New Story of Lv Bu

: : The Battle of Zhongmu (1)

On October 17th, Chen Shi, Henan Yin, Yuzhou, Zhongmu County.

Zhongmu has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. Throughout the ages, there have been several wars in Zhongmu. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, the Lu Xuan first year convened princes Yu Dilin to defeat Zheng. Dilin was located in the south of Zhongmou County. In the 16th year of King Wei Hui, Qin Gongsun Zhuang attacked Zheng to encircle Jiaocheng, which was also in the southern part of Zhongmu County. As soon as he entered the Warring States Period, the Qin State seven attacked the Wei State, and the five entered the Ningzhong, which was the ancient name of Zhongmou County. During the Qin Dynasty, the second reign for three years, Gaodi Liu Bang defeated the Qin general Yang Xiong Yu Qu Yuju, Qu Yuju, located in the east of now Zhongmu County.

After the capture of Zhongmou County, you can go through Guancheng County, or go north to attack Xingyang, get Ao Cang to save military rations, or turn to the northwest to get directly into Gao. After the fall of Xingyang and Cheng Gao, only Yanshi was left to the east of Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty. If the importance of Xingyang is due to Ao Cang, then the importance of Zhongmu lies in its geographical location.

Since the Kwantung Allied Forces raised 500,000 troops and went west to seek Lu, Zhongmu has become a target that the Allied Forces must attack. To the east of Luoyang City, the Jixian, Huojia, and Xiuwu areas of Hanoi County in the northwest are Cao Mengde’s away games. The Yuan Wu, Yangwu, Zhongmu, and Kaifeng lines in Henan Yin were the targets of Yuan Benchu's attack. As for the Yangzhou Army Corps on Yuan Highway, it aims to conquer the entire territory of Yingchuan County, Yuzhou, and then march forward all the way to the west with the mission of conquering Nanyang County. If the rich and honored do not return to their hometown, they will walk in the night like a beautiful dress. The words of the Overlord of Chu are still in my ears. The always narrow-minded, general Yuan Gonglu, who must report to him, has long vowed to return home.

Since mid-October, from Ji County in Hanoi County, via Zhongmou in Yin Henan, to Yingyin Front in Yingchuan County, Yuzhou, the Kwantung Allied Forces have invested hundreds of thousands of troops and fought against the Lu Bu Army. On the front line thousands of miles away, the Kwantung Allied Army's heavy-armed group of hedgehogs gathered together, and they attacked continuously every day. The cities on this line are already riddled with holes and are crumbling.

Standing at the east gate of Zhongmou County, Duan Yanzhuo sighed as he looked at Yuan Jun who was about to attack again. As of today, he has led his army to defend Zhongmou City for seven days and seven nights, and his commanders are 20,000 Qingzhou soldiers and 20,000 temporarily recruited county soldiers. In the Lu Bu army, the county soldiers are the third-rate units, and the Qingzhou soldiers are the second-rate units that specialize in farming, and their combat effectiveness is not outstanding.

However, the Qingzhou soldiers have one advantage, that is, they have extremely heavy local concepts. If they are driven to a desperate situation, they will burst out extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Ever since, Duan Yan used the county soldiers to defend the city and let the Qingzhou soldiers line up the city. In this way, under the heavy pressure of Yuan Jun, the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou soldiers was greatly enhanced, and the fear of the county soldiers was also resolved because of the city wall. In this way, the inside and outside of the city echoed each other, and Duan Yan struggled to support it in Zhongmu County for seven days and seven nights.

In these seven days and seven nights, Lu Bu's army repelled dozens of coalition attacks, killing nearly 50,000 Yuan Jun, and only 40,000 Han troops were left with less than 20,000. Under Zhongmou City, there were corpses hanging down everywhere. Looking around, the whole land was stained scarlet with blood. Teams of corpse collection teams with white flags were looking for survivors in a pool of blood, and by the way, they pulled their own corpses back, either bury them on the spot, or transport them back to their hometown. After they have been busy for a while, a new attack will begin.

Duan Yan, whose name is Gongming, is the younger brother of Duan Jiming, one of the Liangzhou Sanmings. He was originally a general of Dong Taishi in the Xiliang Army. After Lu An attacked Chang'an City in the night, he returned to Da Sima Lubu and was appointed as a general. . After the Kwantung Allied Forces raised troops to challenge Dong, he has been stationed in Zhongmou City. Duan Yan brought 40,000 soldiers and overhauled the fortifications, and has turned Zhongmou City into a copper wall and iron wall.

Duan Yan raised his head and glanced at the sky. There is no cloud in the sky, and the autumn is high and refreshing. It is the good weather for fighting! The deer antlers outside Zhongmou City had long been cleared by Yuan Jun, and even the moat dug outside the city had been filled. Ten thousand Qingzhou soldiers who were originally outside the city have also withdrawn into the city. Today, Zhongmou County is surrounded by Yuan Jun’s iron wall, just like a lone boat in the ocean.

"General! Yuan Jun's offensive is about to begin!" yelled, pointing his left and right hands to the east. Duan Yan set up a pergola and looked eastward, and saw the banners and drums blasting in Yuan Jun's camp, and a group of fresh troops slowly left Yuan Jun's camp and lined up in the open space. At the beginning are the spearmen and sword players, about ten thousand, followed by three or four thousand crossbowmen. In the center of the ten thousand pawns, there is a banner with the word Chunyu written on it. It is obvious that the city is attacked. The main general is Yuan Shao's veteran Chunyuqiong. On the left and right flanks of the infantry, there were seven or eight thousand cavalrymen, respectively, carrying the banner of Yanzi and the banner of writing.

