New Story of Lv Bu

: : Everyone, follow the old man to kill the enemy!

"Ms. Zhao Yi made up her mind this time and ordered the killing of fifty-eight students. According to your opinion, these people are somewhere between killable and not killable. You think they are all the seeds of reading. Open one side and leave them a way of life. According to the old man, this is not what you really mean. You are just looking at your heart, pushing yourself and others, and you are sorrowful."

It was still that big house, still under the watchful eyes of dozens of high-footed disciples, Zheng Xuan, the Taishan Beidou of the Great Han Shilin and Mr. Kang Cheng, the master of the Confucian scholars were still talking. The war in Da Sima Mansion is getting more and more critical, but Zheng Xuan still doesn't change his face, just as if nothing has happened. For Mr. Kang Cheng, life and death are just trivial matters compared to righteousness!

"You have followed me for many years, and you have made great progress in your studies. Many people have already stepped into the threshold of Confucianism. For Han Shilin, this is a great thing! But for a true Confucian scholar In other words, it is far from enough to have advanced knowledge! Knowledge is only the basics, and there are many things that need to be penetrated, such as state affairs, people's hearts, etc.

"Why do you say that? The reason is very simple. Compared with politics, Confucianism is a very simple matter. As long as you work hard for ten or twenty years, one day, you will understand thoroughly. But politics is not the case. It needs talent, it needs to be ruthless, it needs careful calculations, it needs to be like a red eye gambler, to press up the last penny! Politics is a very dirty thing, if you want to be a qualified bureaucrat , You have to be shameless! This is precisely the most difficult thing for a Confucian student to do."

Mr. Kang Cheng's words made his high-footed disciples look at each other. They stared at each other with big eyes and looked at each other. They were all surprised. In their hearts, Mr. Kang Cheng has always been aloof, just like Confucius, behaved in a decent way. But today, Mr. Kang Cheng surprised them. At this moment, is Mr. Kang Cheng in front of them still the original Mr. Kang Cheng? It's so straightforward, so innocent, like an old fritters in officialdom that has been in the officialdom for many years.

"Teacher, is this the reason you have been reluctant to be an official?" A high-footed disciple plucked up his courage and asked aloud. "Yes!" Zheng Xuan said loudly: "The old man has devoted his life to Confucianism, and all he wants is to organize the classics so as not to mislead his children! As for the official career, it is not what the old man wants! But, the old man can do this, but you But it can’t be so. Why?”

"As an old man, even if you do not enter an official position, as long as you close your mouth tightly, whether it is Da Sima Bingzheng or Yuan Benchu ​​Bingzheng, you will not need a bowl of dry food for the old man. But you can’t, for the sake of that. Your own clan, you must choose to be an official, otherwise, the huge resources that the clan has put on you will not be wiped out?

Upon hearing this, the disciples of Mr. Kang Cheng's high feet were immediately convinced, and the teacher was telling the truth! Between the ruling and opposition parties of this dynasty, both the scholars and the powerful, always put the clan as the most important thing. The clan spends huge sums of money to train them, in order to let them enter the officialdom, so as to strengthen the power of the clan. However, becoming an official is a technical job, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

"Teacher, you are right. But what does this have to do with the killing of fifty-eight students?" a disciple asked inexplicably. "Your question is very good! It's a place!" Zheng Xuan laughed, "The most important thing is to save yourself first. Only if you save yourself, can you save your clan and keep the mountains in peace Firewood. However, the "Five Classics" also tells us that we must'sacrifice one's life for righteousness'! Monarchs, isn't this the opposite? What should we do? According to the old man's opinion, there is only one sentence: judge the time and evaluate the situation for the sake of'letting up your life for righteousness'. Goal, but for the time being to endure the most ruthless humiliation."

"Masters, please think about it carefully. At this moment, you are standing above the court of Qin, with the second emperor of Da Qin Ying Huhai on one side, and the powerful Zhao Gao Zhao Zhao, the prime minister on the other. Do you choose to say "it is a deer" and the head is different? Or choose to say "it is a horse" and save the first level? In the opinion of the old man, we must try our best to avoid unnecessary sacrifices and endure the humiliation that ordinary people can't bear. It's like Goujian, the king of Yue who has a hard time and has a courage. Ten years of life gathers ten years of lessons. This is the "giving up for righteousness"!

Mr. Kang Cheng's words, like Hong Zhong Dalu, immediately set off a storm in the minds of his disciples. Alas! It turns out that "sacrificing one's life for justice" should be understood like this! It turns out that a true Confucian should act like this, a hundred forbearance becomes gold, but for the glory of the last moment! Suddenly, all of you present here felt like a divine enlightenment, and truly realized it suddenly.

"So, what kind of humiliation can be tolerated, what kind of humiliation can't be tolerated? The old man has only one sentence, to see why you endure the humiliation? Is it for the common people, for the family and the world, or for your own glory and wealth! Mencius said : The people are the most precious, the emperor is the light, and the society is second. I say this, do you understand?" "We understand!" All the people here responded in unison.

"'Giving up one's life for righteousness', what kind of life is being given up? What kind of righteousness is being taken? This life is the life and head of the princes. This righteousness is the people, the common people, the society and the country. The world! Here, the monarch is the third place, behind the people of the common people and the world! For the common people, what counts with fifty-eight heads? Even if you kill the wrong person, you can count it. What? There are no dead ghosts in that temple? What's more, they are somewhere between killable and unkillable!"

