New Story of Lv Bu

: : Da Sima Mansion, it's over!

A large number of people in black took advantage of the streets and lanes to cover, as if mercury pours into the ground, they quickly gathered around the Da Sima Mansion. They held weapons tightly in their hands, with bows on their backs, and pressed against the roots of the wall, looking like a group of ghosts. A large number of people in black emerged from the Dongming Gate of the North Palace, the Canglong Gate of the Nangong, and the mansion of San Gong. After a brief group formation, they avoided the twenty-four observation decks in Luoyang City and drove towards the Da Sima Mansion. After reaching the surroundings of the mansion, they immediately stopped advancing.

At this moment, the fierce battle between General Wei's Mansion and the former General's Mansion was still going on. After the rebels added more than 4,000 reinforcements, the battle finally entered a stalemate. The Han troops in the two mansions were full of more than two thousand, but they resisted the attack of seven or eight thousand rebels. It would be nice to be able to hold the mansion. The two armies started a long fight around the two mansions, and you came and went, killing them happily. Relying on the favorable terrain, the Han army continued to kill and injure the rebels, but the rebels who were reinforced by them were in great numbers, fighting desperately under the encouragement of huge rewards. Although the Han army was brave and brave, it was outnumbered. In desperation, they had no choice but to step by step and slowly retreated into the castle. Relying on the solid walls, they used catapults, bed crossbows, and god-arm bows to resist.

Most of the battles between Nangong, Beigong and Sangong Jiuqing's mansion have ended. The Sangong's mansion has already fallen, and the family members and Xiruan have long been transferred to Hou Cheng's mansion. Among the official offices of Jiuqing, only Tingwei Mansion, Shao Mansion and Dasinong Mansion are still in fierce fighting, and the other six official offices have also fallen. Among the three remaining mansions, either secret documents or huge wealth were hidden, so Hou Cheng ordered a deadly guard and sent them reinforcements from the city guards guarding the twelve city gates.

For a while, the Han army in Tingwei Mansion, Shao Mansion and Da Sinong Mansion were still able to support them, but they felt very strenuous.

In the small alleys within two or three miles around the Da Sima Mansion, there are nearly 20,000 rebels hiding. They avoid the observation deck from a distance and are in the process of making the final assembly. The crossbowmen are organized into a team of one hundred people, and they are distributing and supplementing the arrows in the bamboo baskets on their backs. Once they attack, they will immediately rush out and suppress the long-range weapons of the Han army with the arrows in their hands. Cover the rebels' charge.

Behind the crossbowmen are two or three thousand elite rebels all in armor. They wear armor from beginning to end, ranging from the standard steel armor of the Union State Army to the old-fashioned Han Army leather armor. These two or three thousand people are all powerful sturdy men of Kong Wu, and they carry armour-piercing weapons such as ring knives, hatchets, hammers, copper whips, and iron mace. They acted in the role of a death squad. Everyone got two rewards of Binzhou Gold Coins, and as long as they captured the Grand Sima Mansion, they could get three more.

In the third wave are the spearman carrying the ladder and the sword player carrying the giant shield. While the death squad forcefully attack the city gate, they must erect the ladder and the ants attach to the city. The spearman is responsible for protecting the ladder, and the sword players shielded by shields. After all this is ready to stop, the rebels in the last group will desperately climb the ladder along the ladder. Most of these people are not armored, and the weapons in their hands are relatively simple. For Taiwei Zhao, they were nothing more than cannon fodder to send death, the real ultimate move was still to come.

The rebels formed the formation and made preparations, staring at the main entrance of Da Sima Mansion intently, as if waiting for something.

"Madam, the rebels are about to launch an offensive. It looks like there are a total of 20,000 people. This offensive must be like a storm, swift and violent. Let my more than 100 masters go to the first wall. After all, they are all excellent martial arts players, accustomed to going high and high." Ma Zhong put down the clairvoyance in his hand, turned his face, looked at Yan Yan solemnly and said.

"No! The more than a hundred masters under your command are the last assault team, absolutely cannot be consumed at the beginning! I also count on them to kill the leader of the rebels." Yan Yan refused Ma Zhong indiscriminately. Request. "There are only a thousand guards behind the first city wall, all of them are county soldiers, madam, the situation is critical." Ma Zhong still refused to give up and gave a second reason.

"It's okay, more than half an hour has passed, and Zhao Yun's 20,000 light cavalry is about to arrive. Although I have never commanded a large army, I often listened to Feng to talk about it first, even if the situation is critical, I must leave enough reserves in my hand. The first wave of the rebels’ offensive must be swift and violent, and no amount of troops will be consumed.” Yan Yan still coldly refused Ma Zhong’s request.

