New Story of Lv Bu

: : It turned out to be two unknown men

Sitting on a horse, Lu Bu held up the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand to the front right, the trident hair purple gold crown dazzling, and the Xichuan red cotton robe flying high in the wind. The red rabbit horse under the crotch seemed to feel the master's mood, with a long hiss, four hoofs flying like a bolt of lightning, and in a flash, it surpassed the thousands of cavalry on the left and right, and ran ahead.

Since the Yanshi battle, it has not been on the battlefield for more than a year. After all, as a Da Sima, one person is less than 10,000 people, and the court's rituals are restricted. No matter where you go, you are surrounded by hundreds of soldiers. The freedom of being in Wuyuan County in the past has long been a past. Going to the battlefield in person today, and rushing into the battle again, Lu Bu's heart is naturally very comfortable and extremely happy!

More than ten years ago, when he was still the head of a small village, he and Gao Shun and Hou Cheng led hundreds of songs all day long to pursue their deaths, fighting endless battles with the Xianbei people. In Lu Bu's heart, although those years were extremely difficult, it was indeed the happiest time in his life. He considered himself a pure military commander, just like Gao Shun, but unfortunately he was thoroughly polluted by the court, and he became a sophisticated and cunning politician. Living day by day in conspiracies and tricks, why kill him heartily and arbitrarily in front of the battle?

General decisive battles are not limited to the battlefield, more are soldiers who are defeated without fighting, and those who rely on it are tricks and treacherous. If given him a chance to choose again, he would rather go back in time and be a free centurion! However, by now, this wish has long since become an extravagant hope. There are too many people's hopes placed on him, and he must not make a mistake. Even a trivial mistake meant that tens of thousands of people lay down five steps, bleeding thousands of miles, and burdened him with a heavy burden, which made him sleepless at night.

In just an instant, Lu Bu put away his thoughts and turned all his attention to the battle situation in front of him. In any case, Duan Yan stayed in Zhongmou County for seven days and seven nights, which attracted Yuan Benchu's 300,000 troops to oppress the territory. This is a rare opportunity, and Yuan Benchu ​​must be able to come and go! As long as Yuan Shao's army is defeated or annihilated, the Kwantung Allied Forces will be reduced by more than half!

His sharp eyes scanned the entire battlefield. On the north and south sides of Zhongmou County, Wen Chou and Yan Liang had led the 20,000 cavalry under their command to launch a counterattack. In the center of Yuan Jun's formation, veteran Chun Yuqiong's step formation is shrinking sharply, trying to convert the loose offensive formation into a dense defensive formation. Behind him, 300,000 Yuan Jun was shrinking quickly, trying to gather together.

In the wilderness and the vast plains, the cavalry raid on infantry depends on the cavalry's amazing mobility. In addition, it is necessary to use various tactics to disperse the hedgehog's infantry. Unable to form a solid formation. Yan Liangwen gave up his life and led the cavalry under his command to launch a counterattack. Their purpose was to buy time for the infantry and line up to meet the Union State Army.

As an experienced tactical master, Lu Bu saw at a glance the key to victory in this battle, that is, to use the huge combat power of the Bingzhou cavalry to quickly break into Yuan Jun’s formation while Yuan Jun’s transformation is about to become unsuccessful. In the middle, Yuan Jun's pawns are scattered! On the vast plains, the pawns who have lost their formation, are a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, waiting to be slaughtered by the iron cavalry!

Lü Bu took a deep breath, his right hand clenched Fang Tian’s painted halberd, his tongue burst into spring thunder, and he shouted: "Follow me!" With his legs and the belly of the red rabbit horse, he went straight to Yuan Jun’s veteran Chunyu Qiong. Rush to the north side of the formation! There, Yuan Jun's stride was shrinking sharply, but because of the coordination problem between the various ministries, a huge gap of two to three feet long appeared in the middle.

Lu Bu glanced at Yan Liang, who was advancing with his army, from the corner of his eye. An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Let Yan Liang's servant leave it to Dian Wei! I have a more arduous task to complete, that is, to pass through the gap in Chunyu Qiong's formation and enter Yuan Jun's stride, take the lead and remove Yuan Shao Yuan Benchu's head! Compared with Yuan Shao, what can Yan Liang do?

The Chituma under the crotch was so excited that he didn't need to raise his hoof with a whip. In an instant, he rushed into the gap in the veteran Chunyu Qiong's army! "Lü Bu is here! Who dares to fight with me!" Lu Bu shouted, the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand danced like snowflakes up and down, and he was invincible wherever he went! Dozens of big heads, like chopping melons and vegetables, are all over the floor!

The two thousand tiger and beneficiaries around Lu Bu are all elite soldiers selected from a thousand. Although they are Lu Bu's guards, but the old tradition of the Bingzhou Army, as long as the Great Sima is in the battlefield, he will always charge first. Seeing that Da Sima was so vigorous, the two thousand powerful soldiers shouted, each armed with weapons, and slew up like a wolf like a tiger. Chunyuqiong's subordinates were repaired one after another, and all the young men in the yellow turban were filled in. Where did you see such a fierce warrior? In an instant, there was a big opening tens of meters long!

Lv Bu took the lead and rushed to the forefront. The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand flew up and down and left and right. Amidst the veteran Chun Yuqiong's steps, he abruptly killed a blood alley. Chunyu Qiong's step formation was abruptly torn open by a big hole, and one-third of the step pawns had already fallen into the siege of the Bingzhou Iron Cavalry. Looking at this situation, in less than a quarter of an hour, these pawns will return to you to collapse.

