New Story of Lv Bu

: : After you sing, I will appear on the stage

Under a huge Huangluo umbrella cover, Tang Ji was dressed in a palace costume, graceful and graceful, standing under the umbrella cover. In her arms, holding two children on the left and right, it was the elder son Liu Xi and the princess Liu Ming. The elder son Liu Xi was still asleep, but the thunderous shouts did not disturb him. He twisted his body from time to time, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep.

For him, the greatest pleasure of this life seems to be sound sleep, I hope that he will not wake up when he is drunk, and neither the thunderstorms nor everything in the world can interfere with his sound sleep. Contrary to the elder son Liu Xi, princess Liu Ming looked at everything in front of her curiously with two **** eyes. She stretched out her white finger, pointing it from time to time, and yelling in her mouth.

Liu E was fully armored, with a sword in his left hand and a rattan card in his right, his eyes piercingly scanning the entire battlefield. The situation in front of her and Tang Ji are clear in their hearts. As long as the empress dowager Tang Ji and the elder son Liu Xi come forward, the matter will be done. As for things like pro-boss, it is definitely not the turn of the three of them to play. The most important thing is to protect the safety of the mother and child.

Around Tang Ji and Liu E, there were a whole group of people full of men. These soldiers were all selected from the troops under the command of Jin Wu and Wei Wei. Their sole mission was to protect mother and child. The safety of the three. Da Sima Lubu had already issued a strict order. If the queen mother and the eldest son made a mistake, these people, without exception, would behead the East City and show the public.

The two hundred Yulin Army opened their big shields and tightly protected the three of Tang Ji, mother and son. They all bowed out their sheaths, and looked at the audience vigilantly. Once there is a wind and grass, they will come forward. , Protect the queen mother and the son. Fortunately, more than two hundred people are located at the southwest corner of the third city wall, which is the safest place, and the arrows of the rebels above the city can't be shot at all.

Tang Ji stood on a high place, and under the protection of dozens of huge shields, her upper body was exposed, and her beautiful face looked extremely solemn. Seeing the **** war scene in front of her, the corners of her eyes were already wet, and her expression changed from initial surprise and consternation to anger and solemnity. In any case, this tragic war is not what she wants to see and hear.

Tang Ji finally spoke, and Qingli's voice was full of anger. "Dahan loyal and brave soldiers! I am the empress dowager Tang Ji, and I hold in my arms Liu Xi, the eldest son of the prison country, and the princess Liu Ming, the blood and bones of the emperor Xiaohuai, now are here! I Tang Ji is a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, but at this juncture of right and wrong, my son and I must show our attitude. The big man has never bowed his knees and surrendered in the world for four hundred years. There is only one who died on the battlefield. The emperor who forgot to die! My son and I came here to see you kill all these rebels with our own eyes! The Han is mighty! The Han army is mighty!"

Empress Dowager Tang Ji, elder son Liu Xi, and princess Liu Ming came to the battlefield in person, which has already made the Han army enthusiastic. During the four hundred years of the Han family, the world spent most of the time neglecting and resting with the people, and the people of this dynasty were greatly favored. Coupled with the widespread spread of Confucianism, it has become a prominent school that everyone admires and commends. The orthodox thought has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Tang Ji's words immediately aroused the hearts of the Han army to share the same enemy!

"The queen mother is mighty!" "The son is mighty!" "The Han army is mighty!" In an instant, there was a deafening roar above the city. "Mrs. Zhao Yi mighty!" "Da Sima mighty!" followed by the earth-shattering roar. The remaining hundreds of Han troops, everyone bravely took the lead, and the tide generally rushed to the rebels desperately. Unprepared, the rebels were caught off guard. The Han army rushed into the rebel army with a tenth, slashing and killing, and the front was actually maintained.

The ancients said: The leaking of the house happened to rain in the night, and the boat was caught in the wind. Fortune Wushuang does not come singly. At this moment, I could only hear a sigh of relief: "Warriors of the East Qiang! Don't be compared by the Xiqiang people! Killing the enemy and doing meritorious services is now!" On the northwest corner of the third city wall, Kang Moli took the lead. Killing a hummer, these people countercharged and immediately occupied the northwest corner.

Everyone gazed at it, and saw that this humongous horse was strangely shaped, and 70% to 80% of the 10% were strange and strange aliens. The heavy infantry with high nose and deep eyes, the dark and naked Numibian slinger, plus the tall and tall Gaul warriors holding a giant axe, look like gods and ghosts descending from the sky. It was shocking.

Although Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, is a well-known city, there are many Hu businessmen from the Western Regions. However, there is no one before and after that when so many Hu people are gathered together to form an army on the front line. The rebels are mainly composed of former green forest people and child servants who are attached to the countryside. When have you seen so many friendly people? Suddenly he was shocked. Obediently, these people are all weird and weird. They hacked and killed them as soon as they came up. Could it be the ghosts that ran out of hell?

The northwest corner of the third city wall was captured by a group of "ghosts". The hundreds of rebels on the west wall immediately became turtles in the urn, and the military's mind was immediately disrupted. Kang Moli sits in the northwest corner. She is also a veteran who has experienced many battles, and she beams with joy when she sees it. "Don't take care of the North City Wall, turn troops to the south, and get rid of the craps of the West City Wall!" The scimitar in her hand pointed diagonally and shouted loudly. "No!" More than two hundred foreign coalition forces promised, taking advantage of the sharp drop in the morale of the rebels, they transferred their troops to the south and rushed towards the rebels.

