New Story of Lv Bu

: : The only stain in Zhao Jie's life

This contest to establish the emperor finally ended with the victory of General Liang Ji. In this political upsurge, Hu Guang and Zhao Jie were frightened by Liang Ji and immediately gave in. Li Gu did not fear Liang Ji's lewdness and fought to the end. Although they are in the position of San Gong at the same time, the temperaments and attitudes of the three people are completely different. Hu Zhao Roumei and Li Gukang are straightforward.

This time, Li Gu offended General Liang Ji thoroughly, and his fate is naturally predictable. A year later, Liu Wen from Ganling and Liu Tian from Weijun conspired to make Liu Suan the emperor. After the incident, they were captured by the government. Upon hearing this, Liang Ji was overjoyed immediately, and immediately instructed Yousi to frame Li Gu, Liu Wen, and Liu Kun, arrogantly, and put Li Gu in prison.

Li Gu's protégé, Bo Haiwang, put on shackles and put on locks, and went to the palace gate to seduce the court, confirming that Li Gu was wronged in this matter. At the same time, Hanoi Zhao Cheng and dozens of people also put on shackles and put on locks, rushed to the capital to redress for Li Gu. This incident was a big cause, and everyone knows it, so naturally there are small ears that reach the Queen Mother's ears. Upon hearing this, the Queen Mother immediately understood that, in all likelihood, this matter was done by her elder brother General Liang Ji. She immediately sent an edict from the palace and immediately pardoned Li Gu.

When Li Gu was released from prison, the streets and alleys of Luoyang were all shouting long live, just like welcoming Captain Li Ying and Li's release from prison. After hearing this news, General Liang Ji was shocked, afraid that Li Gu's reputation and morals would eventually harm him, so he re-imposed the old case of collusion between Li Gu, Liu Wen and Liu Tian to the court. General Shi Wuyou was deeply sad about Li Gu's injustice and fought against Liang Ji. Liang Ji was furious and refused to obey. Wu You was trembling with anger, and his eyes fired.

Ma Rong, who was engaged in Zhonglang, was responsible for drafting memorials for Liang Ji, and he happened to be present at that time. Wu You asked Ma Rong and said, “Li Gu’s crimes were woven by you! If Li Gu is punished, what face do you have to meet the people of the world?” This sentence is a typical accusation against Huai, Liang Jiyi Angrily, entering the inner room, Wu You also left straight away. Thus, Li Gu died in prison at the age of fifty-four. At the end of his life, he ordered his descendants to be buried in the barren land of Hanzhong with a three-inch plain coffin and silk scarf. They were not allowed to be buried around his father's cemetery.

Before Li Gu died, he wrote a long letter to Hu Guang and Zhao Jie. The letter said: "I am deeply favored by the country, so I have done my best to support the royal family and achieve the goal of Emperor Wen and Emperor Xuan. That way. How can you think of the Liang’s myth, you swayed, turned good things into bad things, and succeeded in failure? The decline and fall of the Han Dynasty began. You were overthrown and not supported by the Lord, and overthrown. National events, and the good history of future generations, will it allow your selfishness? I will verbally criticize and scold you. Although my life is over, I still have gains in upholding justice. What else can I say!"

Hu Guang and Zhao Jie felt sad and ashamed when they were believed, but they were nothing but long sighs and tears. In fact, as early as the court meeting, Hu Guang and Zhao Jie knew Li Gu's ending clearly, and Li Gu would definitely die. At this moment, Zhao Jie hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, because his retreat this time made him and the Zhao family shame for decades, and also led to Zhao Qian's rebellion.

Liang Ji also sent someone to threaten Du Qiao: "You should commit suicide quickly so that your wife and children can be preserved." Du Qiao refused to accept it. Liang Ji sent someone to ride to Du Qiao's door the next day. After hearing no crying, he knew immediately that Du Qiao had not committed suicide. After reporting to the General Liang Ji and the Queen Mother, Du Qiao was immediately arrested, and Du Qiao also died in prison.

In accordance with Liang Ji's order to remove the roots, the two sons of Li Gu, Li Ji and Li Zi, were arrested from Li Zhong's hometown and died in prison. Only the youngest son Li Xie escaped. Liang Ji put the corpses of Li Gu and Du Qiao at the northern crossroads of Luoyang City for public display, and ordered: “If anyone dares to cry and mourn, he will be punished.” Liang Ji's move was to use death to oppress the people of the world.

Guo Liang, a student of Li Gu from Runan, was less than twenty years old. He held the memorial and axe in his left hand and an anvil in his right. He went to the palace gate to write a book and begged to collect Li Gu's body. It can be expected that he would not get it. reply. Guo Liang and Dong Ban from Nanyang went to mourning and wept, guarding the corpse. Chief Xia Menting scolded and said, "What kind of pedantic scholars are you! You have blatantly offended the imperial decree, do you want to try the power of the government!" Guo Liang replied: "We are moved by their righteousness, how can we care for our lives? Why use death as a threat?" After hearing this, Queen Mother Liang Yu pardoned both of them, and asked Dong Ban to wrap the corpses in a cloth.

The two became famous from then on, and all three conscripted him. Dong Ban couldn't live in seclusion and didn't know where he was going. Yang Kuang, Du Qiao's subordinate, asked the court to allow Li Gu and Du Qiao's bodies to be buried in their hometown. Liang Yu agreed. Li Gu and Du Qiao were buried. This was Zhao Jie's controversy over the birth of an heir, which he never forgot when he was about to die. It was called the "Sang's Death" by later generations.