"Since the old man arrived in Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, he has heard and witnessed that Da Sima's handling, piles and piles are all for the common people. You can compare carefully, when the first emperor was alive, when Dong Zhongying was in power. , How are the ordinary people living in Luoyang City? How are they living now? Is it better to live than to die, or to live happily? Since Da Sima has taken the righteous status, why should the Tai students oppose him? The reason is simple, it violates their interests!"

"Where righteousness is, there is no way to win! Righteousness is where the common people eat pots of pulp to welcome the king. Now, the Han Dynasty is falling, and the heroes have risen together to form the Lv League, which is launched on the long line of thousands of miles. The offensive was intended to destroy the Union State Army in one fell swoop. According to the old man, it was nothing more than a man's arm blocking the car. With the support of the tens of millions of people in the four states of Youbingliang, Sima will surely win.

"However, Gu Li has said: You can't be courteous to the common people, and you can't be punished by the doctor?" Mr. Kang Cheng's high-footed disciples have always only regarded the truth and not the teacher, so someone immediately opened their mouths and argued. "Also!" "That's great!" "That's it!" "Master, what can you advise?" Upon hearing this, someone shouted out loudly, and everyone's eyes looked towards. Zheng Xuan.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Zheng Xuan laughed loudly: "You can't be courteous to a common man, and you can't be punished by a doctor. This sentence comes from the "Book of Rites? Qu Lishang": "You can't be punished by a doctor, and you can't be courteous to a common man. "Confucius's Family Language? Five Punishments": "The so-called rituals are not inferior to the common people, because the common people are unconventional and can not be gifted, so they are not blamed for rituals. In the opinion of the old man, the common people do not sacrifice in the temple, and the ancestral temple The etiquette of the common people is not as good; the common people walk alone, and the etiquette of the car ride is not as good; the common people see that the gentleman is not tolerant, and the court's courtesy are not as good. Those who do not are less than the same. The common people are poor and have no things. For the sake of rituals, it is also a matter of dividing the land. If you do not accept the drink, the nobles do not discuss rituals with the common people. In short, the common people live in remote rural areas and do not know the manners. Therefore, the nobles cannot force the common people to be considerate. "

"For those who cannot be penalized by a doctor, there are five penalties and three thousand rules, and there is no need for a doctor to commit a crime. Therefore, the doctor must be virtuous. If the punishment is reversed, it is a crime committed by the doctor. If you are not in the branch of Xia Sanqian and Tuesi Qianwubai, you do not make a wise man break the law. It does not mean that he is not punishable. If he is guilty, he will be judged on the basis of eight opinions. After the eight meetings, the punishment will be determined. "

"Doctors have no criminal department, and Zhou Li has committed crimes to kill and release people. Zheng fears that the person will be suspicious. Although he does not make a torture book, he does not break the law with a sage, and his crimes are based on the severity of the crime and not in the penalty book. If you break the law, it will be discussed in the eight. There are eight discussions, and the matter will be in the Zhou ceremony.

"Eight people who discuss: one is to talk about relatives, which means that the royal clan is guilty; the second is to talk about the past, which means that the old and the king is also old; the third is to talk about virtuous people, which is also to be virtuous; and the fourth is to talk about energy. The fifth is to discuss meritorious deeds, that is, those who do meritorious service; the sixth is to discuss the noble ones, which means that the nobles commit crimes, that is, the doctor is above the doctor; the seventh is to discuss diligence, that is to be haggard. Worrying about the country; on the eighth day of meeting the guests, it is said that those who are not the subject, after the second generation of Sanke (after Huangdi, after Emperor Yao, after Emperor Shun, it is called Sanyun; after Xiahoushi, after Yin, it is said The second generation). Before the doctor’s crime is convicted, all are discussed in eight. If the crime is convicted, he will be killed, and the Dian Shishi assassinated in the countryside. If the doctor commits a crime, he does not need to send a judicial officer to him if he is within the scope of the five sentences. Put them in custody, and make them petition; if it is a serious crime, there is no need to send judicial officials to impose the death penalty on them, and make them kneel and worship themselves."

"Therefore, if you are not to be sentenced to a doctor, you should not break the law with a sage, and the violation of the law is in the eight controversy, not in the penal book. The ancient law, the corporal punishment is mostly, the doctor's status is precious, and it is inappropriate to be sentenced with the common people. After the eight controversy , And then set the penalty, do not use physical punishment, and persuade him to self-determination, and secondly, "kill in the court" (killed in the court). The nobles of the same surname are guilty, and they are executed by the Dian division and secretly assassinated in the countryside. This is the punishment for not being a doctor. Your true meaning! All monarchs, do you understand?" Zheng Xuan said loudly as he shot the case.

"Understood!" dozens of high-footed disciples replied loudly. At this moment, the melodious bell rang. All of you have been in Luoyang City for more than a year, and naturally understand the deep meaning of the bell. "Take the old man's sword! At this moment, it is the time to ‘give up one’s life for righteousness’! Monarchs, follow the old man to kill the enemy!" Zheng Xuan slowly stood up. "Nuo!" All the students responded loudly.

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