sins. Not only that, he also promised to make me Tinghou, and still lead the old ministry and be the prefect of any county." Yang Chou held a letter in his hand. , Replied triumphantly that in the past negotiations with Cao Mengde had always been led by him. Since the situation has become increasingly tense, he has just pulled Sanggu into the water.

"Big Brother Yang, Cao Mengde must have paid such a high price. It must not have been in vain? There must be some conditions in the letter, and those conditions are the most important. Otherwise, why did he pay such a big price to buy us both? I don't know how to read, can Brother Yang read it and listen to me?" Suigu smiled coldly and said in a low voice. "Brother is really a talent! Even if he is not in the middle, he is not far away!" Yang Chou gave a thumbs up and praised Suigu, and then he continued with a smile on his face, like a spring breeze.

"There are two conditions. One is to get Zhang Yang's first level. The second is to immediately move westward and attack Luoyang City, the capital of the Han. General Cao has already sent the general Xiahou Dun under the tent to lead him. The elite came, joined me, and commanded me to attack Luoyang together. Here, this is the Yingxin who just arrived, brother, take a closer look." After speaking, Yang Chou stretched out his hand and handed Yingxin to Sui. solid. Among Zhang Yang's subordinates, Suigu's illiteracy is well known, and he can't see anything to him!

"Okay, then I'll see it!" Sui Gu didn't shirk off. He stretched out his big hand and accepted the eagle letter, and looked up and down carefully. "Hahahahahahahaha!" Yang Chou laughed loudly: "Brother, you are taking it upside down!" "Hey! Is there anyway for this character?" Suigu's face blushed, and this turned Yingxin upside down. , And looked at it carefully.

"Not bad! Not bad! Brother Yang did a great job!" Suigu's complexion was as usual, and he reached out and returned the eagle letter to Yang Chou. "I said, my brother, now that the situation is urgent, I must act immediately! After I took the first level of Zhang Yang, you and I immediately joined General Xiahou and commanded the city directly to Luoyang City! Don't pass this way!" Yang Chou Putting away the eagle letter, he arched his hands slightly, and strode away.

Silicon Valley sat there motionless, and it took him a long time to get up until he arrived at a bowl of bitter tea and drank it in one go. What a Yang Chou! I always treat you like a big brother, but I didn't expect you to swallow all my credit! Do you think I'm really illiterate? Why are you a villager, I Suigu is just a pavilion? "Brother's strategizing work is a great calculation, and the harvest is solid, as the first work! Meng De should not be stingy with the reward of the prince and treat it favorably." Do you think I can't understand it? Yang Chou, Yang Chou, in your writing, I Sanggu is just a small character! If you treat me like this, don't blame me for being cruel! Let's wait and see!

Thinking of this, Suigu slowly stood up and shouted: "Come on, come back to camp with me, and rectify the army in preparation!"

Zhang Yang opened his eyes slowly and suddenly realized that something was wrong. The general Yang Chou under his tent led more than a dozen sturdy men with sharp blades in their hands, and surrounded his bed tightly. There is no trace of his own guards, and they must have been poisoned a long time ago. In an instant, his chest and back were soaked. However, everyone has the heart to survive, and he is excited to make the last fight!

"Yang Chou! What are you going to do? Don't forget that I am your elder brother! How did I treat you in the past? Today, you are gracious and avenge you. It's a beast!" Zhang Yangji cursed. "Hahahaha! Big brother? Yes, your Uncle Zhang Zhi is my Yang Chou's eldest brother! But what you don't know is that Big Brother is used to betray! Hands!" Into Zhang Yang's body! "You!" Zhang Yang spouted a big mouthful of blood, and he returned to his hometown in desperation.

Yang Chou drew the ring head knife from his waist and cut Zhang Yang's head with a single knife. "Go! Let's reorganize the army!"

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