New Story of Lv Bu

: : Will Da Sima come?

Duan Yan's laughter stopped, only to hear a trumpet in Yuan Jun's camp, shaking the earth. Dozens of riding Hong Ling rushed out in a hurry, and generally ran in all directions without rabbits. At the same time, Yuan Jun’s camp was tens of miles around, with flags flying and drums banging. After a while, hundreds of thousands of troops came out of the camp one after another, forming a neat battle formation, like the tide of the sea, slowly approaching the town of Zhongmou County.

The vanguard is still veteran Chun Yuqiong. His headquarters has 30,000 elites, and he has been strengthened by more than 20,000 yellow turbans. It’s a pity that he has few cavalrymen and many infantrymen, roughly the ratio of eight infantry and two infantry. The only five or six thousand cavalrymen have only two armors and a copper helmet, plus a ring sword, plus arrows. Nang Gongya, this is all the equipment.

Most of these five or six thousand cavalrymen were led by Chun Yuqiong. He was a battle-tested veteran who fought against the Bingzhou Army several times and knew how powerful the Bingzhou cavalry was. Such measures were taken in case the whole army collapsed, so that he could lead these five or six thousand cavalry soldiers to escape from the heavens. Although the Kwantung Allied Forces is known as 500,000, it is just an imaginary number and used to deceive people. The true strength will never exceed 300,000. Among the 300,000 coalition forces, the cavalry is even rarer, absolutely no more than 80,000.

With these five or six thousand cavalry in hand, even if it is a big defeat, it is still possible to separate the counties, and this is his back.

Around Chunyuqiong's step formation, Yan Liang and Wen Chou each led 10,000 cavalry to cover the two wings. At critical moments, they could also rush forward to chase the remnant enemy. The 20,000 cavalrymen are Yuan Shao's treasures. In addition to the two armors, the bronze helmet bow arrow and the ring head sword, the horse under the hip is much stronger than Chun Yuqiong's. Obviously, Yuan Shao has worked **** the 20,000 cavalry.

Behind Chunyuqiong's stride is Yuan Shao's army. Yuan Shao's left and right are two thousand fine riders. This is his personal army. The horses under the hips are all Wuhuan horses who are good at driving thousands of miles. These two thousand fine riders are all heroes from the land of Yanzhao, skilled in bow horses, and high in martial arts. Yuan Shao has always been regarded as the Great Wall in the army. After almost beheaded by Bai Ma Yicong, Yuan Benchu ​​learned from the pain and spent a lot of money to establish this cavalry. The heir to the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third master, can't be killed inexplicably.

Behind Yuan Shao was his nephew’s 10,000 cavalry, and then his uncle Yuan Huan’s 20,000 troopers. Behind them were Zhu Ling, Zhang Nan, Zhou Ang, Han Pingzi, Lu Weihuang, Lu Kuang, Gao Xiang, and the soldiers and horses that led the generals. Most of them were infantry, and there were very few cavalry. The "first ascend to the dead" and their commander-in-chief Ju Yi, who has always been brave to win the three armies, are recuperating from Chen Liu.

As soon as Yuan Shao's army moved, there was a cry of exclamation immediately. Two hundred thousand army came slowly, and the battle was earth-shattering. On the top of Zhongmou City, the remaining 813 people immediately trembled. With eight hundred remnants against one hundred thousand Yuan Jun, as long as there is no water in their minds, everyone knows what the end will be. Suddenly, everyone looked at Duan Yan and looked at Yuan Jun's speed. The march was very slow. The purpose was to create a pre-emptive battle and make the Bingzhou army fearful!

"Passing! Anyone who can pick up weapons, no matter it is a soldier or an official or a young and strong citizen, will go to the city to join the war!" Duan Yan is also a ruthless character. Seeing the situation in front of him, he knew that he could not be spared, and immediately went down. The determination to burn the jade. "General, even if the officials are willing to come, I am afraid it will not be of much use, let alone those ordinary people? Please think twice about the army, and put the people in the city as the safety of the people!" After hearing that Duan Xi was so decisive, he commanded the soldiers. Immediately, there were several chills from beginning to end.

"Oh? There is some truth to what you said??????" Duan Yan's face immediately hesitated. "General! Humble and courageous, can you take a step forward and speak?" Duan Yan hesitated, and the courage of the personal commander immediately became stronger. "Chang Tian testified, I have nothing to do with Duan Yan, and speak quickly! If you have a fart, let go!" Duan Yan glared at him and swept over.

That look was so substantive that the commander of the soldiers shuddered immediately. He was also a **** man. He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, then clawed his hands and said: "General! That humble job is bold enough! Since the Xiliang army has been attached to it," he said. Since Da Sima, the east adjustment and west adjustment have long been broken up and the original system has been disbanded. The remaining abolitions and mergers have long been over!"

"Only Xu Dashuai's 10,000 horses are barely looking like this. Xu Dashuai is a man. If it weren't for his four generals, Li Hao, Guo Bang, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji, the old man would have been eaten by his mother. All the princes in the world know that Taishi Dong’s Xiliang army is an elite, but now, I have been eaten by two of three and eaten so much that there are no bones left!"