Zhao Qian stood on a high place with his sword, his eagle-like gaze scanned the entire battle. The sudden appearance of Tang Ji, mother and son, greatly boosted the morale of the Han army, and the surprise attack by the foreign coalition forces achieved unexpected results. All of this, Zhao Qian couldn't help but sigh. "Hey! Heaven is not fair, and all things are regarded as dogs! Is my Zhao Qian really going to fall short?"

After only a few moments, Zhao Qian calmed down. He drew out the sword in his hand and pointed to the southwest corner and shouted loudly: "One of the empress dowager Tang Ji, the eldest son Liu Xi, and the wife of Zhao Yi, Yan Yan, was captured. Thousands of households, a reward of 10,000! A thousand hectares of fertile fields! Those who hold the first-level donation, seal the county prince, bounty three thousand, and hundreds of fertile fields! All monarchs are dead or alive, thousands of hectares of fertile fields, beautiful women like clouds, no enjoyment The glory and wealth are exhausted, but the nine races are destroyed by the human race. The owl first shows to the public that it is yours to be a lonely and wild ghost who does not take any land." "Follow me! Capture the empress dowager Tang Ji, the eldest son Liu Xi, Zhao Yi Madam Yan Yan, share the glory and wealth!"

When Zhao Qian's voice fell, dozens of former Green Foresters promised and rushed forward with his subordinates! For the green forest people, there are only two paths in this life. One is to be annihilated by the government and the Han army, behead the East City, and show the public. The second is being recruited by the imperial court. Like Zhang Yan, the leader of the Black Mountain thief, and Han Sui, who is ravaging Xiliang, rank among the Jiuqing Xiucheng. Now, Taiwei Zhao has offered the reward of Wan Huhou, which is much higher than Zhang Yan and Han Sui. How about going forward and fighting for it!

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave husband. The Tianzier rewards hanging out by Zhao Qian immediately took effect. The morale of the rebels was immediately boosted, and they immediately fought with the Han army. The two armies fought desperately, shouting to kill the world, you come and I go, every moment dozens of people are killed, every time the knife is cut, blood is splashed, and the stumped limbs fall in response. At this moment, whether it is the Han army or the rebel army, both the enemy and the enemy are going crazy. No one is thinking about how to survive. What they are thinking about is how to cut a few more before being cut down by the other side. Above the city wall, everyone was sweating, brandishing the weapons in their hands and fighting desperately.

"Everyone! Follow the old man to the city to fight for the well-being of the people! The people are noble and the emperor is lighter, and Sheji is second. To die for the people and the people, death is worthy, heavier than Mount Tai!" At this moment, one The old voice rang, the Great Han Shilin Grandmaster, the academic leader, Gaomi Hou Zhengxuan took the lead, and rushed over with more than a hundred high-footed disciples. Each of these people walked all the way with wide robes, big sleeves, high crowns and belts, looking quite like people in the fairy tales. Now we are all alive, and the gods and ghosts are going to help the battle together.

"His grandmother is a bear! Our Lao Hou's subordinates have fallen behind others? Order them to enter the Da Sima Mansion immediately!" In the mansion of the former general Hou Cheng, on the towering observation tower, Mr. Ziyu put down With clairvoyance inlaid with gold and jade in his hand, he said with a long sigh. "It's okay, as long as you win the battle!" Beside him, Chong Sikong raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his head and face. Chong Sikong was very old and watched the fierce battle for several hours on this observation deck, and he was thrilled and sweaty.

At this time, the situation of the battle is completely clear. The rebels on the periphery are already out of order. The remaining rebels are fleeing towards the Da Sima Mansion. The Han army and tens of thousands of Qingzhuang are chasing after the former general Hou Cheng and General Gao Shun. His subordinates have rushed to the gate of Da Sima Mansion. "Zhong Sikong, this battle scared us out of a cold sweat!" Hou Cheng wiped his face with his sleeves, and said with lingering fear.

Standing on a high place, Yan Yan coldly watched the scenes of tragicomedy in front of him. Da Sima Mansion was a stage, and people of all kinds came on stage to perform, which constituted a multitude of fish, dragons and graces. Everyone has different positions, so their opinions and beliefs are naturally different. However, after all, they have used their actions to show their attitude, which is to support Dai Sima Lubu.

"Hey! People who are the masters should keep the same and give up the small differences, in order to contain the heart of the universe, be inclusive, push the heart into the belly of the people, and recruit the heroes of the world! Only in this way can we be like a hundred rivers and return to the sea, and accomplish the hard-won work! Poor and lowly, killing the heroes, it is a last resort! Emperor Guangwu rejuvenates the Han Dynasty, treats heroes kindly, and does not commit rebellious crimes without punishing them. How will my generation be?"

Yan Yan let out a long sigh, it seemed that there were thousands of thoughts, all between this thought! I just don't know what her mood is at this moment.

At this moment, only a thunderbolt was heard, and the door suddenly opened, and Zhao Yun rushed to the forefront!

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