From the appearance of Bingzhou Iron Cavaliers to the present, it has only been a short period of more than a hundred breaths. Within this hundred breaths, the Bingzhou Iron Cavaliers have been deeply wedged into Chun Yuqiong's stride. At this moment, only a burst of cheers came from the north and south of Zhongmou County. Dian Wei had already defeated Yan Liang, Zhao Yun spear picked Wen Chou, and Yuan Jun's only two mobile forces on the left and right wings were already defeated!

"Yuan Jun and Yan Liangwen are ugly defeated! The cavalry on the two wings of Yuan Jun is finished!" The cheers of the Bingzhou cavalry were shaking the sky for a long time!

Yuan Shao immediately stood on the high hill, erecting the pergola with his hands, and seeing Lv Bu Yiqi Juechen, stepping along the waves, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh! "Hey! It really is'Lu Bu among the people, Red Rabbit among the horses'! Lv Fengxian's bravery, the world's first!" Yuan Shao immediately annoyed the two people as soon as he spoke. The voice fell, and two generals appeared behind Yuan Shao. Everyone handed their hands and shouted loudly: "Lord! I and I are willing to lead our men and horses to get the head of Lu Bu's servant!" Let's talk about it, the two drew their guns and went away! Yuan Shao glanced at it, and it turned out that it was his heroes Han Pingzi and Jiang Yiqu, both of whom were brave.

"Hey! Na Lu Feng was the number one hero in the world. He wanted to fight against Liu Guan and Zhang alone in front of Hulao Pass that year without losing the wind! Are you two his opponents?" Yuan Shaodun pounded his chest. "My lord, someone would like to bring in three thousand cavalrymen from his head to help him and two of them!" At this moment, Yuan Shao flashed out from behind and said loudly. Yuan Shao raised his eyes and saw that it turned out to be Gaolan of one of the four courtyard pillars in Hebei! "If you go, I have no worries!" Yuan Shao turned his anger into joy. "Just come when you go!" Gao Lan arched his hands.

Han Pingzi and Jiang Yiqu each led their troops, leaped horses and whips, and went straight to the flag of Lu character in the chaotic army. Both of them are generals under Yuan Shao and Yuan's original account. They have high martial arts and skillful bows and horses, and they have long been known as fierce generals in Jizhou. The reputation of Dasima Lubu had already filled their ears. If this battle can take down the head of Lu Fengxian's Xiangshang, the two of them will surely become famous in one battle! I think that Lu Feng is already under one person and over ten thousand people, and he must have already lost all the effort he has under his hands.

After a while, the two finally saw Lu Bu's general flag. Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd with a solemn face, blood was splattered everywhere he passed, and there was no one general! The red rabbit horse under his crotch was galloping in a hurry, feeling a thousand miles away. Half of the horse's body behind him, there was a man with a beard with a pair of iron halberds in his hand. He looked majestic and majestic, as if he was vicious and evil.

"Wuna Lu Fengxian! Don't be rampant here! The two of me are here to take your head!" Upon seeing Lu Bu's deity, Han Pingzi and Jiang Yiqu immediately became angry from their hearts, and evil came to their guts. Han Zhizi clenched the long-handled thick-backed broadsword in his hand, Jiang Yiqu picked up the mountain axe, and the two of them broke off with a sigh, both legs and a horse belly urged the horse forward, dancing the weapon, it is necessary to fight against Lu Bulu Fengxian!

"Where did the unknown boy come from? You dare to speak wild words in front of me?" Lü Bu uttered a halt, and glanced at Han Zhizi and Jiang Yiqu. Both of them were burly bodies with big waists and ten rounds. It seemed that they were probably ten thousand people among Yuan Jun. Enemy. "Come on! Let me try the skills of the two of you!" Lu Bu clamped his horse's belly between his feet, and Fang Tian's painted halberd on his right hand waved and slammed directly at Han Zhizi's head! "Open!" Han Zhizi squeezed the handle of the knife with both hands, lifted the handle of the knife, and sent out with all his energy!

There was only a crisp sound, and Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted the halberd lightly cut off Han Pingzi's hilt, took advantage of the trend, and led Han Pingzi with the horse, from the top of the head to the crotch, splitting it in half! Fang Tian painted the halberd and went down, splitting the horse under Han Pingzi's crotch into two halves! The warhorse let out a mournful cry, fell to the ground with a puff, and convulsed its four hooves, and saw that it was dead.

At this moment, the big axe in Jiang Yiqu's hand had reached Lu Bu's eyes. Lu Bu smiled slightly, Fang Tian’s halberd rod swung a circle, and flashed out of his back waist, and the tip of the halberd's tail slammed on the face of the mountain-opening axe! Jiang Yiqu only felt a strong attack, his arms were immediately numb, blood broke out of his mouth, and he could no longer lift it up.

Whoosh! A gust of wind flew by, and the thick shadow of Fang Tian's painted halberd appeared in front of Jiang Yiqu's eyes, and the sharp point of Fang Tian's painted halberd appeared to grow bigger and bigger. There was only a muffled noise, Fang Tian’s painted halberd flashed between Jiang Yiqu’s throat, and a big head flew into the sky! "It turned out to be two unknown pawns!" Lu Bu said with a long sigh, withdrawing Fang Tian's painting halberd.

His voice is full of loneliness, that is the loneliness of invincible hands all over the world, and there is no one under him!

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