New Story of Lv Bu

: : Finally it's our turn to feel good

In the residence of the former general and Sili Xiaowei Hou Cheng, on the observation deck tens of meters high, Hou Cheng and Zhao Qian, each with a well-decorated clairvoyance, were intently observing the battle situation in Luoyang City. Both of them had solemn expressions and awe-inspiring faces. The reason was simple. The rebels' offensive was swift and violent, and they were suddenly troubled. The Han army could hardly organize effective resistance.

After receiving the order from Mrs. Zhaoyi Yan Yan, Hou Cheng immediately issued an order to the entire Han army, declaring that he had taken over the military command in Luoyang City. This order immediately aroused the fighting spirit of the entire Han army. There are many warriors in Luoyang City, and Zongzheng Zhu Jun and Shizhong Lu Zhi are the leaders. However, it is obvious that Hou Cheng and Hou Ziyu, who were born in the same state army, should be the most suitable military commander. After hearing this order, the resistance of the Han army in Luoyang city suddenly became fierce.

Hou Cheng was one of the troikas in the Bingzhou Army. His military status was second only to Da Sima Lubu and General Gao Shun. However, Hou Cheng's position in the court of the Supreme Court was much higher than that of Gao Shun. Among the Silver Fox Ghost Army created by Hou Cheng, more than a thousand people have been transferred out to serve as mid-level officials around Qianshi. In Youzhou, Bingzhou, Sili, Liangzhou, and even the remote Western Regions, there are officials of the Silver Fox Ghost Army. Among them, the big official is the prefect, and the younger one is also a 600-stone Yilang and doctor.

At this moment, in the city of Luoyang, the capital of the Han Dynasty, Hou Cheng and Hou Ziyu were military commanders acceptable to the Old Ministry of Bingzhou and other Han forces. The family rebelled and the situation was critical. At this critical time, Mrs. Zhao Yi Yan Yan made the most correct choice and appointed Hou Cheng to be in charge of the city's military affairs. If you think about it carefully, it's really time for this command to come.

"The order, all Han troops in Luoyang City, don’t care about the gains and losses of one city and one place, but focus on annihilating the rebels! As long as they don’t disturb the people, all the methods that can kill the rebels can be used! I only need one, the rebels. The first level! Fight well, reward! Those who flinch from the battle, decapitate! Those who do their best to support the friendly forces, reward! Those who are not saved, decapitate! Those who rob, adulterate women and harass the people, decapitate! "After taking over the military command of the entire city of Luoyang, Hou Cheng gave the first order with a cold face.

Upon hearing this order, all the Han troops in Luoyang City immediately got a boost. Hou Cheng's order was equivalent to opening a big hole for them. As long as General Hou is at the head of the rebels, and don't need positions, it will be easy to handle. Most of the Han troops in Luoyang City of the capital were county soldiers near Si Li. They stayed at home and were very familiar with every street and alley in Luoyang City. They could be found with closed eyes. This is a geographical advantage. Hou Ziyu has always been generous. The heavy reward he said must be several times or even dozens of times more than your expectation. After this battle, no matter whether you live or die, you will definitely make a fortune. This is human harmony. . In addition, the rebels gathered a crowd to rebel and blatantly opposed the imperial court and Da Sima, which was unpopular. This is the time. The time and place are all right and the people are all in harmony. Are you afraid of a hammer?

In an instant, the Han troops in Luoyang City immediately started to take action. They could only hear the drums of war and the melodious bugles. One group of Han troops went out and fought fierce battles with the roaring rebels. In Luoyang City, among the hundreds of li alleys, the three old, lizheng, and village elders each have a strong and strong guard, and the whole li alley is strictly guarded. Once the rebels broke in, they immediately sounded the gongs and drums to greet them.

Looking from the observation deck in the former general's residence, the entire Luoyang city was in chaos. A wave of black-clothed crowds and the red armor of the Han army are mixed together, you go in and I retreat, killing happily. Occasionally, there are some brave men who wear ordinary clothes and a white scarf tied to their left arm. There were drums everywhere, horns everywhere, and the sound of shouting and killing was shaking.

"Yes! This bunch of **** did a good job! Heizi's soldiers are really good!" Hou Cheng exclaimed loudly with clairvoyance in one hand and clairvoyance in the other. Chong Sikong, who was next to him, watched for a long time, and he had already seen the current situation clearly. He knew very well that Hou Cheng was a family soldier in the residence of General Kuawei Gaoshun. "Ziyu's words are quite true! General Wei's subordinates are all tigers and wolves! Two hundred old pawns actually crushed more than a thousand rebels, and the rebels were beaten into a smash, and there was no way to fight back."

"That's natural! Heizi's favorite is armored weapons, strong bows and crossbows. The inventory in his mansion is enough to equip three thousand elites. Old man, look carefully, these two hundred old men wear them. They are all high-grade mountain script armour made by Gong Cao Zhuan, and they are all standard equipment of Junhou. This is too **** extravagance!" Hou Cheng stared at the two hundred elders, and swallowed a mouthful of foam in his throat. It was obvious that he I am really envious. The veterans who have survived two hundred battles have heavy armor and strong crossbow guards. Two hundred feet are worth ten thousand!