At this moment, seven or eight horse-drawn carriages galloped along the wide street from south to north towards the main entrance of Da Sima Mansion. Two or three hundred cavalrymen followed closely behind the carriage. Arrows hung sparsely on the seven or eight carriages. It was obvious that they had just experienced a desperate battle. There were only dozens of steps between the last carriage and the chaser behind, and the rebels on the horse couldn't help but shoot their bows and arrows at the carriage in front. "Chasing!" "Don't let Yan Kuan run!" The rebels on the horse roared loudly.

"Quickly open the door! I am Dalang Yan, Kuan and Yan! If he doesn't open the door, I'll be dead!" On the first carriage, the man on the wheel roared loudly. From a distance, he was sweating profusely, his chest and back were already soaked, he waved his whip frantically and galloped his horse. Everyone took a closer look. Isn't this the uncle of the dynasty Yan Kuan Yan Dalang? At this moment, why is he so embarrassed?

Looking at Yan Kuan's appearance, Yan Yan couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth. "Pass the order, open the front door! Let Yan Kuan come in. After the carriage comes in, immediately close the front door of the Grand Sima Mansion!" "Nuo!" Although Ma Zhong was very puzzled by Yan Yan's order, he was right and wrong at once. Implemented. At this critical juncture, Yan Dalang suddenly appeared. Will there be any surprises in it? However, seeing Yan Yan's calm face as usual, he immediately realized that it was so!

In an instant, the main gate of Dasima Mansion's Wengcheng gate and the main gate opened together, swiftly and flexibly manipulating the carriage, rushing into the gate of Wengcheng like lightning, and several carriages behind him were chasing after him. Also rushed in with him. "Rush!" "Rush in!" "Flood!" The rebels lying in ambush near the Da Sima Mansion immediately rushed out from all directions.

At the forefront were the two or three thousand rebel death squads. They shouted, rushed out, and then came first. In a flash, they plunged into the Urn City with the tail of the carriage. The impatient crossbowmen rushed out from the back alleys of the small streets, came under the city wall, held their breath, opened their bows and set their arrows, and shot at the city wall. Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The arrows all over the sky were like dark clouds, and immediately enveloped the entire sky. At the same time, the spearmen and knife players also rushed under the city wall. They erected the ladder with their hands and pressed their bodies tightly on the crossbars on both sides of the ladder. "Go!" The big and small leaders gave an order, and the lightly armed rebels who came in like the tide held their swords in their mouths, and climbed up like apes.

The first wave of the rebels' offensive came so violently. Within a few breaths, the crossbowmen, the death squads, the spearmen, the sword players, and the rebels responsible for the ascent of the city launched a violent attack together from the top, the middle and the bottom. , Really caught the Han army on the head of the city by surprise! "Put up a big shield! Fight back with a bed crossbow! Catapult shooting!" The captain who led the team was a veteran after a hundred battles, and immediately issued a series of orders. Regardless of the fact that these Han troops were all county soldiers who hurriedly formed their army, but their tactical actions were unmatched, they executed their orders in an instant. The shields were erected on each side, and the bed crossbows that had been prepared a long time ago were also launched!

The rebels acted too quickly. By the time the Han army on the top of the city was ready, more than a thousand people had already boarded the top of the city. They just met the first crossbow fired by the bed crossbow, only to hear the dull bowstrings ringing, and six bed crossbows were fired together! Eighteen huge arrows shot at the rebels who had just ascended the top of the city, passing through the chest of the first man, passing through the chest of the second, third, and fourth man, and then With a mournful whistling sound and the dying shouts of the rebels, they flew over the heads of the rebels below the city, and landed hundreds of steps away. The broken limbs and broken arms piled up along the arrow shaft. A bunch.

"Rush up!" "Rush forward if you don't want to die!" The leaders of the rebel army roared loudly, waving their swords in their hands and driving waves of rebel ants attached to the city. There were too many rebels. One wave died and another wave came up. In an instant, the Han soldiers above the city were caught in a bitter battle. "His grandma is a bear! Line up! Fight against the dog day!"

The commander in charge roared and stood in the center. The Han army lined up in battle, cooperated with each other, constantly waving the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring in their hands, cutting off one big head after another, and within a few breaths, their faces, bodies, armors, The cloak was splattered with blood, and they became blood people. Robes continued to fight to death by his side, and people in the back row kept pouring up.

Whoosh whoosh! boom! call??????! The Han army's sacred arm bow, catapult, and bed crossbow are all activated together! Shooting at the rebels under the wall. Accompanied by a scream, a few huge slings fell among the rebels under the head of the city, and they immediately left a few deep holes in the rebels under the city like a wave of wheat. The place was in a mess.

"Da Sima Mansion, it's over!" On a tall building not far away, Zhao Qian slowly lowered his clairvoyance.

At this moment, his heart felt relieved, and the huge boulder on the heads of the Zhao family's descendants finally disappeared today!

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