New Story of Lv Bu

: : Two brothers from one generation

October 11, Chen Shi, Yanzhou, Chenliu County, Jujube, west of Cao Jun Daying.

"Call!" Cao Cao slowly stopped the mount, shook his sore arms, and twisted his hips. Since yesterday afternoon, he has been running almost non-stop for a day and night, his legs are as heavy as lead. With a slight movement, the pain between the hips was terrible, and the skin between the legs must have been worn. Cao Cao held back the pain between his legs and took a deep breath.

The trousers worn by the officials and people of this dynasty are all without crotch. They only have two trouser legs that go to the knees and are tied around the waist with a belt. In the military, such trousers are inevitably inconvenient, so they wear a pair of crotch-nose trousers inside the straight sock, which is called a "garment". The "clothes" written by Sergeant Cao is just a layer of linen, which is naturally not comparable to the leather made by the state army or several layers of thick "clothes". In this way, in addition to a pair of stirrups, several layers of thick "houses" have also become one of the secret weapons of the Bingzhou Army.

Cao Cao looked back at the soldiers behind him. There were only 20,000 of the 40,000 cavalry in the expedition, and the remaining 20,000 were either beheaded by the Union State Army or fled. Had it not been for the news that Zhao Qian had been defeated and killed himself, he would immediately order the withdrawal of the army, and the two thousand people would have been dumped by the Bingzhou army. The twenty thousand soldiers, all of them downcast and slumped, like a rooster that has been defeated in a fight. Looking from a distance, the helmets were crooked, the morale was low, and the generals were all ashamed and unhappy.

After sending off Xiahoudun, Cao Cao immediately set up a 40,000 step ride and went straight to Xingyang from Xiuwu. His purpose is very simple, first seize Xingyang, if Zhao Qian succeeds in assaulting Dahan's capital city of Luoyang, he will gallop towards Luoyang city in a starry night. If Zhao Qian is defeated, he will either turn to the southeast to copy Lu Bu's old nest and take control of the city, or immediately withdraw his troops. It depends on what happens.

Cao Cao led the troops and rushed forward. As soon as he arrived in Ao Cang north of Xingyang, he received the news of Zhao Qian's defeat. He was taken aback at once. Zhao Qian gathered 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers, and the Han army in Luoyang city was only 10,000. He was defeated after only a few hours, which is really strange! Could it be that the great Sima Lubu has already deployed a support army? Waiting for Zhao Qian to rebel?

After a while, Cao Cao finally made up his mind and sent an order to withdraw his troops. The brigade had just walked out more than ten miles, and Xu Huang's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Zhang Liao's trapped camp caught up. These two men and horses are well-known elites in the Bingzhou Army. The sergeants and soldiers are all veterans who have survived hundreds of battles. They have fought for several years under the command of Sima Lubu. Fight the yum lion.

Xu Huang and Zhang Liao are both young generals in the Bingzhou Army. They are full of vigor. The two have long been ambushing near Xingyang, preparing to make Cao Cao's dumplings. I didn't expect Cao Cao to withdraw! Without saying anything, they lighted up their military horse and immediately caught up. As soon as the two armies took over, the morale of Cao's army was low, and the morale of the state's army was in full swing, as if Xinxie's first appearance, Cao Jun was immediately beaten!

Xu Huang took the lead and led the Tiger and Leopard to charge the tree pond. Zhang Liao personally led the camp to form a large formation, rushing to and fro in the Cao army. Cao Jun's brigade was dozens of miles east of Junzhihuai County in Hanoi County. Cao Cao has a habit of using troops, that is, taking the lead and cutting off the back when he retreats. At this moment, Cao Cao was leading four thousand cavalry, and six thousand foot soldiers broke.

This wave of attacks by Xu Huang and Zhang Liao, like a thunderbolt of lightning, hit the center of the troops behind Cao Jun's palace. Within dozens of breaths, Cao Jun's 6,000 infantrymen collapsed. They were all newly recruited county soldiers. Where have you seen such a tiger-wolf army? After the Tigers and Leopards pierced the Cao Jun's army, another countercharge came and broke them up easily.

Fortunately, the four thousand cavalry soldiers around Cao Cao are well-trained and have excellent military discipline. Although they have been killed by tigers and leopards many times, they are always able to gather again and fight fiercely with tigers and leopards. However, after Zhang Liao's trapped camp came up, the four thousand cavalry soldiers couldn't stand it immediately. Before the Xueliang Modao that entered like a wall, Cao Jun cavalry was beheaded more than two thousand people, and the remaining cavalry immediately collapsed.

Looking at the approaching camp, and then at the tiger and leopard riders galloping around, Cao Cao sighed and closed his eyes. Alas! Unexpectedly, Cao Mengde was buried here today! At this moment, the enemy was under siege, and with the hundreds of cavalry on his left and right, he could not rush out anyway, he was already ready to slay his neck. "Lord, let's keep you rushing out!" The guards on the left and right saw this posture and hurriedly surrounded Cao Cao, overcoming obstacles, and heading east. "Don't leave Cao Cao!" Xu dazzled his sharp eyes and saw Cao Cao's general flag at a glance. He roared, picked up the large mountain axe in his hand, and led the tribe to chase him.

In this way, they fled one by one, chasing them westward for a few miles. There were only more than ten horses left beside Cao Cao, and the Bingzhou army from all directions were chasing him closely. Xu Huang was the fastest to catch up, and he almost caught up a few times. Seeing the pursuit of soldiers getting closer, the horse under his crotch was getting slower and slower, and Cao Cao couldn't help but feel sad. "This time, my Cao Mengde is really a dead end!"