"Hey! In the past seven days and seven nights, Chunyuqiong has commanded infantry to attack the city. Yan Liangwen's ugly cavalry has never been in battle. Today, they suddenly led the cavalry into battle. Could it be that they have the confidence to break the city?" Duan Yan I couldn't help but feel a little surprised. "General, we have been holding Zhongmu City for seven days and seven nights, haven't the reinforcements sent by Da Sima yet?" asked left and right.

"I guess the reinforcements have arrived long ago. Da Sima is resourceful and has always used soldiers to be unpredictable. How can his old man's mind be understood by the generals? We can still support our army for three or five days. Think about those things. The ones that should come will always come. When the two armies are anxious, or when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, Da Sima’s iron cavalry will definitely appear under Zhongmou City! Don’t worry, it’s one of the iron laws of the state army. Yes: Never abandon a robe!" Duan Yan said lightly with a wave of his hand.

Woo?????? In Yuan Jun's camp, the sobbing horn sounded, followed by the fierce drums of war. Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! Accompanied by the sound of horns and drums, Yuan Jun’s pawns slowly approached the Zhongmou city wall with untidy steps. The cavalry on both wings spread to the left and right at the same time. Seeing that posture, they are ready to charge at any time to encircle and flee the enemy. .

"Hey! This time the siege is still the same as the previous few days, they are all old and weak women and children?" The soldiers around Duan Yan shouted loudly. "This was the case a few days ago. Yuan Jun used the old and weak women and children to transport grain. After the grain arrived, he drove the old and weak women and children to siege. Collect the corpse!"

"This is the method Yuan Benchu ​​learned from the Yellow Turban thief. It is called the burning of jade and stone! The use of old and weak women and children to attack the city has two purposes: first, it is used to shake the morale of our army. Naturally, there is a sense of guilt. As long as there is a flash of kind thoughts in his heart, Zhongmucheng will be finished! The second is to save army rations. Although Yuan Jun is not far away when he cannibalize human flesh, he will die every day. Seven or eight thousand old and weak women and children can save a large amount of food. Monarchs: When the enemy is attacking the city for a while, you must not be merciful! A few months ago, the Handan city of Zhao State was breached like this!" Duan Yan Said with a calm face.

"General, that's natural! As long as you hold a weapon to attack the city, you are the enemy! The dead daoist is not the poor. If you want to keep your own life, you can't be merciful!" Said. During the seven days of defending the city, Yuan Jun has always been this routine. Once the Han army's front line reveals a flaw, the elite Yuan Jun who supervises the battle behind will take the opportunity to rush forward!

Just as he was talking, the more than 10,000 old, weak, women and children were only seven or eight hundred steps away from the city wall. "Crossbowman, get ready! Catapult, crossbow, ready to launch!" Duan Yan waved his right hand and gave an order coldly. This time, the Kwantung heroes begging for Lu is the last madness. In order to win, Yuan Benchu ​​has torn off his mask, hesitating to pile up the lives of old and weak women and children.

"Drumming!" Seeing that these thousands of old and weak women and children are only four to five hundred steps away from the city wall, Yuan Jun's veteran general Chunyu Qiong gave orders coldly. He is a veteran of all kinds of battles. There is success. It has been seven days and nights since the attack on Zhongmu County. The Bingzhou Army in the city has suffered heavy losses. Today, the old and weak women and children will be used to pave the way, and then the elite will be used to grab the city. There is no need to worry that Zhongmu County will not be able to take it down!

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! The agitated drum sound rang again, like a sledgehammer, hitting the hearts of the old and weak women and children. Long before the battle, they were told that if they did not rise up and charge forward after hearing the drums, Yuan Jun, who supervised the battle, would shoot them one by one! "Charge!" Accompanied by a few weak shouts, the old and weak women and children pulled up their steps, lifted the ladder, and carried hoe, club, and even sickle in their hands, and launched a decisive charge towards Zhongmou County.

Thousands of people roared together like a tide in the sea, rushing over, they crossed the land softened by blood, rushed through the crisscross gullies, and came under the city wall. A stack of ladders leaned against the city wall, and people like tides rushed to the top of the city along the ladder. There was only a sound of bowstrings, and the hundreds of young children who ran at the back were nailed to the ground by Yuan Jun's arrows. Their bodies rushing forward suddenly stopped moving, then opened their mouths and spouted a large mouthful of blood, and fell heavily.

"Let's start." Duan Yan said in a low voice. He walked a few steps back and boarded the tower. He had watched this tragic situation for seven days with his eyes open, and he really didn't want to watch it again! Behind him, there was a burst of shouting. "Bowman! Shoot arrows!" "Lanceman, push the ladder away from the city wall!" "Catapult, crossbow, launch into crowded places!"

Ugh! The eighth day of holding Zhongmu City has begun. Today, I wonder if I can hold Zhongmu City? Duan Yan secretly said in his heart.

On this extremely ordinary day, the Zhongmu War officially began, and it greatly affected the outcome of this war.

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