"Hey! I said Ziyu, look over there, the war in Nangong and Beigong is critical! What a pity! What a pity! It is the first time that Nangong and Beigong have fallen into the hands of the rebels since the Shichang Rebellion. Ah!" Zhong Sikong pounded his chest. Hou Cheng raised his clairvoyance and looked carefully. Zhuquemen, Xuanwumen, and North Gate had all been lost, and a raging fire ignited on the tower. The North Palace has been completely occupied by the rebels, and more than 2,000 rebels are looting everywhere. Inside the North Palace, there are many corpses of Han soldiers stacked everywhere.

Compared with Beigong, Nangong's battle situation is better, at least the Han army is still fighting with the rebels. On the observation deck in the Nangong Palace, Wei Wei Han Sui commanded two or three hundred soldiers, using long-range weapons to delay the rebels' offensive. In the vast area to the south of Nangong, the disbanded Han troops were fighting in groups of three and five, relying on the favorable terrain and the rebels that followed.

"Old predecessors, it doesn't matter! The North and South Palaces were not the focus of defense. The two thousand Han troops under Han Wenyue were not the fine knights of his original army soon after they became an army. The battle is like this, it is already very good. . Even if I changed to Hou Cheng to fight, it’s not much better. Han Wenyue is worthy of being the commander of Xiliang, and he immediately understood the mind of the rebels. The rebels rushed to the palace of Xuanming, one Seeing the absence of the Queen Mother and the son of Jian Guo, he will immediately switch troops to attack the Da Sima Mansion. Han Wen promised that as long as he supports for another quarter of an hour, he will be full of suffering. He sticks to the observation deck to show his heart to Mrs. Zhao Yi, he understands!

"Ziyu is very true! When Madam Zhaoyi's moves are so exquisite, the old man admires it very much!"

Just as the two were talking, more than 3,000 people in black came to the mansion of the former general Hou Cheng. "Oh! The rebels are finally here!" Chong Sikong said in surprise. Since this hour, his heart has withstood countless tests and is almost about to shatter. stimulate! It's exciting! It's so exciting! He covered his left chest with one hand, and said with the other three or four thousand people in black.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Hou Cheng laughed loudly. "Old predecessors, don't panic! These rebels came a little later than I expected, a full quarter of an hour later. Seeing their appearance, they just wanted to tentatively attack, but didn't make up their minds to attack. The order! Look at Koro. Careful, this time, I will surely make you feel good!" "Okay!" "You will always be okay!" "His grandma, let Lao Tzu come!" In the mansion, there is a silver fox ghost army. He winked his eyebrows and smiled.

Boss Hou was right. These people are all thief, high-level liar, scepter, thieves, and former chiefs of the green forest. They are uncomfortable if they don't kill a few people or deceive a few people every day. However, in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, at the feet of the dignified emperor, where is there such an opportunity? They were so bored that they had no choice but to rectify those thieves, low-level liars, thieves, and prostitutes. Today I finally met Zhen Zhang'er. There are three or four thousand rebels who can have a good time. No wonder they are happy. "Brothers! Just relax a little bit when you start! It's all killed all at once, so I don't have to play again!"

A gentleman, looking like a gentleman, lowered his voice and said, a smirk suddenly appeared on his face, and his entire face immediately became bleed, forming a very distinctive appearance from the awe-inspiring appearance of righteousness just now. Contrast. "That's right! Lao Li was right! Finally someone sent it up for us to play, brothers, must cherish it!" Next to the respectful military hou, a military hou with a lewd smile on his face said righteously. "This time, I have to play enough books!"

Opposite them are three or four thousand rebels, and there are only seven or eight hundred silver fox ghost army in the castle. These old men don't even care!

How did the three or four thousand rebels know that in the eyes of the silver fox ghost army, these people are just mice for cats as toys. The castle in front of me doesn’t look tall, and the city wall is only six or seven feet high. Standing on the top of the city are a few veteran soldiers, wearing hats and slanting clothes, humming obscene words, look. He looked like he was drinking and having fun, and he didn't mean to guard the city at all.

"I said, brother down, it’s the early winter weather. What are you hiding underneath? Come on, come up and drink a glass of water and wine. Let my father and I be in-laws! Tomorrow, your mother will be me. My concubine!" "Hahahahahahaha!" A burst of lewd laughter broke from the wall. The voices of several yin and yang weird, mixed with the sound of drinking, are particularly eye-catching.

"His grandma is a bear! How dare I take advantage of Lao Tzu! Give it to me!" The rebel leader waved his right hand and gave the order! "Go!" "Climb to the top of the city, kill them all!" "Those who go to the top of the city first, reward one hundred gold, and get promoted to three ranks!" More than a thousand rebels roared and rushed towards the city wall with a wooden ladder. come. They roared loudly, golden light gleamed in their eyes, golden light!

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