Having said this, he breathed fire with both eyes, pointed at the city with both hands, and shouted: "This Lu Fengxian is not at all well-intentioned! If nothing else, he said that he will stick to Zhongmu this time and only give you 20,000 soldiers to the general. There are 20,000 Qingzhou soldiers, let you resist Yuan Benchu’s 300,000 army. Isn’t it clear to send you to death? Now, we have been fighting alone for seven days and seven nights, and forty thousand Han troops, only 813 people survived. , You can be considered worthy of his Lu Fengxian! General, you can leave some seeds for the old brothers in Xiliang! I beg you on behalf of the old brothers!" As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier commander turned to his knees and bowed his head. More than that.

Looking at Yuan Jun, who was pressing down the city, and then at the old man kneeling in front of him, his forehead bleeding constantly, Duan Yan couldn't help but a thousand thoughts surged in his heart. However, in just an instant, he made a decision. He suddenly drew the first knife of the 100-refined steel ring around his waist-this knife was handed to him by the commander of the soldier, and cut it off with a single knife. The head of the leader is cut off!

"As a Han general, I will never surrender a thief! Those who dare to surrender are such a person! Monarchs, prepare to die with me!"

The head of the personal commander was hoisted high above Diao Dou, and dripping blood slowly slid down the flagpole. The 812 people present looked at this lifelike head, their eyes were full of despair and shock. Duan Yan's move had completely closed the door to surrender to the Kwantung Allied Forces, and completely eliminated the most hidden places in their hearts. The traces of hope and desire.

If this is the case, then it's okay to be martyred, at least his wife and children can still eat a bowl of full rice, Da Sima always speaks for words! Besides, General Duan led 40,000 Han troops to defend Zhongmu for seven days and seven nights. Didn't Da Sima know? Perhaps General Duan was right, and reinforcements are coming soon. That being the case, the big guy will bet on this one!

At this moment, when the sky was approaching noon, Meng Dong's sun looked a little fuzzy, and there was still a dim halo around him, which was a sign of strong winds in the last one or two days. There was no cloud in the sky, a clear blue sky, and a northeasterly wind blew, and the roaring north wind brought a bitter cold air, causing the eight hundred remnants of Zhongmou Chengtou to tremble all over, and immediately became vigorous.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom boom! Accompanied by the agitation of drums, 200,000 Yuan Jun stepped neatly and slowly pushed towards the town of Zhongmou County. "Kill!", "Kill!", "Kill!", "Take down Zhongmou City, and leave no grass!" "Feng Zhao asked Lu, return to the old capital!" Yuan Jun's slogans one after another, shaking the world, as if Billowing thunder, one after another.

The two thousand young men who had just climbed to the top of Zhongmou City saw this posture, and most of them were shocked. "Oh my god! There are so many Yuan Jun under the city, can Zhong Moucheng still be able to hold it?" "Hey dumb! This is going to die!" More than two thousand young people are growing up. Mouth, staring dumbfounded at all this in front of him, as if a clay sculpture and wood carving.

"You princes, those who are willing to stay, from now on, we will be robes! Those who do not want to stay can go away by themselves, and Duan will never stop them! Where to go, please decide for yourself!" Duan Yan's eyes jerked. Struggling away, he said categorically every word. "I said General Duan, what do you always say? We are ordinary people, but this farm and house are all given by Da Sima, and the taxes over the years are also exempted from Da Sima. Now Da Sima is in trouble. , If we are to be a tortoise, are we still human? We are only the first wave, and there are seven or eight thousand people behind. Even if we are all dead, we definitely can't let Yuan Jun enter the city!"

A man of about 30 years old glared loudly with big eyes like copper bells. Duan Yan glanced at it and saw that this big man was eight feet long, had a big waist, and his appearance was majestic, looking like a hill. "Dare to ask the strong man who is famous?" Duan Yan asked with his hands. "My surname is Xu, the single name is Chu, the word is Zhongkang, Peiguo Qiaoren, a few years ago, cattle dealers came here, and settled here. After hearing about the general recruitment, Xu Chu recruited from the clan and villagers. More than 800 people, all of them are strong and powerful, and they will arrive in a moment!" When the man saw Duan Yan and respectful, he quickly put down his swords and replied with his hands.

"Xu Zhuangshi, I have thanked you for your righteous deeds! After repelling the enemy, I will serve as a court and reward me! At this moment, I will appoint you as another Sima and lead the 800 soldiers under your command. Go get the weapon and armor!" Duan Yanshen said aloud. "Zhou Jun, I just received an eagle letter from Da Sima. He personally led the army to come, and the reinforcements will arrive in a moment!"

"The Han army is mighty!" "Da Sima mighty!" Upon hearing this, cheers rang up and down the city. "Masters, as long as you insist on one hour, Da Sima will arrive!" Duan Yan shouted out loud. But, will Da Sima come? Will reinforcements come? Damn it, let's talk about it after passing the hurdle in front of you. Sustained for a while, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!

(Zhou Jun, San Zang was hospitalized for a few days, and today the doctor asked him to write. Please wait a moment, San Zang resumed two changes as soon as possible.)

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