Later, when scholars commented on this political tide, there was a comment: "Li Gong is arrogant, but Hu Zhao Er Gong is too soft and charming. Woohoo! With Li Gong’s insight, Hu Zhao Er Gong is a close friend? If there is no Hu Zhao Er Gong in the world, Can Li Gong fulfill his ambitions? If Hu and Zhao Ergong follow Li Gong's example, and when the court discusses, he speaks bluntly, and there is an immortal world?" In all fairness, this comment is a bit biased. However, because it placed a lot of hope in it, it spread to the world, which made Zhao Jie and Zhao Jia deeply ashamed.

Hu Guang has been adhering to the doctrine of the mean since he entered official career. He is a man who can do practical things but has a weak personality. However, when Zhao Jie was a young man, he was known for being fair, clean, and hateful, but in his later years, he became unprotected because of his heir. Maybe Zhao Jie has the courage to save the Han Dynasty, and slowly plot Liang Ji's idea, but the fact that he was intimidated by Liang Ji in court, eventually made the world disappointed in him. This is also the biggest reason why Zhao Jie's children and grandchildren clamp their tails in the future.

Zhao Dian, the word Zhongjing, is the second son of Zhao Jie. Perhaps it was because of the only stain in his father’s life. When Zhao Dian was young, he was very low-key, honest, quiet and thrifty. He only studied Confucianism, read poetry and books, and learned from the past. Many people came to him for advice. People admiring his fame and talents flocked on the way. Zhao Dian's temperament is clear and broad, and his ambition is high. Yizhou once named him a Maocai, but he refused to leave because of illness. In fact, Zhao Dian evaded conquest on the grounds of illness.

His father's old friends Huang Qiong and Hu Guang recommended him as Youdao and Fangzheng, and he did not respond to the imperial court. In the early years of Jianhe, San Gong and the Great General Sifu made recommendations on the table, and the Hengdi bus asked Zhao Dian as Yilang, and his post taught scriptures in the palace. His main student was Emperor Heng, the emperor. The policies he made often set an example for Confucian scholars. Soon, he was promoted to serve as a servant.

At that time, Emperor Heng wanted to expand Hongchi near Shixiang County. In Qingliu's eyes, this was a typical affair. So, Zhao Dian looked at the opportunity to admonish. He said: "The area of ​​Hongchi is close to one hundred hectares, and it needs to be widened and deepened. This is not advocating Tang Yao Yushun's restraint and following Xiaowen's practice of caring for the people." This sentence was very decent and vague. In between, it means to compare Emperor Heng with Tang Yao Yushun. Hengdi is very useful. This is the first time Qingliu people have praised him this way. For Hengdi, this is more comfortable than expanding Hongchi. With great rejoicing, Hengdi accepted Zhao Dian's audience, and ordered to stop expanding Hongchi.

After his father died, Zhao Dian inherited his title. Served as the prefect of Hongnong, and later changed to You Fufeng. He was dismissed from his official position due to official business and enlisted as a lieutenant of the city gate in the DPRK. He was appointed as a master craftsman, promoted to Shaofu, and then appointed to Dahongxun. At that time, the princes of Enze were named for nothing, and there was a lot of discussion between the ruling and the opposition. The officials were dissatisfied, but no one dared to admonish them, only Zhao Dian spoke alone.

Zhao Dian said: "If you have no merit but are rewarded, then those who have worked hard will not be encouraged. The monarchs and ministers will be humiliated, and the chaos has interfered with the law. Besides, the great ancestors used to have oaths, it is not that the heroes cannot be conferred. Grace should be eliminated The fiefs and titles of the princes kept the original system." The emperor did not agree. Soon, Zhao Dian changed his post as Tai servant, and was promoted too often.

Every time the court encountered difficult problems with catastrophic phenomena, Emperor Heng asked Zhao Dian for his opinions. Zhao Dian bluntly told each other based on the classics, and never obeyed. Every time I get a reward, it is always given to the poor among the Confucian scholars. Later, he was dismissed from office and returned to the country for admonishment against the emperor's will. After the death of Emperor Heng, when the vassals of the vassals were forbidden to enter Beijing to express their condolences, Zhao Dian expressed a lot of emotion.

He said: "I was promoted by the emperor from among the common people to become a high official. And the birds know how to repay me, not to mention me, a scholar-official!" So he solved the Yinshou Talisman and gave it to the county government, and rushed to the capital. Zhou County and Da Hongxun wanted to arrest him and punished him, but the public officials praised Zhao Dian's loyalty. The above table requested Zhao Dian to use the land to redeem his sins, and the emperor gave permission. Promoted again to Changle Shaofu and Weiwei. The ministers again recommended that Zhao Dian was deeply knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and should be hired as a national teacher. It coincided with Zhao Dian's death due to illness and sent envoys to express condolences. Queen Mother Dou sent messengers to give him a seal and gave him the posthumous title of Xianhou.

Zhao Qian, whose name is Yanxin, is the eldest grandson of Zhao Jie and the nephew of Zhao Dian. Together with his younger brother Zhao Wen, he is hailed as the leader of the third generation of the Zhao family. Zhao Wen, whose name is Zirou, is Zhao Jie's second grandson, Zhao Dian's nephew, and Zhao Qian's younger brother. At first, Ren Jing Zhaocheng sighed: "A man should fly high like a male bird, how can he lie down like a female bird!" So he abandoned the official and returned home.

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