At this moment, the war horse under Cao Cao's crotch screamed and fell heavily to the ground. Caught off guard, Cao Cao lost his color in shock, and quickly got up and rolled forward, and then ran to the grove dozens of steps away. Xu Huang was overjoyed and hurriedly chased after him. At this moment, I only heard a roar: "General Wu Nahan, don't hurt my lord!"

The voice fell, only a few bowstrings rang, and dozens of arrows rushed toward the face! Xu Huang was taken aback, and quickly abandoned Cao Cao. He danced with a golden axe like a snow flake and protected him with horses and horses. Suddenly, there was a loud ping-pattering sound, and dozens of arrows were knocked off by Xu Huang's golden-backed mountain axe. Xu Huang looked up and saw that Cao Jun's former army had already rushed back, and the 20,000 Cao Jun opened up the battle and smashed into a group with the Bingzhou Army. The leading general is Xia Houyuan, the general under Cao Cao's account!

At this moment, Zhang Liao led the trapped camp and arrived. The two armies set up their positions, knife-to-knife, gun to gun, and immediately fought fiercely. This fight lasted for more than an hour. Cao Jun suffered a big loss and was beheaded thousands of people. In addition, more than 10,000 people were scattered and did not know where to flee. Seeing that it was getting late, Cao Jun first withdrew from the battlefield. After Cao Cao broke himself, he used a strong bow and a hard crossbow. Seeing that their own side has won a big victory, Cao Jun guarded tightly again, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang stopped chasing, and led the army to retreat.

In this battle, the Bingzhou Army chased from Xingyang to Xiuwu and won a great victory. Seeing that Zhang Liao and Xu Huang led the army to retreat, Cao Cao reorganized the horse and found that it had been folded in half. He shouted at the time and almost fell down immediately. The generals hurriedly stepped forward to explain. "My lord, victory or defeat is a common matter for the military. If you lose this time, you will come back next time. Don't be hurt by it!" "These 40,000 elites in our army are all in Yanzhou. As long as they don't die, they will go away. Those who have gone will return to the wild jujube camp one after another."

Cao Cao sighed and said: "Masters! Don't I know that victory or defeat is commonplace in the military? I think that when I fought the Yellow Turban with the masters, did we ever have such a terrible defeat? Why do we lose so badly every time I encounter the Bingzhou Army Lost? Is the Bingzhou Army the nemesis of my Cao Jun in this life? This time the princes are allied to fight for Lu. If they can't attack Luoyang and punish Lu Bu, let's wait to lose our heads!"

After the generals explained their persuasion for a long time, Cao Cao stopped his tears and led the remnant army to the wild jujube camp. Traveling east all the way, after walking for dozens of miles, just arrived near Jixian, only to meet Xiahou Dun and more than a hundred remnants. Seeing Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun turned over and got off his horse and knelt on the ground, crying loudly. "Lord! Xiahoudun is incompetent and missed the lord's major event!" Cao Cao quickly got off his horse and lifted Xiahoudun with both hands. "This battle is not a crime of war! Who could have imagined that Lu Bu's servant would ambush 20,000 fine knights in Shixiang? Yuan Rang, in this battle, you killed Zhang Yang and you have already made a great contribution! Danger, I only blame Zhao Qian for being too incompetent!"

The generals came one after another to comfort Xiahou Dun, and after a short rest, they set off and rushed to the wild jujube camp.

Seeing that the distance was only more than ten miles away from the jujube, a sturdy man suddenly shot out from the east, with strict military capacity and flying flags. Thousands of fine riders, hooves of horseshoes, rushed towards Cao Jun. The expressions of the generals of Cao Jun immediately changed. Could it be that Lu Fengxian sent troops to attack the wild jujube? Looking at the 20,000 horses on their side, they have already lost all their energy. Where is the power to fight? Can not help but panic.

"Lord, the opposite is the banner of Yuan character! It should be the man and horse of General Yuan Benchu!" Although Xiahou Dun had only one eye left, he saw the banner of Yuan character at a glance. Everyone glanced at it, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't come here unharmed Meng De? Yuan Shao heard that you were defeated, and hurriedly led the army. Lu Fengxian has always been good at using amazing soldiers, I'm afraid he took advantage of the situation to take your old nest. I did not expect it to be really expected, Duan Yanna I led the army to come and was repelled by me!" Yuan Shao laughed loudly in the opposing army.

"At first, if you didn't come in time, I would be homeless!" Cao Cao hurried forward to meet Yuan Shao. "Meng De, the coalition's challenge to Lu this time is our last chance to defeat Lu Bu! If Lu Bu is still in the old capital, I will wash my neck after the princes, and wait for Lu Feng to come and kill first! This time, I will take him. I bought some food, grass, and weapons and handed them over to you."

Yuan Shao said loudly with a sincere smile on his face. At this moment, he really cared for Cao Cao as a elder brother. Compared with the last time the Kwantung Allied Forces fought for Dong from the west, Yuan Shao was much more mature and generous. "So, thank you for the original!" Cao Cao was finally moved by Yuan Shao. "Two brothers in the same world, what else do you divide between you and me? Don't divide it anymore!"

Yuan Shaolang laughed loudly, his laughter was full of heroism. At this moment, he was like an upright hero.

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